Vietnam V

Tourist destination

Suoi Giang

Yen Bai Giang Stream is located at an altitude of about 1,300 - 1,400 m above sea level, covered by layers of clouds all year round, plus the air is always extremely fresh and cool, making this place a hot spot. The spot is very popular with tourists, choosing it as a place to stop. Besides, this place also has a unique feature that believes that when you hear it, you will want to pack your things and go to Suoi Giang immediately, that is, you can feel all four seasons of the year in just one breath. in... a day in Suoi Giang. When mentioning Yen Bai, it is impossible not to mention Suoi Giang, and when mentioning Suoi Giang, it is impossible not to mention Shan tea. Stop here for a moment to let tell you a fairy tale about this type of tea associated with Suoi Giang. Legend has it that, once upon a time, a fairy sowed seeds in Suoi Giang and this divine seed germinated into a lush green tree. When the tree grows, it spreads its leaves and buds as white as snow. At this time, the Mong people living here were suffering from hunger and cold. They used this leaf to eat. After eating, their bodies felt healthier. It was that miracle that they believed that God had helped them, so they decided to establish a village here to live and call this place Suoi Giang. It must be said that the ancient tea trees in Suoi Giang are also very magical, they live at an altitude of 1,400 meters above sea level, the "young" trees are over a hundred years old, the older trees are over 300 years old. Yet young buds still grow green on rough, moldy white tea stems, firmly clinging to the roots on the craggy mountainside, creating a unique ancient tea garden landscape. In addition, those fat tea buds are covered with a translucent white layer, so they are called snow tea. Tea is picked and prepared with the experience and skillful hands of the Mong people. Shan Tuyet Suoi Giang tea is very unique. Although it lives in a pristine mountain area, the green tea contains all the top flavors of world-class teas in the bowl. When traveling here, there are many activities for you to enjoy this green, clean, and beautiful living space, such as closing your eyes and thinking about a bowl of fragrant tea, or carelessly drinking a cup of tea. Sleep soundly under the canopy of a huge tea tree, or immerse yourself in the lives of the people here through tea picking and tea making activities, and finally enjoy the tea that is a finished product that you have made with your own hands. It is truly an ideal destination for us to "detox" the fatigue and worries from life in the city, isn't it! Traveling to Suoi Giang, in addition to enjoying Shan tea, there are also many specialties of the Mong people waiting for you to enjoy such as: men men, Yen Bai kitchen buffalo meat, armpit pig, wild vegetables, cassava wine, corn wine,... and extremely unique dishes, blended with the flavor of ancient sweet soup such as meat rolled in grilled tea leaves, young sweet soup leaves eaten raw with herbs. The cuisine is simple and rustic but has an unforgettable flavor. Imagine sitting comfortably at the wooden dining table, in the cold weather of a quiet night, enjoying hot grilled meat skewers, accompanied by the strong aroma of wild vegetables, the heat of a bowl of wine and wine. Occasionally "coating" your mouth with the sweet taste of men men made from corn, it will definitely make you want to take a once-in-a-lifetime trip with your best friends.

Yen Bai

From January to December

462 view

La Pan Tan commune

La Pan Tan is a highland commune in Mu Cang Chai district, Yen Bai province. With its location on the top of Khau Pha, nearly 2000 meters above sea level, La Pan Tan commune possesses an extremely beautiful natural picture with terraced fields, towering mountains and indigenous culture. H'mong people. From Mu Cang Chai town to La Pan Tan commune, about 15km, visitors can easily reach the destination by going in the Northeast direction. After the journey through the mountain passes, you will come to a beautiful land with up to 2,200 hectares of terraced fields arranged in layers. In the past, La Pan Tan commune used to be a poor commune, the "capital" of opium when up to 80% of the population was addicted. However, that "dark" period has gradually passed when the commune received adequate investment to develop tourism. The lives of local residents have gotten better. In 2007, La Pan Tan was recognized by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism as a National Scenic Monument. With a prime location in the high mountains, cool climate and average temperature of about 19 degrees Celsius, this place has become a favorite destination in Mu Cang Chai for many tourists. The journey to explore La Pan Tan commune brings you countless memorable experiences in both the beautiful scenery, culture and people here. If you discover La Pan Tan commune for the first time, you will probably be immediately overwhelmed by the beautiful scenery here. On the journey to visit this Northwest highland commune, visitors will enjoy the beautiful scenery of terraced fields surrounded on all sides. As one of the communes with the most terraced fields in Mu Cang Chai, everywhere you look you will see rice fields overlapping. It is truly admirable for the farmers here, with their human strength and rudimentary agricultural tools, they can turn the mountains and hills into beautiful fields, curving beneath the mountain slopes. Terraced fields lie gently along the hillsides, extending to the stream banks, weaving into the villages. Everywhere are rice fields. Exploring La Pan Tan commune, visitors can check in many beautiful places here. Among them, Mam Xoi hill is the hottest coordinates of each ripe rice season. This hill is supported by terraced fields below, and above has a round shape like a tray rising to the sky. Every golden rice season, Mam Xoi Hill attracts many tourists to check in and take photos. According to the experience of many tourists going to Mu Cang Chai, Mam Xoi Hill is most beautiful in the early morning at dawn when the golden sunlight has just gently crept onto the fields, surrounded by white mist covering it, painting a picture. beautiful like a fairyland. Near Mam Xoi hill, there is a small wooden shack owned by local people, where visitors can sit and admire the scenery and enjoy taking photos. Visiting La Pan Tan during the ripe rice season in September - October, visitors can both admire the beautiful terraced fields and have the opportunity to watch people harvest rice manually. The image of Hmong women with small sickles quickly harvesting each clump of rice in the field is so beautiful and simple. Coming to La Pan Tan, Mu Cang Chai district, in addition to terraced fields, visitors can also explore the beautiful waterfall here. That is Pu Nhu waterfall with a height of more than 20 meters, pouring loudly into Dragon Lake and creating a very majestic and mysterious scene. Around Pu Nhu waterfall are large and small rocks covered with moss, leading to a peaceful, poetic forest of ancient trees. Coming to Pu Nhu waterfall, you can spend time admiring the beautiful scenery, taking photos or camping around the lake shore. Indigenous people believe that Dragon Lake is a sacred place so no one goes to bathe. However, later when local tourism activities are promoted, visitors can experience bathing in the waterfall to feel the cool water here.

