TOP negative impressions of international tourists when traveling to Vietnam

Although it is a favorite destination for many international tourists, Vietnam tourism still has many negative effects due to "worms that spoil the soup". The reason is due to TOP negative impressions of international tourists when traveling to Vietnam.

Vietnam possesses rich tourism resources, many tourist attractions, historical relics and unique culture that attract many international tourists to visit each year. But somewhere there still exists a part of international tourists who visit "once and never return". So what is the cause? Join 63S Travel to find out the TOP bad impressions of international tourists when traveling to Vietnam to find appropriate solutions.

TOP negative impressions of international tourists when traveling to Vietnam

Vietnam is a tourist destination loved and chosen by many international tourists. However, besides that, there are still many bad images of some "worms" in the tourism industry that have left tourists with a bad impression so they do not want to visit again.

Price gouging

The situation of some tourism businesses "cutting corners" on service prices also makes tourists quite upset. The feeling of shame when seeing tourists receive exorbitant bills is akin to blackmail. They often face artificial price increases and unreasonable surcharges.

Lối làm ăn "chặt chém" phi đạo đức đang phá hoại hình ảnh Việt Nam

Unethical "cut-and-slash" business practices are destroying Vietnam's image

When tourists are priced out of services, they feel disrespected. This directly affects the image and choice of tourists when deciding to visit Vietnam in the future.

It is easy to see that many street vendors, taking advantage of the fact that foreign tourists shout out "sky" prices. Because, they think they do not understand Vietnamese and the values ​​of Vietnam. Or it can be said that the amount of money foreigners exchange into Vietnamese currency is very large, so the price increase is very normal. Because of this, many international tourists have a bad impression when traveling to Vietnam.

Strict control and price transparency will contribute to improving the experience, creating favorable conditions for visitors to return again.

Advertise one place - service delivery one stop

The situation of advertising tourist destinations and services in a sophisticated way, contrary to the reality when tourists arrive has made many people offended. They are disappointed when they do not receive what was promised.

This can easily make tourists feel deceived and their confidence in the quality of the host country's tourism services declines. They will be more hesitant when deciding to return again. Honest advertising of content and services will create better trust for visitors.

Service quality is not consistent

The quality of tourism services in some destinations in Vietnam is not really consistent. Hotels, restaurants, transportation... quality also varies significantly between areas, urban and rural areas.

Chất lượng dịch vụ du lịch chưa đồng bộ thu hút du khách

The quality of tourism services is not consistent in attracting tourists

This makes the tourist experience not guaranteed. They have to face a lack of attentive service and lack of professionalism in some destinations.

Security and order are not guaranteed

Besides, the lack of security and safety in some tourist areas also makes tourists worried. Lack of safety measures may make them hesitant to visit Vietnam again.

In some areas in Vietnam, crime occurs, traffic jams are complicated... which has significantly affected the feelings and experiences of tourists. This may cause them to hesitate when choosing to return.

Traffic is not safe

Traffic in some urban areas and key tourist areas in Vietnam is not really safe. Overcrowding, congestion, and chaos on the roads make tourists feel insecure. If they unfortunately have an accident or fall into a dangerous situation during travel, it will greatly affect their travel experience.

Giao thông không đẩm bảo an toàn cho du khách thăm quan

Traffic does not ensure safety for visitors

Traffic is an important part of tourism infrastructure. If it has not been improved to ensure absolute safety, tourists will hesitate to return to Vietnam again.

Lack of new tourism services and products

Compared to other countries in the region, Vietnam still lacks a variety of tourism services and experiences. Many new and attractive products have not yet been developed and widely available. This makes it easy for tourists to get bored if they only visit familiar destinations.

They want to explore more but opportunities are limited. If we expand new types of tourism such as homestays, farmstays, community tourism... and richer, more attractive tourism products, the attraction of tourists to return will certainly increase.

Littering habits, polluted environment

The messy and polluted living environment in some urban areas and tourist areas in Vietnam has created a bad impression on tourists. They have to witness litter everywhere and seriously polluted water sources.

Thói quen xả rác, môi trường ô nhiễm nhiều nơi khiến du khách lo sợ

The habit of littering and polluted environment in many places make tourists afraid

This not only affects your health but also ruins the tourist scene. Many tourists feel uncomfortable and do not want to return to such an environment.

Customer service attitude

Staff service attitude is an important factor in creating a good experience for visitors. However, at some tourism businesses in Vietnam, the staff is still unfriendly and the service is not attentive.

Tourists often encounter the situation of being ignored, with tour guides being unenthusiastic and indifferent when trying to solve problems. This makes them feel unappreciated.

Hygiene and food safety

Food safety and hygiene is the most important factor affecting the health of tourists when traveling. However, at some destinations in Vietnam, ensuring food hygiene and safety has not been given due attention.

If tourists get food poisoning from eating at restaurants or hotels, it can easily have a big impact on their health as well as their travel experience. They will consider carefully coming back again.

Situation of soliciting and defrauding tourists

At some tourist destinations in Vietnam, tourists are often enticed and forced by some individuals to visit and shop tirelessly. They were also subjected to inflated prices and deception about product quality.

Tình trạng chèo kéo, ép buộc khách mua hàng khiến du khách sợ hãi

The situation of manipulating and forcing customers to buy makes tourists scared

Specifically, the altercation between Vietnamese and foreign tourists in Hanoi's Old Quarter recorded on video left a very bad image of safety and friendliness towards tourists. Next, incidents such as theft and fraud incidents that happened to tourists in Hanoi further reduced the trust score for Vietnamese tourism.

These are the factors that reduce attraction and lose points in the eyes of international tourists. They feel very uncomfortable and lose the fun of traveling. Furthermore, they may be scammed out of money.

When our country thoroughly solves the above problems, the ability to attract international tourists to travel to Vietnam will be very large. We ourselves are Vietnamese, so let's live in a way that leaves a good impression in the hearts of visitors. At the same time, it contributes to the development of the tourism industry and promotes Vietnamese tourism with friends from all over the world.

The above article highlights the TOP negative impressions of international tourists when traveling to Vietnam. Everyone can see the solution to create a "fragrant" reputation for Vietnam tourism with international tourists and come back many times.

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