Quang Ninh: Admire Co To, a beautiful offshore island in the autumn sunshine

Not as noisy and vibrant as summer, Co To, an offshore island of Quang Ninh, is peaceful in autumn but still memorable enough for those who have visited.

Not as noisy and vibrant as summer, Co To, an offshore island of Quang Ninh, is peaceful in autumn but still memorable enough for those who have visited.

Quảng Ninh: Chiêm ngưỡng Cô Tô, hòn đảo xa bờ đẹp mê đắm trong nắng thu - Ảnh 1.

Co To is captivatingly beautiful in the autumn sunlight. Photo: Tue Nhi

Co To is an island district located in the east of Quang Ninh province, about 60km from the mainland to the northeast of the Gulf of Tonkin, with a total length of maritime border with China of nearly 200km from off the coast of Tran Island to the east of the island. Bach Long Vi of Hai Phong. Co To is also considered one of the 12 most beautiful tourist island districts of Vietnam.

Co To Island is known for its pristine nature, extremely fresh air and friendly and hospitable local people.

Co To - one destination, two paradises.

The attraction of Co To is its long beaches, fine white sand and clear water. You can choose Love Beach located in the town center, right next to Love Street and is a suitable place for barbecues and evening entertainment.

Van Chay tourist beach, 6km from the town center, is one of the most beautiful beaches on Co To island, with long, smooth sand and big waves suitable for playing beach sports and playing games. waves, watch the waves crash.

Quảng Ninh: Chiêm ngưỡng Cô Tô, hòn đảo xa bờ đẹp mê đắm trong nắng thu - Ảnh 3.

Co To owns many memorable beaches. Photo: Tue Nhi

In addition, Co To has Hong Van beach, one of the most beautiful and poetic beaches. 7km from the town center, separate from residential areas, during the day, the sea water here is as blue as jade and golden sunshine stretches across the smooth white sand beach. And when night falls, the windy and cool sea makes visitors immerse themselves in a romantic atmosphere.

Quảng Ninh: Chiêm ngưỡng Cô Tô, hòn đảo xa bờ đẹp mê đắm trong nắng thu - Ảnh 4.

Clear sea water. Photo: Tue Nhi

Not only is nature blessed with beaches that attract tourists, Co To also owns many small islands that visitors will remember forever just by visiting once. Among them is Co To Con Island, which owns the most beautiful beach in Co To with primeval forests with many rare animals, and the sea contains many beautiful coral reefs. Coming here, visitors can also try the feeling of sleeping in a tent on the beach, a very interesting feeling for those who like new feelings.

Quảng Ninh: Chiêm ngưỡng Cô Tô, hòn đảo xa bờ đẹp mê đắm trong nắng thu - Ảnh 5.

Small islands attract tourists. Photo: Tue Nhi

Or Ca Chep Island, a small island that still retains its pristine beauty, attracting any tourist when they arrive. Seen from afar or from above, Carp Island looks like a green, peaceful oasis.

Furthermore, the sea areas of the island district are mostly deeper and saltier than other sea areas of Quang Ninh. In particular, the island district is less affected by environmental and human impacts off the mainland. Therefore, Co To seafood is of high quality, clean, chewy, sweet, and has a clear sea flavor in each dish. Currently, seafood in this island district is completely caught naturally.

Quảng Ninh: Chiêm ngưỡng Cô Tô, hòn đảo xa bờ đẹp mê đắm trong nắng thu - Ảnh 6.

The roads glow in the autumn sunlight. Photo: Tue Nhi

It can be said that Co To is one destination - two paradises: "Paradise of soft, white sand beaches with cool, clear blue water of the sea; Paradise of extremely delicious seafood." , fresh and nutritious". And that is the reason why Co To is increasingly attracting customers, especially young people.

Quảng Ninh: Chiêm ngưỡng Cô Tô, hòn đảo xa bờ đẹp mê đắm trong nắng thu - Ảnh 7.

Co To is also considered one of the 12 most beautiful tourist islands in Vietnam. Photo: Tue Nhi

In particular, Co To has introduced coral diving products into exploitation, associated with marine ecosystem conservation activities.

Quảng Ninh: Chiêm ngưỡng Cô Tô, hòn đảo xa bờ đẹp mê đắm trong nắng thu - Ảnh 8.

The autumn sun sparkles on the sea. Photo: Tue Nhi

These days, Co To is no longer noisy and bustling, no longer the scorching summer sun, the beautiful island in the autumn is strangely peaceful. The autumn sunlight gilded the foliage, the roads running along the island and the sea also sparkled with this gentle light.

Quảng Ninh: Chiêm ngưỡng Cô Tô, hòn đảo xa bờ đẹp mê đắm trong nắng thu - Ảnh 9.

A corner of the island in the autumn sunshine. Photo: CTV

Quảng Ninh: Chiêm ngưỡng Cô Tô, hòn đảo xa bờ đẹp mê đắm trong nắng thu - Ảnh 10.

Tourists watch the beautiful sunset on Co To island. Photo: CTV

Visiting the island in the fall, you will have many interesting and unforgettable experiences.

Quảng Ninh: Chiêm ngưỡng Cô Tô, hòn đảo xa bờ đẹp mê đắm trong nắng thu - Ảnh 11.

The rocky rapids in the middle of the sea are also attractions for tourists. Photo: Tue Nhi

Co To was established in 1994, including 2 communes and 1 town. Co To archipelago with a natural area of ​​53.68 km2, has about 74 large and small islands, including three large islands: Big Co To, Small Co To and Thanh Lan island. It is a newly established district with a small population, small area, and complex terrain but holds a very important strategic position in terms of national defense and security in the Northeast region of the country.

Quang Ninh 437 view

Tuệ Nhi

Source : Công dân & khuyến học

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