Relic point Vietnam

Phu Tho

Dao Xa Temple

Dao Xa communal house is located in Dao Xa commune, Thanh Thuy district; worship Hung Hai Cong (19th son of Lac Long Quan). Dao Xa communal house was built during the reign of King Le Gia Tong - Duc Nguyen era (1674-1675), Nhat-style architecture, a building with 3 rooms and 2 compartments, facing south. The communal house was built over 300 years ago but still retains almost its entire value as a relic. In terms of architecture, it is mainly made of wood and the ancient art of wood carving on a system of lines (12 lines carved on both sides) with the themes: "Dragon Horse Serves", "Four Spirits", "Dragon Roll". Thuy", "Banh Trung", "Banh Giay Lang Lieu"; Classic stories: "Vuong Van Dieu Diep", "Cao Bien Tam Dia", "Dragon Ham Burial", "Mother Dragon Huan Tu", "Gao De Enters the Mandarin", "Ly Ngu Vong Nguyet"... With these values With sophisticated and precious architecture and wood carving art, Dao Xa Communal House was ranked as a national historical relic by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism on March 13, 1974. Dao Xa Temple (also known as Tam Cong Temple) is about 400m northeast of Dao Xa Communal House. According to the temple's genealogy, this place once marked the water management work of Duc Hung Hai Vuong and was the place where Ly Thuong Kiet trained his navy against the Song invaders and was the place where Ly Thuong's famous divine poem originated. Kiet. Dao Xa Temple has Tam-style architecture. The temple consists of three buildings: front altar, middle altar and back palace, arranged in harmony and balance, creating an elegant and majestic appearance, airy and bright but still quiet and secluded. Dao Xa Festival was recognized by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism as a national intangible cultural heritage on November 21, 2016. The Dao Xa Festival is a Vietnamese belief inseparable between communal house and temple, and is associated with the legend of worshiping Duc Hung Hai Cong (Lac Long Quan's 19th child) and his wife, Mrs. Trang Hoa, and the three great kings. Son of Hung Hai Cong. Dao Xa Communal House and Temple also worship Mrs. Que Hoa, a princess of the Tran family who was instrumental in entertaining Mrs. Trang Hoa with dancing and singing before giving birth to the three Concubines. Dao Xa communal house and temple festivals are held on lunar days of the year: On the 3rd of the first lunar month, the "Xuan Nguu" dance festival (called buffalo dance), is a religious folk dance, simulating Mrs. Que Hoa's entertainment (humorous) for Mrs. Hung Hai; January 27, 28, 29 is the Elephant Procession Festival; In March, a celebration day is held to commemorate the Holy Father's transformation and a marriage ceremony with Dau Duong village; In April, there is a ceremony to pray for peace; May 5 commemorates the birth of the Holy Father. In particular, Dao Xa has a July prayer festival held from the 9th to the 15th called: "Dedicating to King Ly to fight the Song invaders", with a swimming festival at midnight reenacting the scene of the Ly army. Thuong Kiet welcomes the gods' army ships into the temple to hold a special god-praying ceremony of the midland region, bearing the mark of the Hung King period. On December 10, the village holds a spring festival, a ceremony at the temple of Mrs. Que Hoa, and is also a ceremony to end the only rice crop in Dao Xa village. Dao Xa Festival is a sustainable environment to nurture and preserve good traditional cultural values; to satisfy the religious, spiritual and entertainment needs of generations of Dao Xa people and communities near and far. Community attachment based on traditional cultural values ​​is always sustainable, a source of solidarity strength that has been proven through the history of building and defending the country of the Vietnamese people. Source: Phu Tho Tourism

Phu Tho 342 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Lac Long Quan National Ancestor Temple

