Top 10+ historical relics in Gia Lai that attract tourists

Not only is there beautiful natural beauty, but historical sites in Gia Lai are also attractive places to stop, attracting tourists who love history and culture to explore this land.

Visiting historical sites in Gia Lai, visitors will understand more about culture and history, as well as the sacrifices of their ancestors' generation, to love and appreciate current life more. When coming to Gia Lai, don't miss these attractive historical destinations suggested by 63 Stravel below!

Top 10+ famous and unique historical sites in Gia Lai

List of historical relics in Gia Lai will be an ideal destination for you to explore and learn about the people and unique beauty of this Central Highlands region.

Dak Po Victory Memorial Stele

Dak Po is a famous historical site, marking the resounding victory of the army and people of Dak Po in the resistance war against the French. On June 24, 1954, an ambush took place here that destroyed the entire French Mobile Army 100 (GIM 100), contributing to defeating the Attland campaign. The Dak Po victory is a testament to the intelligence and courage of our army.

Chiến thắng Đắk-pơ - Điện Biên Phủ ở Tây Nguyên

Victory at Dak Po - Dien Bien Phu in the Central Highlands

Martyrs' Memorial Temple and Dak Po Victory Monument are located on the hill where the battle took place, with an area of ​​1.1 hectares. The monument is 14.5m high, including 5 characters expressing the spirit of attack and the strength of solidarity. The Martyrs' Memorial Temple behind the monument is 360 square meters wide, built of reinforced concrete, paved with granite, wooden patterned ceilings, yin and yang tiled roofs, exquisitely carved, creating a unique and sacred architecture.

Cuu Dinh Communal House

Cuu Dinh Communal House is the religious center of the residents of the old Cuu Dinh village. Here, people worship the main gods such as Thien Y A Na, the Tutelary God, the Earth God and the predecessors and successors who have contributed to the village. Important festivals at the communal house include worshiping Quy Xuan and Thanh Minh on February 16 (lunar calendar) and worshiping Quy Thu on August 16 (lunar calendar), in which, worshiping Quy Xuan is an important event. most, attracting a large number of people to participate.

Đình Cửu Định tại Gia Lai

Cuu Dinh communal house in Gia Lai

Cuu Dinh communal house is not only a place of worship but also a testament to the history of formation and development of Cuu Dinh village, showing the process of migration, settlement, reclamation and establishment of villages since the early 20th century in the land of An Giang. Khe.

En Cave Waterfall

Hang En Waterfall (also known as K50 Waterfall) is located in the core zone of the Kon Ha Nung Plateau World Biosphere Reserve, recognized by UNESCO in September 2021. With its majestic beauty, K50 waterfall has attracted many young people and adventurous tourists. This place was also voted by Saigon Tiep Thi, a publication of Saigon Economic Magazine, into the "Top 7 Impressions of Vietnam in 2021" based on readers' favorites.

The waterfall is located upstream of the Con River, hidden deep in the primeval forests of the Kon Chu Rang conservation area. With a height of more than 50m and a maximum width of 100m, the waterfall creates a silver-green silk strip in the middle of vast forests and mountains, known as the most beautiful waterfall in the Central Highlands.

Vẻ đẹp kỳ vĩ thác Hang Én

The majestic beauty of Hang En waterfall

To get here, visitors must overcome a difficult two-day road through the forest. There are no homestays or hotels in this area, so camping is the only option for those who want to stay overnight. The remote location requires visitors to have a local guide to ensure safety.

Although the journey to Hang En waterfall is quite arduous, the majestic scenery will be a worthy reward when you arrive. The most ideal time to conquer the waterfall is from January to June (dry season), when the weather is dry, sunny and not too hot.

Plei Oi national historical and cultural relic

Plei Oi national historical-cultural relic site is associated with the legend of Hoa Xa and the Fire Kings. According to legend, the Fire King possesses extraordinary strength and the power of a magic sword, can call rain and wind, help the crops grow, and the villagers are prosperous.