Yen Bai

September to October

454 view

Mu Cang Chai

In recent years, every year, around the end of September and beginning of October every year, tourists from all over the country flock to Mu Cang Chai to admire the wonderful scenery of the highland land. This. Coming here, visitors can not only enjoy the beauty of terraced fields and the sea of ​​white clouds on top of Cao Pha pass but also immerse themselves in the unique cultural festivals of the Mong people. Mu Cang Chai is a western highland district of Yen Bai province, 180km from Yen Bai city center, more than 300km northwest of Hanoi capital. This land is located at the foot of the Hoang Lien Son mountain range, at an altitude of over 2,000m above sea level. Coming to Mu Cang Chai, visitors can take Highway 32 in two directions. If from Hanoi, you will go to Yen Bai, from Yen Bai to Muong Lo 70km, sleep here so that you can drive from Muong Lo early tomorrow morning and arrive at Mu Cang Chai in the afternoon. This section is nearly 100km long, but more than 80km is a steep mountain pass that continuously advances. Once it reaches an altitude of 1,750m, covered with mist and clouds, it will soon reach Mu Cang Chai town. In the middle of the pass, there is a flat land, stop here to enjoy the fragrant Tu Le sticky rice that is famous throughout the region. In the second direction, tourists go all the way to Noi Bai - Lao Cai highway, go to Sa Pa and pass O Quy Ho pass, then go through Tan Uyen and Than Uyen of Lai Chau to reach Mu Cang Chai. Coming to Mu Cang Chai even once, visitors will feel the richness of nature, the uniqueness of culture, and the warmth of human love. The road to Mu Cang Chai is far and difficult, but very interesting. The scenery changes constantly on the road. Tourists have not yet had time to see all the Thai stilt houses on the vast Muong Lo field with countless white daylilies before they have reached the winding, meandering roads on the steep hillsides. stand. Geological movements have created high peaks for Mu Cang Chai such as: Pung Luong (2,985m), Phu Ba (2,512m), Mo De (2,100m)... Through Khau Pha Pass (2,100m high), this is The highest mountain peak in the "four great passes" of the Northwest is covered in a sea of ​​floating clouds, with a cool climate all year round. The top of Cao Pha Pass is also the 4th most beautiful place in the world for paragliding pilots, for those who love thrills and adventure games to conquer the sky and enjoy admiring. Explore the majestic natural beauty of heaven and earth from the air through paragliding. From here, from pass to pass, mountain to mountain, visitors will clearly feel the change in altitude. On both sides of the road are beautiful terraced fields that make each of us feel stunned. overwhelmed. The beautiful small town of Mu Cang Chai is nestled between two mountain slopes with peaceful villages in the green valley or on Khau Pha pass. Accounting for 90% of the district's population, the Mong people in Mu Cang Chai have 4 groups: Mong Do (White Mong); Butt Swing (Black Butt); Mong Linh (Mong Hoa); Mong Si (Red Mong), they reside on mountain slopes from 800 to 1,700m high with rich traditional and unique cultural features that always attract many researchers. Coming here, visitors can visit Mong ethnic villages, explore the culture and customs of the Northwest highlands with many unique folk cultural and artistic values ​​and famous products. language. Watch the Khen dance, go with Mong boys and girls to the Sai San festival, experience some traditional crafts such as blacksmithing, flax weaving, jewelry making and enjoy traditional dishes of the Mong people. . In particular, tourists cannot miss and visit Thai village, just cross the bridge right in the center of the district (towards Che Tao commune where there is a conservation area for ornamental species) and then turn left about 1km to get there. Thai version. A small peaceful village located in the middle of the valley, its back leaning against the mountain. Here, visitors will enjoy Thai specialties, take a herbal bath in the traditional Thai way, rest in a stilt house and organize exchanges, light a campfire, and dance. Coming to Mu Cang Chai, visitors can enjoy the beauty of the Mu Cang Chai National Scenic Rice Terraces complex with a total area of ​​330 hectares distributed mainly in 3 communes Che Cu Nha, La Pan Tan and De Su Phinh, The place has been recognized as a National Landscape by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism since 2007. The terraced fields here are as beautiful as the fingerprints of heaven, an artistic architectural work full of creativity from the couple. the skillful hands of the Mong people. Not just now but for a long time, the harsh land of Mu Cang Chai with the meaning of "dry tree village" in the Mong language has become a symbol of human diligence and persistent creativity. From an arid, deserted land, the Mong people who are good at climbing passes and crossing mountains have cleverly turned each bed of land and each hill into beautiful terraced fields, not only providing a source of food to feed the community but It also adds highlights to nature, turning wild mountains and hills into unique masterpieces imbued with the traditional cultural values ​​and creative feats of the Mong people. The fields are level by level, each level hugs the mountain slopes. Throughout the 13 communes and towns of Mu Cang Chai, there are terraced fields. The terraced fields are most beautiful in May-June when the fields are in the flood season and September-October when the sticky rice is ripe and shiny golden spreading across the hillsides. Tourists come to Mu Cang Chai at these two times to witness firsthand the green and yellow raspberries appearing among the vast hills and mountains. Stopping at the three communes of La Pan Tan, Che Cu Nha and De Su Phinh, everywhere visitors can see terraced fields spread across the hills. Visitors will not be able to help but admire, admire, and appreciate the glorious brocade painting between heaven and earth woven by the "peasant artists" of the Northwest. This entire mountainous area is a beautiful picture of the Northwest highlands painted by blue sky, white clouds, high fields and a simple, simple but realistic life down to every look and smile. laugh.

Yen Bai

May to June

527 view

The westernmost point of A Pa Chai

A Pa Chai is located in Sin Thau commune, Muong Nhe district, 250 km from Dien Bien Phu city, is the westernmost point of the country, where there is a landmark dividing the boundary between the three countries Vietnam - Laos - China. This is called the border junction located on the top of Khoang La San mountain, 1,864m above sea level, welcoming many tourists every year, especially young people from all over the country to visit. , conquer. Previously, A Pa Chai was considered a difficult landmark to conquer because the road to the landmark was difficult, having to cross three head-high thatched grass hills, cross forests, wade streams, and climb high mountains, which took four to five hours from The border guard station has just arrived. It's different now. In 2018, Dien Bien province completed the concrete road along the cliffs and built steps, making it easier for visitors to conquer the milestone even though they still have to walk a few kilometers of small, steep and climbing concrete roads. 500 steps to reach the landmark. The border junction marker placed on the top of the mountain is triangular in shape, with three sides facing three directions, each side has the country's name engraved in its own national language and the national emblems of the three countries of Vietnam, Laos and China. From the high point of the westernmost point of the country, looking into the distance is a vast space, majestic mountains and forests. The three-sided landmark dividing the boundary of the three countries Vietnam - Laos - China shimmers in the sunlight. Emotion and national pride surged.

Dien Bien

From January to December

471 view

Pa Khoang Lake

Pa Khoang Lake is located in Pa Khoang commune, City. Dien Bien Phu; About 8km from Highway 279 and from the city center. Dien Bien Phu is nearly 20km to the Northeast. In the language of the Thai people, Pa Khoang means "bamboo forest". Mr. Quang Van Viet, Chairman of the People's Committee of Pa Khoang commune, said: In the past, countless bamboo trees grew around the lake. Thai people here have a funny saying that "look up and see the sky, look down and see bamboo". Local people often use bamboo to make fishing rods and some household items. In addition to ensuring irrigation for 5,000 hectares of Muong Thanh fields with 2 rice crops, Pa Khoang lake also regulates the climate, limits the harmful effects of floods, and stores water for two hydroelectric projects: Thac Bay and Na Loi. . With the advantage of diverse vegetation, the forests around the lake are rich in all kinds of animals; Many species of plants and animals floating and under the lake bed. In 2004, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Dien Bien Phu victory, the road leading to Pa Khoang Lake was paved. Also at this time, 4 motels, both luxurious and rustic, with nearly 100 rooms were opened; Cultural villages of the Thai and Kho Mu ethnic groups were also deployed with a total area of ​​over 1,000 hectares. To get to Pa Khoang Lake, visitors can move from Highway 279 along Highway 279b into Muong Phang commune. Or you can follow the road southeast of the city. Dien Bien Phu passes through Ta Leng commune. These two routes lead visitors through winding roads along the lake, occasionally appearing behind the forest canopy on the clear blue surface of Pa Khoang Lake... Visiting Pa Khoang Lake, visitors can row a boat on the rolling waves, creep into every corner of the islands, and discover the magic of the natural world. Visitors can also walk through the forest to enjoy the scenery and visit villages of the Thai ethnic group. The people here are very friendly and hospitable; Visitors will be invited to attend cultural exchanges, enjoy art and culinary dishes, such as sticky rice, bamboo-tube rice, grilled fish, smoked meat... In winter, mist covers the lake surface, creating a magical watercolor painting. Summer comes, the lake surface is clear and gentle, reflecting the mountains, clouds, sky and dark green forests. In 2015, the Prime Minister approved the "Master plan for development of Dien Bien Phu - Pa Khoang National Tourist Area, Dien Bien province until 2020, vision to 2030". The general goal of the planning is to develop the Dien Bien Phu - Pa Khoang Tourist Area by 2020 to basically meet the criteria of the National Tourist Area; By 2030, it will truly become a National Tourism Area with a system of synchronous and modern technical facilities; is a highlight and milestone on the tourist route through the Northwest region, creating a driving force to promote tourism and socio-economic development in Dien Bien province.