To commemorate the merits of our ancestors who publicly founded the country and to bring together the spiritual and cultural values ​​of the era of the Hung Kings and to commemorate the merits of our ancestors and predecessors who have contributed to building the country and Defending the country, Lac Long Quan's Father Temple is a new cultural institution located in the historical relic complex of Hung Temple, which was started construction on March 26, 2007 at Sim hill, Chu Hoa commune (Viet Tri) and Khanh Hoa province. It was completed on March 29, 2009, right on the occasion of Hung King's death anniversary in the year of the Ox. According to the book Dai Viet Complete History: "Lac Long Quan's full name was Sung Lam, he married De Lai's daughter, Au Co, gave birth to a sac of a hundred eggs, which later hatched into 100 sons, who were the ancestors of Bach Viet. One day, Lac Long Quan told Au Co that I am like a dragon, she is like a fairy, water and fire are incompatible, it is difficult to get along, so they said goodbye and divided 50 children to follow their father to the sea, 49 to follow their mother to the mountains, honoring her. The eldest son became the next king, Hung Vuong. Hung Vuong ascended the throne, named the country Van Lang, established the capital in Phong Chau, and divided the country into 15 parts. The king's residence is Van Lang, the king's son is called Quan Lang, the king's daughter is called My Nuong, the general is called Lac Hau, the military general is called Lac general, the mandarins are called Bo Chinh, passed down from father to son. connection is called Tutoring. Legend has it that 18 generations of people have been called Hung Vuong. The Temple of the Father of the Nation, Lac Long Quan, was invested in a new construction with synchronous architectural items. The decorative motifs are modeled after the patterns on Dong Son bronze drums, stylized as: Image of a person pounding rice, images of peanut birds... are shown in unique vividness, bringing the temple's unique architectural features without losing its majestic antiquity. The architecture of Lac Long Quan temple includes: Main temple, gate, symbolic pillars, symbolic gate, communal house, left vu, right vu, golden pavilion, auxiliary works and technical infrastructure with a total land area of 13.79 hectares. Main temple: Construction area of ​​210m2, nail-shaped architecture, made of wood in the traditional ancient architectural style. The front hall has 3 compartments, 2 left, 4 rows of legs. The harem has 3 rooms, 4 rows of legs, the wall is built at the back, and the door is a table. In front of the front hall is the altar with 1 compartment, 2 left, 2 rows of legs. Temple gate (ritual gate): Built in traditional architectural style, the gate has 4 columns, the main gate is 4.2m wide, the side gate is 2.05m wide. Symbolic gate: Located in front of the communal house, reinforced concrete column structure covered with stone and chiseled carved patterns. Phuong Dinh: Located behind the ceremonial gate, at courtyard level II. The structure is made of wood, the roof is stacked with matches, the floor is tiled with Bat Trang tiles. Left vu, right vu: Located at yard level III, built in traditional ancient architectural style, house with 5 compartments, 2 rows, construction area of ​​54m2. Symbolic pillars: Two pillars located symmetrically on both sides of the main axis, 9.2m high. Structure made of reinforced concrete, covered with green stone carved with stylized bird patterns. Golden Tower: Located on both sides behind the main temple. The structure of the building is built of stone blocks, cement mortar, reinforced concrete pillars, and an antique tiled roof. Altar objects similar to Lac Long Quan temple include: Hammock doors, incense burners, gong stands, precious bowls, horizontal panels, parallel sentences... made of wooden pillars, carved with patterns, painted with gold lacquer. Especially worth mentioning is the worship statue of Lac Long Quan. The statue of the Father of the Nation Lac Long Quan is cast in bronze, weighs 1.5 tons, is 1.98m high in a sitting position on a throne, placed on a stone pedestal made of block stone with carved patterns following literary motifs. Dong Son transformation. On both sides are 2 statues of generals (Lac Hau, Lac Tuong) with a height of 1.80m in standing position, each weighing 0.5 tons. Coming to Hung Temple today, visitors will not only burn incense to pay tribute to the merits of the Hung Kings but also visit the temple of Lac Long Quan and the temple of Au Co's Patriarch - a gathering of spiritual and cultural values. full of meaning, expressing the consciousness and filial piety of the Vietnamese people. Source: Phu Tho Newspaper

Phu Tho 327 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Communal houses, temples, and shrines in Ha, Phu Tho province

The cluster of relics of Ha communal houses, temples, and shrines (often called Dinh as Ha communal house, called Ha temple as Ong temple and Ha temple as Ba temple) was built in a flat, airy location in Huong Nha commune, Tam Nong district. , Phu Tho province. The cluster of relics worships the female general Xuan Nuong and the Ten Ministry of Gods who helped Hai Ba Trung defeat To Dinh and win victory. Currently, the relic complex still preserves a jade genealogy compiled by Nguyen Binh Phung in 1572, recording the behavior of the Gods in the relic. 1. Ha Communal House: Built on a large area of ​​land, facing East-South, in front of the communal house is a pond and fields. The communal house has Dinh architecture, the Dai Bai consists of 5 rooms, 2 left (currently only 5 rooms remain) and the Harem has 2 rooms, is structured with 4 rows of wooden pillars, currently there are only 16 columns, including 8 main columns and 8 columns of troops. 2. Ha Temple (Ong Temple): Built on a high mound, facing East - South, in front and to the right of the temple is a pond (called a semi-circular lake), Nhat-style architecture, including 5 worship spaces Vertical, the door opens at the gable end, built in the style of a gate with 3 arched doors and two copper pillars shaped like gardenia. The great inscription in front of the communal house's door reads three words: "Toi Linh Tu". 3. Ha Temple (Ba Temple): Built on the same land of Don Ha, facing East - South, in front and behind are ponds and lakes, the architecture is 3 vertical altars, 5.10m long, 4.0m wide. 80m, including 16 wooden columns (8 main columns, 8 sub-pillars). The Ha communal house, temple, and shrine relic cluster is a complex of relics with historical and artistic value. In particular, the relic complex still preserves many valuable artifacts such as: ordination, jade genealogy, 3 ancient thrones, 2 palanquins, a collection of bowls, bowls, water hyacinths, porcelain trays and many sacred objects. value. The traditional festival is preserved and maintained at the relic complex on the 10th day of the first lunar month with many folk performances and games, especially the buffalo bridge festival. The cluster of relics of Ha communal houses, temples and shrines was recognized by the Minister of Culture and Information as a national historical, architectural and artistic relic on December 28, 2001. Source: Department of Cultural Heritage

Phu Tho 294 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Au Co Mother Goddess Temple