Về Plei Ơi thăm di chỉ "vua lửa"

Return to Plei Oi to visit the "fire king" site

When the French colonialists invaded the Central Highlands, they sought to establish relationships with leaders and prestigious people, especially the Potao Apui, to win over the people. However, the Fire Kings resolutely refused, refusing to submit to the bribery and oppression of the colonists, becoming military leaders leading the people against the enemy.

>> Reference: "Floating balls" in the Central Highlands with 20+ enchantingly beautiful tourist destinations in Gia Lai

Resistance village Stor

Stor village, located peacefully next to To Tung stream in Kbang district, is one of the attractive historical destinations in Gia Lai. This is the hometown of the hero Nup, who led the Bahnar people against the French colonialists and American imperialists.

Visitors to Stor Village will have the opportunity to visit the hero Nup's memorial house, which displays many artifacts and pictures about his life and career. In addition, there is also a space displaying the culture and life of the Bahnar people with products such as brocade, wine, crossbows, bows and arrows... If they are lucky, visitors can also participate in traditional festivals. of the Bahnar people, enjoy the sinus dance, the sound of gongs and the typical rustic dishes of the village.

Di tích lịch sử văn hóa làng kháng chiến Stơr

Historical and cultural relic of Stor resistance village

The relic was built on an area of ​​5 hectares, harmoniously combining tradition and modernity, creating a unique feature for this place. The large gate opens to welcome visitors, and when they come here, they will be warmly welcomed by the people of Stor village with friendly smiles.

The Stor Resistance Village relic is a symbol of the courage, resilience and patriotism of the Central Highlands peoples. This is a place not to be missed when coming to Gia Lai, where tourists come to commemorate the national hero who devoted himself to the resistance cause.

Jackfruit garden, Co Hau field

Jackfruit Garden - Co Hau Field, one of the unique historical destinations in Gia Lai, increasingly attracts history-loving tourists, especially those interested in the uprising of the three Tay Son brothers. Located in Mo Dieu forest in Tu Thuy village, Nghia An commune, K'Bang district, this location used to be a food production place for the Tay Son insurgents.

Di tích Quốc gia đặc biệt Vườn mít và Cánh đồng Cô Hầu

Special National Monument Jackfruit Garden and Co Hau Field

Associated with this place is the story of Ms. Ho - wife of Tay Son general leader Nguyen Nhac. Ms. Ho, daughter of the Co Yem village chief, mobilized villagers to reclaim land, farm, and grow jackfruit to feed the army. Even though Nguyen Nhac took her as a concubine when she ascended the throne, she still chose to return to her hometown and live simply in the familiar fields and jackfruit gardens until her death.

Local people always remember her gratitude and the jackfruit garden became a witness to the life of a girl in the Ka Nak highlands. Currently, this area still has more than 100 ancient jackfruit trees scattered, becoming an attractive tourist destination for tourists.

Gia Lai Provincial Museum

Gia Lai Museum, located next to Dai Doan Ket Square in the center of Pleiku city, is a place to preserve and introduce an overview of the history, land and people of Gia Lai, attracting a large number of tourists. With an area of ​​1200m², the museum is divided into 6 rooms displaying about 700 original artifacts, many of which have high cultural and historical value. In particular, the collection of gongs and drums of the Jrai and Bahnar people, with an average diameter of 1 meter and a collection of extremely rare antique jars.

Bảo tàng tỉnh Gia Lai được công nhận là bảo tàng hạng II

Gia Lai Provincial Museum is recognized as a Grade II museum

In addition, the museum also displays many other valuable artifacts such as Champa stone reliefs, dugout boats, stilt houses, tomb house models, and An Thanh bronze drums. Visitors can also find pictures and documents about traditional festivals and the spiritual life of indigenous peoples, along with thematic images about the resistance war against the French and Americans by the army and the Americans. Gia Lai people.

Hero Nup Memorial House

Hero Nup Memorial House is a place not to be missed when exploring the Central Highlands. Inaugurated on May 6, 2011, this house is a symbol of courage and sacrifice in the nation's resistance war.

