Điểm di tích

An Dinh Palace

An Dinh is the private palace of King Khai Dinh, located on the bank of An Cuu River, formerly in De Bat Ward - Hue Town, now 97 Phan Dinh Phung Street, Hue City. Originally at this location since Thanh Thai 14 (1902), Phung Hoa Cong Nguyen Phuc Buu Dao (later known as King Khai Dinh) established a palace, naming it An Dinh palace. In the year Khai Dinh 2 (1917), the king used his own money to renovate the palace according to modern architectural style. In early 1919, construction work was completed, the palace still retained its name. From February 28, 1922, An Dinh Palace became the potential residence of Crown Prince Vinh Thuy (later King Bao Dai). After the August Revolution of 1945, former Emperor Bao Dai's family moved from the Royal Palace to live at An Dinh Palace. After 1954, the Ngo Dinh Diem government confiscated the An Dinh Palace. After 1975, Ms. Tu Cung donated An Dinh Palace to the revolutionary government. Up to now, An Dinh Palace relics are being restored. An Dinh Palace faces south, towards An Cuu River. The palace has a flat terrain, total area of ​​23,463m2, surrounded by a brick wall, 0.5m thick, 1.8m high, surrounded by an iron fence. When intact, the palace had about 10 structures. From front to back are: Boat wharf, Main gate, Trung Lap communal house, Khai Tuong pavilion, Cuu Tu Dai theater, animal cage, lake... through time and the devastation of war, up to now the palace only The remaining 3 works are quite intact: the main gate, Trung Lap communal house and Khai Tuong pavilion. The main gate is made of three-door style, two floors, decorated with elaborately embossed porcelain. Trung Lap Communal House, located inside the door, has an octagonal structure with a high foundation. In the communal house, there is a bronze statue of King Khai Dinh, life-sized, cast in 1920. Khai Tuong Pavilion is located behind Trung Lap communal house, which is the main architectural work of An Dinh Palace. The word Khai Tuong (meaning the place where good omens originate), the floor's name was given by King Khai Dinh. The 3-storey floor, built with new materials in the style of a European castle, occupies an area of ​​up to 745m2. The floor is very elaborately decorated, especially the interior of the first floor with murals of very high artistic value. Along with other architectural works of the Khai Dinh period such as Khai Dinh mausoleum, Kien Trung floor, Hien Nhon gate... An Dinh palace is considered a typical representative of Vietnamese architectural style in the neo-classical period. Neo - Classique. The work was recognized as a national monument on December 13, 2006. Source: Thua Thien Hue electronic information portal

Hue 72 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Ho Quyen Arena

Ho Quyen is an ancient arena, located in Truong Da village, Thuy Bieu ward, Hue city, Thua Thien Hue province. Here, life-and-death battles between elephants and tigers took place for the king and people to enjoy. These matches were both entertaining and a way for the court to train its soldiers. Before building the Ho Quyen arena, life-and-death battles between elephants and tigers during the Nguyen Dynasty were held on Da Vien island on the Perfume River. During this period, there were many dangerous incidents related to the match. In 1750, Lord Nguyen Phuc Khoat witnessed a bloody fight with 40 elephants slaughtering 18 tigers. In particular, a tiger slapped the mahout, then he was trampled to death by the elephant he trained. During the reign of King Minh Mang, while the king was watching the battle on the Perfume River, a tiger swam towards the dragon boat, luckily there was an army to protect him in time. Therefore, in the 11th year of Minh Mang, 1830, the king built a fortified arena in the land of Truong Da village, Nguyet Bieu village, west of the capital. Ho Quyen was built in a ring shape with two walls. The inner ring is 5.9m high, the outer ring is 4.75m high, inclined at a 15 degree angle to create a stable position. The perimeter of the outer wall is 140m, the diameter of the basin is 44m. Ho Quyen is embellished with bricks, lime mortar and fine stone. The grandstand is divided into two places, for the king, officials, people, and soldiers. The place where the king sat was located in the North, built higher than other locations. On the left are 24 steps for the royal family and ministers. The right side is for officials and soldiers of lower rank. Opposite the stands is a system of 5 tiger cages with wooden doors that open and close by pulling a rope from above. On the citadel wall, there is a door 8 meters high and 7 inches wide where elephants are brought into the arena. The ceremony of organizing the match between elephants and tigers at Ho Quyen is very solemn. Around the arena there are ceremonial staffs and flags. Soldiers holding weapons respectfully stood on both sides of the road, which had flower mats spread out to welcome the king. At noon, the king and his entourage will arrive in a dragon boat. When the boat was close to the riverbank, the king left the boat and went to a palanquin covered with four golden parasols and four golden ashes. Going in front will be the musketeers, behind in order will be the guards holding the three-colored flag, the five-element flag, the twenty-eighth flag, the drawn sword and finally the royal band. The death match at the Ho Quyen arena takes place every year and ends when the elephant kills the tiger. Ho Quyen was recognized as a national relic on September 26, 1998. Source: Thua Thien Hue tourism information portal

