Tourist destination

Lai Chau

Ta Lien peak - Phong Tho

Ta Lien Son is beautiful because of its diverse primeval vegetation, luxuriant ancient trees, large trunks covered with moss and ferns. The path is "carpeted" with white ancient camellia flowers, bright red maple leaves mixed with green moss and attractive colorful azalea flowers falling all over the path. The vines clinging tightly to the rock looked like the tentacles of a strange animal, ready to reach out and swallow the person who crossed the mountains to hunt in the forest. From above, you can see quite clearly the vast and beautiful city of Lai Chau amidst the majestic mountains and forests in your sight with a hazy, misty image. Ta Lien Lai Chau Mountain is the 6th highest mountain in Vietnam, possessing a majestic natural picture and a beautiful fairy-tale forest. This mountain is also known as Co Trau mountain, located in Ta Leng commune, Tam Duong district, Lai Chau province. With an altitude of 2,996 meters above sea level, Ta Lien Son becomes a great challenge for young people who are passionate about climbing. The journey through streams and forests is not only an opportunity for you to admire the beautiful scenery of heaven and earth, but also to seriously learn valuable survival experiences. According to the experience of trekking Ta Lien Son of many tourists, standing on the top of this mountain, you can zoom in and fully enjoy the beautiful scenery of Lai Chau city hidden at the foot of the mountain. In addition, at each different altitude, the natural scenery of heaven and earth also continuously changes, opening up beautiful scenery that pleases the eyes. Ta Lien Son is one of the high mountains possessing diverse and unique vegetation. The mountain is covered by a primeval forest with fairy-tale colors, flexibly changing its beauty according to the four seasons of the year. No matter what season you trek, you will be able to immerse yourself in the breathtakingly beautiful scenery of Ta Lien Mountain. The road from the foot of the mountain to the top of Ta Lien mountain is filled with beautiful colors and backgrounds like a fairy tale movie. Trees, flowers, streams and waterfalls are fresh, cool and pristine as a welcome to travelers from far away traveling to Lai Chau and exploring this majestic and beautiful mountain. Ta Lien mountain forest in Lai Chau is truly a fairy tale with many huge ancient trees reaching straight into the sky, catching the bright golden sunlight. Beneath the tree, moss is covered in green, making the scene even more wild and mysterious. In the early mornings, golden sunlight penetrates through each canopy of leaves with scattered mist, making the picture even more magical. The four seasons on Ta Lien Son Mountain are all breathtakingly beautiful scenery that only those who are physically able to trek will have the opportunity to admire. Because there is no cable car like Fansipa in Sapa, you can only cross roads full of trees, rocks, etc. to reach the top of the mountain. In spring, Ta Lien Mountain is filled with the pink color of fresh azalea flowers, especially near the top of the mountain. Summer is coming, the vegetation in the forest is green. In autumn, there are maple trees with brilliant red and yellow colors from October to November, not to mention the pure white camellia season throughout the forest. After the strenuous journey of climbing the mountain, visitors have the opportunity to admire the luxuriant shrubs. You can climb these bushes to see Lai Chau city hidden under the mist. Or zoom out to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Hoang Lien Son range with the peaks of Bach Moc Luong Tu, Putaleng, Nhiu Co San,... looming in the ocean of clouds.

