
Kon Tum

Back to Kon Tum, watch the sunset at the grass hills of Kon Vong Kia village

(SGTT) - The green grass hill amidst the pine forest in Kon Vong Kia village (Mang Den town, Kon Plong district, Kon Tum province) is a place where many people come to camp and watch the sunset recently.

Kon Tum 749 view

Update day : 16/04/2024
Đăng Huy
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Young people eagerly check-in to cherry blossoms in Mang Den

TPO - Cherry blossoms bloom in Mang Den town, Kon Plong district, Kon Tum, which is one of the places that attracts tourists from near and far to check-in, especially young people.

Kon Tum 736 view

Update day : 27/02/2024
Thái Lâm
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See Kon Tum under sunset

(SGTT) - Kon Ngo K'tu river wharf, Plei Krong hydroelectric lake, Kon Trang Long Loi flower garden... are beautiful sunset viewing spots in Kon Tum that visitors can experience.

Kon Tum 952 view

Update day : 25/01/2024
Huy Đằng
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Cherry blossoms dyed pink in the mountains and forests of Mang Den attract tourists

Hundreds of thousands of cherry apricot trees bloom, dyeing the roads, garden corners, forest corners... in Mang Den pink, creating a poetic scene, attracting tourists from all over.

Kon Tum 994 view

Update day : 25/01/2024
Theo Trần Hiền/Nhà báo & Công luận
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Rubber forest in Kon Tum during leaf changing season

(SGTT) - In the days leading up to Tet, many rubber forests in Kon Tum are in the season of changing leaves, creating an impressive natural picture with leaves "dyed" yellow.

Kon Tum 935 view

Update day : 23/01/2024
Huy Đằng
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Cherry blossoms are about to bloom in Mang Den

(SGTT) - Currently, the cherry apricot gardens in Mang Den town (Kon Plong district, Kon Tum province) have lost their leaves and their flower buds are gradually blooming. It is forecasted that in about 7 to 10 days, cherry blossoms will be bright pink throughout tourist attractions in Mang Den.

Kon Tum 908 view

Update day : 21/01/2024
Đăng Huy
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Inhale the warm air at the market on the Mang Den plateau

Amid the chilly mist, tourists inhale the warm air of grilled sweet potatoes, boiled corn, or buy specialties of the Central Highlands mountains and forests from the Mang Dang market located in the heart of the tourist town on the Mang Den plateau. , Kon Plong district, Kon Tum.

Kon Tum 1062 view

Update day : 07/12/2023
Lê Đức
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Kon Tu Rang's fields are 'fitted' in the heart of Xo Dang culture

(SGTT) – Kon Tu Rang terraced fields (Mang Canh, Kon Plong, Kon Tum) is one of the fields with scenery and quiet space. Although not as "immense" and outstanding as the terraced fields in Yen Bai or Ha Giang, Kon Tu Rang also has its own beauty, expressing a part of the culture of mountain people among the countless landscapes of Kon Tum.

Kon Tum 835 view

Update day : 30/11/2023
Thái Tài – Nhã Lý
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Beautiful sunrise in Mang Den

Early in the fall, the first light of dawn has just appeared, the clouds and sky seem to blend together, the yellow leaves are falling, it is also the moment when Mang Den town appears so beautiful and enchanting. At that moment, tourists seemed to be captivated by the magical scenery here.

Kon Tum 965 view

Update day : 09/11/2023
Lê Đức
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Explore Mang Den - "The second Da Lat" in the great highlands

Located at an altitude of over 1,200m above sea level, with a cool year-round climate and majestic natural scenery, Mang Den is known as the "second Da Lat" of the Central Highlands, the land of "seven lakes, three waterfalls."

Kon Tum 1113 view

Update day : 28/10/2023
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The natural scenery of the plateau and terraced fields on Ngoc Linh peak is breathtakingly beautiful

TPO - More than 200 hectares of terraced rice fields in Ngoc Linh mountain valley are ripening and giving off a sweet scent under the cold weather. This beautiful plateau belongs to Mang Ri commune, Tu Mo Rong district, Kon Tum.

Kon Tum 873 view

Update day : 22/10/2023
Tiền Lê
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Visit Vi Ro Theo - an ancient village surrounded by 4 mountains in Kon Tum

(CLO) Surrounding the ancient village of Vi Ro Theo is Ngoc Ruong mountain range with 4 constituent mountains including: Ngoc Ruong, Nhong Nang, Ngoc Chang, Vang I No. Recently, the village was honored to receive the decision of the People's Committee of Kon Tum province to recognize it as Vi Ro Theo Community Tourism Village.

Kon Tum 954 view

Update day : 16/09/2023
Bài và ảnh: Trần Hiền
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Admire the beautiful terraced fields through the nomination 'Top 7 Impressive Vietnam 2023'

(SGTT) - Ban Phung (Ha Giang), Tu Mo Rong (Kon Tum) or Tuy An (Phu Yen)... are places that own beautiful terraced fields, nominated by Saigon Tiep Thi readers as "Top 7 Impressions of Vietnam 2023".

Kon Tum 999 view

Update day : 09/09/2023
Nguyên Phong
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Discover the ancient village of Vi Ro Ngheo: Paradise of orchids

TCCT Nestled between the mountains and forests of Dak Tang commune, and about 45km from the center of Mang Den town, Vi Ro Theo ancient village is blessed with beautiful landscapes. In particular, the village is surrounded by pots of blooming cymbidium orchids, creating a strangely charming beauty.

Kon Tum 949 view

Update day : 05/09/2023
Nguyên Vỵ tổng hợp
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Peaceful Tu Mo Rong

Tu Mo Rong district (Kon Tum province) is located peacefully at the foot of the majestic Ngoc Linh mountain, in addition to being mentioned with Ngoc Linh ginseng national treasure, this land is a peaceful and very attractive place for car enthusiasts.

Kon Tum 962 view

Update day : 09/08/2023
Lê Xuân Thọ - Ảnh: Võ Duy Tuyên
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Explore Koi To Waterfall, a famous tourist spot in Kon Tum . province

Although it is in the middle of the dry season, the amount of water at Koi To waterfall is still enough and clear, each water gushing out powerfully, bursting through each cliff, forming white, sparkling, majestic flows in the midst of thousands of people. .

Kon Tum 929 view

Update day : 16/07/2023
Theo Thông tin Xúc tiến Du lịch Kon Tum
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Explore Koi To waterfall

Koi To Waterfall is a beautiful waterfall located in hamlet 7, Dak Koi commune, Kon Ray district, Kon Tum province. The waterfall has an altitude of more than 700m above sea level, surrounded by the cool green color of primeval forests.

Kon Tum 1051 view

Update day : 03/07/2023
Măng Linh/ Trung tâm TTXTDL Kon Tum
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Mang Den is cool in the middle of a thousand

Wanting to go to Mang Den, only the winding pass on the back of the Truong Son range from Kon Tum city up here makes visitors "out of breath". But in return, Mang Den is cool, thick vegetation, healthy, clear space and low temperature threshold all year round.

Kon Tum 964 view

Update day : 01/06/2023
Trương Thúy Hằng
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