Hue 606 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Thien Mu Pagoda

Thien Mu Pagoda is the oldest pagoda in Hue, located on Ha Khe hill, on the left bank of the Perfume River. Thien Mu Pagoda is one of the most scenic spots in the ancient capital of Hue. The pagoda was built on top of a high hill right on the bank of the Perfume River opposite Nagarjuna land. In front of the pagoda's door is an octagonal architectural tower, an octagonal layout. This tower consists of 6 equal floors, but the higher you go, the smaller the area becomes. Each floor has a small roof protruding with decorative lines that are quite sophisticated, regular and unusually vivid. Each side has a fairly large rectangular rolling door but surrounded by many dragon and moon models. At the top is a small 8-sided roof. In the middle is decorated a wine barrel with a pointed nose. There are patterns of clouds all around. Legend has it that, when Lord Nguyen Hoang became governor of Thuan Hoa and governor of Quang Nam, he personally went to examine the terrain here to prepare for his plan to expand his business and build a country for his lineage. later Nguyen family. Once, while riding his horse's hooves along the banks of the Perfume River upstream, he came across a small hill rising next to the meandering clear blue water. The ground looked like a dragon turning its head to look back. This hill has The name is Ha Khe hill. Local people said that at night, an old woman wearing a red shirt and green pants often appears on the hill and tells everyone: "Someday, a true lord will come and build a pagoda to gather spiritual energy and strengthen the temple." Dragon veins, for a strong South country". Therefore, this place is also called Thien Mu Son. Lord Nguyen Hoang's great thoughts seem to be in tune with the will of the people. Nguyen Hoang was so happy that in 1601 he built a pagoda on a hill, facing the Perfume River, naming it "Thien Mu". With its expanded scale and natural beauty, Thien Mu Pagoda has become the most beautiful pagoda in Dang Trong. Through many historical ups and downs, Thien Mu Pagoda was once used as a Dat Sacrifice altar under the Tay Son Dynasty (around 1788), then was restored and rebuilt many times under the Nguyen Dynasty. In 1884, on the occasion of celebrating the "eighth birthday" (80th birthday) of Queen Thuan Thien Cao (King Gia Long's wife, King Thieu Tri's grandmother), King Thieu Tri re-architected the pagoda properly. bigger: Build Tu Nhan tower (later changed to Phuoc Duyen tower), Huong Nguyen communal house and erect two steles recording the king's poetry. The pagoda campus is divided into two areas: The area in front of Nghi Mon gate includes architectural works: The boat wharf has 24 steps up and down, the three-entrance gate is four pillars built close to the main road, from the three-entrance gate. Stepping up 15 steps is Huong Nguyen communal house (now only the ground floor and solid stone foundation remains). Behind Huong Nguyen communal house is the Phuoc Duyen tower built of seven-storey high-height bricks. On both sides of Huong Nguyen communal house, there are two The stele building is quadrangular in shape (built during Thieu Tri's reign), back inside there are two hexagonal shaped floors, one for stele and one for bells (built during Nguyen Phuc Chu). These are memorial works (steles, towers). The area inside Nghi Mon gate includes Dai Hung palace, Dia Tang palace, Quan Am palace, Trai house, Guest house, flower garden, and at the back is a quiet pine garden. Thien Mu Pagoda is like a witness of history taking place on the banks of the Perfume River. The pagoda still exists in the minds of Hue people in particular and the cultural life of Vietnamese people in general. Source: Vietnam National Tourism Administration

