Ha Long Bay is surprisingly beautiful in autumn

VOV.VN - On autumn days, Ha Long Bay is surprisingly beautiful and has a special attraction, especially for international tourists. According to the Ha Long Bay Management Board, since the beginning of the year until now Ha Long Bay has welcomed about 2.3 million visitors, of which nearly half are international visitors, an increase of 27% over the same period in 2022. This is a signal positive for Quang Ninh tourism after more than a year of tourism recovery.

VOV.VN - On autumn days, Ha Long Bay is surprisingly beautiful and has a special attraction, especially for international tourists. According to the Ha Long Bay Management Board, since the beginning of the year until now Ha Long Bay has welcomed about 2.3 million visitors, of which nearly half are international visitors, an increase of 27% over the same period in 2022. This is a signal positive for Quang Ninh tourism after more than a year of tourism recovery.

Ha Long Bay has been recognized twice by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as a world natural heritage for its natural landscape and geomorphological value in 1999 and 2000.

In the fall, the trees on the rocky mountains change their leaves to give the bay a new, gentle color. The blue of the sky and sea helps visitors feel sophisticated, relaxed and peaceful. This is also the reason why many foreign tourists choose to come to Ha Long Bay on this occasion.

A Soi tree has just changed its red leaves and blooms brightly in the heart of Ha Long Bay heritage. This is a common plant on the rocky mountains in Ha Long Bay.

In the Luon cave area (belonging to tourist route No. 2 on Ha Long Bay), foreign tourists are excited to participate in the rowing boat service.

In the deep, romantic space of Ha Long's autumn, Korean tourists sing...

In addition to enjoying the natural scenery, tourists also swim in the sea, watch the sunset and monkeys running quickly on the rocks.

According to the Ha Long Bay Management Board, international visitors to the bay on this occasion mainly come from Europe, Koreans, Chinese,... and especially this year the number of Indian visitors increased sharply.

Mr. Peter, from Australia, said: "I learned about Ha Long Bay through a friend's introduction. Now my family and I came here and were surprised by the scenery of Ha Long Bay. The water is clear and blue. The environment of the bay is good. I'm impressed when I see people picking up trash while boating."

Mr. Do Tien Thanh, Deputy Head of the Research Department, Ha Long Bay Management Board, said: About 7 months ago, the conversion of floating materials for aquaculture on Ha Long Bay from foam buoys to HDPE caused a lot of problems. Waste is foam buoys on Ha Long Bay. The bay management board has coordinated with localities and departments to increase the collection of foam buoys and has returned a green, clean and beautiful environment to Ha Long Bay. Recently, Ha Long Bay's boundary was expanded to Cat Ba archipelago, the issue of environmental protection has received even more attention.

"The heritage management agencies of the two localities of Quang Ninh and Hai Phong also have a general coordination regulation, including provisions related to environmental protection, both collecting waste and implementing solutions to preserve heritage." (In photo: Ha Long Bay viewed from Trong cave.)

Ti Top Island is a beautiful island and is most loved by tourists when coming to Ha Long Bay.

Ti Top Island attracts tourists thanks to the observatory on top of the mountain, wide beach and unique check-in points.

According to the Ha Long Bay Management Board, by the end of November 22, the world's natural wonder Ha Long Bay welcomed about 2.3 million visitors, including more than 1.1 million international visitors, an increase of 27% over the same period last year. period 2022.

Quang Ninh 455 view

Vũ Miền/VOV-Đông Bắc

Source : VOV.VN

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