Lai Chau

From January to December

834 view

Nam Pu Ta Leng Mountain - Phong Tho

Pu Ta Leng mountain peak with an altitude of 3049m in Lai Chau province is considered a common dream for those who love to travel and are passionate about exploring and discovering. Coming to the second highest mountain peak in Vietnam (only after Fansipan peak), you will be overwhelmed by the majestic and majestic mountains and forests mixed with a bit of magic. The area around the mountain has steep terrain, full of dangers and quite picky with people, however Pu Ta Leng is definitely a worthy gift, an unforgettable experience for youth when deciding to conquer the second roof of the mountain. This Indochina! As one of the mountains in the Hoang Lien Son range, Pu Ta Leng is located just northwest of Fansipan peak. If Fansipan is considered the "roof of Indochina", then Pu Ta Leng is the second roof that backpackers or young people who love challenges "must" try to conquer even just once. Between these two peaks is O Quy Ho Pass (also known as Hoang Lien Pass) and National Highway 4D runs through (this is the road from Lao Cai to Lai Chau and vice versa). Pu Ta Leng peak (Phu Ta Leng) is read in the language of the Dao ethnic people living in Phong Tho district, Lai Chau province as Pu Ta Leng, in which the word "Pú" means "mountain". Conquering Pu Ta Leng is not an overnight event, usually the process of climbing to the top and getting back down will take about 3-4 days. If you want to stop and combine camping along the way and rest a lot, it will take about 3-4 days. from 5-6 days. You can start at the starting line from Pho village, Ho Thau commune, Tam Duong district, Lai Chau province to start your journey to conquer the Pu Ta Leng challenge. With a "respectable" height just behind Fansipan, the 3049m Pu Ta Leng peak is conquered by backpackers who divide their journey into smaller pieces. The first day, from the starting point (the foot of the mountain) climb to an altitude of about 1500-2000m, the second day conquer the remaining altitude, and so continue to repeat the journey when going down from the top, returning to the point. initial departure. Unlike Fansipan peak, which has been upgraded and built with many convenient services for the climbing industry for commercial and tourist purposes, Pu Ta Leng peak is still quite wild, with a rugged mountainous landscape with steep, challenging slopes. Awaken courage, calmness as well as quick thinking in handling unexpected situations. In the first 700-1000m, the road up is not too dangerous, with few turns and jagged cliffs, but dense forest trees block most of the path. Large trees that are thousands of years old, have large rough trunks, and roots that protrude from the ground and lie scattered after a rainstorm or strong wind are also considered one of the significant obstacles that consume time and energy for climbers. From an altitude of 1500m or more, colorful azalea flowers bloom all over the sky of Pu Ta Leng, creating a picture of majestic mountains and forests that still shines with romance and poetry. At most, pink and purple rhododendrons crept across the path, fallen petals littering the path, creating a scene like the road to a fairyland. From here, looking far away we can also see Bach Moc Luong Tu peak and Phu Xi Lung peak, two peaks of the Hoang Lien Son range. Climbing to a height of 3049m, looking down from the top is a feeling of pride in having overcome hundreds, thousands of challenges along the way to conquer the second highest peak in Vietnam. At this altitude, the temperature drops, the weather becomes cold, the air is thin and the climbing path is arduous, easily making the hiker tired. So, take some time to sit down and gather to share your feelings and joys with your group members. In addition to the majestic Pu Ta Leng peak, you can also take this opportunity to explore Bach Moc Luong Tu and Phu Xi Lung peaks... these are all peaks that challenge climbers with sharp, jagged rock slopes. and uneven terrain with many hills and obstacles. Pu Ta Leng in general and the peaks of the Hoang Lien Son range are always a common dream for young people who are passionate about traveling and want to mark unforgettable moments of their youth with conquering feet.

