Tourist destination

Lang Son

Mau Son

Coming to Mau Son, visitors can not only see the floating clouds wrapping around the mountains but also the golden terraced fields during harvest time. Mau Son is one of the few places in Vietnam where snow and ice appear in winter, creating extremely impressive multi-colored paintings. Mau Son is located in 3 communes: Cong Son, Mau Son, Cao Loc district and Mau Son, Loc Binh district, with a total area of ​​10,470 hectares. The highest area of ​​the Mau Son mountain range is about 30 km east of Lang Son city center, less than 180 km from Hanoi capital, and close to the Vietnam-China border. This is the highest mountainous region of Lang Son province and in the Northeast region of our country, with an average altitude of 800 - 1,000m above sea level, including a complex of about 80 large and small mountains. The highest peaks are Phia Po (Father Mountain) at 1,541m high, Phia Me (Mother Mountain) at 1,520m high. Mau Son's climate is typical of the subtropical and temperate regions with an average annual temperature of 15.6 degrees Celsius with 2 distinct seasons. Summer is from April to October, the weather is cool, the average temperature is from 16 - 21 degrees Celsius. Winter is from November to March of the following year, the average temperature is from 7.2 - 13.2 degrees C, the coldest year is -5 degrees C, often covered in fog, with ice and snow on cold days. This is a famous tourist destination of Lang Son province, an ideal resort attracting hundreds of thousands of tourists each year. Many people think that traveling to Mau Son must be in the summer to be beautiful. In addition to bathing in waterfalls, they can camp in primeval forests with fresh, cool air. But after going a few times, visitors will realize that there are four seasons of beauty here. If spring is the season of festivals, the season of pear, plum, and peach blossoms blooming, then autumn with its golden waves of spectacular terraced fields, primeval forests changing colors, and winter with its mountains. The village is hidden in the clouds. Visitors to Mau Son in April - May every year will see people working the land and cultivating rice on terraced fields interspersed with hillsides and among anise forests. Around June, Mau Son becomes an ideal tourist destination to avoid the heat. In the photo, there is a 3 km traffic jam on the opening day of the Mau Son Tourism Festival taking place in June 2019. In addition to bathing in the waterfall, camping in the forests to enjoy the fresh air, visitors can admire hydrangeas, a typical flower on Mau Son that blooms every summer. From July to August, the terraced fields are in harvest, creating an impressive picture of the golden season. The most beautiful cloud season in Mau Son is from December of the previous year to March of the following year. Because of this period, the temperature is extremely ideal for the accumulation of clouds. Viewed from above, Mau Son appears with rolling mountains and hills, interspersed with narrow valleys. With a mother mountain peak of 1,520 m high, in winter, Mau Son is always submerged in clouds. Clouds wrap around the mountains. Clouds swoop down into the primeval forest, crawling into the leaves. Clouds move with the wind. Not only that, the clouds this season are very quiet, you can admire a beautiful scene created by thousands of clouds. Mau Son is beautiful all year round, but spring can be said to make people ecstatic. At this time, the mountain takes on the shape of a beautiful princess changing into a colorful dress. The tender and passionate red peach blossoms are a bit passionate but even more seductive, making visitors who arrive in the spring surprised. Mau Son peach blossoms are single-petal peach blossoms, fragile and more special than peach blossoms anywhere else. They have strange vitality, clinging deep to cliffs and enduring the harshest climate, drinking wind and dew to grow. up, just waiting for spring to show off its sweet beauty amidst the vastness.

Lang Son

From January to December

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Nhi Thanh Cave

Nhi Thanh Cave is located on Nhi Thanh Street in Tam Thanh Ward, Lang Son City, part of the most famous relic complex in Lang including: Nhi Thanh Cave, Tam Thanh Cave, Mac Dynasty Citadel and To Thi Mountain. The cave is marked by majestic stalactites thousands of years old, and is also one of the spiritual destinations that attracts tourists in Lang Son city. Nhi Thanh Cave has a length of about 500 m, discovered by famous man Ngo Thi Si when he worked as a governor here. The cave is quite large, inside many different large and small passages, in the middle of the cave is Ngoc Tuyen stream flowing through. Nhi Thanh Cave relic area has two main parts: Tam Giao Pagoda and Nhi Thanh Cave. Tam Giao Pagoda worships 3 Buddhas: Shakyamuni Buddha, Confucius and Lao Tzu, located on the right, hidden in the rocks, at a higher position than the cave entrance. The altar to worship famous person Ngo Thi Si is located at the entrance to the cave. Above the wall is a carved picture of his leg in a sitting position leaning against the cliff. Nhi Thanh Cave still retains many stone inscriptions engraved on the cave walls, the content mainly praising the landscape, people, and the process of discovering and embellishing the cave by predecessors. Nhi Thanh Cave is very easy to explore. The paths inside are spacious and easy to walk. The deeper you go inside, the wider the road becomes. Stalactites of various shapes hang down from the ceiling and walls of the cave, making the cave look wild and mysterious. The "Stage" area is located in the middle, has a spacious flat floor, and above the ceiling there are "Heavenly" doors leading to the outside to welcome natural light. This is considered the most beautiful place of the cave. Stalactites appear everywhere, named after their shapes and inspired by old stories.