Located on the sacred land of outstanding people (Hien Luong commune, Ha Hoa district, Phu Tho province), Au Co Temple is a special historical and cultural work, a symbol of patriotism and great tradition. national unity. The image of mother Au Co giving birth to Lac and the Red son of Vietnam in a bag of hundreds of eggs has become an immortal image that lives forever in the thoughts, feelings and minds of generations of Vietnamese people. When Lady Ngoc Nuong gave birth to Au Co, she saw auspicious clouds protecting her, and fragrance spread everywhere, a sign of "Fairy coming to earth". Growing up, Miss Au Co was very beautiful, "Compared to flowers, she could speak, compared to pearls, fragrant pearls", diligent in reading, good at playing the flute, and proficient in phonics. After getting married, Lac Long Quan took Au Co from Lang Suong cave to Nghia Linh mountain. Au Co went into labor and gave birth to a sac of a hundred eggs that hatched into a hundred children. When the children grew up, Lac Long Quan told Mrs. Au Co, "I am a Dragon, she is a Fairy, water and fire are difficult to get along with... so 50 children followed their mother up the mountain, 50 children followed their father down to the sea. In order for it to be passed down for a long time, all of you will later become gods. Of the 50 children who followed their mother, the first son succeeded to the throne, took the title of the first Hung King, named the country Van Lang, established the capital in Phong Chau, and passed down 18 generations of Hung kings to rule the country for 2,621 years (From Nham Tuat year 2879 to 258 BC). Wherever Ms. Au Co and her children went, they won people's hearts and minds, teaching people to grow rice, plant mulberries, raise silkworms and weave cloth. On that mile-long road, one day he arrived at Hien Luong site, Ha Hoa district, Son Tay town. Seeing beautiful natural scenery, with high mountains and wide fields, long rivers, and vast blue lakes, Lush grass, flowers, and abundant fish and animals. He reclaimed land and established hamlets, taught people to grow rice, plant mulberries, and raise silkworms to weave cloth. Loan well, Phuong well, Thi mound, Cay Dau mound... are names from ancient times that still remain in the memories of the people here. When the farm was stable, he and his children set out for new lands. When the country had recovered and the frontier had expanded, he returned to Hien Luong, where he had chosen to spend his life. Legend has it that on the 25th day of the twelfth month of the year Nham Than, Mrs. Au Co and her flock of fairies flew back to heaven, leaving a silk bib under the banyan tree, where the people built a temple to worship, eternal incense and smoke. To express gratitude for the merits of Mother Goddess Au Co and educate the nation's traditions, more than 500 years ago, in the 15th century in the post-Le era, King Le Thanh Tong conferred deity and built the Temple of Mother Goddess Au Co in Hien Luong commune. - Ha Hoa district; Au Co Mau Temple was recognized as a national historical and cultural relic in 1991. The main holiday of Au Co Temple is the "Fairy's Day" on the seventh day of the first month. In addition, there are other holidays during the year such as February 10 and 11, March 12, August 13... Source: Electronic Information Portal of Ha Hoa District - Phu Tho Province

Phu Tho 288 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Tien Dong Base Ngo Quang Bich Temple