Lai Chau

From January to December

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Muong Than Field

"First Thanh, second Lo, third Than, fourth Tac" is the summary sentence of our ancestors talking about the most vast and beautiful fields in the Northwest. Having just vaguely heard the story of "Than Uyen wind", the temperament of a person who likes to "travel" was eager to cross Highway 32 from Mu Cang Chai (Yen Bai) to Than Uyen (Lai Chau) on a rainy afternoon. sunny winter. Than Uyen district capital is located in a valley, and the valley is a vast, rolling field. Coming to Than Uyen, you will be immersed in a rustic indigenous life of brocade weaving. The scenery and delicious dishes keep attracting visitors from far away. Fish pa deck, it's a dish you can find and enjoy anywhere, from a small restaurant in town or in a lovely stilt house of the Thai people. It is an ancient Thai dish, but is still famous today. To "carve" this unique and unique cuisine, people have to go to the Nam Mu river to catch fish called pa patch in Thai. The fish is cleaned, then mixed with ginger, salt, chili, garlic, wine, especially fragrant roasted sticky rice... mixed well. After being marinated, the fish is placed in a sealed tube of apricot shoots and waited for half a month until the salt is absorbed and can be used. When eating, put the fish on charcoal and grill it, which is called taking the heat from the fire to give it a smoky flavor. Grilled fish eaten with fragrant sticky rice will make the taste buds unforgettable. This season, relax in the fields of Muong Than, the rhythm of working life is full of charming colors. We walked slowly on the endless green fields, as if lost in the vast steppe in a fairy tale. Occasionally the wind rushes into the basin, creating a rather special microclimate on the third most beautiful field in the Northwest. Therefore, "Than Uyen wind" is also a "specialty" of this valley. The wind whistles strongly, swirling around the basin. This season the wind is dry and dry. Tourists who want to explore Than Uyen often go to Muong Cang commune, through Muong Mit commune to see the stilt houses of the Thai people looming in the brilliant color of azalea flowers on the mountainside. What makes us excited is not only the fairy tale scene but also the image of a Thai woman working diligently at the loom. Thai women in Muong Cang commune are busy this season weaving towels and cushions for their families, especially unmarried girls who have to diligently weave day and night to prepare for the happy season when Tet comes and spring comes. about.

Lai Chau

From January to December

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Chu Va peak

From Sa Pa, follow Highway 4D towards Lai Chau for about 30 km, visitors will reach the foot of Chu Va mountain. Chu Va is a new tourist destination, but it is attractive to tourists who like to explore and take photos because when coming here, visitors can be creative in every moment because of the virtual changes of mountain clouds. Chu Va peak stands tall like a sharp arrow reaching high into the sky, that's why this place is like a "navel" of cumulus clouds. Depending on the time, weather, and light changes during the day, Chu Va turns virtual and captivating with many nuances. To reach this mountain range, you have to walk about 1 km from the main road. According to some photographers, taking beautiful photos in Chu Va depends on many factors, but the most beautiful is when the clouds wrap around the mountain body, which photographers call "Scarf Ring". only revealing the mountain amidst the vastness of heaven and earth. The most beautiful season in Chu Va is around the beginning of September, when the terraced fields turn golden yellow surrounding the foot of the mountain, creating a colorful picture. The strangeness and excitement of Chu Va makes many people who love to explore and eyes that want to capture beautiful scenery in their lenses come here to admire and enjoy.