Dien Bien

From January to December

463 view

Pha Din Pass

Pha Din in Thai is called "Pha Din", in which "Pha" is heaven, Din is "earth". The name of this pass means the place where earth and sky intersect - the name is enough to help people imagine the remoteness and danger here. Pha Din Pass is about 100km from Dien Bien Phu city. This is considered the boundary between Dien Bien and Son La provinces. Pha Din is located at an altitude of 1000m above sea level, with a total length of about 32km. The starting point of the pass is 66km from Son La City, and the end point is about 84km from Dien Bien Phu City. Pha Din, along with O Quy Ho, Khau Pha, and Ma Pi Leng, make up the four legendary passes of the Northwest highlands. Tourists from far away who want to conquer this great pass need to come to Hanoi by bus, train or it is best to book a plane ticket to Hanoi. From Noi Bai airport, visitors can book an airport shuttle on Traveloka to get to the city center. From Hanoi, to Son La - the starting point of Pha Din Pass by sleeper bus, limousine or motorbike. This pass is located on Highway 6, connecting the two provinces of Son La and Dien Bien. Backpackers starting from Hanoi will travel along Highway 6 through Moc Chau - Yen Chau - Mai Son - Thuan Chau plateau to reach the starting point of Pha Din pass. If you depart from Dien Bien Phu City, you will follow Highway 279 towards Tuan Giao district. Each season, Pha Din Pass has a different beauty. But the most beautiful seasons in Pha Din are spring and summer. Spring is the season when wild flowers bloom. There are pink peach blossoms, pure white plum blossoms, and banyan flowers filling the sky. March is the season when ban flowers bloom - a typical flower of Dien Bien province and is also considered the most beautiful season by backpackers. Summer in the delta provinces is scorching hot, but the climate in Pha Din is cool and pleasant. Winter with drizzle, cold weather and more dangerous roads is not the ideal season to conquer Pha Din. In addition, from May to August is the rainy season in Dien Bien. Before starting your journey, you should closely monitor weather developments. Because the Pha Din area is a red soil mountain, not a limestone mountain. When there is a lot of rain, extremely dangerous landslides can occur. Most tourists and backpackers come here to satisfy their adventurous spirit. The rugged mountain pass and majestic nature here seem to have a strange hypnotic power. Looking back from afar, the long pass road curves like a rope suspended between mountains and hills. The terrain here is extremely dangerous with a cliff on one side and a deep abyss on the other. The highest point of Pha Din pass is 1,648m above sea level. The slope of the pass ranges from 10% to 19%. The mountain pass is zigzag with 125 dangerous curves, A-shaped and Z-shaped curves with a curve radius of less than 15m. Going from the starting point to the top of the pass, each natural picture slowly opens, both majestic, breathtaking and poetic. At the foot of the pass are scattered villages. Halfway up the pass, clouds covered it. Looking down from the slope of the pass is the vast Muong Quai valley. Approaching the top of the pass, there is only the deep sky and majestic, vast mountains and forests. When conquering Pha Din, don't forget to stop to admire the scenery at Ang Nua valley or check in at Pha Din Pass - a 50ha tourist area built by Pha Din cooperative. Vitality is present throughout Pha Din pass. On the conquering route, visitors will encounter images of highland markets when passing through Phong Lai commune, Thuan Chau district, Son La province or Toa Tinh commune, Tuan Giao district, Dien Bien province. People gather at the market to buy and sell agricultural products, medicinal herbs, and mountain and forest products. Tourists can also stop to buy some to take home as gifts. What makes Pha Din Pass more special than the other three great Northwest passes is that this pass is associated with the famous Dien Bien Phu campaign in five continents, shaking the earth. During the resistance war against the French, Pha Din was the route to supply and transport artillery to Dien Bien Phu and became a symbol of the brave spirit of 8,000 young volunteers. To block this supply route, the French army sent planes to bomb Route 6 continuously for 48 days and nights. Among them, Pha Din Pass was one of the two places that suffered the most from bombs and bullets. Now, Pha Din Pass has been recognized as a National Monument, a testament to the nation's history.

Dien Bien

From January to December

512 view

Hang Tom Bridge

The old Hang Tom Bridge was previously famous as the most beautiful cable-stayed bridge in the Northwest, connecting Muong Lay (Dien Bien) and Phong Tho, Sin Ho of Lai Chau. The reason the bridge is called Hang Tom is because this part of the river used to have too many shrimp. About 50m from the bridge, there is a "pool" of very cool water, shrimp from the Da River flock there to lay eggs, the whole stretch of the river is densely packed with shrimp. Every day, people take turns going up there to catch them and eat them. But the people around this area have an unwritten custom: each family can only arrest for about an hour before the other family continues. In the late 1960s, Hang Tom Bridge began to be built. That day, Chinese experts and workers also came to help us build the bridge. However, in 1968, China had a cultural revolution, and all its experts and workers withdrew home. Fortunately, the item considered to be the most difficult, the cable car, had been pulled, leaving only the finishing stages remaining. But it was not until 1973 that Hang Tom Bridge was inaugurated. That day was truly a big festival for tens of thousands of Northwest people. Thousands of people came from all over to eat, eat rice balls, and walk for several days to see with their own eyes and once cross the dream bridge. Tom Cave is a highlight for the Northwest region. Because of the majestic and wild beauty of Hang Tom Bridge, in recent years, tourists, Westerners as well as ours, have flocked here, especially since the emergence of the backpacking tourism movement. In November 2012, Son La hydroelectric power station flooded, the entire old Muong Lay town, including Hang Tom bridge, sank deep under Song Da lake, ending 40 years of operation of the historic bridge. Right near the old Hang Tom bridge location, a new bridge was built to replace the task, 70m higher than the old bridge.

Dien Bien

From January to December

471 view

Dien Bien Phu victory relic site

The Dien Bien Phu Battlefield relic site includes 45 component relics. This is a historical space and also an outstanding tourism product, contributing to traditional education for the young generation, reminding Vietnamese people of the heroic memory of the Dien Bien Phu victory "illustrious in five continents, earth-shattering" while bringing economic value to the locality. During these historic days of May, many delegations flocked to Dien Bien Phu city (Dien Bien province) to visit the old battlefield on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the Dien Bien Phu Victory (May 7, 1954 - May 7, 2019). 2019). There have been a lot of changes in the land that was once a fierce battlefield in the past, with the 56 day and night campaign of "cutting mountains, sleeping in cellars, pouring rain, squeezing rice" by our army and people, successfully ending the battlefield resistance. period against the French colonial invasion. The Dien Bien Phu Battlefield relic complex is now one of more than 100 special national monuments in the country and plays an important role in the tourism development of Dien Bien province. The Dien Bien Battlefield relic complex includes outstanding relics such as: A1 Hill, Doc Lap Hill, Hong Cum base, Him Lam, Muong Thanh bridge, Dien Bien Phu base group command tunnel (or Do tunnel). Sand), Victory Monument, Cannon Monument, Dien Bien Phu Campaign Headquarters... These relics have left a deep impression, attracting many tourists to visit when coming to Dien Bien. Located east of the center of Dien Bien Phu stronghold group, A1 hill has the most important position in the system of 5 hills protecting the center of Muong Thanh. Here, on the night of May 6, 1954, our troops dug a tunnel, placed an explosive weighing nearly 1,000kg and set it on fire. By the morning of May 7, 1954, our troops had complete control of A1 hill, paving the way for the final general attack on the stronghold group headquarters and achieving complete victory. Hill A1 is now a tourist attraction for domestic and international tourists with tunnels, trenches, blockhouses, and tanks preserved almost intact. Here, tourists can experience pushing bicycles, cooking with Hoang Cam stoves, listening to veterans tell stories... General De Cat's command bunker is located in the center of the Dien Bien basin. This is the basement with the working and resting rooms of General De Cat and the Dien Bien Phu base group command. This is also the place that marks the tragic defeat of an expeditionary army with the image of the commanding general and all officers under his command raising their hands to surrender and our soldiers raising the flag of determination to win and ending the war. Translating the history of Dien Bien Phu. Another relic that cannot be ignored along with the epic poems about Dien Bien soldiers is the artillery pulling Duong relic. This legendary route has entered the nation's history and become legendary. Using only human strength and rudimentary tools, but with patriotism and heroic spirit, our army and people opened routes on winding and dangerous mountain slopes to pull artillery into the battlefield. 20km from the center of Dien Bien Phu city is the campaign headquarters located deep in the Muong Phang forest. This was the headquarters of the Dien Bien Phu Campaign Command from January 31 to May 15, 1954. During the days here, General Vo Nguyen Giap made many important and historic decisions. Muong Phang Forest has become a symbol of the strength of the Vietnam People's Army and is called "General's Forest" by the people. In the complex of Dien Bien Phu Battlefield relics, a project that was born in peacetime but plays a very important role is the Dien Bien Phu Historical Victory Museum. This project was completed in 2014, on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Dien Bien Phu Victory. The museum has a shape that simulates the helmet of our soldiers in the past. This is where artifacts from the historical Dien Bien Phu campaign are kept, including 2 display areas: Outside, there are 112 artifacts that are weapons used by the Vietnam People's Army and the French army, inside. Displaying 274 artifacts and 202 documentary photos. The museum has contributed to promoting the value of the historical complex of Dien Bien Phu battlefield and is a highlight attracting tourists to Dien Bien.