Tien Dong Base National Historical Relic Area is located in Tien Luong commune, Cam Khe district, Phu Tho province. Tien Dong in the past (when General Ngo Quang Bich chose it as a resistance base) was a swampy, sunken field, surrounded by rugged mountainous terrain. From Tien Dong base, when advancing, you can use boats to follow the Gianh river to the Red River to Thanh Ba, down to Cam Khe district town, or up to Ha Hoa. When you quit, you can go to Yen Lap, go to Nghia Lo to the Northwest. Famous person - General Ngo Quang Bich was born on May 7, 1832 in Trinh Pho village, Truc Dinh district, Kien Xuong district, Nam Dinh province (now Trinh Nhat village, An Ninh commune, Tien Hai district, Thai Binh province) . According to official history, his original family name was Ngo, a descendant of King Ngo Quyen, but because his grandfather changed his maternal family name to Nguyen, so history books also called him Nguyen Quang Bich. In 1858, he passed the baccalaureate exam; In 1861, he passed the bachelor's exam and was appointed as a mandarin by the Nguyen court, but he submitted a petition asking that he temporarily not take office to continue his studies and open a teaching school. In 1869, during Tu Duc's reign, he passed the Second Giap Doctoral Examination of Dinh Nguyen (ie Hoang Giap). After that, he was successively appointed to the positions of Tri Phu Lam Thao (present-day Phu Tho); Dien Khanh Tri Phu (present-day Khanh Hoa); Murder in Son Tay province; Teu Quoc Tu Giam (Hue); Murder case in Binh Dinh province; Chief envoy of the mountain room and patrol of Hung Hoa province (including present-day Phu Tho province). When the French colonialists sent troops to attack Hung Hoa, Mr. Ngo Quang Bich, as "Chief of mountain defense and patrol of Hung Hoa province" led the army and people to fight against the French, winning many important victories. However, with the superior strength of the French army, on April 12, 1884, Hung Hoa citadel fell. Ngo Quang Bich withdrew his troops to Tien Dong, Tien Luong commune, Cam Khe district, established a base, raised an uprising flag, and responded to King Ham Nghi's Can Vuong Edict against the French. The flag of the insurgent army was embroidered with the four words "Binh Tay Bao Quoc" and the oath "Vietnamese nation will never change, Lac Hong immortal restores its integrity" affirming national sovereignty. King Ham Nghi issued an edict appointing him the position of General of Tonkin as a military minister, with the title of Thuan Trung Marquis, in charge of organizing the resistance in Tonkin (literature from Counselor, martial arts from De Doc were given the right to use the official documents). Since then, with his prestige, General Ngo Quang Bich not only directly commanded the Tien Dong uprising, but also sought to contact and coordinate with other resistance leaders such as Phan Dinh Phung in Thanh-Nghe; Deo Van Tri, Nong Van Quang, Cam Van Hoan, Cam Van Thanh were scholars and chiefs of the Kinh, Thai, Muong, and Mong ethnic groups in the region who participated in the fighting or supported the resistance. While the resistance war was going smoothly, on January 5, 1891, General Ngo Quang Bich suddenly became seriously ill and passed away at the age of 58. His body was buried by soldiers at Ton Son mountain, Yen Lap district. Not only was Ngo Quang Bich a patriotic scholar and resistance leader, he was also a poet and cultural activist. He left behind the work "Ngu Phong Thi Tap" (Ngu Phong Poetry Collection), including 112 poems in Chinese, most of which were composed during the years he led the insurgent army against the French in Tien Dong. In addition, he also wrote poems and couplets to pay tribute to his fallen comrades. Especially the "Letter in reply to the French army" with its clear words and determination to sacrifice for national independence. (When the French sent him a letter urging him to surrender, promising to grant him a title and high benefits, he firmly replied: "If I win, if I live, I will be a court soldier. If I lose unfortunately, if I die, I will also act as a demon and kill the enemy. I would rather be guilty of a temporary offense than a sin of the world!") In 1884, after Hung Hoa citadel fell and withdrew his troops to station at Tien Dong, General Ngo Quang Bich built this place into a continuous fortress system, ensuring reasonable defense and attack. became a solid base for the resistance war against the French in the Northern Midlands and Mountains. The base's headquarters is located on a high mound that people now call Quan Dai mound. This is a hill about 150m high above the level of the area, bordering Tong Hai mountain. The top of the hill is quite flat and has a convex mirror surface with 3 peaks. The middle peak is Tuong Quan hill, where the headquarters of the insurgent army is located (and also where the Ngo Quang Bich temple is built today). On the right is Ho Gia peak, blocking the road through Tong Hai mountain to Yen Lap (he later withdrew his troops to Yen Lap via this road). On the left is the Cong Don mound (this is the guard post protecting the headquarters). Each hillock is about 300m apart. Near the foot of the current hill, there are traces of a well and a place where the insurgents' horses were tied in the past. In the Tien Dong base area, there are also famous landmarks such as: Tuong Quan hill, Flag Pillar hill, Mai mound, Don hill, Muc mound, Co Rac hill... which are places associated with the names of famous people and generals. Ngo Quang Bich army with Can Vuong martyrs and the anti-French uprising movement at the end of the 19th century. On February 12, 1999, Tien Dong base was ranked as a national historical and cultural relic by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. In the temple, there is a statue worshiping General Ngo Quang Bich, and epitaphs record the will and courage of him and the Can Vuong martyrs. On the stele on the road leading up to the temple, there are lines of poetry written by the Regent Ton That Thuyet, praising the will and patriotism of the General: Artifacts on display in the gallery include: 1 set of teapots, 1 eel-skin colored porcelain rice bowl, 1 Hoa Mai gun and some bullets and shells of the insurgents. Regarding the tea set and porcelain rice bowl, these are utensils that served General Ngo Quang Bich in daily activities, found in 1979 by Ms. Tuan Hue's family in Tien Dong while digging in the garden ( When finding the artifact, through information from the family, researchers confirmed that in the past, her grandfather was a bodyguard of Mr. Ngo Quang Bich, and still used this Phung to brew rice for him). Tien Dong is the resistance base of the entire northern midland and mountainous region, led and operated directly by the North's military minister Ngo Quang Bich, so it is also a gathering place for many literati and intellectuals. Famous patriots throughout the country such as Tong Duy Tan, Ton That Thuyet, Nguyen Thien Thuat, Ngo Quang Huy, Nguyen Cao... came here to discuss the restoration of the country. Therefore, this is a historical relic marking the history of the glorious resistance against the French of the Can Vuong movement. Source: Cam Khe District Electronic Information Portal

Phu Tho 528 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Lang Suong Temple