Hue 474 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Gia Long Tomb

Gia Long Tomb is located in the Thien Tho mountain range, in Huong Tho commune, Huong Tra district, Thua Thien Hue province, 16km from Hue City center. Gia Long Tomb is a complex of many royal tombs. The mausoleum's architecture seems simple but majestic. This entire mausoleum area is a mountain complex with 42 hills, large and small mountains, of which Dai Thien Tho is the largest mountain chosen as the forecourt of the mausoleum and is the name of this entire mountain complex. Construction of the mausoleum began in 1814 and was completed in 1820. From the bank of the Perfume River to the mausoleum, there is a wide path, with tall, green pine trees and winter melon trees on both sides, creating a cool, quiet atmosphere. Two majestic pillars are located on the outside, signaling the mausoleum area. The king's mausoleum is located on a large, flat hill. Before, there is Dai Thien Tho mountain as a backdrop, then there are 7 mountains as a backdrop. On the left there are 14 mountains as "left dragon" and on the right there are 14 mountains as "right white tiger". The overall mausoleum is divided into 3 areas: In the middle is the tomb of the king and Queen Thua Thien Cao. Beyond the adoration yard, there are rows of majestic stone statues and seven levels of the worship yard, the Precious Saint at the top of the hill. In Buu Thanh, there are 2 stone tombs created according to the concept of "The Virtuous Universe" symbolizing happiness and fidelity. On the right is the palace area, of which Minh Thanh Palace is the center where the first Emperor and Empress are worshiped. Previously, in Minh Thanh Palace, there were many memorabilia associated with Gia Long's war life. On the left side of the mausoleum is Bi Dinh, now only the large stele with the song "Holy Duc Than Cong" composed by King Minh Mang, praising his father, is delicately and sharply carved. There are also neighboring mausoleums in this area such as Quang Hung mausoleum (second wife of Lord Hien Vuong Nguyen Phuc Tan), Vinh Mau mausoleum (wife of Lord Ngai Vuong Nguyen Phuc Tran); Toai Thanh mausoleum (second wife of Nguyen Phuc Luan and Gia Long's mother),... Thien Tho Huu mausoleum of Mrs. Thuan Thien Cao Queen, mother of King Minh Mang, next to it is Gia Thanh palace used for worship. Gia Long Tomb is a wonderful picture between nature and architecture that creates the majestic grandeur of the landscape. King Gia Long's real name is Nguyen Phuc Anh, his last name is Chung, born in 1762, the third child of Nguyen Luan. In 1773, the Tay Son revolted, 12-year-old Nguyen Phuc Anh followed Lord Nguyen Phuc Thuan to Quang Nam. In the fall of the year of the Rooster (1777), Nguyen Phuc Thuan died in battle, Nguyen Phuc Anh escaped alone to Tho Chu island, and then fled to Siam for refuge. In July 1792, King Quang Trung died, his son Quang Toan was still young. Nguyen Phuc Anh organized an attack and destroyed the Tay Son dynasty. He ascended the throne, took the reign name Gia Long, established the capital in Phu Xuan citadel (Hue) and named the country Vietnam. On Dinh Mui day, December of Ky Mao year (1819), Gia Long died at the age of 59, on the throne for 25 years, on the throne for 17 years. Gia Long Tomb (also known as Thien Tho Lang) is the resting place of the first king who founded the Nguyen Dynasty. Source: Vietnam National Administration of Tourism

