White Stone Pass - a magical 'snow covered' road in the heart of the Northwest

(VTC News) - Going through this pass, you will be able to see the whole peaceful Mai Chau like a watercolor painting.

(VTC News) -  Passing through this pass, you will enjoy the panoramic view of Mai Chau as peaceful and peaceful as a watercolor painting.

 White Stone Pass is another name for Thung Khe Pass, connecting Mai Chau and Da Nang. Tan Lac is located in Hoa Binh province. With a landscape like white snow covered with clouds all year round and a winding and winding road, Thung Khe Pass attracts many backpackers. Going through this pass, you will have a panoramic view of Mai Chau gentle and peaceful like a watercolor painting.

Đèo Đá Trắng - cung đường 'tuyết phủ' huyền ảo giữa lòng Tây Bắc - 1

          Photo: Tri Duc.

Thung Khe Pass is a limestone mountain area, formed by sawing activities. Mountains make National Highway 6. In the process of breaking the mountain to pave the way, the rocks from above fall down, creating a white color throughout the mountains and hills. That's why the name Da Trang Pass was born.

Đèo Đá Trắng - cung đường 'tuyết phủ' huyền ảo giữa lòng Tây Bắc - 2

                Photo: Internet.

Đèo Đá Trắng - cung đường 'tuyết phủ' huyền ảo giữa lòng Tây Bắc - 3

                Photo: Internet.

The weather here is also quite interesting when there are almost four seasons in a year. Early in the morning, the weather is chilly with clear blue sky. At noon, the sun is shining brightly, the sea of ​​​​fog and clouds also gradually dissipate, this is the ideal time for backpackers to conquer the pass and enjoy the panoramic view. In the evening, the temperature also gradually dropped and began to be covered with fog. This time is quite limited for traveling across the pass.

Đèo Đá Trắng - cung đường 'tuyết phủ' huyền ảo giữa lòng Tây Bắc - 4

              Photo: Internet.

 At the top of the pass is Thung Khe market, also known as the market in the clouds. The small market is located on a large edge of land, slightly encroaching on the edge of the cliff with small shops with thatched roofs of local people with a few tables and chairs. This is a place where people often stop to rest and warm up with hot tea, lam rice, boiled corn, wild meat...

Đèo Đá Trắng - cung đường 'tuyết phủ' huyền ảo giữa lòng Tây Bắc - 5

           Photo: Internet.

With the majestic landscape and snow-covered colors, Da pass. White has long been a check-in place that attracts young people when coming to the roads in Mai Chau district, Hoa Binh.

Hoa Binh 717 view


Source : VTC News

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