Tourist destination

Long An

Tan Lap floating village

Don't misunderstand Tan Lap floating village, there is a village inside, this place is a large primeval melaleuca forest and mysterious paths leading into the forest. This is considered a suitable place for those who like to return to wild nature and explore the river culture of the Southwest region. The reason for the name Tan Lap Floating Village is because in the past, when it was not planned, during the flood season around the 7th lunar month every year, people here often raised the floor to follow the water, looking from a distance like a floating village. The village floats on the vast water surface. Therefore, when planning this tourist area, the name floating village associated with the location of Tan Lap commune was given to the tourist area. With an area of ​​135 hectares, there is a buffer zone of 500 hectares planned to build a typical tourist area of ​​Long An in particular and Dong Thap Muoi wetlands in general. Traveling to Long An, visiting this floating village of Tan Lap, you will be immersed in a typical wetland with habitats of melaleuca forests, lotus - lily, water hyacinth, ghost rice typical of the area and the residence of many people. type of animal (bird, stork, fish...) The floating village is an eco-tourism area with a landscape that changes greatly with the seasons. If you wonder when Tan Lap floating village is most beautiful? The answer is to travel to the West during the flood season, which is from August to November of the lunar calendar every year. During the floating season, if you stand from above and look down, you will see Tan Lap floating village like a deep green island in the middle of a vast sea of ​​water. All create an extremely vivid natural picture. Coming to Tan Lap floating village eco-tourism area, visitors can walk on the path through the melaleuca forest, take a boat down the Rung canal, and immerse themselves in nature on a distance of more than 3km around the melaleuca forest by cable boat. . After buying tickets, visitors will start weaving along the canals by small canoes among the melaleuca forests. The main canal leading into the center of Tan Lap Floating Village is called Rung Rach. It will be very peaceful when tourists sit in canoes floating on the forest creek, smell the incense of cajuput, watch the lotuses and lilies blooming in a corner of the river, watch the birds fluttering in the blue sky, occasionally leaning along. a tide. Coming to Tan Lap Floating Village, the interesting thing is to walk on a 5km long road with many branches through the deep green cajuput forest. Melaleuca here is well protected, creating a vast green patch emerging in the middle of the plain. This route is elaborately built from small woven panels 1 meter wide connected together, distributed into many branches, nestled in the Melaleuca forest. If you love 'virtual living', you definitely cannot miss this unique frame. Following the winding road, visitors will go from one patch of forest to another. Along both sides of the road are tall cajuput trees that cast a cool shade on the road. The light seeping into the path makes us feel like we are lost in a garden in a fairy tale. In the dry season, melaleuca leaves fall all over the road, so the excursion will have the rustling sound of footsteps stepping on dry leaves echoing in the deserted forest. It is that romantic feature that makes some people compare this to the "love street" of Tan Lap floating village. Wandering in Tan Lap primeval cajuput forest, you will encounter many species of insects, somewhere the sound of birds singing, the sound of frogs calling, hearing the smell of mud and moss, feeling like you are lost in another world full of adventure. save, mysterious. After a long walk, we reached the 18m high watchtower lying in the middle of the sky. Up this watchtower, visitors can only see a part of the Melaleuca forest. If you want to see the whole scene, you have to go up to the 38 m high watchtower. These watchtowers are both a place to watch for fire and a place for visitors to zoom out and enjoy the natural beauty of the Melaleuca forest. Also from this location, every morning or afternoon, visitors will witness flocks of white storks and flocks of jet black gongs with up to several hundred birds flying back after a day of looking for food. The next destination is the X-shaped Bridge made up of two interwoven roads between a vast field of guns. This area possesses an extremely attractive landscape, especially from 7 to 9 a.m. when the water lilies bloom and birds begin to chirp together to search for food. All create a joyful, musical harmony. Following the path, visitors will come to the "Bird Taming Area", where Tan Lap floating village preserves and nurtures birds that come here to nest and live in the natural environment. This service is only for tourists staying overnight at the hotel, because the custom of storks is that they often gather to reside on the island in the evening, when dusk has just fallen. The scenery on both sides of the entrance is surrounded by shady cajuput trees and vines. In particular, this place has an extremely rare Ma rice variety that is also being preserved very successfully in the area around this place. Going deep into the forest, you will meet Crescent Lake - where lotus flowers and water lilies bloom brightly. In the middle of the lake, there is a dune of soil discolored by alum contamination, looking like a "mini-desert" amidst the surrounding green oasis. According to experience, visitors must have good physical strength to come here because the lake is located quite deep inside the Melaleuca forest. In Tan Lap Floating Village there is also a folk games area. This area is like a small oasis, surrounded by lotus and water lily ponds spread over an area of ​​100,000 m2, clear blue water, with many types of fish growing abundantly. This is not only a place to experience some folk games such as seesaw, monkey bridge climbing... but also an ideal sightseeing and fishing spot to process them into your favorite dishes. This rustic and rustic hobby will bring visitors comfortable moments of fun and relaxation. If you have come to Tan Lap floating village, you should not miss the honey bee farming area here. Here, you will be introduced to the beekeeping process and how to collect honey by the artist. In particular, you will also be invited to try a refreshing drink made from honey.