Hue 686 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Minh Mang tomb

Minh Mang Tomb is located in Huong Tho Commune, Hue City, Thua Thien Hue Province. Minh Mang Tomb (Hieu Lang) is located on Cam Ke mountain about 14km from Hue city, near Bang Lang junction, where the source forms the Perfume River. Construction of the mausoleum began in September 1840 and was continued and completed by King Thieu Tri in 1843. Minh Mang Tomb is a large-scale architectural model of 40 large and small buildings, including palaces, temples and memorials... arranged on an axis along the 700m long Shinto road from Dai Hong gate outside. They reached the foot of the wall of La Citadel behind the king's tomb. The shape of the mausoleum resembles that of a person resting with his knees up on Kim Phung mountain, his legs stretched out to the river junction in front, the two halves of Trung Minh lake like naturally hanging arms. Shinto's opening is Dai Hong Mon (main gate to the Mausoleum), 9m high, 12m wide, this gate has three paths, the middle path only opens once to bring the king's coffin into the mausoleum and then closes tightly. There are also two side gates, Ta Hong Mon and Huu Hong Mon. Behind Dai Hong Mon is a 45m x 45m wide yard, on both sides there are two rows of statues of officials, elephants and horses. At the end of the yard is Bi communal house, on the stele there is the song "Thanh Duc Than Cong" (attributed to King Minh Mang). Next is the court yard; Hien Duc Mon opens the electric immersion area, which is limited to a square layer symbolizing the ground. Sung An Palace is located in the center, surrounded by the Left, Right, Phoi Dien (front) and Left Huu Tung rooms (back) which are also limited within the square wall. Hoang Trach Mon is the construction that ends the electrical impregnation area. Passing through three bridges across Trung Minh lake, you will reach Minh Lau. Minh Lau is the light tower, where the king meditates and is the place where the soul of the First Emperor goes. A moon-shaped lake named Tan Nguyet embraces Buu in a circle in the middle. This is the beginning of the boundless world, the King's resting place in the heart of a hill named Khai Trach Son. On both sides of the main axis of the mausoleum, there are many auxiliary works located symmetrically in pairs. Tomb of Minh Mang with two lakes and beautifully decorated architecture, is one of the most majestic and majestic tombs among the tombs of the Nguyen Dynasty kings. The work was recognized as a national monument on April 29, 1997. Source: Thua Thien Hue province electronic information portal

Hue 470 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Tomb of Tu Duc

Tu Duc Tomb is located at Thuy Xuan Ward, Hue City, Thua Thien Hue Province. Tu Duc Tomb (Khiem Lang) was built in a narrow valley in Duong Xuan Thuong village (now Thuong Ba village, Thuy Xuan ward, Hue city). This is one of the most beautiful works of royal architecture of the Nguyen Dynasty. The mausoleum is located in the middle of a vast pine forest, 8km from Hue. The overall architecture of the Mausoleum is located in a La Thanh circle of about 12 hectares, including nearly 50 large and small architectural works spread out in clusters on high and low ground about 10 meters above each other. The layout of the mausoleum consists of two main parts, on two parallel axes, with Giang Khiem mountain in the front as the front court, Duong Xuan mountain as the back occipital, Luu Khiem lake as the Minh Duong element. The buildings in the mausoleum in both the palace and mausoleum areas all have the name Khiêm. The panorama of Tu Duc mausoleum looks like a large park. Through Vu Khiem gate, to Luu Khiem lake area, on the lake there are Pulse Khiem ta and Du Khiem ta, where the King often came to admire flowers, write poetry and read books. Continue on three clear stone steps leading to Khiem Cung Mon, then to Hoa Khiem Palace, this was originally the King's workplace but is now used to worship the King and Queen. After Hoa Khiem Palace comes Luong Khiem Palace, formerly the King's resting place and later becoming a place to worship the King's mother, Mrs. Tu Du. To the right of Luong Khiem Palace is On Khiem Hall, where royal belongings are stored. On the left side of Luong Khiem Palace, there is the Minh Khiem Theater for the King to watch. This is considered the oldest theater in Vietnam still preserved. Right behind the two rows of majestic statues of civil and military mandarins is the Bi Dinh (stele house), a large stone stele with the 4,935-word Khiêm Cung ky of King Tu Duc engraved about his life, royal career and mistakes. and your mistakes. On the hill across Tieu Khiem Tri semicircular lake is Buu Thanh built of bricks, in the middle is a small house built of clear stone, where the King rests. Tomb of Tu Duc is a masterpiece of poetry, a charming landscape painting. The work was recognized as a national monument on April 29, 1979. Source: Thua Thien Hue province electronic information portal