Lang Suong Temple is located in the system of relics worshiping Tan Vien Son Thanh along the Da River and the Northern Midlands Delta. The temple dates back to the reign of Thuc An Duong Vuong. During the Le dynasty, it was restored (981-1009), and under the Nguyen dynasty, in the 7th year of Thieu Tri (June 19, 1847), there was a major renovation. The temple is located in Trung Nghia commune, Thanh Thuy, Phu Tho. Tan Vien Son Thanh is known as the head deity of the "four immortals" of traditional Vietnamese beliefs. With respect and admiration, the people worshiped Tan Vien as the "Most Highly Spiritual" deity, "First blessed god" in Vietnamese traditional beliefs. Lang Suong Temple is proud to be the land where Saint Tan was born. This can be considered the land where the representative deity of Vietnamese folk beliefs is buried. Along with the belief in worshiping Saint Tan, Lang Suong Temple also worships Saint Mother - the person who is credited with giving birth to Saint Tan. The belief in Mother Goddess worship here has merged with the common belief in Mother Goddess worship of Vietnamese people such as Mother Au Co, Mother Earth, Mother Water... Lang Suong Temple has quite a large area and has architecture with many ancient and profound features. Experiencing rain, sun and fighting, the temple was much damaged. In 1991, the local government and people renovated Lang Suong Temple on a large area of ​​land with an area of ​​3,000 square meters, including the following works: Temple gate, Hai Co temple, Thien Thanh well, stele house, hammock house, Left desert, right desert temple and Holy Mother's mausoleum. This is the only temple in Vietnam that worships the entire family of Saint Tan and is also the original place of worship in the system of relics worshiping Tan Vien Son in Vietnam. Truong Sa Beach - Trung Do where Lac Long Quan and Au Co met and became husband and wife - giving birth to Lac's children, Dragon's children - Origin of the Vietnamese people. With its profound historical and spiritual cultural values, Lang Suong Temple was recognized and ranked as a national historical relic by the Ministry of Culture and Information on July 12, 2005. Source: Phu Tho Tourism Promotion Information Center

Phu Tho 861 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Lau Thuong communal house

Lau Thuong Communal House was built in the Dinh style, including a 5-compartment, 2-room worship hall and a 3-compartment harem, with a length of 28m and a width of 22m in the Southeast direction. The entire communal house has 60 large columns with a diameter of 0.75m linked with horizontal and vertical beams to form a frame with a sturdy structure in the shape of four boat valley pillars. The harem has a unique structure and is exquisitely carved. On the upper beam are two dragons flanking the moon with a tight layout, a harmonious combination of dragon-shaped lines and shapes intertwined with clouds, carved in the style of the Nguyen Dynasty. Below are two elaborately carved residual ends. The entire middle space of the harem is reserved for worship. The main structure of the altar is covered with four roof pillars, outside is a delicately carved door painted in red and gilded gold. Outside the forbidden door on the altar there is also a statue of Hai Ba Trung, carved in a sitting position. The communal house also retains a palanquin with bowls and bowls of tribute, painted and gilded with intricate carvings in the style of the post-Le period. Lau Thuong Communal House currently preserves a number of valuable artifacts such as 4 thrones and gilded tablets crafted during the Nguyen Dynasty, placed in the main altar. Besides, many classic stories such as: "Teaching Mister", "Double Phoenix Ham Thu", "Two Dragons Adoring the Moon", "Dragons Gathering", "Mother Dragon Trains Her Child"... are depicted in paintings. Elaborate carvings on architectural structures. Each carving is a unique work, vividly expressing the simple, liberal beauty, talent, ingenuity, creativity and aesthetics of our ancestors in the past. Lau Thuong village festival takes place on January 9 every year to perform worship rituals and participate in folk cultural and sports activities. Before the main festival, many sports and physical exchange activities between residential areas in the commune took place. On January 9, people organized a palanquin procession from the Ngoai Communal House to the Noi Communal House to celebrate, Then the procession took the palanquin to the front of Dinh Ngoai's temple and continued the ceremony. The annual festival of Lau Thuong village has great significance in connecting the community and educating the nation's patriotic traditions. With precious cultural and artistic values, Lau Thuong communal house was recognized and ranked as a national historical and cultural relic on February 21, 1975. Now when coming to Viet Tri city, tourists in addition to worshiping the Hung King temples on Nghia Linh mountain, visiting Hung Lo ancient communal house to listen to Xoan singing, sightseeing at Thien Co Temple... can also visit Lau Thuong communal house, Feel the ancient and quiet features of this precious architectural sculpture, calm your heart after a busy life to better understand and appreciate the cultural and historical values ​​left by your ancestors. Source: Phu Tho Tourism Promotion Information Center

Phu Tho 824 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Hung Lo Communal House

Located in the ancient village of Hung Lo with a date of more than 300 years old, Hung Lo communal house has long entered the consciousness of Vietnamese people with customs and practices associated with the belief of worshiping Hung King. Hung Lo ancient village (Hung Lo commune, Phu Tho province) is located on the banks of the romantic Lo River, about 5km from the center of Viet Tri City. Hung Lo Communal House's historical and cultural relic complex was built on a land area of ​​5,000 square meters. Legend has it that in the reign of Le Hy Tong (1967), people here built a temple to worship the 18th Hung King, facing Nghia Linh mountain, where the Hung King's capital was located. Hung Lo Ancient Communal House is a complex of historical and cultural relics built on a large strip of land, including many construction items such as: Dai Dinh, Phuong Dinh, Bell Lau, Drum Lau, Sacrifice House... All are Built with rare types of wood such as nails, ironwood, bamboo, etc. The Great Court is structured according to the traditional architecture of three compartments, two wings; All three rooms have altars. The altar rooms are built according to the structure of five compartments and two wings. On both sides of the communal house are the Buddhist temple and the Shen Nong altar. The communal house's yard is spaciously decorated with rockery, sycamore trees, and shady banyan trees. This place also preserves a system of worship objects to serve the most complete worship rituals; In particular, the system of ancient couplets is very rich with 43 couplets praising the scenery of the homeland and the merits of King Hung. Most of the ancient worship objects are over 300 years old, typically 5 red-painted palanquins and gilded palanquins and festive symbols. Another notable feature, Hung Lo communal house is very famous for its tradition of the Hung Temple palanquin festival from ancient times to present. In the year of Mau Ngo (1918), Hung Lo communal house was awarded the "First Hung King Commemoration"; Currently, this reward sign is still solemnly kept in the communal house. On the occasion of the annual Hung Temple festival, coming to Hung Lo communal house, visitors will be immersed in a grand palanquin procession of over 200 men, wherever they go, it stirs up the whole region. The procession will go from the village communal house to Hung Temple; Returning from Hung Temple, the offerings at the village communal house were conducted, and finally the ceremony was held at Elder Yen's house. Source: Phu Tho Tourism Promotion Information Center