Lang Son

From January to December

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Bac Le

Ancient Bac Le Temple was built in 1919, located on a high hill, about 10 km from Huu Lung town. Like any Mother Goddess Temple, Bac Le Temple worships the Council of the Four Palaces and worships the Spirits in the four regions of the universe, but here has a unique feature of paying special attention to the worship of gods associated with the locality such as Mother Goddess, little girl, little girl... gods who provide wealth in the mountains and forests, so Bac Le Temple is close to folk beliefs, friendly to indigenous people, the Temple has even become a community living place. Coming here, visitors will feel like they are bathing in the wild scenery of the mountainous region to feel more peaceful, like immersing themselves in nature to temporarily forget about daily worries. Mr. Nguyen Van Tuan, a tourist in Hanoi who has often gone to Bac Le Temple for many years, confided: "I am a person who, whenever I have the opportunity, always go to Bac Le Temple to worship... I honestly feel that this is The culture is very pure Vietnamese. If the agencies or temples manage in the right direction, it will be very good, avoiding superstition..." Coming to Bac Le, visitors can easily see that nature has cleverly gifted Bac Le with a charming space amidst the mountains and forests. People go to the ceremony not only to burn incense, offer prayers, pray for fortune, wealth, peace, success, and fame, but also to admire the scenery of the mountainous region. Although it has undergone 5 renovations and embellishments, the ancient architecture is still intact and bears the mark of folk sculpture. The solid wooden columns still retain their original features, adding to the warmth and sacredness of the Temple. As a spiritual tourist destination in Lang, many tourists from all over make pilgrimages to worship, but the current narrow space of the Temple no longer meets the needs of tourists, and the road to the Temple is narrow, causing obstructions. hinders the ability of tourists from all over to visit. The Relics Management Board is submitting an application to the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism for a license to recognize Bac Le Temple as a national historical and cultural relic to be worthy of the spiritual place of Lang. According to people's beliefs, Bac Le is one of the country's two sacred Mother Goddess Temples, so many domestic and foreign tourists come to pray for good luck. The main festival of Bac Le Temple is held on the 20th day of the 9th lunar month, but with the uniqueness of the charming mountain and water landscape, Bac Le is always crowded with visitors from all over to visit and celebrate.

Lang Son

From January to December

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Dong Kinh Market

Dong Kinh Market is a place for trading between small traders and large industrial and commercial enterprises between the two boundaries of Vietnam and China. The market is also the largest shopping and business center in Lang Son city. The market operates all day, always bustling and crowded, especially in Thap De and January, when festivals take place in Lang Son city and in the whole Lang Son province. The market is surrounded by 4 main roads: Phai Ve, Nguyen Tri Phuong, Ba Trieu and Nguyen Du so it is very convenient for transportation. The market has 3 floors with each floor selling different items: the 1st floor sells electronics, the 2nd floor sells groceries, and the 3rd floor sells fashion. It can be said that, with its location near the Vietnam - China border, Dong Kinh market has an extremely wide variety of products and designs. This place is known as "Shopping Paradise" for shopping fanatics. Customers do not need to worry about their wallets because Dong Kinh market sells goods at moderate prices, not expensive. Most of the sources here come from China and Vietnam. When it comes to cuisine in Lang Son, especially at Dong Kinh market, you definitely cannot miss the specialty dishes here: egg rolls, fried rice cakes, sour pho, dumplings, roasted pork, and rice. Lam,... These dishes are sold in the market or outside the market, so you can easily find and buy and taste the typical flavors of this Vietnamese-Chinese market. Because the market sells a variety of goods, be careful and delicate in bidding because there is no standard or fixed price. In particular, with Chinese products, you need to evaluate and review carefully before buying to avoid buying fake or poor quality products. In addition to items originating from China, Dong Kinh market also sells many items 100% originating from Vietnam such as brocade items handcrafted directly by the hands of ethnic minorities. Those are great gifts that you can buy as gifts for relatives and friends.