Long An

September to December

815 view

Lang Sen Wetland Reserve

Nature has gifted Long An province with Lang Sen land, which has been recognized as the world's Ramsar Wetland Reserve and has become a unique destination on the Long An tourist map. Lang Sen's full name is Lang Sen Wetland Nature Reserve located in the low-lying terrain of Dong Thap Muoi on the area of ​​Vinh Loi, Vinh Dai and Vinh Chau A communes in Tan Hung district, Long An. Lang Sen Wetland Reserve is a miniature, attractive Dong Thap Muoi, with an increasing number of domestic and foreign tourists and researchers coming to enjoy and learn. Natural lotus is the original species here, giving rise to the name Lang Sen, meaning the surrounding area has many wild lotuses growing. Being a large nature conservation area (more than 5,000 hectares), Lang Sen conservation area has a large number of natural landscapes such as: Melaleuca forests, islands, swamps, rivers, or even plains. grass (you have to come in the dry season to see the grasslands). Coming to Lang Sen Wetland Reserve, visitors can not only explore the rich and diverse ecosystem, see over 150 species of plants showing off their colors on vast grasslands flooded seasonally, with special images. characteristic of lung, chrysanthemum and especially melaleuca, lotus, water lily... but also have the opportunity to let your soul follow the fluttering paths of 148 species of water birds. There are over a dozen species listed in the Red Book. In addition to the storks, magpies, black ibises, red-headed cranes, etc., there is also the Red-crowned Crane, a bird listed in the World Red Book. Particularly, the core area of ​​Lang Sen conservation area has 12 sub-areas surrounded by Vam Co Tay river and separate from residential areas. Under Canal 79 of this conservation area is the habitat of more than 78 freshwater aquatic species, including 27 endemic species of the Mekong River such as: Catfish, snakehead fish, tilapia fish, flexible fish... With a diverse terrain that is characterized by a wetland ecosystem of international importance for biodiversity and conservation, Lang Sen has been recognized by the Ramsar Convention as one of nine land conservation areas. Ramsar flood in Vietnam and 2,227th in the world. From Tan An city (Long An), follow Highway 62 about 90 km toward Canal 79 to reach Lang Sen Wetland Conservation Area (Ramsar Lang Sen). In any season, the natural scenery here is beautiful. The most ideal time to travel to Lang Sen is the Melaleuca flowering season and floating water season. Taking a canoe along the small canals in the reserve with the gentle scent of decades-old melaleuca forests and fields of lotus and water lilies, visitors feel lost in the wild world. Every year, during the flood season, this place is home to hundreds of thousands of birds. Each season the birds come home to nest, it is estimated that they can cover an entire patch of forest about 50 hectares wide. For a long time, mentioning Dong Thap Muoi is referring to a region rich in resources and products of the Southern region, especially during flood season in the West, people often immediately think of Dong Thap province, or else An Giang. Giang, but few people usually think of Long An. But in reality, the lowest and most characteristic area with the most products of Dong Thap Muoi in the flood season is Lang Sen Wetland Conservation Area. This geographical indication will help tourists know and find more about Long An tourism, to experience and explore. The place contains fascinating and mysterious stories about birds and fish, and is also a place that preserves a famous wilderness area of ​​the Southwest since ancient times.

