
Top 10+ beautiful tourist destinations in Quang Tri, making virtual life tiring

Referring to tourist attractions in Quang Tri, it is impossible not to mention Con Co island, Chenh Venh waterfall, Cua Tung beach... There are many interesting destinations waiting for you to explore!

Quang Tri 725 view

Update day : 03/06/2024
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List of 10 priceless historical relics in Quang Tri that attract tourists to visit

List of 10 historical relics in Quang Tri is where images and events in Vietnam's history are preserved. Have you ever visited this land and explored famous historical sites? Read now in the following article!

Quang Tri 351 view

Update day : 06/04/2024
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The red maple forest in Quang Tri is as stunningly beautiful as a European scene

In the midst of the change of season, the maple forest in Khe Sanh town (Huong Hoa, Quang Tri) suddenly transformed and put on a new coat dyed red and yellow, creating a beautiful, mind-blowing scene. mind of anyone who watches.

Quang Tri 460 view

Update day : 26/01/2024
Ảnh, Video: Nguyễn Đức Hiếu; Thùy Chi
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Admire the wild and romantic beauty of Mui Treo (Quang Tri)

(CLO) In the past, tourists coming to Vinh Linh, Quang Tri province, often visited historical sites, but in recent years, a beautiful and well-discovered tourist destination has appeared, which is Mui Treo.

Quang Tri 563 view

Update day : 14/01/2024
Thanh Hoài
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Visit the peaceful Chenh Venh village in the middle of the mountains and forests of Quang Tri

(SGTT) – Surrounded by rivers, streams and mountains and forests, Chenh Venh village in Huong Phung commune, Huong Hoa district, Quang Tri province, has recently been visited by many tourists to immerse themselves in pristine nature and learn about its beauty. culture of the Van Kieu people.

Quang Tri 599 view

Update day : 09/01/2024
Đăng Huy; Ảnh: Nguyễn Đức Hiếu
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Unexpected scene of the forest changing leaves in the western region of Quang Tri

(SGTT) - In the early days of 2024, the backwoods in Khe Sanh, Huong Hoa district, Quang Tri province turn bright red and orange... creating an impressive natural picture.

Quang Tri 478 view

Update day : 05/01/2024
Nguyên Phong; Ảnh: DucHieumedia
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Go to Khe Sanh to hunt clouds, check-in at the 'wind power field'

No need to go far, to the land of Khe Sanh, the group of tourists can admire the beautiful floating "sea of ​​clouds" and the vast wind power field. In that vast, immense landscape, visitors can open their eyes to the beauty of nature.

Quang Tri 629 view

Update day : 24/12/2023
Đỗ Ly
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Admire the most famous magical Sa Mu pass in Quang Tri land

The nearly 20 km long pass in Quang Tri province has long been a fanciful road that any backpacker wants to conquer once.

Quang Tri 629 view

Update day : 20/06/2023
Theo VTC News
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