Hue 476 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Khai Dinh mausoleum

Khai Dinh Tomb, also known as Ung Lang, is located in Thuy Bang Commune, Hue City, Thua Thien Hue Province. King Khai Dinh (1916-1925) was the 12th king of the Nguyen Dynasty and the last person to build a mausoleum, preparing for the "departure" of a king. Khai Dinh Tomb was built on the slopes of Chau Chu mountain (also known as Chau E) 10km from Hue city center. Construction on the mausoleum began on September 4, 1920 and took 11 years to complete. King Khai Dinh sent people to France to buy iron, steel, cement, and tiles, and to China and Japan to buy porcelain and glass to build projects. Compared to the mausoleums in the mausoleum system in Hue, Khai Dinh mausoleum has a small area (117m 48.5m) but is very elaborate and time-consuming. It is the result of integration of many classical and modern Asian, European, and Vietnamese architectural lines. The entire mausoleum is a rectangular floating block rising up to 127 steps. The mountains, hills, and streams of a large area around the Mausoleum are used as feng shui elements: criminal record, post-occipital, left dragon fruit, right white tiger, clear road, water gathering, creating a natural outdoor environment for Khai Dinh mausoleum. majestic nature. Thien Dinh Palace is at the highest position and is the main structure of the Mausoleum. This work consists of 5 consecutive parts: On the left and right sides are rooms for soldiers guarding the mausoleum, in front is Khai Thanh palace - where the altar and portrait of King Khai Dinh are kept, in the middle is the Buu altar, the statue of King Khai Dinh. The king and his tomb are below, in the innermost is the altar with the tablet of the deceased king. The highest artistic value of the Mausoleum is the interior decoration of Thien Dinh Palace. The three middle rooms in the palace are all decorated with reliefs made of porcelain and colored glass. In particular, the Buu canopy on the bronze statue weighs 1 ton with soft, elegant curves that make the viewer feel like it is made of very gentle velvet. Below the canopy is a bronze statue of King Khai Dinh, cast in France in 1922 at the king's request. The person responsible for creating the artistic masterpieces in Khai Dinh mausoleum is artist Phan Van Tach, the author of the three largest "Cuu Long Van" murals in our country, decorated on the ceiling. three rooms in the middle of Thien Dinh Palace. Khai Dinh Tomb is the pinnacle of the art of shaping porcelain and glass, this is truly a work of artistic and architectural value. Khai Dinh Tomb was recognized as a national monument on April 29, 1979. Source: Thua Thien Hue province electronic information portal