Dien Bien

From January to December

472 view

Sapa stone church

Sapa ancient stone church is located near the central square, very convenient for stopping to visit other places. When you come to Sapa Ancient Stone Church, you will feel the sacredness, dignity and respect of this place with its extremely ancient and unique architecture. Coming here, you will have the opportunity to witness the "triangle" of monuments. This triangle includes the stone church, Chu Cau villa (currently Hoang Lien hotel) and finally Bien Xua district (currently Lao Cai Tourism Information center). All of them have unique, French-style architecture. The church is located on quite spacious and flat land. It can be said that this is the place where many cultural activities, meetings and festivals of the village take place. Although the land here was greatly affected by the war, it is still quite flat and does not reduce the quality of the construction. The local government also regularly introduces policies to repair and renew the church, to serve the people here as well as open tourism to tourists. Sapa Stone Church, also known as Our Lady of the Rosary Church. It began construction in 1926 and was inaugurated in 1935, especially people consider this a typical symbol of the foggy town of Sapa. Up to now, Sapa ancient stone church has become one of the tourist attractions attracting a large number of visitors, with interesting religious activities of the people here. This work was built by French architects, who recorded the historical and war marks left on the stone slabs at the church. Sapa ancient stone church was chosen to be located facing the East, where the sun rises. This represents an extremely sacred meaning, which is the act of receiving the bright light and energy given by God. At the end of the church is the west direction, this is where General Kito was born and grew up. The entire house is built mainly of stone, including walls, floors, towers, bells... linked by lime, sand and molasses. With a total area of ​​more than 6000 square meters, Sapa ancient stone church is fully equipped with rooms to accommodate different areas. Moving inside the church, you will be overwhelmed by the beautiful European-style architecture. The La Gothic architectural style is applied at the ancient stone church of Sapa, even in the smallest details. The appearance and architecture here is in the shape of a cross following the very ancient Gothic architecture of Rome. The roof of the church is covered with red tiles and tiled in a triangular shape, the two edges of the tiled roof are made in a simple, straight shape. The ceilings are made of straw, which is continually renewed over generations). However, the bell tower is a combination of a mixture of lime, straw and iron that has remained intact over time and has never been repaired. The white painted interior space enhances the poet's luxurious beauty, creating a more spacious and airy feeling. Both sides of the wall are covered with wood to make cleaning easier. In addition, the upper doorways are designed with a small semicircular size, using colored glass pieces to decorate, this style is characterized by a unique Western style. Most churches are made of carved stone held together by a mixture of sand, lime, and molasses. The wall to the right of the cross is sanded like stalactites slowly flowing down, making the church more unique. The total area of ​​the campus is up to 6,000 square meters, divided into many different small areas: the church area, the monk's living area, the livestock area, the heavenly house, the front yard, the fence and the Holy Garden. The row of houses was built parallel to the church area with 5 different compartments The Angel House has a basement with three upper floors, this place specializes in treating people, welcoming travelers, restrooms, kitchens... The Holy Garden has 2 tombs with 5 long-lasting Khao Vang trees, including 4 trees growing on rocks. The 7-room church area has a large area of ​​​​500 square meters, with a bell tower about 20 meters high. Inside the tower is a bell with a height of 1.5 meters weighing 500kg, cast in 1932, its sound can be heard. echoes within a radius of 1km. The bell surface has recorded data related to it, the bell stand is made from Pomu wood and is still quite intact to the present time. In addition, you will be very interested in other areas such as the front yard - where cultural and religious activities take place and is also a place for cultural exchanges and souvenir trading. Every Saturday, exciting activities take place at the famous Love Market in Sapa.

Lao Cai

From January to December

547 view

Sky Gate

When entering the foggy land of Sapa, people are suddenly attracted by the wild beauty of the Northwest mountains and forests and the changing colors of nature. And in this area, there is a beautiful destination called Sapa Heaven Gate - or O Quy Ho Sapa Heaven Gate. It is a place where people and nature come together, creating a magical gate hidden between floating white clouds and the fresh air of the mountains and forests. Standing at Sapa Heaven Gate, you can admire the entire mountains and forests, the Sapa valley hidden in the mist, is also an ideal place to hunt clouds. For #teamKlook who love trekking, Sapa Heaven Gate is the highest road peak among the four great Northwest passes that you can conquer. Located at the top of O Quy Ho pass, Sapa Heaven Gate, also known as O Quy Ho Heaven Gate, Tram Ton Heaven Gate, is the most wonderful place to view the Northwest mountains and forests in Sapa with an altitude of nearly 2,035m. Sapa Heaven Gate was recommended by the travel blog Global Grasshopper as one of the ten must-visit tourist attractions when coming to Vietnam. In addition, Sapa Heaven Gate is also a place to test your courage because to get here, you have to overcome a winding and dangerous pass. However, all challenges will be rewarded when you arrive, you will immediately be immersed in the endless space of heaven and earth, feeling the wildness of nature in the most honest way. Not just stopping at sightseeing and checking in, the Sapa Heaven Gate area has more interesting activities than you think. Going to Sapa Heaven's Gate is also an opportunity for you to conquer O Quy Ho Pass, which is considered by the backpacking association to be the easiest of the four great Northwest passes. O Quy Ho Pass not only challenges crazy legs, but also captivates many art lovers and professional paparazzi. Because from here, the majestic and charming natural picture of the Northwest mountains and forests appears clearer and more vivid than ever. If you have reached Sapa Heaven Gate, don't hesitate to check-in right away! Most likely, you will have a huge photo archive capable of taking social networks by storm. It can be said that when you set foot at Sapa Heaven Gate, there will be beautiful photos from every corner. However, if you are lucky enough to come here at sunrise and sunset, Klook guarantees that those will be truly the most precious, impressive, and romantic moments you will ever encounter in your life. Along the way to Sapa Heaven Gate, there are many shops selling souvenirs as well as typical grilled dishes of Sapa such as grilled eggs, grilled corn, grilled potatoes, and grilled buffalo meat. Amidst the chilly air, enjoying fragrant grilled meat skewers, rice balls and sipping a cup of sweet tea will cheer up your spirit. Some experiences traveling to Sapa Heaven's Gate you need to know. For a place where heaven and earth harmonize like Sapa Heaven Gate, you can visit any season of the year, especially in September and December. September is the time when you can see Sapa filled with golden ripe rice. ; In December, this place is covered with snow and frost like in Europe. You should not come here in the spring because this season often rains, making the roads slippery and dangerous. In case you still want to go to Sapa Heaven Gate in the spring, choose to travel by cable car as instructed above. Noon and early afternoon are beautiful weather, there is not too much fog at Sapa Heaven Gate, convenient for sightseeing and taking photos. However, if you come here early in the morning or late afternoon, you can watch the sunrise and sunset.

Lao Cai

September to December

492 view

Silver waterfall

Silver Waterfall is a poetic name that describes the white waterfall pouring down the stream, looking like a silver strip suspended in the fresh, green mountains and forests of Sapa. With a height of 200m, Silver Waterfall possesses a wonderfully beautiful scenery that is "rare and hard to find", so it is always named in the list of the most beautiful waterfalls in Vietnam. To get to Thac Bac, you will go through roads with towering pine forests, green chayote gardens and most especially beautiful terraced fields, not to mention fields of brightly blooming flowers. makes so many travel addicts fall in love. The road to Silver Waterfall makes you feel like you are lost in a poetic fairy tale world. Romantic appearance with the image of water flowing down from a high ravine, white foam rising up like a strip of fog that suddenly appears and disappears. Each level of the waterfall is like musical notes that sometimes rise and fall in a magical and mysterious violin symphony. From afar, you can hear the mesmerizing sound of the waterfall, motivating your feet to run to find the source of that captivating sound. The atmosphere here can easily dispel the fatigue and sadness of a hustle and bustle life. Currently, stairs have been built on the road up to the waterfall to help you reach Silver Falls. Although quite temporary, it also makes your trip easier. In addition, you can rest at the rest stops to regain strength to continue climbing. No matter the time of year, your trip to explore Silver Falls can be an enjoyable experience. However, the summer from February to June is still the most suitable time frame, because at this time the flow of Thac Bac is quite strong, the forest and mountain scenery is also greener and more beautiful. In the winter, there is most likely no water, snow covers both Silver Waterfall and O Quy Ho Pass, making your experience of watching the waterfall not as expected, but in return is the image of waves of snowflakes fluttering in the winter sky. cold.

Lao Cai

February to June

516 view

Muong Hoa valley

Crossing many misty high mountain ranges of the Northwest mountains and forests, arriving in Sapa, visitors will enter the Muong Hoa valley far away from the real world. Like a beautiful picture woven by the talented hands of nature - Muong Hoa creates melodious sounds of a peaceful place amidst the vastness. Located about 8km from Sapa town and in the Southeast, Muong Hoa valley belongs to Hau Thao commune, Muong Hoa. Every year, this place attracts many tourists because of its charming natural beauty. To reach this valley, visitors need to cross a pass located along a quite high mountain range with many steep roads that require steady steering. For many people who love this foggy town of Sapa, Muong Hoa valley is like a specialty with its brilliant highlights, like a highlight amidst the silvery mist of the mist and the whiteness of the clouds and sky here. . But to enjoy this unique specialty, it takes a lot of effort: you have to fly high, choose a fulcrum halfway up the mountain to fully enjoy the panorama of that magical green maze. In the past, tourists liked to climb halfway up the mountain to reward themselves with that breathtaking view. But not everyone has the strength to diligently hunt for beauty. Therefore, this rice season, when there is the Muong Hoa mountain climbing train, the opportunity to take in the view of an entire green slope from an altitude of 1,600 m becomes the reason why many domestic and foreign tourists come to the Northwest. . When talking about Muong Hoa valley, people often think of the two most distinctive and outstanding beauties: the rolling, winding terraced fields and the mysterious ancient stone beach. Sapa has many terraced fields, but the most beautiful and largest is Muong Hoa valley. Only once seeing the terraced fields here can you understand why people voted Sapa's terraced fields as one of the most beautiful terraced fields in the world. Terraced fields in Muong Hoa valley lie winding along the hillsides, forming a beautiful tilted pan shape. Even in the pouring water season, it still has a beauty that captivates visitors. In the summer when the rice is growing, the terraced fields here are full of vitality, gentle like a green silk strip winding in the middle of nature. In the fall, the whole valley seems to be wearing a shiny yellow coat of rice in full bloom, ripe and shiny as if it were plated with gold. A scene like the stairs to heaven, not found everywhere.