Lang Son

From January to December

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Dong Dang Mother Temple

Dong Dang Mother Temple in Lang Son is a sacred temple, with great value in terms of religion, history and belief. Surely this will be a spiritual cultural tourism destination that you cannot miss when coming to Lang. Dong Dang Mother Temple worships Buddha and Saint Mother Lieu Hanh. This place is considered one of the most sacred temples worshiping Mother Goddesses of the Vietnamese people. Since ancient times, the temple was also known as "Dong Dang Linh Tu". According to historical records, Dong Nam Mau Temple was originally a pagoda located on a rock roof close to the foot of the mountain. Because it is famous as a sacred temple and is visited by people from all over the country for pilgrimage, the worship space is increasingly cramped. Since then, local people have moved the temple to its current location. People have passed down since ancient times that Lieu Hanh is the daughter of the Jade Emperor, whose name is Quynh Hoa. She had a deep bond with the world, so she often appeared to help her people. The court of the Later Le Dynasty ordained her as Princess Lieu Hanh, the Supreme God of Phuc. One day, she traveled and stopped at the land of Lang Son - a place with beautiful landscapes of mountains and water. The princess saw an abandoned temple in the dense forest, the Buddha statue had no incense smoke. Then the princess met Phung Khac Khoan and reminded Trang Bung to repair the temple. Afterwards, the pagoda was renovated and became a place to worship Buddha and the sacred Mother Goddess. Dong Dang Mother Temple owns a spacious campus, located close to the foot of the mountain. The Three Entrance Gate part was built with majestic ancient architecture, the door is built with a rolling arch, has a main door and 2 side doors. The gate is decorated with many unique motifs and patterns. The top of the three-entrance gate has a bronze bell and a bronze bell. Coming here, you will be able to admire the beauty of Dong Dang Mother Temple, leaving behind the noise and bustle of the city you live in. Return to Lang, visit the ancient and sacred temple, and enjoy moments of relaxation and comfort. It will definitely bring you interesting experiences and a happy and healthy spirit.

Lang Son

From January to December

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Chi Lang Pass

Chi Lang Pass is a famous tourist destination. If you come to Lang Son, you definitely cannot miss this place. This place is associated with the heroic historical marks of our nation in the fight against foreign invaders. At the same time, it also possesses majestic mountain beauty bestowed by nature. Chi Lang Pass is a historical relic deeply engraved in the subconscious of the Vietnamese people, it appears in poetry and is passed down from generation to generation. Located about 150km from Hanoi, the pass is large and massive, running nearly 20km long. It connects Chi Lang and Huu Lung districts of Lang Son province. Looking down from above, Chi Lang Pass appears with towering rocky mountains, typically the Kai Kinh rocky mountain range in the West and Bao Dai Mountain in the East. All create a solid framework to protect the safety of Vietnam's northern border, supporting the Vietnamese people in protecting their territorial sovereignty and fighting against foreign invaders from ancient times to the present. Chi Lang Pass and our army and people have gone through many ups and downs in history, blocking expeditions from the North. The gate is associated with military activities from the reigns of Ly Thuong Kiet, Tran Quoc Tuan... and is famous in history. In addition to historical relics, visiting Chi Lang Pass, you can also see with your own eyes a majestic natural picture, a bit poetic but also very close and dear. Especially the high mountains, rugged terrain with trapezoidal battlements that are "unique" in the world. Surely this will be a great tourist destination for activities to experience and explore Vietnamese history from time to time. And it's also an opportunity to relax in cool, fresh nature. Besides, you can also experience the wonderful dishes typical of Lang Son people such as roasted pig and roasted duck.