Hue 501 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Hue Citadel

Hue Citadel is located at Street 23/8, Thuan Hoa Ward, Hue City, Thua Thien Hue Province, on the banks of the romantic Perfume River. Hue Citadel was built in the first half of the twentieth century, this is one of the relics recognized by UNESCO as a World cultural heritage since 1993. Hue Citadel is the place where people live and activities take place. of the Nguyen kings and the last feudal court of our country. Hue is a peaceful and poetic land, so King Gia Long chose this place to build the Hue Citadel in 1803. It took 30 years for this project to be officially completed. Hue Citadel was built with Hue royal architecture, so every line and decoration is very sophisticated. Hue Citadel has two main areas: the Imperial Citadel and the Forbidden City, each area includes many different works. The Imperial Citadel area includes Ngo Mon gate and Thai Hoa Palace. The Forbidden City is an area reserved for the king and royal family, including Dai Cung Mon, Ta Vu and Huu Vu, Can Chanh Palace, Thai Binh Lau, Dien Tho Palace... 1. Imperial Citadel area Ngo Mon Gate was built massively and majestically with extremely elaborate, sophisticated and solid patterns. Ngo Mon is not simply the entrance gate but also the representative face of the Hue Royal Citadel, so it is designed with many layers with a surrounding moat system. The Ngo Mon Gate of Hue Imperial Citadel looks south of the citadel and has 5 gates, the main gate in the middle is for the king, and the two side gates are for civil and martial mandarins. The remaining area of ​​the two surrounding gates is for soldiers, elephants and horses to follow the king to protect and serve him. Thai Hoa Palace is a symbol of the power of the Nguyen Dynasty at that time. Thai Hoa Palace is the most important building in the overall Imperial Citadel of Hue. This place and Dai Trieu Nghi yard were once the place where court meetings of the Nguyen Dynasty took place, most of which were court meetings. important. Thai Hoa Palace uses ironwood as material. The roof, columns, etc. are carved with delicate, meticulous dragon shapes. In the middle of the palace is the king's throne placed in a solemn position, where the king sits during court meetings. 2. Forbidden City area Dai Cung Mon is the main door (south) into the Forbidden City, consisting of 5 compartments and 3 doors and was built during the reign of King Minh Mang, in 1833. The door in the middle compartment is only for the king to enter, the back on both sides has two corridors connecting Ta Vu and Huu Vu. Dai Cung Mon overlooks the front yard towards Thai Hoa Palace, built entirely of wood, topped with lapis lazuli tiles. Ta Vu and Huu Vu are two buildings right opposite Can Chanh palace, built in the early 19th century. Ta Vu building was built for literary mandarins, Huu Vu is a place for military mandarins in the court. These two buildings are the place to prepare for rituals before the court, where competitions or banquets are held. Can Chanh Palace is located directly with Thai Hoa Palace in the North-South direction, this is the place for the king to hold court. Can Chanh Palace is considered the largest and most beautiful wooden structure in the entire Forbidden City. The columns are made of ironwood, the upper frame is delicately and elaborately carved. Thai Binh Lau is located inside the Forbidden City of the Hue Citadel, this place will be used for the king to rest in his free time, read books, write literature or relax poetry. Thai Binh Lau was built in 1919 by King Khai Dinh and completed in 1921. Among the many palaces in the Imperial Citadel of Hue, Dien Tho Palace is considered the largest palace architectural system in Hue. This is the residence of the Queen Mother and the Queen Mother, powerful women next to the king. Hue Citadel is the largest scale project in Vietnam's history with a construction period lasting many years with tens of thousands of construction workers along with activities of filling rivers, digging trenches, building ramparts, besides Huge amounts of soil and rock amounting to millions of cubic meters. Visiting the Hue Citadel relic complex, you will admire hundreds of magnificent shrines, temples and palaces. With its magnificent beauty combined with unique architecture, it promises to be a destination that will bring you many interesting experiences. Source: Thua Thien Hue tourism information portal

Hue 520 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Memorial House of President Ho Chi Minh