Lao Cai

From January to December

522 view

Swing Sapa

Swing Sapa is an entertainment complex including cafes and homestays that has just been put into operation in Sapa. Swing Sapa has a prime location right next to the town center and has a great view looking straight down at Hoang Lien Son National Park. With beautifully designed areas dedicated to taking photos, Swing Sapa has quickly become a check-in location attracting tourists from all over the world when coming to Sapa. Tourists and indigenous people, after coming to Swing Sapa, have compared this place with names such as "Mini Da Lat" or "Mini Bali". Perhaps because when coming here, the wonderful scenery and cool, pleasant climate make visitors feel like they are in Da Lat. At Swing Sapa, there are also unique Balinese-style designs and are attractive places for tourists to take photos. Riding a camel and taking photos at Swing Sapa. A new highlight put into operation at Swing Sapa is the service of riding a camel and taking photos. The typical camels of the desert brought to Sapa create a new and exciting feeling for any tourist. The photo of riding a camel in Sapa will definitely be one of a kind. It should be noted that because Sapa is cold and not good for camels, Swing Sapa only takes camels out on suitable weather days to ensure the camels' health. Swing Sapa also owns a cafe with a great view. There is truly nothing better than enjoying a hot cup of coffee in the cold weather and looking at the majestic mountains right at your feet. If you are lucky enough to encounter a sea of ​​clouds, it will certainly be the most memorable cup of coffee in every tourist's life. Besides, Swing Sapa also has a system of overnight homestay rooms for tourists who want to stay for more experiences. Swing Sapa is currently gradually completing all items to welcome tourists. It is planned that up to 20 models with special designs will appear at Swing Sapa, ensuring that any visitor will take home satisfactory photos.

Lao Cai

From January to December

499 view

cat Cat village

Where is Cat Cat village? Cat Cat village is a small village located in Muong Hoa valley in Lao Cai province; About 2km from Sapa town center. Cat Cat village has long attracted tourism enthusiasts because even though it is only a small village, this place is covered with the green of mountains and forests, terraced fields mixed with the rustic and simple features of the houses. Small is built from wood. Thereby, giving visitors a sense of simplicity in contrast to the hustle and bustle of the city. Directions to Cat Cat village. From Sapa town center, there are many different ways and means that you can experience to get to Cat Cat village: 1. Trekking For those who love enjoying natural landscapes and want to have a clearer view of the daily lives of local people, trekking is definitely a great choice for you! Trekking not only helps you improve your physical fitness, the authentic experience makes the trip more memorable, but it's also completely free. 2km is the distance from Sapa town to Cat Cat village, if you like it, you should try it once! If you love the beauty of Sapa and want to see more of the beautiful scenery here, you can see more about trekking at Ky Quan San - Sapa's paradise in the clouds and Bach Moc Luong Tu - one of the four highest mountains. our country. 2. Rent a motorbike For those who want to travel more conveniently, you can choose to rent a motorbike to cross the roads from Sapa to Cat Cat village. The road is not too difficult or rough and is short, so you don't need to worry too much. Just drive carefully and drive at a moderate speed. Motorbike rental prices in Sapa range from 100,000 - 240,000 VND/day. 3. Rent a bicycle In addition to trekking and renting motorbikes, we can also experience the bicycle rental service to go to Cat Cat village. Normally, hotels in the tourist town of Sapa will have this service available, you just need to ask the receptionist, rent a car and go. Bicycle rental prices in Sapa range from 120,000 - 150,000 VND/day. This is also a way to bring a new experience to your trip to Cat Cat village. If you have the opportunity, invite your friends to try cycling together! What time should you travel to Cat Cat village? Cat Cat village is located in the Northwest high mountains, so this place has cool air all year round, each season is beautiful in its own way with outstanding characteristics. Spring is adorned with peach and plum blossoms; summer of bright yellow mustard flowers; The autumn of the bright golden rice fields and finally the winter of white snow covering every scene like a movie scene. For those who have never seen snow, try coming to Sapa in December to see the cherry blossoms blooming amidst the white snow and immerse yourself in the highland festivals. What to do in Cat Cat village? Coming to Cat Cat village, there are many things worth experiencing. First of all, when coming to the village, people will buy tickets to enter the gate to visit. Tickets for adults are 90,000 VND/person and tickets for children are 50,000 VND/person. At the beginning of the tour, people will mainly move on foot and motorbikes will be limited in entering and leaving this place to avoid affecting visitors. One of the must-try experiences is renting ethnic costumes to transform into ethnic boys and girls in extremely special clothes adorned with hairpins. Next is to buy handicraft items made by the skillful hands of local people to bring back as gifts. Here, items such as earrings, bags, costumes,... look extremely unique and stand out thanks to the brocade patterns and motifs embroidered onto the products, bringing bold artistry and character. culture of highland ethnic people. Some notes when visiting Cat Cat village. Before going, choose clothes suitable for the weather to avoid cold or hot weather. Book hotel rooms in advance to ensure availability when traveling during peak season. Limit littering in public places to protect the environment, natural landscape and living space of local people. Plan in advance (like shooting angle, lighting,...) to have beautiful virtual photos Choose comfortable shoes, sneakers, etc. for convenient movement because the path in Cat Cat village will be uneven and sometimes slippery due to a nearby waterfall. Bring medication, sunscreen, sunglasses, and long-sleeved clothes to avoid the midday sun on the high mountains. Cat Cat village is one of the places you must definitely try when coming to Sapa to have the opportunity to see more clearly the lifestyle and culture of the H'mong ethnic people here along with the vast mountain and forest scenery. The terraced fields stretch out extremely peaceful and beautiful.

Lao Cai


554 view

Ta Phin village

Ta Phin village is not only famous for its pristine natural scenery, terraced fields, etc., but it is also a tourist destination for many tourists who want to come here to learn about customs and bold cultural beauty. national identity. Ta Phin village is located about 17km from the center of Sapa town in the opposite direction to Highway 4D. When going from Lao Cai city about 4-5km, there is a fork that turns onto a small asphalt road. Go a little further and you will see a small asphalt road. Toll booth, each person has a ticket for 20,000 VND, then turn left and go back to Ta Phin. To get here, you can rent a motorbike for about 120-170 thousand VND/motorbike or if you are afraid of steep mountains, you can rent a motorbike taxi or car in Sapa center. In many parts, the car runs along the hillside, on both sides are green terraced fields, the edges of the fields curl close to the back of the hill, creating soft, graceful curves like undulating waves in the valley. . This is a village of the Red Dao people that brings differences in house architecture, home decoration, writing, costumes, jewelry and especially customs and festivals. The goods Dao women sell are backpacks, travel jackets, scarves, handbags, etc. In particular, brocade is an indispensable gift for tourists every time they set foot in Sapa. The patterned lines shown on the brocade are the quintessence of a culture imbued with national identity, making Sapa brocade more different from brocades of other regions. Not only is it a place with majestic natural beauty, Ta Phin village is also famous for its medicated bath service to firm and healthy skin. The medicated bath price is about 80-100 VND/time or you can buy cloth sheets. Precious brocade as gifts for family and friends. Besides, in Ta Phin there are also many photography locations such as Ta Phin Sapa monastery and Ta Phin cave - where there is a limestone mountain range and a branch of the Hoang Lien Son range. With a height of about 5m and a width of 3m, it opens a path through the ground and there are many beautiful stalactites under the cave. Besides, there is a suspension bridge over Muong Hoa stream that brings attractive beauty along with azalea flowers as a highlight to attract young people to come here to check in. In Ta Phin village, there are also special dishes imbued with the traditional flavors of the people here such as braised armpit pork, stir-fried village chicken with lemongrass, pork soup cooked with bamboo shoots and dracontomelon,... Come to Ta Phin Sapa village , visitors will understand more about the customs, habits, and daily life of people such as wedding ceremonies, Bai Tram dance ceremonies, catching turtles, buying bells, singing love songs,...

