Relic point Vietnam

Ninh Binh

Temple of Truong Han Sieu

Truong Han Sieu Temple is located in the southwest of Duc Thuy Mountain, one side leans against the mountain, below is the lyrical Day River lazily flowing, winding from right to left, embracing the Temple area, creating a lyrical scene. , peaceful yet majestic. Truong Han Sieu (year of birth unknown) is from Yen Ninh district, Truong Yen district, now Ninh Binh city, Ninh Binh province. He was talented in literature and martial arts, rich in patriotism, and was respected by the kings of the Tran dynasty. Together with Nguyen Trung Ngan, he composed the Code of Laws "The Thuong Thu" and the book "Royal Trieu Dien", laying the foundation for the Vietnamese feudal regime to operate according to the law. When he died, he was posthumously awarded the title of Deputy Thai Viceroy and worshiped at the Temple of Literature - Quoc Tu Giam. When he died, a temple was built in the Southeast near his grave. But over time due to war, Truong Han Sieu temple was leveled. In early 1993, during the construction of houses in Van Giang ward, city residents discovered stone tablets and stone steles, column bases, and stone steps of the temple buried deep in the ground. On April 24, 1998, the construction of Truong Han Sieu temple officially started in the southwest area of ​​Duc Thuy mountain. Truong Han Sieu Temple has a nail-style architecture, including 3 Bai Duong compartments and 2 Harem compartments, two floors of roofs covered with taro tiles, and the corners have curved knife heads. Looking at the edge of the roof, it rolls up at both ends like the image of a spectacular dragon boat. On the roof of the temple are two dragons flanking the moon. The front of the temple has a large inscription in Chinese characters "Truong Thang Phu Tu". Inside the altar is a bronze statue of Truong Han Sieu with a 1:1 ratio, sitting on a pedestal in Tran Dynasty costumes. The altar has a hammock door, an incense burner and two shelves with precious bowls on both sides. The last room of the harem has an incense burner to hold Truong Han Sieu's tablet. Every spring, Truong Han Sieu Temple is also a place where a large number of people in the province come to burn incense, sincerely ask for the New Year's blessing, with wishes for good things and luck in the new year. Truong Han Sieu Temple is located right next to Non Nuoc Mountain, one of the most famous tourist destinations in Ninh Binh. The temple worships Truong Han Sieu - a cultural celebrity and also a son of Ninh Binh. He was a man of "literature and martial arts", and together with scholar Nguyen Trung Ngan, composed the "Hinshu" law code. The Temple of Truong Han Sieu will always be living documents for generations to come. If you visit the ancient capital, don't forget to visit Truong Han Sieu temple to learn more about the roots of Vietnamese history. Future generations need to preserve cultural relics of historical significance because this is not simply preserving ancient architecture but is also related to the cultural history of an entire nation. Source: Electronic information page of Ninh Binh Department of Tourism Information Center