Uncle Ho's Memorial House is at No. 112 (new number 158) Mai Thuc Loan, Thuan Loc Ward, Hue City, Thua Thien Hue Province. This is the house where President Ho Chi Minh lived when he followed his family to Hue for the first time from 1895 - 1901. In 1894, Mr. Nguyen Sinh Sac (father of President Ho Chi Minh) passed the Bachelor's exam at Huong Nghe An exam school. In 1895, he went to Hue to take the Ho Chi Minh exam but did not pass. To prepare for the next exam, he applied to study at Quoc Tu Giam School - Hue and was accepted. In order to have the conditions to take care of his children, and his family was also a source of support for him during his busy days, he returned to his hometown and, along with his wife, Hoang Thi Loan, brought his two sons, Nguyen Sinh Khiem and Nguyen Sinh Cung, to Hue. . Thanks to an acquaintance's introduction, he rented a small house on Dong Ba Street (a current relic house). In this house, Mr. Nguyen Sinh Cung (Uncle Ho's name as a child) lived happy years with his family: An exemplary but strict father, dedicated to taking care of the books day and night; a gentle, responsible mother, spending time at the loom and joy when welcoming baby Nguyen Sinh Xin into the world. But this house also imprinted in Nguyen Sinh Cung's soul the pain of losing his mother and the cry of his child thirsting for milk. And the love and care of the poor people of Hue. Those deep sentiments are the cultural values ​​that contribute to the formation of moral personality and humanism. Ho Chi Minh - He spent his entire life striving for independence, freedom of the nation, and happiness of the people. Uncle Ho's memorial house at 112 Mai Thuc Loan is a wooden house with three rooms, four columns, architectural style of traditional Hue houses, with a tiled roof, walls surrounded by bricks, the front is the system of "upper bars, lower bars"; Connected to the main house is the kitchen, plastered walls, and thatched roof. The house is located in a complete house - yard - garden complex. In particular, this house is where Ms. Hoang Thi Loan gave birth to her fourth child, boy Nguyen Sinh Xin, and is also where she breathed her last breath at the age of 33 on December 22, the year of the Rat (February 10, 2019). 1901). * Uncle Ho's memorial house on Mai Thuc Loan street, the house was recognized by the Ministry of Culture and Information as a national historical relic on February 2, 1993. * On December 31, 2020, the Prime Minister issued a Decision to classify the President Ho Chi Minh relic system in Thua Thien Hue as a special national historical relic. (including 4 relics that were previously ranked as National: Uncle Ho's memorial house on Mai Thuc Loan street; Hue National School site; President Ho Chi Minh's childhood memorial house in Duong No village and Duong No village communal house). Source: Thua Thien Hue province electronic information portal

Hue 521 view

Rating : Special national monument Open door

Ho chi minh museum

Ho Chi Minh Museum in Hue was established on September 16, 1980, under the direction of the Binh Tri Thien Provincial Party Committee, on the basis of an exhibition house about the life and career of President Ho Chi Minh. On June 30, 1982, Ho Chi Minh Museum Binh Tri Thien officially became a member of the system of President Ho Chi Minh Museums and memorial relics. Since 1989, after Binh Tri Thien province was separated into three provinces, Ho Chi Minh Museum of Binh Tri Thien changed to Ho Chi Minh Museum of Thua Thien Hue, its functions and tasks have not changed. On May 19, 1998, on the 108th birthday anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh, the Ho Chi Minh Museum in Thua Thien Hue was officially rebuilt and inaugurated on May 19, 2000. 2007 , Thua Thien Hue Ho Chi Minh Museum was ranked as a class II museum on September 27, 2007 by the People's Committee of Thua Thien Hue province. Ho Chi Minh Museum in Thua Thien Hue, after more than 40 years of establishment and development, has a spacious and modern facility. Thua Thien Hue, the land that nurtured President Ho Chi Minh's childhood during the years he and his family lived, studied and participated in patriotic activities during the period 1895 - 1901 and 1906 - 1909. This is the place where This contributed to molding and forming his patriotic thoughts, thereby motivating him to be determined to go out and find a way to save the country and the people. Ho Chi Minh's Heritage - Uncle Ho's years in Hue from the perspective of "objects", is the system of relics he left behind. Up to now, according to statistics in Thua Thien Hue, there are about 20 monuments and relic sites commemorating President Ho Chi Minh, of which 4 monuments are ranked by the Prime Minister as special national monuments: souvenir of President Ho Chi Minh at Mai Thuc Loan street (new number 158); Hue Quoc Hoc School; Memorial House of President Ho Chi Minh in Duong No village; Duong No village communal house and 5 provincial-level relics. Regarding "intangible" heritage, there are thousands of written and folk documents about him, talking about him, his own memories of his time in Hue and Uncle Ho's heart for Thua Thien Hue and Thua Thien Hue. with Uncle Ho. The legacy that President Ho Chi Minh and his family left behind on the land of Thua Thien Hue is a pride and priceless asset that the Ho Chi Minh Museum in Thua Thien Hue has the honor and responsibility to preserve. embellish and promote values, in order to contribute to gradually bringing Ho Chi Minh's ideology, ethics, and style into life, encouraging all classes of people to promote the cause of industrialization, modernization, and striving for the goal of rich people, strong country, democracy, fairness and civilization, building Thua Thien Hue economically rich, culturally beautiful, strong in national defense and security. Source: Ho Chi Minh Museum, Thua Thien Hue