Phu Tho 863 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Song Lo victory monument

Song Lo Victory Monument is located on Don Mountain in Chi Dam commune, Doan Hung district. At the foot of the mountain, the Lo and Chay rivers merge here, creating a charming terrain and rich land. Standing in the monument area, looking far away, you will see the vast green river, close to the roofs and hamlets. Song Lo Victory Monument was built in 1987 with a total planning area of ​​up to 2,537 m2; includes two parts: statue and monument. On both sides of the monument are two symbols of the ship's hull and soaring waves to represent the historical image: The victorious ship carrying the combined strength of the Vietnamese people is sailing out to sea following the flow of history. The 26m high pedestal next to the 7m high statue group is made of concrete and reinforced steel, painted in imitation bronze on the outside. The Victory Monument bears the image of a fire, symbolizing the strong vitality and everlasting existence of the Lo River victory; The body of the pedestal is designed with massive angles and is covered with stones that fit tightly together. On the four surrounding sides of the memorial, there are eight ceramic reliefs depicting the victory of Song Lo and summarizing some typical features in the life of the people of Doan Hung land. Each of the above reliefs is a delicate and elaborately sculpted work of art. The group of victory statues right at the foot of the monument, the statue's face facing the clear blue Lo River includes 5 characters representing the elements and forces he used to participate in the fight to win the Song Lo victory. Each statue is depicted standing and has a different charisma; There is a statue of a soldier in a proud posture holding a gun high, wearing a guard shirt, carrying a bag of rice on his back, and wearing rubber sandals; There is a statue of a soldier holding a rifle with both hands in a ready-to-fight position; The statue in the middle is the image of an ethnic female guerrilla, her head covered with a scarf, her hand holding a stick, her eyes looking into the distance, ready to fight; There is also a statue of a soldier standing next to a cannon, raising his hat and waving, his shirt fluttering in the wind, revealing a healthy, bare chest full of vitality... The above statues vividly portray the historical figures of the people who created the Song Lo victory, carrying the breath of years of heroic fighting to pass down to posterity in a complete and authentic way. . Many years have passed, generations of people born and raised, attached to this majestic land, all carry within them a great pride every time they mention the resounding victory of their ancestors. In their eyes, the Song Lo victory monument is not only a work honoring and praising the Song Lo victory but also a testament to the resilience of their ancestors who sacrificed themselves to protect the Fatherland. Song Lo Victory Monument was recognized as a national historical and cultural relic on September 27, 1997; Source: Phu Tho Tourism Promotion Information Center

Phu Tho 837 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Dinh Thach Khoan

Thach Khoan Communal House was built a long time ago, at first it had small and simple architecture with main construction materials being wood, thatch, bamboo, and palm leaves. In 1905, the communal house was built a new one, and in 1914 the communal house was burned down. In 1925, the communal house was restored. In 1967, the communal house was renovated by the State and local people. After that restoration, the communal house exists to this day. Thach Khoan Communal House was built in the shape of the letter "Nhat" with 5 compartments in the southwest direction. The middle room looks directly towards Ba Vi mountain (Tan mountain), called the main palace, and has an altar to worship Tan Vien Son God. The left palace has tablets to worship Princess Mi Nuong, daughter of the 18th Hung King. The right palace has tablets to worship General Dinh Cong Moc and the Dinh family prisoners, who helped Le Loi fight against the Minh invaders. Thach Khoan village festival is held from January 23 to 25. The festival is organized into 2 parts including: the Ceremony part with activities of organizing palanquin processions, offerings, and offering incense according to traditional rituals. And the Festival part organizes cultural camps in residential areas, organizes cultural activities: Wrapping contest, cooking banh chung, pounding banh giay contest, gong performance, and dong duong contest; Mass entertainment festivals, folk games such as tea swing, tug of war, shuttlecock throwing... and mass sports activities. This is a typical traditional festival of the Muong ethnic people, a beauty in the way of educating the historical and cultural traditions of the homeland and the country, remembering the merits of the ancestors who opened the mountains and destroyed the mountains. The rocks that formed this land. Thereby contributing to preserving and promoting the cultural and spiritual values ​​of ethnic communities, encouraging and encouraging people to return to their roots, promote local cultural traditions, and strengthen mass organizations. unite all people, honor traditional culture, raise awareness of responsibility in protecting, restoring and embellishing historical and cultural relics in the area. Source: Phu Tho Tourism Promotion Information Center

Phu Tho 843 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Tam Giang Temple relic cluster - Dai Bi Pagoda