Lao Cai

From January to December

526 view

Fansipan peak

Fansipan peak, also known as Phan Si Pang, Fansipan is located in Hoang Lien Son mountain range, the peak is far from TT. Sa Pa is about 9km southwest. Fansipan peak is adjacent to two provinces, Lao Cai and Lai Chau, in the Northwest region of Vietnam. This place has rolling mountain terrain, steep cliffs, and rough rocky roads. Fansipan's weather at night turns cold. The higher you go, the deeper the temperature drops. For every 100m you go up, the temperature drops 0.6 degrees Celsius. You can go to Fansipan at any time of the year, because every season Fansipan is beautiful in its own way. Spring (February - April of the solar calendar). In the spring, visitors to Fansipan often visit temples on the mountain to pray for good luck and peace. In addition, this season plum and peach blossoms bloom throughout the Northwest mountains and forests, and the weather is chilly, making many tourists excited. Summer (May - July of the solar calendar). Unlike the heat across the country, Fansipan's weather this season is cool (from 6 - 18 degrees). Fansipan with clusters of bright red Azalea flowers, ancient roses, climbing roses, blueberries,... competing to show off their beauty. Autumn (August - October of the solar calendar). Autumn is the season of ripe rice in the Northwest. Coming to Fansipan this season, you will admire the golden terraced fields as beautiful as in a painting. Winter (November – January). When winter comes to Fansipan, you will see snow falling as romantic as Europe in Vietnam. This is probably one of the things that makes Fansipan always receive special love from tourists in the winter. In particular, Fansipan Legend also organizes festivals and cultural events throughout the four seasons of the year. Spectacular scale, elaborate preparations such as: Rhododendron Flower Festival, Horse Hoofs in the Clouds Event, Ripe Rice Festival, Winter Festival, Flower Festival,... Currently, there are 3 main routes to climb Mount Fansipan. Each route will be suitable for different people. You can choose depending on the purpose, health and climbing experience of the group to choose the most suitable route. You can go on a Fansipan mountain climbing tour or go in a group, you need to pay attention to avoid getting lost in the group as well as carefully prepare your climbing gear before going. Below are 3 routes to reach the top of Fansipan including: Climbing Fansipan along Tram Ton road (this is the easiest choice), Sin Chai - Tram Ton route (normal difficulty), Climbing Fansipan from Cat village Sand (highest difficulty). Climbing Fansipan peak, you will enjoy all the wonderful things that the nature of the mountains and forests here have to offer such as: watching the clouds and wind blending with the trees and flowers in the forest, passing through giant rocks, Deep holes, steep cliffs, or bright red Rhododendron flower forests on the mountains, clouds and fog covering the path,...

Lao Cai

From January to December

552 view

Sapa city

Located in the floating clouds, Sapa town looks like a foggy city, creating a charming landscape painting. Coming to Sapa, visitors can relax with the fresh, cool atmosphere, with many diverse nuances. Traveling to Sapa, visitors can travel by many different types of vehicles such as motorbikes, cars, or by horse-drawn carriage from Lao Cai city or Binh Lu (Lai Chau). Sa Pa has Ham Rong Mountain right next to the town, any tourist can go up there to see the panoramic view of the town, Muong Hoa valley, Sa Pa, Ta Phin hidden in the smog. Currently, with human hands embellishing, Ham Rong is truly a fruitful landscape of Sa Pa. Coming to Ham Rong, visitors feel like they are lost in a fairy garden, with clouds covering their bodies and bright, colorful flowers on the ground. In Sapa town there is also an ancient church made of stone, and from here going back to the northeast, on the way to Ta Phin cave, there is a monastery built almost entirely of stone on a clear hillside. , cool. Going up about 3 kilometers we will see a cave. In the cave, many stalactites create interesting shapes such as dancing fairies, sitting fairies, distant fields, and sparkling forests. More specifically, when coming to Muong Hoa valley, there are 196 islands carved with many strange images of ancient inhabitants thousands of years ago, but many archaeologists have not yet been able to decode that information. The ancient carving site has been classified as a national monument and is being proposed by our State to be ranked as a world heritage site. Here there is also Silver Waterfall from a height of over 200m, the rushing water creates the sound of mountains and forests. Sa Pa is also the "kingdom" of flowers and fruits, such as peach blossoms, large yellow peaches, small yellow peaches, queen plums, purple plums, tam hoa plums, gladiolus flowers, plum blossoms, pear blossoms, peach blossoms, chrysanthemums, roses... especially immortal flowers that live forever. Coming to Sapa in the snowy season, visitors will also admire surprisingly beautiful natural scenery that few places have. The green color of rice fields on terraced fields is replaced by the white color of snow, creating an extremely majestic scene. There are beautiful and enchanting poetic scenes, there are herds of bell-necked guinea cows leisurely grazing, there are beautiful pine forests shimmering magically under the sunlight... Coming to Sapa, we can shake off all the worries of life. Life is a place where time stops so we can leisurely and freely enjoy heaven and earth.

Lao Cai

From January to December

496 view

Ham Rong mountain

Ham Rong Mountain - with the image of natural cliffs stacked on top of each other forming the shape of a dragon's head, has become an eco-tourism area that attracts the most young people in Sapa. Past the ticket gate, you will see the stone stairs leading up to Ham Rong Mountain. Remember to arrange a reasonable time to fully visit this majestic mountain. It will take you about 2 hours to fully visit Ham Rong Mountain Ham Rong Mountain eco-tourism area was built to include 3 main areas: Ham Rong Flower Garden, Thach Lam Stone Garden, Ham Rong Peak. You will have the opportunity to see the panoramic view of Sapa town from above. This place is also especially popular with photographers because you can capture the frame of Sapa town hidden among the white clouds like a fairyland. To reach Ham Rong Mountain, it will take you a few minutes to walk to the ancient Stone Church, located near the center of Sapa town. If you rent a motorbike to actively move around, you can park it at the resort gate. The parking lot is run by the barbecue sellers themselves, but rest assured it won't be cut off. Parking prices will depend on the time of your visit. In case you do not know the way, rent a hotel far from Sapa town center, you can choose a motorbike taxi or taxi to get around. The locals are very familiar with the roads and because it is such a famous tourist destination, there is no one who does not know Ham Rong Mountain. The distance is quite short, so you can rest assured that you will leave the trip to the drivers. The central flower garden at Ham Rong Mountain is an area that owns flower trees skillfully arranged by talented artisans into the extremely beautiful and sophisticated word Sapa, with a very European and very strange Western style. You can climb up the higher stone steps to get a panoramic view of the beautiful flower garden. The flowers here are all imported from France, Russia... along with hundreds of Japanese cherry trees tested planted in Vietnam. There will soon be another European flower seed production area. You can freely buy flower varieties to plant at home to admire every day. Thach Lam Stone Garden seems to make you lost in a fairyland with stones that remind you of dragon claws and dragon scales, looking very unique and interesting. This area has many giant cliffs, which are natural creations, so you will be amazed by the wild beauty that nature bestows. Thach Lam Stone Garden is the most chosen place to check-in at Ham Rong Mountain because of its small, winding, romantic roads, the maze of rocks that you can't find the way out... Can you feel the enchantment of tree nature? Is there a mortar here yet? The Japanese peach garden at Ham Rong Mountain will bloom extremely beautifully on New Year's Day. There are also varieties of faded peach trees, deep peach trees belonging to the group of ancient peach trees with extremely wide flower canopy, big beautiful flowers, thick petals like peach blossoms. Every spring, the peach garden at Ham Rong Mountain is crowded with families and relatives coming to visit and enjoy the flowers, so the atmosphere is always bustling and full of laughter. The entire orchid garden has a total of 200 different orchid varieties. Because the climate is cold all year round at 15 - 18 degrees Celsius, this flower grows very well. Orchids are rare and expensive flowers because of the elegant and elegant beauty they bring, but taking care of them is quite difficult. You don't have to waste time looking for any orchid gardens in Sapa because Ham Rong Mountain is one of the places with the largest concentration of orchids. If you fall in love with this type of flower, you must definitely go to Ham Rong Mountain orchid garden once. in that life. Cloud yard, also known as Thien Dinh yard, is the "coordinate" for the best view at Ham Rong Mountain. Have you ever known the feeling of clouds curling under your feet, floating on the clouds? Looking down from San May, you will see all of Sapa town, Muong Hoa valley, Cat Cat village and even beautiful, poetic terraced fields. Follow the cliff and walk another 10 minutes to the brilliant Heaven Gate when the golden sunlight shines through the clouds. This valuable moment will become your unforgettable memory at Ham Rong Mountain. Many famous photographers from professional to amateur have traveled far and wide to come here to hunt clouds through their wonderful lenses. It will be more perfect, if you can wait until sunset, the sunset is more brilliant and perfect than ever. When coming to Ham Rong Mountain, you need to note the following points. Choosing the most beautiful time of the year to visit the peach blossom garden at Ham Rong Mountain is very right when you plan a spring trip with family, friends or colleagues. Ham Rong Mountain also owns many types of cold flowers of temperate climate such as hydrangea, dahlias... and countless other unique flowers. You should visit Ham Rong Mountain in March and April - the months when flowers bloom most beautifully in Sapa. At this time there is less fog so you can see more beautiful scenery. You can also take the opportunity from April to June to visit Ham Rong Mountain when you want to catch the scene of terraced fields in the rainy season, looking like magical silver mirrors. According to the experience of many backpackers from the travel association, you should avoid the months of July and August because at this time the road is very slippery due to heavy rain.

