Check in hundreds of years old beautiful pine like in Korean love movies

TCCT Gia Lai not only owns many beautiful landscapes, but the highland also has very poetic and impressive roads. Hundreds of years old pine is likened to the road of love in Korea, which is one of the must-see attractions and check-ins not to be missed for travel enthusiasts.

TCCT Gia Lai not only owns many beautiful landscapes, but the highland also has very poetic and impressive roads. Hundreds of years old pine is likened to the road of love in Korea, which is one of the must-see attractions and check-ins not to be missed for travel enthusiasts.

Check in hàng thông trăm tuổi đẹp như trong phim ngôn tình Hàn Quốc

Hundreds of years old pine is located on the road passing through the territory of village 1, Nghia Hung commune, Chu Pah district, Gia Lai province, far from Ho Chi Minh City. Pleiku is about 15 km and very close to many famous attractions such as Buu Minh Pagoda, Chu Dang Ya crater...

Du khách gần xa ví con đường này như con đường tình yêu trong các bộ phim lãng mạn của Hàn Quốc. Còn với người Gia Lai thì đây là con đường của tuổi thơ, của thời gian và ký ức.

Hundreds of years old pine road is as beautiful as in Korean movies

Running along the inter-village road nearly 1km long, you will see two rows of hundred-year-old pine trees on the side of the road with their heads together. Each pine tree is so big that three people can't even hold it. Just like that, hundreds of years old pine shaded the whole road, covering the sun and rain for so many people passing by.

Hàng thông trăm tuổi

Running through the road with hundreds of years old pine is the ancient Buu Minh pagoda

In 1921, when France came to pave the way, the first batch of tea was planted, which was also the year of this great pine tree. Planted by the workers of So Tra plantation during the French colonial period, the pine trees have grown over time, forming a shade on the inter-village road, making anyone passing through this land surprised. Every day,  hundreds of pine trees  always welcome a large number of people to admire and check-in. This is also a favorite place for couples to take pictures and mark their youth.

Du khách gần xa ví con đường này như con đường tình yêu trong các bộ phim lãng mạn của Hàn Quốc. Còn với người Gia Lai thì đây là con đường của tuổi thơ, của thời gian và ký ức.

Hàng thông trăm tuổi

Visitors near and far liken this road to the love path in Korean romantic movies. As for the Gia Lai, this is the path of childhood, time and memory.

With a shimmering beauty scene that is no different from the movie, hundreds of years old pine is often likened to a love road in Korea because every day often couples come here to check-in to live virtual.

The special thing about this hundred-year-old pine tree is that every time the wind passes, everyone can hear the melodious, melodious sound like the sound of an orchestra playing. People here still call it the "pine ring".

Du khách gần xa ví con đường này như con đường tình yêu trong các bộ phim lãng mạn của Hàn Quốc. Còn với người Gia Lai thì đây là con đường của tuổi thơ, của thời gian và ký ức.

Du khách gần xa ví con đường này như con đường tình yêu trong các bộ phim lãng mạn của Hàn Quốc. Còn với người Gia Lai thì đây là con đường của tuổi thơ, của thời gian và ký ức.

Hundreds of years old pine is the ideal check-in place for traveling believers

Until now, the row of pine trees with hundred-year-old old pine roots dyed with moss, shaggy in all shapes in the midst of the vast green of the tea hill, is still the destination of many people, tourists and photographers. That beauty is achieved not only by the poetic scenery, but also by the rich history and reclamation of this land.

The ideal time to take pictures on this inter-village road is in the early morning, when the mist is still lingering and the early morning sunlight breaks through the leaves or at sunset, the afternoon sun is tinged with red and pink "covering" the whole area. an area.

Gia Lai 557 view

Nguyên Vỵ tổng hợp

Source : Tạp chí Công Thương

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