Tam Giang Temple - Dai Bi Pagoda is located in Bach Hac ward, Viet Tri city, Phu Tho province. The temple is located on the left bank of the confluence of three rivers: the Red River, the Lo River, and the Da River, which people have long known as the Hac junction. This is a complete and unified cluster of relics, including: Tam Giang temple, Mau temple, Dai Bi pagoda, footprints of Cao Quan Bach Hac Dai Vuong, swimming wharf, statue of Chieu Van Vuong Left Grand Master Tran Nhat Duat and reliefs of 18 typical pagodas of Vietnamese Buddhism. Tam Giang Temple worships the god Tho Lenh. Legend has it that he was the village god - the god of the Bach Hac River, who had the merit of traveling the world to find precious medicines to cure diseases for all people. When he died, he had the inspiration to help generals fight foreign invaders and preserve the country. The temple also worships the Holy Mother Quach A Nuong - a talented female general of Hai Ba Trung and worships Chieu Van Vuong Tran Nhat Duat, the 6th son of Tran Thai Tong who had the merit of conquering Da Giang Catholicism to guard the Northwest region. , established the Bach Hac defense line for 30 years. Dai Bi Pagoda is an ancient pagoda built by King Chieu Van Tran Nhat Duat and his niece Princess Thien Thuy during the Tran dynasty (1328), and is now nearly 700 years old. Tam Giang Temple and Dai Bi Pagoda have become an attractive tourist destination welcoming thousands of tourists each year. Especially associated with the relic here is the traditional swimming festival held on the 9th day of the third lunar month on the occasion of the Hung King's Anniversary - Hung Temple Festival. Besides the traditional swimming festival, visitors coming here can also enjoy folk performances with music, singing, dancing, and rich and attractive decorative forms of Mother Goddess worship. . Source: Phu Tho Tourism Promotion Information Center

Phu Tho 860 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Lai Len Temple

Lai Len Temple is an ancient temple located in Phu Duc village, Kim Duc commune, Viet Tri city. According to legend, Lai Len temple is where King Hung taught Xoan singing to the people. Lai Len Temple is a relative synthesis of a relic that is both related to the worship of Hung Kings and is also an original relic related to the origin of an intangible cultural heritage of humanity. Sing Xoan Phu Tho. Through the ups and downs of history, the ancient temple was ruined. In 2011, Phu Tho province decided to restore Lai Len temple on the old foundation with a total area of ​​​​nearly 3,000 square meters, creating the landscape to become a tourist destination for tourists and to enjoy non-traditional cultural heritage. Objects of humanity are Phu Tho Xoan Singing and Hung Vuong Worship. The architecture of Lai Len temple is made according to the traditional architectural structure of the Dinh (丁) letter, including a front altar and a harem, looking to the Southeast, with a funny-nosed tiled roof. The two buildings Ta Vu and Huu Vu are built in the traditional 5-compartment house style. In front of the temple is a monolithic stone screen with a length of 7.6m, both sides decorated with letters and tiger talismans. In the spacious campus of the relic, there is a fairly modern Xoan Singing Art Gallery with full amenities and scientific displays, considered the only museum of Phu Tho Xoan Singing. This is considered a place to both introduce and perform Xoan singing for tourists. Source: Phu Tho Tourism Promotion Information Center

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Rating : Provincial level relics Open door

Tien Temple

Tien Temple is a sacred temple, located in Tien Cat ward, Viet Tri city. This is the temple worshiping the Mother Goddess, also known as the Mother Goddess, the first mother of the Vietnamese people. Mother is the Queen of King Kinh Duong Vuong, the mother who gave birth and raised King Lac Long Quan, and is the grandmother of the Hung Kings in a bag of hundreds of eggs. Tien Temple is an outstanding precious relic in the relic complex of the state capital of Van Lang. According to traditional genealogy, there used to be a 7,000m2 campus, looking to the southwest, in front of National Highway 2, outside the dyke was Thao River flowing to Bach Hac junction, the convergence of 3 large rivers: Red River. Ha, Da River, Lo River. The temple has a favorable geographical position in terms of feng shui, in front is a river, behind is a mountain, fully converging the atmosphere of rivers and mountains to bestow forever on the descendants of Vietnamese land. In July 2003, Tien Temple was recognized by the People's Committee of Phu Tho province as a provincial-level historical and cultural relic. Every year, on the occasion of the Mother's birthday, the 5th day of the 5th lunar month and the 10th day of the 10th lunar month, the Temple holds a solemn ceremony for people everywhere to worship and commemorate. As a temple, worshiping the first mother of the Vietnamese people, Tien Temple also symbolizes the eternal tradition of drinking water, remembering the source of the Vietnamese people. Source: Phu Tho Tourism Promotion Information Center