Lao Cai

October to May

555 view

Ta Lien peak - Phong Tho

Ta Lien Son is beautiful because of its diverse primeval vegetation, luxuriant ancient trees, large trunks covered with moss and ferns. The path is "carpeted" with white ancient camellia flowers, bright red maple leaves mixed with green moss and attractive colorful azalea flowers falling all over the path. The vines clinging tightly to the rock looked like the tentacles of a strange animal, ready to reach out and swallow the person who crossed the mountains to hunt in the forest. From above, you can see quite clearly the vast and beautiful city of Lai Chau amidst the majestic mountains and forests in your sight with a hazy, misty image. Ta Lien Lai Chau Mountain is the 6th highest mountain in Vietnam, possessing a majestic natural picture and a beautiful fairy-tale forest. This mountain is also known as Co Trau mountain, located in Ta Leng commune, Tam Duong district, Lai Chau province. With an altitude of 2,996 meters above sea level, Ta Lien Son becomes a great challenge for young people who are passionate about climbing. The journey through streams and forests is not only an opportunity for you to admire the beautiful scenery of heaven and earth, but also to seriously learn valuable survival experiences. According to the experience of trekking Ta Lien Son of many tourists, standing on the top of this mountain, you can zoom in and fully enjoy the beautiful scenery of Lai Chau city hidden at the foot of the mountain. In addition, at each different altitude, the natural scenery of heaven and earth also continuously changes, opening up beautiful scenery that pleases the eyes. Ta Lien Son is one of the high mountains possessing diverse and unique vegetation. The mountain is covered by a primeval forest with fairy-tale colors, flexibly changing its beauty according to the four seasons of the year. No matter what season you trek, you will be able to immerse yourself in the breathtakingly beautiful scenery of Ta Lien Mountain. The road from the foot of the mountain to the top of Ta Lien mountain is filled with beautiful colors and backgrounds like a fairy tale movie. Trees, flowers, streams and waterfalls are fresh, cool and pristine as a welcome to travelers from far away traveling to Lai Chau and exploring this majestic and beautiful mountain. Ta Lien mountain forest in Lai Chau is truly a fairy tale with many huge ancient trees reaching straight into the sky, catching the bright golden sunlight. Beneath the tree, moss is covered in green, making the scene even more wild and mysterious. In the early mornings, golden sunlight penetrates through each canopy of leaves with scattered mist, making the picture even more magical. The four seasons on Ta Lien Son Mountain are all breathtakingly beautiful scenery that only those who are physically able to trek will have the opportunity to admire. Because there is no cable car like Fansipa in Sapa, you can only cross roads full of trees, rocks, etc. to reach the top of the mountain. In spring, Ta Lien Mountain is filled with the pink color of fresh azalea flowers, especially near the top of the mountain. Summer is coming, the vegetation in the forest is green. In autumn, there are maple trees with brilliant red and yellow colors from October to November, not to mention the pure white camellia season throughout the forest. After the strenuous journey of climbing the mountain, visitors have the opportunity to admire the luxuriant shrubs. You can climb these bushes to see Lai Chau city hidden under the mist. Or zoom out to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Hoang Lien Son range with the peaks of Bach Moc Luong Tu, Putaleng, Nhiu Co San,... looming in the ocean of clouds.

Lai Chau

From January to December

486 view

Nam Pu Ta Leng Mountain - Phong Tho

Pu Ta Leng mountain peak with an altitude of 3049m in Lai Chau province is considered a common dream for those who love to travel and are passionate about exploring and discovering. Coming to the second highest mountain peak in Vietnam (only after Fansipan peak), you will be overwhelmed by the majestic and majestic mountains and forests mixed with a bit of magic. The area around the mountain has steep terrain, full of dangers and quite picky with people, however Pu Ta Leng is definitely a worthy gift, an unforgettable experience for youth when deciding to conquer the second roof of the mountain. This Indochina! As one of the mountains in the Hoang Lien Son range, Pu Ta Leng is located just northwest of Fansipan peak. If Fansipan is considered the "roof of Indochina", then Pu Ta Leng is the second roof that backpackers or young people who love challenges "must" try to conquer even just once. Between these two peaks is O Quy Ho Pass (also known as Hoang Lien Pass) and National Highway 4D runs through (this is the road from Lao Cai to Lai Chau and vice versa). Pu Ta Leng peak (Phu Ta Leng) is read in the language of the Dao ethnic people living in Phong Tho district, Lai Chau province as Pu Ta Leng, in which the word "Pú" means "mountain". Conquering Pu Ta Leng is not an overnight event, usually the process of climbing to the top and getting back down will take about 3-4 days. If you want to stop and combine camping along the way and rest a lot, it will take about 3-4 days. from 5-6 days. You can start at the starting line from Pho village, Ho Thau commune, Tam Duong district, Lai Chau province to start your journey to conquer the Pu Ta Leng challenge. With a "respectable" height just behind Fansipan, the 3049m Pu Ta Leng peak is conquered by backpackers who divide their journey into smaller pieces. The first day, from the starting point (the foot of the mountain) climb to an altitude of about 1500-2000m, the second day conquer the remaining altitude, and so continue to repeat the journey when going down from the top, returning to the point. initial departure. Unlike Fansipan peak, which has been upgraded and built with many convenient services for the climbing industry for commercial and tourist purposes, Pu Ta Leng peak is still quite wild, with a rugged mountainous landscape with steep, challenging slopes. Awaken courage, calmness as well as quick thinking in handling unexpected situations. In the first 700-1000m, the road up is not too dangerous, with few turns and jagged cliffs, but dense forest trees block most of the path. Large trees that are thousands of years old, have large rough trunks, and roots that protrude from the ground and lie scattered after a rainstorm or strong wind are also considered one of the significant obstacles that consume time and energy for climbers. From an altitude of 1500m or more, colorful azalea flowers bloom all over the sky of Pu Ta Leng, creating a picture of majestic mountains and forests that still shines with romance and poetry. At most, pink and purple rhododendrons crept across the path, fallen petals littering the path, creating a scene like the road to a fairyland. From here, looking far away we can also see Bach Moc Luong Tu peak and Phu Xi Lung peak, two peaks of the Hoang Lien Son range. Climbing to a height of 3049m, looking down from the top is a feeling of pride in having overcome hundreds, thousands of challenges along the way to conquer the second highest peak in Vietnam. At this altitude, the temperature drops, the weather becomes cold, the air is thin and the climbing path is arduous, easily making the hiker tired. So, take some time to sit down and gather to share your feelings and joys with your group members. In addition to the majestic Pu Ta Leng peak, you can also take this opportunity to explore Bach Moc Luong Tu and Phu Xi Lung peaks... these are all peaks that challenge climbers with sharp, jagged rock slopes. and uneven terrain with many hills and obstacles. Pu Ta Leng in general and the peaks of the Hoang Lien Son range are always a common dream for young people who are passionate about traveling and want to mark unforgettable moments of their youth with conquering feet.

Lai Chau

From January to December

471 view

Muong Than Field

"First Thanh, second Lo, third Than, fourth Tac" is the summary sentence of our ancestors talking about the most vast and beautiful fields in the Northwest. Having just vaguely heard the story of "Than Uyen wind", the temperament of a person who likes to "travel" was eager to cross Highway 32 from Mu Cang Chai (Yen Bai) to Than Uyen (Lai Chau) on a rainy afternoon. sunny winter. Than Uyen district capital is located in a valley, and the valley is a vast, rolling field. Coming to Than Uyen, you will be immersed in a rustic indigenous life of brocade weaving. The scenery and delicious dishes keep attracting visitors from far away. Fish pa deck, it's a dish you can find and enjoy anywhere, from a small restaurant in town or in a lovely stilt house of the Thai people. It is an ancient Thai dish, but is still famous today. To "carve" this unique and unique cuisine, people have to go to the Nam Mu river to catch fish called pa patch in Thai. The fish is cleaned, then mixed with ginger, salt, chili, garlic, wine, especially fragrant roasted sticky rice... mixed well. After being marinated, the fish is placed in a sealed tube of apricot shoots and waited for half a month until the salt is absorbed and can be used. When eating, put the fish on charcoal and grill it, which is called taking the heat from the fire to give it a smoky flavor. Grilled fish eaten with fragrant sticky rice will make the taste buds unforgettable. This season, relax in the fields of Muong Than, the rhythm of working life is full of charming colors. We walked slowly on the endless green fields, as if lost in the vast steppe in a fairy tale. Occasionally the wind rushes into the basin, creating a rather special microclimate on the third most beautiful field in the Northwest. Therefore, "Than Uyen wind" is also a "specialty" of this valley. The wind whistles strongly, swirling around the basin. This season the wind is dry and dry. Tourists who want to explore Than Uyen often go to Muong Cang commune, through Muong Mit commune to see the stilt houses of the Thai people looming in the brilliant color of azalea flowers on the mountainside. What makes us excited is not only the fairy tale scene but also the image of a Thai woman working diligently at the loom. Thai women in Muong Cang commune are busy this season weaving towels and cushions for their families, especially unmarried girls who have to diligently weave day and night to prepare for the happy season when Tet comes and spring comes. about.