Long An

From January to December

779 view

Phuoc Loc Tho ancient village

Phuoc Loc Tho ancient village is located on provincial road 824, in hamlet 2, Huu Thanh commune, Duc Hoa district, Long An, where the region transitions from the Southeast to the Southwest, creating a unique identity. It has both the beauty of the Mekong Delta and the charm of the Southeast region. With 22 ancient wooden houses across three regions of Vietnam, and hundreds of precious antiques, in 2012, the Vietnam Book of Records established a record for owning the most ancient wooden houses with the richest carved patterns in Vietnam. Male. The main gate to the tourist destination "Phuoc Loc Tho ancient village" is stylized like an ancient city gate. Entering Phuoc Loc Tho village, the first impression visitors encounter is a large rockery and a gurgling stream day and night. Ancient houses ranging from 80 to 150 years old have been preserved and restored almost intact, keeping their ancient features. Harmonious arrangement, methodical planning in airy space in harmony with nature. The zigzag roads lined with rutted stones and green grass, on both sides are bamboo bushes, areca rows, and many flowers and landscapes... make visitors feel relaxed. The Hue houses in the ancient village have a royal style with gilded lacquer and carved dragons and phoenixes very delicately and meticulously in every small detail. The Western-style pillared houses are 5 rooms wide, 3 wings, and all are made of oak wood. Each beam, rafter, and column in the beam houses is elaborately carved with delicate carved lines. In Phuoc Loc Tho, there are 6 stilt houses of ethnic groups in the Southeast and Central Highlands regions such as wooden pillar bases in the shape of a familiar basket of ethnic people. This place also stores daily items of Central Highlands people. In the complex of Phuoc Loc Tho ancient village, the most famous is the "Cong" house with 104 columns, over 100 years old, very massive, designed according to the ancient architectural style of the North, the columns in the main room are inlaid with mother of pearl. Decorated with the four sacred dragons, unicorns, tortoises, phoenixes and the four precious apricot blossoms, orchids, chrysanthemums, and bamboos, the walls are elaborately carved with themes of fruits, birds, and animals, showing magnificence, splendor, and majesty. In addition to the collection of ancient houses, in Phuoc Loc Tho there are also antiques from the reign of Lord Nguyen and King Bao Dai such as dragon sieves painted with vermilion and gilded with gold or sets of ancient coins also displayed here. Besides, Phuoc Loc Tho is also a place to preserve daily life items of many ancient social groups from kings, military officers, landowners to people. Cultural spiritual objects of the Vietnamese people are made of a variety of materials such as wood, iron, bronze, and ceramics, diverse in age and rich in types. Including antique items with a modern style from the time when the French colonialists first came to colonize Vietnam, such as telephones, radios, gramophones, cameras, night lights, etc. At the octagonal quadrangular small house (the home of the great mandarins of the Nguyen Dynasty), there are a set of three bronze statues of the same age, vividly depicting Buddha Tathagata, Avalokiteshvara and Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. There are seals engraved on the backs of these statues. Because of the ancient and unique features of Phuoc Loc Tho Ancient Village, this place has become the filming location of many historical films. Leaving the sightseeing area to the entertainment area of ​​Phuoc Loc Tho ancient village, visitors will admire nearly 300 different types of orchids. In the ancient village complex of Phuoc Loc Tho there is also a pagoda modeled after the One Pillar Pagoda in Hanoi. The Ancient Village also serves a variety of dishes in a charming space. In particular, Long An tourists coming here will enjoy Long An specialties and fresh fish caught directly from Vam Co River.

