The majestic beauty of the million-year-old stone beach in Gia Lai

(VTC News) - H'Chan ancient stone beach with hundreds of cylindrical and hexagonal stone pillars arranged closely together, viewed from above, this place looks like a giant stone honeycomb.

Vẻ đẹp hùng vĩ của bãi đá cổ triệu năm tuổi ở Gia Lai  - 1

H'Chan ancient rock field (De Ar commune, Mang Yang district) is located at the foot of the H'Chan hydroelectric power plant dam, bordering with Bar Maih commune (Chu Se district) and about 50km from Pleiku city (Gia Lai province). 

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The ancient rock field has an area of ​​tens of hectares, stretching from the H'Chan river basin to the part where it joins the Ayun Ha river - the river that cools the fields throughout the southeastern districts of Gia Lai.

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Stone population This place is under the strong impact of the Ayun River, so it is eroded, creating strange shapes. The rock formation is relatively similar to the disc rock rapids in Phu Yen. 

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Looking up close, the hexagonal stone pillars stacked side by side look like a giant honeycomb. 

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In many areas of the ancient rock, there are also ancient stone blocks that have been ground into large areas or pierced to form holes. several meters wide. 

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 The rocky beach is next to the H'chan hydroelectric power spillway.

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H'Chan rock beach is very beautiful, especially when the water dries up, revealing the rock formations, the water holes that can fit people, and the beautiful blue water. This place attracts young people and tourists to take pictures to check-in.

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Mr. Nguyen Quang Tue, Head of the Cultural Management Department, Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, said that after discovering the rock, he studied and consulted with geological researchers. "The ancient rock fields in the Central Highlands are millions of years old and have a connection, similar to the disc rocks in Phu Yen," said Tue, adding that the Department has coordinated with relevant functional units. to survey and evaluate the current status of the ancient rock area to propose to include in the tourism program.

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Source : VTC News

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