The Central Highlands enters the most beautiful season of the year

(PLO)- This season, the vast hills of white coffee flowers, the attractive red dirt roads... make the Central Highlands sparklingly beautiful.

(PLO)- This season, the vast hills of white coffee flowers, the attractive red dirt roads... make the Central Highlands sparklingly beautiful.

The dry season in the Central Highlands is the most noticeable seasonal change of the year, the weather changes between rain and sunshine. The cold, dry weather causes the yellow leaves of the forests to fall, waiting to fall to bring out spring buds.

The rubber forest in Chu Se district, Gia Lai is transforming with leaves mixed with green and yellow colors. Photo: LT.

For backpackers who like to experience, this season is the most suitable to "ride an iron horse" through the hills of fragrant coffee flowers. Drive through the dipterocarp forests to hear the rustling sound of yellow leaves, go to high points to watch majestic waterfalls... relax on the endless grass, your soul in uncertainty.

The hills of coffee flowers are white. Photo: LK.

The Central Highlands this season is beautiful, very beautiful in the eyes of "muses", dreamy souls.

This season, the rubber garden begins to change leaves. This is the only season of the year when rubber trees are not tapped for latex to nourish the new crop.

The leaves turn red.

The rubber leaf shedding season attracts many young people to experience and take photos.

In contrast to rubber trees, this season the coffee hill gardens are as white as "snow".

The scent of coffee is sweet and fragrant, a captivating taste.

Coffee flowers are only beautiful in the early days of the season. Later on, the flowers will become fewer and less colorful. This is a beautiful time to visit and experience the coffee flower season and the season when bees collect honey in the Central Highlands.

This season, po lang flowers also bloom brilliantly.

Going to the Central Highlands this season, visitors will experience the dry dipterocarp forests and watch majestic elephants. Photo: PN

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Source : Pháp Luật

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