Spectacular view of the White Rock Pass on an early winter morning

The rocky mountain scenery seems to be covered with a blanket of white snow. Thung Khe Pass (White Rock) is winding and winding like a soft silk strip across the mountainside, mysteriously hidden in the morning mist.

The rocky mountain scenery seems to be covered with a blanket of white snow. Thung Khe Pass (White Rock) is winding and winding like a soft silk strip across the mountainside, mysteriously hidden in the morning mist.

This place is considered by photographers to have beautiful scenery like the snowy mountains of Northern Europe.

Young people also often choose the White Rock Cliff as a check-in point on the journey to the Northwest Highlands.

Following the back path, visitors can climb up the steep stone steps to reach the flagpole. However, this is not recommended because it is very dangerous.

This year, Winter came late but quickly, bringing with it each cold storm, bringing with it the typical cold of the Northwest high mountains. The journey back to the source went by quickly, the road followed the pass, the fields followed the forests, running straight to the foot of the mountain. As far as the eye could see, the Hoang Lien range was deep and quiet, watching the convoy of vehicles crawling up the mountain slope.

The pass is like a soft silk strip across the mountainside connecting Mai Chau and Tan Lac districts of Hoa Binh province. Thung Khe pass is about 120 km from Hanoi, at an altitude of more than 1,000 meters above sea level. In the early mornings or late sunsets, the pass is submerged in a sea of ​​mist and beautiful clouds.

Thung Khe Pass, or as locals often call it, "White Rock Pass", was named when the mountain was demolished and National Highway 6 expanded; Each piece of limestone slides down from the top of the mountain, scattered all over the rocky slopes, creating a beautiful natural masterpiece. The whole area was covered in white like some snowy mountains in Europe.

Stopping on Da Trang Pass, clearly feel the cold air in the early morning mist of Winter.

Encountering a loving couple, hand in hand, taking pictures of each other halfway up the cliff top, I came to chat, get to know each other, and visit. Mr. Phan Ha Tien, a worker in Thang Long Industrial Park happily said, this time the company was out of work, temporarily stopped production to wait for input, we took the opportunity to ride motorbikes to Dien Bien to play, and by the way, meet our lovers. This is the first place to stop to rest, admire the scenery and relax after the journey from Dong Anh (Hanoi).

Heard a lot about the scenery here, but truly, you have to see it with your own eyes to see all the majesty and overwhelming natural beauty of this place. We had to groping our way up to the top of the rocky mountain, to have a wide view across the valley, to see the winding pass that had just brought us there. It felt wonderful, my girlfriend named Lan Anh continued.

Thung Khe is like a soft silk strip across the mountainside, carrying each convoy of vehicles following each other over the pass.

The winding, winding road, along with the majestic and beautiful mountain scenery, makes many travelers fascinated.

Tourists on the journey to the Northwest cannot help but stop at the White Rock, less than a hundred meters from the top of Thung Khe pass.

The group of young people also chose the White Rock as a stopover on their short, adventurous journey of school age. Tran Thuy Vang Anh happily said that he was very impressed when he came here after the long bends, with a glimpse of the white pass peak. suddenly disappearing, suddenly appearing in the mist, strangely beautiful.

“If you go up a little further, at the top of the pass there are rows of roadside shops with many attractive countryside dishes. There's also skewered meat, grilled potatoes, boiled corn... it's both warm and delicious to hold in your hand," Vang Anh said cozily.

Indeed, in a small restaurant overlooking the valley, you can enjoy fragrant and warm rustic dishes such as hot boiled corn or skewers of fragrant and greasy grilled meat over an open fire, sipping on Hoa's specialty fermented can wine. There's nothing better than a bottle to serve spicy food.

Or more simply, with peanut candy, sipping hot tea in the cold early winter, it's like a fairyland on earth.

At the top of the pass, roadside shops sell local products and are a temporary stop for many travelers.

Ms. Hoang Thi Duyen, a local resident, occasionally waves her fan to make the coals brighter and dispel the white smoke emanating from the burning corn leaves. Ms. Duyen shared that there are all four here during the day. spring Summer Autumn Winter.

Her business and trade bring in quite a bit of income. On average, every day she welcomes a few dozen guests, including many foreigners passing through this season.

"They often come in groups of 4 - 5 people to ride their motorbikes, temporarily stop on the journey to explore the Northwest Highlands, stop by to admire the scenery and enjoy the rustic local specialties of the people," Ms. Duyen said. .

The white rock is a check-in destination not to be missed by tourists.

From the rocky outcrop, you can admire the panoramic view of the valley.

Hidden in the early morning clouds, there are a few stilt roofs of ethnic Muong, Thai, Mong people... interspersed.

The scene hidden in the clouds makes it seem as if you are lost in a fairy tale land.

"Close to the top of the pass, there is a "Sharp rocky outcrop" with the national flag on top. Children often like to take each other up to admire the scenery and take pictures. I have to often remind them to climb carefully because the limestone is very soft. and fragile, especially when it rains and windy," Ms. Duyen said worriedly.

Indeed, climbing up the precarious cliff can take in the entire majestic space of the pass and valley below, but this is extremely dangerous. I think the locality should put up restriction signs and warn tourists.

Photographer Tran The Phong took souvenir photos of Ho Chi Minh City propaganda, press, and publishing officials on White Rock Pass during the journey back to the source "Through the Northwest" (December 12 - December 16, 2023) .

Getting on the bus to leave in time for the journey, Photographer Tran The Phong regretted that if only the group had stopped one more time at the top of the pass, they would have "hunted" for a series of even more wonderful photos; Especially the bustling activities of people and tourists, huddled together to warm up next to the stove with roasted potatoes and boiled corn, and capturing the panoramic view of the snowy mountain peak from just now on the lens is even more wonderful...

I sympathize and comfort him, it's okay, the incomplete things make us want to go back and come back again and again so that we can leisurely and freely look at the beautiful scenery like a fairyland. This.

Well, it's up to fate, we'll come back for another trip, that's for sure!

Hoa Binh 739 view

Hữu Long

Source : Du lịch TP Hồ Chí Minh .vn

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