Phu Tho 837 view

Rating : Provincial level relics Open door

Du Yen Temple

Du Yen Temple, Chi Tien commune is located in a spiritual land on a high hill, with lush green trees; At the foot is a clear blue lake all year round. The temple faces the Thao River, which is calm day and night, accumulating alluvium. This long dike strip is the provincial road, an important traffic artery of Thanh Ba district. In 1993, Du Yen Temple was recognized by the State as a national historical relic site. In 2003, Du Yen temple was restored to include a 5-compartment front hall and a 3-compartment harem like today. In the temple, there are still many precious artifacts such as: altars, palanquins, halberds, precious bowls, bronze plaques, written in Vietnamese on both sides... The statues are all carved from wood. In addition to the ordinations of the Dinh, Ly, Tran, and Le dynasties, this is the only temple that retains a genealogy recording two thousand years of development of a clan in Thanh Ba land. According to Ngoc Pha, in the past, in the Thao Giang area, at Bong Chau site, now Tien Chau village, Chi Tien commune, Thanh Ba district, Phu Tho province, there was a Nguyen family who lived a gentle and kind life and worked hard to do business. has great reputation in the region. Thanks to God's blessing, they gave birth to a daughter named Hanh Nuong. From a young age, Hanh Nuong was always well cared for and raised by her parents. She is a strangely intelligent girl, with stunning beauty, a gentle personality, eager to study literature, and passionate about martial arts. Many talented men in the village approached her, but she all refused, not wanting to get dusty to keep herself pure. She set up a flag to rally the righteous, practiced archery and sword day and night, and was known far and wide as the goddess who descended to earth. At that time, in the 40s AD, the Eastern Han invaders led by Governor To Dinh brazenly and brutally brought troops to occupy our country. When Hai Ba Trung raised the flag of insurrection in Me Linh, she chose 92 insurgents from Bong Chau to return with Hai Ba Trung. Seeing that Hanh Nuong was intelligent, talented in literature and martial arts, and was able to lead the army to win, Hai Ba Trung gave her the title of Princess Ngoc Loan and the title of Leader of the Front Army. After defeating the To Dinh enemy, female general Nguyen Thi Hanh returned to visit her hometown, where she held a banquet to welcome the army and reward the villagers. The merit festival was held on a promontory shaped like a white tiger lying drinking water on the banks of the Thao River. Here later, the villagers built a temple called Du Yen palace (today Du Yen temple, Chi Tien commune). Since then, every year on the full moon day of January, the villagers hold a prayer festival to remember her gratitude and pray for good weather and good weather for the family to be prosperous and happy. Du Yen Temple Festival is one of Thanh Ba's typical cultural events, attracting tens of thousands of domestic and foreign tourists each year. The festival opened with a ceremony and a festival held very solemnly. The offerings to the Mother Goddess are mainly vegetarian cakes and fruits... divided into 6 sections, each with 2 trays, carried by 2 young men and placed on the altar for the elders to pray for. During the prayers, there are fairy dances and money-making dances mixed in. Legend has it that on the day the Mother Goddess was born in the Thao Giang mulberry field, there were fairies descending to earth to dance and sing like a festival, so on the day of worshiping the Mother Goddesses, it is required to have a fairy dance team consisting of 4 unmarried girls under 16 years old, dancing the dances. Dancing beautifully like a fairy to serve the ceremony. This ritual has now been restored and has been slightly adjusted to suit the festival space. Then comes the palanquin procession, first is the flag team, followed by the eight-tone group, then the eight-symbol team, the lion dance, followed by the fairy dance and then the palanquin. Source: Phu Tho Tourism Promotion Information Center

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Rating : National monument Open door

Hung Temple

Hung Temple is the general name of the Hung Temple Historical Relic Area - a temple complex, The pagoda worships the Hung Kings and the king's royal family on Nghia Linh mountain, (Viet Tri, Phu Tho), associated with the Hung King's Anniversary - Hung Temple Festival is held at that location every year on March 10 lunar calendar. Currently, according to published scientific documents, most agree that the architectural foundation of Hung Temple began to be built during the reign of King Dinh Tien Hoang. By the Later Le Dynasty (15th century), it was completely built to the current scale. Going up from the foot of the mountain, through the temple gate, the tourist's stop is Ha Temple, which is said to be the place where Au Co gave birth to a sac of a hundred eggs. Those hundred eggs gave birth to a hundred children, fifty followed their father into the sea, forty-nine followed their mother up the mountain. The son who stayed behind became king, taking the name Hung Vuong (first). Past the Ha temple is the Trung temple, where the Hung kings used it as a meeting place to discuss with the Lac marquis and Lac generals. On the top of the mountain is the Thuong Temple and the sixth Hung Vuong mausoleum (known in folk as the tomb of the ancestors). From the Thuong temple to the southwest is the Well temple, where there is a stone well with clear water all year round. Legend has it that in the past, princesses Tien Dung and Ngoc Hoa, children of the eighteenth Hung King, often came to wash their hair there. Hung Temple Festival includes cultural and artistic activities of traditional ritual nature and other folk cultural activities... The remaining ritual cultural activities to this day are the palanquin procession. king and incense offering ceremony. According to Hung Vuong's Ngoc genealogy, recorded during Hong Duc's post-Le dynasty, from the Dinh dynasty, Le dynasty, Ly dynasty, Tran dynasty and then later Le, there was still the same incense and smoke in the temple, here people from all over the country came to worship to commemorate. The merits of the ancient Holy Patriarch... Vietnamese folk literature talks about the Hung Temple festival as follows: "No matter who goes back and forth, remember the death anniversary of the ancestors on the 10th of the third month". Source: Phu Tho Tourism Promotion Information Center

Phu Tho 851 view

Rating : Special national monument Open door

Outstanding relic site