Lai Chau

September to March

864 view

Sin Ho Highlands

Sin Ho Plateau is a highland district of Lai Chau, this place is considered the second Sapa of the Northwest region. Because the climate here is cool all year round, the average temperature fluctuates around 18 degrees Celsius. The plateau is located in a quite favorable location, located in the middle of rolling rocky mountains, surrounded by green primeval forests. , blending with the sea of ​​floating clouds, creating a scene like a fairyland. Tourists arriving in Sin Ho not only have the opportunity to see the sea of ​​clouds, explore majestic mountain ranges, or visit unique terraced fields, but they also learn about customs and culture. Lai Chau's transformation is also interesting. As a famous tourist destination, you can come here anytime. Because each time in the Sin Ho plateau has its own unique beauty and experiences. If you want to explore fresh natural beauty, with peach blossom forests, plum blossoms,... in full bloom, you can visit in spring. Summer is the ideal time to explore the beauty of the ripe rice season, the terraced fields look like they are wearing a beautiful golden shirt. Or autumn is the time when the air is slightly cool, which is the right time to conquer the surrounding mountains. Winter is the time for you to have the opportunity to watch snow fall on the plateau, which is also very interesting. Where is Sin Ho Plateau located? It is known that this plateau is one of the most famous tourist destinations in Lai Chau, located in Sin Ho district, about 60km from the city center and located at an altitude of about 1,500m. Therefore, getting here is not easy, especially for those who do not have experience traveling to forests and mountains. So what is the road to Sin Ho plateau like? If from Hanoi, first you need to travel to Lai Chau by bus or motorbike (if you are a backpacker). By motorbike, you can follow the route: Hanoi -> Lao Cai -> Sapa -> O Quy Ho Pass -> Lai Chau. Or you can also follow the route: Hanoi -> Phu Tho -> Yen Bai -> Mu Cang Trai -> Lai Chau. After arriving in Lai Chau city center, you can rent a motorbike at hotels or Homestays to stay and conquer the plateau yourself. Not only is it known as an attractive natural tourist destination, but Sin Ho is also a land that preserves the long-standing cultural and historical values ​​of the Vietnamese people. When you arrive at the plateau, before your eyes will be majestic mountains, surrounded by a sea of ​​clouds, dense forests, and winding passes, all creating a unique beauty of the land of Lai Chau that is not typical of Lai Chau. everywhere. The nature here, imbued with the characteristics of primeval forests and mountains, creates wild and majestic beauty. On beautiful days, holidays or weekends, the number of visitors coming to hunt clouds is very large. A scene of floating clouds, stretching endlessly, in the distance are rays of sunlight shining through the trees, causing the clouds to gradually fade. All these images paint a romantic, extremely impressive picture of nature. Sin Ho Lai Chau Plateau is the living and working place of many ethnic minorities, typically: H'Mong people, Thai people, Dao people,... After discovering the beauty of the plateau , visitors can go to the villages to immerse themselves in the simple, rustic life here and learn about the cultural beauty and unique customs of the Sin Ho people. Along with that, you can also enjoy many delicious dishes and Lai Chau specialties, as well as buy ideal souvenirs to give to friends and relatives.

Lai Chau

From January to December

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O Quy Ho Pass

Backpackers often joke that if they haven't reached O Quy Ho Pass, they can't be called genuine backpackers. O Quy Ho Pass has a length of more than 40km, located at an altitude of over 2000 meters, on National Highway 4D crossing Hoang Lien Son range, the top of the pass is the border between Lai Chau and Lao Cai provinces. According to the legend of O Quy Ho Pass, in the past, in this mountainous area, there often appeared a bird with a melodious cry, associated with the legend of the uncoupled love story of a couple. Therefore, over time, it was the cry of that bird that gave the name of this famous pass. For every person traveling O Quy Ho Pass, going down the pass on clear, sunny days is a blessing in life. Standing on the top of the pass, admiring the vast and majestic beauty of the mountain and forest nature, feel the magic of the scenery on the pass: on the Lao Cai side, the fog spreads, on the Lai Chau side, it is sunny and sunny. Summer is often covered with clouds, winter has snow and ice, attracting not only domestic tourists but also foreign tourists. O Quy Ho Pass runs along the slopes of Hoang Lien Son range, a long road with majestic and impressive mountain and forest scenery. On clear, sunny and windy days, you can see small villages in the distance, undulating mountains and the majestic beauty of Fansipan peak amid the clouds. On cold winter days, O Quy Ho has incredible beauty, with snow covering the forest trees and roads. The most ideal journey is from Sapa to O Quy Ho pass, about 12km past Silver Waterfall - one of the most beautiful waterfalls in Lao Cai. In particular, when conquering the pass, backpackers rarely miss Tram Ton - the ranger station of Hoang Lien National Park. This is also one of the starting points to conquer the majestic Fansipan peak and the road to visit Love Waterfall. Here, with the scenery of a cliff on one side and a deep abyss on the other, it creates a feeling of challenge for every driver when passing here. Under the dense tropical forests, a winding road, climbing on cliffs with steep downhills and sharp turns will be a challenge for any driver. However, O Quy Ho Pass has become an important road, a bridge connecting the lowlands to the town center. But this same danger is one of the attractive reasons that attract backpackers to O Quy Ho to experience and surpass themselves.

Lai Chau

From January to December

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