Mai Chau Valley - A natural picture that fascinates people in the Northwest

For a long time, Mai Chau valley has been a favorite check-in point for young people who like to move in the North. This place appears as a natural picture that the "artist" mixes colors extremely harmoniously and coolly.

For a long time, Mai Chau valley has been a favorite check-in point for young people who like to move in the North. This place appears as a natural picture that the "artist" mixes colors extremely harmoniously and coolly.

Mai Chau valley belongs to Mai Chau district, the last district of Hoa Binh, adjacent to Moc Chau of Son La and Pu Luong of Thanh Hoa. Photo: Anh Tue Nguyen

From Hanoi, it is 70 km to Hoa Binh town, another 60 km to Mai Chau. Photo: Flickr.

Here you will pass the 15 km long Thung Khe Pass, this is a high pass, the winding road sometimes seems to be entering a sea of ​​clouds. Photo: Diem Dang Dung.

Crossing the slope will come to Thung Chuoi pass, from the high pass looking down is Mai Chau valley. Photo: Diem Dang Dung.


Photo: Diem Dang Dung.

At the top of the pass, a row of small shacks is chosen by ethnic minorities as a place for a market. Photo: Diem Dang Dung.

This is a place for local people to buy, sell and exchange their agricultural products such as vegetables, rice, corn, agricultural products, etc. Photo: Diem Dang Dung

Photo: Diem Dang Dung.

Mai Chau valley appears in the middle of the sky, the mountain background with natural colors that are very harmonious, captivating so many people. Photo: Hieu Tran

Photo: Dangtu.

Here you also have the opportunity to enjoy the typical dishes of the local people. Photo: Hailongggg.

Photo: Xversion

Hoa Binh 700 view

Theo Khoa học và phát triển

Source : Doanh nghiệp Việt Nam

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