Lai Chau

From January to December

450 view

Chu Va peak

From Sa Pa, follow Highway 4D towards Lai Chau for about 30 km, visitors will reach the foot of Chu Va mountain. Chu Va is a new tourist destination, but it is attractive to tourists who like to explore and take photos because when coming here, visitors can be creative in every moment because of the virtual changes of mountain clouds. Chu Va peak stands tall like a sharp arrow reaching high into the sky, that's why this place is like a "navel" of cumulus clouds. Depending on the time, weather, and light changes during the day, Chu Va turns virtual and captivating with many nuances. To reach this mountain range, you have to walk about 1 km from the main road. According to some photographers, taking beautiful photos in Chu Va depends on many factors, but the most beautiful is when the clouds wrap around the mountain body, which photographers call "Scarf Ring". only revealing the mountain amidst the vastness of heaven and earth. The most beautiful season in Chu Va is around the beginning of September, when the terraced fields turn golden yellow surrounding the foot of the mountain, creating a colorful picture. The strangeness and excitement of Chu Va makes many people who love to explore and eyes that want to capture beautiful scenery in their lenses come here to admire and enjoy.

Lai Chau

September to March

477 view

Sin Ho Highlands

Sin Ho Plateau is a highland district of Lai Chau, this place is considered the second Sapa of the Northwest region. Because the climate here is cool all year round, the average temperature fluctuates around 18 degrees Celsius. The plateau is located in a quite favorable location, located in the middle of rolling rocky mountains, surrounded by green primeval forests. , blending with the sea of ​​floating clouds, creating a scene like a fairyland. Tourists arriving in Sin Ho not only have the opportunity to see the sea of ​​clouds, explore majestic mountain ranges, or visit unique terraced fields, but they also learn about customs and culture. Lai Chau's transformation is also interesting. As a famous tourist destination, you can come here anytime. Because each time in the Sin Ho plateau has its own unique beauty and experiences. If you want to explore fresh natural beauty, with peach blossom forests, plum blossoms,... in full bloom, you can visit in spring. Summer is the ideal time to explore the beauty of the ripe rice season, the terraced fields look like they are wearing a beautiful golden shirt. Or autumn is the time when the air is slightly cool, which is the right time to conquer the surrounding mountains. Winter is the time for you to have the opportunity to watch snow fall on the plateau, which is also very interesting. Where is Sin Ho Plateau located? It is known that this plateau is one of the most famous tourist destinations in Lai Chau, located in Sin Ho district, about 60km from the city center and located at an altitude of about 1,500m. Therefore, getting here is not easy, especially for those who do not have experience traveling to forests and mountains. So what is the road to Sin Ho plateau like? If from Hanoi, first you need to travel to Lai Chau by bus or motorbike (if you are a backpacker). By motorbike, you can follow the route: Hanoi -> Lao Cai -> Sapa -> O Quy Ho Pass -> Lai Chau. Or you can also follow the route: Hanoi -> Phu Tho -> Yen Bai -> Mu Cang Trai -> Lai Chau. After arriving in Lai Chau city center, you can rent a motorbike at hotels or Homestays to stay and conquer the plateau yourself. Not only is it known as an attractive natural tourist destination, but Sin Ho is also a land that preserves the long-standing cultural and historical values ​​of the Vietnamese people. When you arrive at the plateau, before your eyes will be majestic mountains, surrounded by a sea of ​​clouds, dense forests, and winding passes, all creating a unique beauty of the land of Lai Chau that is not typical of Lai Chau. everywhere. The nature here, imbued with the characteristics of primeval forests and mountains, creates wild and majestic beauty. On beautiful days, holidays or weekends, the number of visitors coming to hunt clouds is very large. A scene of floating clouds, stretching endlessly, in the distance are rays of sunlight shining through the trees, causing the clouds to gradually fade. All these images paint a romantic, extremely impressive picture of nature. Sin Ho Lai Chau Plateau is the living and working place of many ethnic minorities, typically: H'Mong people, Thai people, Dao people,... After discovering the beauty of the plateau , visitors can go to the villages to immerse themselves in the simple, rustic life here and learn about the cultural beauty and unique customs of the Sin Ho people. Along with that, you can also enjoy many delicious dishes and Lai Chau specialties, as well as buy ideal souvenirs to give to friends and relatives.

Lai Chau

From January to December

511 view

O Quy Ho Pass

Backpackers often joke that if they haven't reached O Quy Ho Pass, they can't be called genuine backpackers. O Quy Ho Pass has a length of more than 40km, located at an altitude of over 2000 meters, on National Highway 4D crossing Hoang Lien Son range, the top of the pass is the border between Lai Chau and Lao Cai provinces. According to the legend of O Quy Ho Pass, in the past, in this mountainous area, there often appeared a bird with a melodious cry, associated with the legend of the uncoupled love story of a couple. Therefore, over time, it was the cry of that bird that gave the name of this famous pass. For every person traveling O Quy Ho Pass, going down the pass on clear, sunny days is a blessing in life. Standing on the top of the pass, admiring the vast and majestic beauty of the mountain and forest nature, feel the magic of the scenery on the pass: on the Lao Cai side, the fog spreads, on the Lai Chau side, it is sunny and sunny. Summer is often covered with clouds, winter has snow and ice, attracting not only domestic tourists but also foreign tourists. O Quy Ho Pass runs along the slopes of Hoang Lien Son range, a long road with majestic and impressive mountain and forest scenery. On clear, sunny and windy days, you can see small villages in the distance, undulating mountains and the majestic beauty of Fansipan peak amid the clouds. On cold winter days, O Quy Ho has incredible beauty, with snow covering the forest trees and roads. The most ideal journey is from Sapa to O Quy Ho pass, about 12km past Silver Waterfall - one of the most beautiful waterfalls in Lao Cai. In particular, when conquering the pass, backpackers rarely miss Tram Ton - the ranger station of Hoang Lien National Park. This is also one of the starting points to conquer the majestic Fansipan peak and the road to visit Love Waterfall. Here, with the scenery of a cliff on one side and a deep abyss on the other, it creates a feeling of challenge for every driver when passing here. Under the dense tropical forests, a winding road, climbing on cliffs with steep downhills and sharp turns will be a challenge for any driver. However, O Quy Ho Pass has become an important road, a bridge connecting the lowlands to the town center. But this same danger is one of the attractive reasons that attract backpackers to O Quy Ho to experience and surpass themselves.

Lai Chau

From January to December

481 view

Thanh Thuy hot mineral water tourist area

Favored by Mother Nature, Thanh Thuy Hot Mineral possesses underground water with temperatures ranging from 45 to 60 degrees Celsius all year round. In recent years, Thanh Thuy Hot Minerals is a Phu Tho tourist destination that has attracted the attention of many people, especially those who are concerned about health issues. As the first hot spring source in the Northern region rich in Radon content that can strengthen the immune system, it is not surprising that this is a tourist destination with a large number of people visiting each year. In particular, today, the resort's campus is also designed with more entertainment areas and amenities such as swimming pools and restaurants to give people more options. Thanh Thuy hot mineral water is the result of geological tectonics. The water temperature is always hot from 45 to 60 degrees Celsius all year round, even on rainy season days. The nutrients in water have the effect of beautifying, treating skin diseases, good for the heart as well as increasing immunity. Coming here, you can relax and soak in Thanh Thuy hot mineral water to circulate blood and relieve stress after busy days at work. Within the resort grounds, there are saunas, mud baths, jacuzzis and swimming pools for everyone to choose from. Besides bathing in Thanh Thuy hot spring, when you come here, you also have the opportunity to enjoy a series of specialties of the ancestral land of Phu Tho. The resort's restaurant is designed in the style of a stilt house, located right next to the lake so it is always cool and airy. The restaurant's menu is very diverse, mainly local specialties, such as Da River barb fish, lentil fish, carp, wild boar, hill chicken and mountain goat, etc. The dishes are seasoned with local flavors and made from fresh ingredients, promising to bring you memorable culinary moments. In order to bring memorable moments of relaxation to everyone, Thanh Thuy hot mineral tourist area also arranges tennis courts, karaoke rooms, fishing, bicycles and campfires. Surely your trip back to the ancestral land of Phu Tho will be more memorable and unique than ever.

Phu Tho

From January to December

517 view