Hue 484 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Hue Quoc Hoc School

Hue National School Relics is located at 12 Le Loi, Hue city, Thua Thien Hue province. Quoc Hoc Hue School is now Hue Quoc Hoc specialized high school. The school is the place to witness Uncle Ho's years of diligent study and vibrant activities in the patriotic movement of the early 20th century. Through many ups and downs of history, Hue National School is still a place to mold and nurture talents for the country and preserve within itself the tradition and enthusiasm of revolutionary geniuses. Quoc Hoc School was established according to the edict dated September 17, the 8th year of Thanh Thai (October 23, 1896) and the Decree dated November 18, 1896 of the Governor General of Indochina. This is the main French-Vietnamese school in the whole of Indochina. In May 1906, Mr. Nguyen Sinh Sac entered Hue capital to accept the position of Minister of Rites. Nguyen Tat Thanh and his brother Nguyen Tat Dat followed their father to Hue to live and study. His father sent him to Dong Ba French-Vietnamese Primary School, Nguyen Tat Thanh was smart, studious and good at studying. As an excellent student at the school, in the 1908 Primaire exam, Thanh was one of the ten best students at Dong Ba French-Vietnamese Primary School who passed the exam to enter the second high school class of Quoc Hoc School in the school year 1908 - 1909. . Studying at Quoc Hoc School, Nguyen Tat Thanh had the opportunity to absorb Western civilization more deeply, but he also better understood the demagogic nature of the slogan "Freedom - Equality - Fraternity" that French colonialists are preaching. In the early years of the 20th century, the patriotic movement initiated by Phan Boi Chau, Phan Chu Trinh, Luong Van Can... had a great impact on Nguyen Tat Thanh's awareness, he became a liaison. for patriotic organizations and mobilize classmates to support patriotic movements. These were the activities that marked the beginning of Nguyen Tat Thanh's patriotic struggle career, from which he decided to say goodbye to Quoc Hoc school, gradually go to the South, go abroad to find a way to save the country. In 1975, the South was completely liberated, the country was independent and unified, Quoc Hoc High School truly became a socialist school, a place to attract and train gifted students from Thua Thien Hue, contributing to the training of talented people. for country. In 1990, to celebrate the 100th birthday of President Ho Chi Minh, to commemorate the school's outstanding student, Ho Chi Minh Museum in Thua Thien Hue together with Quoc Hoc School built a statue of Mr. Nguyen Tat Thanh in Thua Thien Hue. Right in the center of the school. Quoc Hoc School is proud to have contributed to cultivating a great personality, a great bravery, and a genius leader for the nation: Ho Chi Minh. * Quoc Hoc School Relics was recognized by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism as a National Historical Relic on March 26, 1990, and ranked as a special National Relic by the Prime Minister on March 26, 1990. December 31, 2020. Source: Thua Thien Hue electronic information portal

Hue 445 view

Rating : Special national monument Open door

Outstanding relic site