Long An

From January to December

782 view

Tan Lap seaport

Tan Lap seaport, also known by another name, Long An international seaport, is one of the great prides of Tan Lap people in particular and Long An in general. The address of Long An seaport is located at DT19, Tan Lap commune, Can Giuoc district, Long An province. This is a beautiful location not only in trade and travel but also in tourism. Tan Lap seaport is located right at the mouth of Soai Rap river. Soai Rap is a distributary of the Saigon - Dong Nai river system. This river is also the natural boundary separating Can Gio district from three other districts, including Can Giuoc district. In addition, Tan Lap seaport is also located opposite Nha Be district and Can Gio district of Ho Chi Minh City. This place is only 14km from the East Sea. With a strategic location at the hinge of the East and Southwest, Tan Lap seaport is only 38km from Ho Chi Minh City along Highway 50, visitors can move here very easily. There are two main directions from Ho Chi Minh City to Tan Lap seaport. The first direction is to follow Au Co, Highway 50, Can Giuoc bypass, then go to Highway 50 and finally follow Provincial Road 19 to Tan Lap seaport. The second direction is to follow Phan Van Hon, National Highway 1A, Doan Nguyen Tuan, Road 234, Provincial Road 826 and finally follow Provincial Road 19 to Tan Lap seaport. Looking at the tourism aspect, Tan Lap seaport does not have familiar entertainment spots or tourist activities that tourists still see and experience in other places. However, the tourist attractions of this place are the scenery and cuisine. Located opposite the banks of Soai Rap River, Tan Lap beach has a cool, airy atmosphere suitable for relaxation and rest. Coming here, visitors will find a quiet moment, slow down to feel everything around them. The landscape at Tan Lap seaport also has its own romantic and charming features. Rivers and clouds make people's souls peaceful. Furthermore, the sunrise and sunset at this place are also a scene worth enjoying and admiring. Tan Lap seaport is definitely a new and exciting check-in location suitable for young people's virtual life. Another great point of Tan Lap seaport is the fresh seafood sold here. Seafood is weighed and stored in plastic bags. The price of seafood is also reasonable, it can even be said to be quite cheap. If you want to enjoy it right away, visit the restaurants right there. Fresh seafood is grilled or dropped directly into the hot pot to retain its unmatched sweetness and freshness. Visitors cannot miss the famous delicacies here such as grilled shrimp, tamarind-roasted crab, octopus dipped in vinegar, snail dishes and steamed clams with lemongrass. Tan Lap Seaport is a suitable destination for tourists who love new experiences, love backpacking or are simply seafood lovers who want to enjoy the best quality seafood. Wishing you a smooth trip and many wonderful memories.

Long An

January to December

860 view

Cat Tuong Phu Sinh eco-tourism area

Traveling to Long An, you will see lush fruit orchards all year round, vast rice fields, enjoy the fresh air from the immense cajuput forests in Tan Lap floating village, and especially get to go Travel around the world at World Wonder Park in Cat Tuong Phu Sinh eco-tourism area. World Wonder Park is located at Cat Tuong Phu Sinh urban - eco-tourism area, Provincial Road 9, My Hanh commune, Duc Hoa, Long An. From the center of Saigon, if you want to come here, you go straight from Truong Chinh Street to Xuyen A Street. From here, you run past Gieng Nuoc Crossroads. At the next intersection, turn left onto Nguyen Van Bua Street, keep going straight until you reach DT9, then follow the signs on the road to get there. Cat Tuong Phu Sinh eco-tourism area is the first urban area combined with commercial tourism in Vietnam, attracting a large number of tourists, especially young people, to take virtual photos. You should go early in the morning, around 6-8am, or in the afternoon from 4-6pm to get the best pictures. Traveling to Long An, coming here you will feel like the world is shrinking at the wonder park and freely check-in with famous symbols from countries around the world such as: Opera house model Sydney, Italy's famous Pisa Tower, Taj Mahal Mausoleum - India, Eiffel Tower - France, Statue of Liberty - Symbol of New York, 9 onion-shaped spire towers of St. Basil's Cathedral in Russia,... similar just like the real thing. Just a few "divine shooting angles" and no one will think you are standing in Long An. The main material to create these wonders is fiberglass. They are arranged alternately, in the middle is a large lake with small fountains to create coolness. Admission is free, so you can take many extremely "European" photos at a very "bargain" price. The tourist area is more than 79 hectares wide, is a complex urban area with full internal amenities with an ecological lake of up to 7 hectares and many trees creating a peaceful scene that makes you feel comfortable, peaceful and happy. clarity. In addition to models simulating wonders around the world, at Cat Tuong Phu Sinh tourist area, there are many other attractions not to be missed such as the romantic An Tay Ho eco-tourism area or the Southern rural museum. With rustic scenery, ponds, lakes, and gardens are very close. Or you can visit the childhood park for children, where there are large dinosaurs and many cartoon characters.

Long An

From January to December

804 view