Bảo tàng Anh hùng Núp – Niềm tự hào của Tây Nguyên

Museum of Hidden Heroes - Pride of the Central Highlands

This museum is an item in the overall historical relic site of Stor resistance village, built on an area of ​​5 hectares, including a souvenir house, stilt house, statue of hero Nup, symbolic graves and other works. other program.

With the architecture of the traditional stilt house model of the Bana people, the souvenir house is imbued with national culture. The completion of this museum is not only an important milestone but also a tribute to hero Nup and the resistance village of Stôr. This is a space to store memorabilia and documents about heroes and the resistance war, making visitors feel like they can relive the arduous days but also full of passion and sacrifice of national heroes. The Hero Nup Memorial House, with its steadfast image in the middle of the village, is a heroic symbol of the patriotism, spirit and bravery of the Central Highlands people.

An Tam Temple

An Tan Temple is not only a place marking the process of reclamation and establishment of the village by the residents of ancient An Khe village, but also the religious center of residents of the old An Tan village and today's An Tan ward. This is a gathering place for believers to honor the goddess of Champa origin, titled Thien Y A Na, along with other deities such as Tutelary God, Cao Cac Nguyen Quan, Bach Ma Eunuch, Son Quan, Tieu Dien. , Lord Ngung manly...

Miếu An Tâm giữa lòng Gia Lai

An Tam Temple in the heart of Gia Lai

An Tan Temple is also the place where important holidays according to the lunar calendar take place such as Khai Son worship (January 10) and Quy Xuan worship (February 17). During these days, villagers gather at the temple to perform rituals to respect and thank the gods for protecting and protecting the village. In addition, visitors can also visit the Snake Temple in Gia Lai to explore more of this national historical site.

Tay Son Thuong Dao Historical Relic Area

Tay Son Thuong Dao relic area is an impressive historical site in Gia Lai, playing an important role in marking the history of the nation's resistance war. This place was the strategic base complex of the Nguyen brothers and paper peasants during the uprising against the Nguyen Lord regime in Dang Trong. 

Khu di tích Tây Sơn Thượng Đạo và nét đẹp lịch sử qua bao thăng trầm

Tay Son Thuong Dao relic area and its historical beauty through many ups and downs

This base is spread evenly across the districts of An Khe, Kbang, Kong Chro and Dak Po district, taking advantage of the vast mountainous area and rugged terrain, along with the Ba River protecting and providing forest resources. rich property and land to support soldiers.

Today, the Tay Son Thuong Dao relic still preserves intact many precious works and antiques from the Tay Son period at the end of the 18th century, and is recognized as a National Historical Site. Visitors coming here not only have the opportunity to explore unique relics but also experience and better understand the heroic history of the Vietnamese people.

>> Should read: List of 10+ famous historical sites in Phu Yen

Pleiku prison

Pleiku Prison - a symbol of the struggle and resistance against French and American domination, is one of the historical destinations not to be missed when arriving in Gia Lai. Pleiku used to be a hot spot on the strategic map, a place that witnessed many important historical events. 

Khám phá nhà tù Pleiku - "Địa ngục trần gian" khét tiếng một thời

Explore Pleiku prison - the once infamous "Hell on Earth".

The prison was built in 1925 on Yet Kieu Street, Dien Hong Ward, and has witnessed many painful and brutal scenes when detaining political prisoners. Referring to the memories here, people cannot help but shudder at the indomitable spirit of the soldiers and people of the Central Highlands, despite having to endure so much suffering and cruelty.

With a scale of about 7 hectares, including 20 cells of about 10 square meters each, built of cells, Pleiku prison carries with it painful traces of the past. Although no longer intact, many artifacts and documents are still preserved, a living proof of the tireless struggle of the people of the Central Highlands.

Above are the top 10+ famous historical relics in Gia Lai, attractive to tourists when they have the opportunity to visit this land. Everyone can save it for your plans and journey when coming to Gia Lai.

Gia Lai 140 view

63 Stravel

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