Lang Son

From January to December

810 view

Citadel of the Mac Dynasty

The citadel of the Mac Dynasty is a destination associated with history, reflecting the ancient feudal regime. This location is about more than 150km from the center of Hanoi, attracting a large number of tourists every year. The city walls are solid and sturdy, remaining unaffected through all the sun and rain. However, currently, the city walls have been gradually demolished, only about 300 meters remain. The Mac Dynasty citadel has a prime location, right in Tam Thanh ward of Lang Son city. The wall leans against three majestic mountains: To Thi, Mac Kinh Cung and Lo Cot. These are also scenic spots that attract many tourists to visit. Standing from the top of the city wall to admire the majestic scenery below, you will witness the entire poetic city of Lang Son below. In 2010, the Mac Dynasty Citadel began to be invested and repaired by the province to develop into a tourist and sightseeing destination. To admire the majestic mountains, you need to climb 100 steps around the mountainside to reach the top. The northern wall is 54m long and 4m high, built with many secret battlements to destroy enemy troops. The cave is 75km long with 7 gates and 15 battlements. Recalling history, this city wall was built by Mac Kinh Cung in the 16th century and was completed in the mid-17th century. The purpose was to fight against King Le - Lord Trinh, so the project was built extremely majestic and solid, the stone blocks were connected together with honey and molasses, extremely sturdy. In 1962, this place was granted historical relic status and then began to undergo renovations to welcome visitors. Visitors can visit this historical building all year round to witness firsthand its historical values ​​and accompanying mysterious stories. However, to have the best experience, you should avoid going in winter. Because the temperature in Lang Son mountains at this time is quite low. Therefore, many people will not be able to withstand the cold here. When planning to visit this destination, keep in mind the following experiences to make your trip complete: You should wear sports shoes or soft shoes that are convenient for movement. Because the terrain here is quite dangerous, you have to climb steps, which are especially slippery if it rains. The clothing you choose needs to be comfortable. If you are a woman, you should wear clothes instead of skirts to move quickly and safely. When reaching the top of the Mac Dynasty Citadel, the temperature may drop lower, especially in winter. So you need to dress warmly and bring a jacket to avoid getting cold. You should visit the construction site early in the morning to avoid crowding and jostling, causing unsafe conditions. You can prepare extra food and water so that when you reach the top of the citadel, you can stop to replenish your body's energy and avoid losing strength due to long walks. For tourists who are passionate about checking in, they need to choose safe locations, absolutely do not move to mountain edges where mistakes can easily occur.

Lang Son

From January to October

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Phai Ve flagpole

The mountain is located in the east center of Vinh Trai ward, Lang Son. Before crossing the Ky Cung river, you will see a mountain with a red flag with a yellow star fluttering in the distance. That is Phai Ve Lang Son mountain. Seen from a distance, Phai Ve mountain emerges right in the heart of Lang Son city, among the overlapping houses with red tile roofs. That's why this mountain is also called "the rockery of Lang Son". Having gone through many historical periods, the mountain still stands tall and is the pride of the people here. Phai Ve Mountain is an archaeological relic with the greatest historical and cultural value in Lang Son. Inside this mountain are two cave sites with paleontological traces. These two caves are about 10,000 years old and nearly 5,000 years old. Now when combined with magical lights, the stalactites in the cave become extremely lively and sparkling, attracting tourists to visit and explore. Understanding the historical value and tourism potential, the government here has taken many measures to restore and preserve these unique wild beauties. Phai Ve mountain flagpole can be considered one of the famous symbols of Lang Son city. Located on Phai Ve mountain at an altitude of about 80m, this flagpole includes 535 firmly built stone steps. The entire flagpole is built of durable materials such as concrete and stone. The railing of the stairs going up is made to look like green bamboo stalks, looking quite similar to the Great Wall. Perhaps because the image of the towering flag tower with winding stairs is quite similar to the Great Wall. So this place is known as the miniature version of the Great Wall of Vietnam. You can travel by motorbike or car to Lang Son city center. Then park the car and walk up the mountain. Moving up the flagpole is extremely simple and easy. You will feel cool and comfortable as soon as you finish climbing the mountain because of the cool fresh air while on the mountain. With a high location and right in the heart of the city center, you can stand right on the high steps to see the panoramic view of poetic Lang Son. The whole city seemed to collapse into view. The most impressive is probably the scene at night when the shimmering lights of the streets and houses spread out vastly right below your feet. In the evening, lights also light up at the Flag Pole with nearly 1,000 LED bulbs installed. Under the steps, in the cave and around the mountain are also beautifully decorated with lights. Making the Flagpole look like a bright torch, lighting up and radiating the whole city. The entire Phai Ve mountain exudes a magical beauty under the cold weather of the night. You can go to Phai Ve mountain at any time of the year. Because the landscape here does not depend too much on the weather. However, you should combine visiting many tourist destinations in the same Lang Son trip. The most perfect time is a festival like the Tam Thanh festival on the full moon day of the first lunar month every year. You can combine visiting Phai Ve mountain and going to the pagoda at the beginning of the year, along with scenic spots such as Tam Thanh cave, Chi Lang pass, Chua Gieng... very convenient.

Lang Son

From January to December

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