Bo Buoi village, a green steppe that few people know about in Hoa Binh

(SGTT) - About 30km from the center of Mai Chau town, Hoa Binh province, Bo Buoi village is a new destination, not yet known to many tourists. Possessing a cool space and wide grassy steppe, Bo Buoi village has been visited by many backpacking tourists recently.

(SGTT) - About 30km from the center of Mai Chau town, Hoa Binh province, Bo Buoi village is a new destination, not yet known to many tourists. Possessing a cool space and wide grassy steppe, Bo Buoi village has been visited by many backpacking tourists recently.

This area was built by Thai people, however, only when the weather is favorable do they come here to plant and harvest corn. Normally, Thai people will not come here to live, because the distance from their village to Bo Buoi is very far. Recently, because no one comes here, only the houses remain, so tourists often call this "ghost village". Photo: Luan Lavender

Located at an altitude of nearly 1000 meters above sea level, Bo Buoi village has fresh, cool air. Photo: Luan Lavender

Green grasslands, quiet space... suitable for tourists to camp here. Photo: Luan Lavender

The village is deserted and almost isolated from outside life. Photo: Luan Lavender

Bo Buoi village is about 30km from Mai Chau along Highway 6. High-clearance cars and pickup trucks can get to the village. Photo: Luan Lavender

Green space at Bo Buoi with a view from above. When coming to Bo Buoi village, visitors can combine "cloud hunting" at Pa Co - Hang Kia, explore Long Luong village or Buot village (Son La)... Photo: Luan Lavender

Hoa Binh 398 view

Luân Lavender

Source : Sài Gòn Tiếp Thị

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