Ninh Binh 384 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Am Tien Cave

Am Tien pagoda and cave are located in the Ngu Phong Son mountain range, southeast of the Hoa Lu ancient capital relic site, in Truong Yen commune, Hoa Lu district, Ninh Binh province. This is a cluster of relics containing many values ​​​​of unique architectural landscape, history, culture, and beliefs. In 1998, the relic was ranked by the Ministry of Culture and Information as a national historical and cultural relic. Am Tien pagoda and cave, in addition to worshiping Buddha, also worship Zen Master Nguyen Minh Khong, who was instrumental in repairing the cave and building the pagoda. Not only was he proficient in Dharma, he was also skilled in medicine. Because of his great merit in treating King Ly Than Tong, he was awarded the title of National Teacher - the top monk of Buddhism during the Ly dynasty. According to local legend and documents preserved at the site, in the 10th century, this cave was originally a stone prison, where King Dinh Tien Hoang kept tigers and leopards to punish those who committed serious crimes. Later, the cave was no longer used as a prison, but it is said that the evil souls of the dead still remain in the cave. Local people passing by here often hear the sounds of ghosts crying, tigers screaming, and leopards roaring. No one dares to come close to the cave. During the Ly Dynasty, National Master Nguyen Minh Khong came here and used the cave as a pagoda. He recited sutras and preached Dharma every day to stop the demons from howling and harming innocent people. According to the epitaph "Dai Chu Ma Son Ang Dai Quang Thanh lava tragedy". The 4th Chinh Long Bao Ung date (year 1166) engraved on the cave door wall says: This cave is called Dai Quang Thanh cave, located on the large mountain Chu Ma Son Ang. According to the epitaph "Tien Am Tu Bi Tien Am Thach Lo Chi". compiled by Phan Dinh Hoa's Tuan Phu in the 7th Bao Dai era (1932), currently kept at the relic, says: "Since Dai Quang Thanh took refuge in this cave, the cave was later used as a pagoda. Relying on the Buddha and Saints, the prison turned into a wonder park, and the cave turned into a pagoda from there. The 32nd reign of Tu Duc (1879) was recently revised. Association leaders around the area always pay attention to making the pagoda more beautiful and the Tap Phuc association named the pagoda Am Tien. Am Tien pagoda and cave are located halfway up the mountain, facing southwest, in front is a large meandering lake, surrounded by rolling limestone mountains. Epitaph "Tien Am Tu Biography". The 2nd Dong Khanh era (1887) said that when you want to enter the cave, you have to climb over a "mountain about 8.9 meters high... in the village there is a field estimated at more than 10 acres that can be planted with rice, and on both sides of the mountain there are beautiful scenery." wild, animals, birds and animals contrast, so it is called Co Am. The mountain forms a wall surrounding the hermitage, and there are caves in the rocky mountain. From below, follow the edge up to the cave." This epitaph also adds. "I don't know when the temple was built. In the 32nd year of King Tu Duc's reign (1879), the pagoda was desolate and gloomy, so the village agreed to repair it. The rotten things were carefully sealed, repainted the statue of Dai Quang Thanh, repainted the statue of national dharma Zen master Nguyen Minh Khong on the right side, and the Buddha statue could not be repainted. By the reign of King Ham Nghi, all the decorations were completed." Am Tien Pagoda and Cave still preserve valuable relics. On the cliff on the right side of the cave, there is a ghost stele "Dai Chu Ma Son Ang Dai Quang Thanh lava bi". (Meaning: stele engraved on the wall of Dai Quang Thanh cave on the large Chu Ma Son Ang mountain). The stele is dated Chinh Long Bao Ung's 4th year (1166). On the left side of the cave are three steles, including two stone steles of the Nguyen Dynasty dating from the 2nd Dong Khanh (1887), the 7th Bao Dai (1932) and one without words. The content of the two steles talks about the history of the pagoda's name and the process of repairing the pagoda. The cliff to the left of the cave entrance has a small bell hanging. In addition to the beauty of architectural landscape space, Am Tien pagoda and cave also preserve many valuable relics and antiques. This is a valuable historical source in learning and researching about the ancient capital of Hoa Lu, about the Dai Co Viet state, about historical events and characters. Source: Department of Culture and Sports of Ninh Binh province

Ninh Binh 888 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Tam Diep line

The Tam Diep defensive line relic area is called after the Tam Diep defensive line of the Tay Son insurgent army, built at the end of the Mau Than year (1788) to prepare forces for the speedy campaign, defeating 290,000 invaders. The Qing invaders and their gang sold the country to Le Chieu Thong in the early spring of Ky Dau (1789). At the end of the year Mau Than (1788), Le Chieu Thong's gang of traitors brought 290,000 Qing troops to invade our country. Faced with the initial strength of the enemy, Ngo Van So and Ngo Thi Nham and the Bac Ha generals retreated strategically to build the Tam Diep and Bien Son defense lines. The two water and land sides contacted each other to maintain the vulnerable position. . The Tam Diep Line is the final withdrawal limit of the Tay Son insurgent army, aiming to prevent and prevent enemy attacks, ensuring secrecy and safety for the rear in the South. When Quang Trung marched to the North, the Tam Diep line was the gathering place of the Tay Son insurgents (from December 20, Mau Than year, January 15, 1789 to December 30, Mau Than year, January 25, 1789). ). Temporary Line relic area, including 3 pass peaks of Tam Diep and a cluster of forts, Kem Do, Ong Ninh fort, Tam Diep fort, blocking Thien Ly road from the North to Thanh Hoa. Thien Ly road from North to South runs on 3 peaks of Tam Diep pass, the highest peak is about 110m. In the 16th century, taking advantage of the rugged terrain of the Tam Diep mountain range, the Le - Trinh feudal government built a number of ramparts on both North and South sides of Tam Diep pass and used Tam Diep as the boundary between the Southern and Southern dynasties. Northern Dynasty. At Kem That, on both sides of Thien Ly road, two ramparts were built connecting the cliffs to form a solid gate. About 400m north of Kem That is "Ong Ninh rampart", connecting two mountain ranges called Thanh mountain. In the middle of the rampart there is a path, on both sides there are stone embankments like "rampart gates". To the west of the rampart there is a moat about 8m wide, to prevent enemy attacks from coming in from Thien Ly road. About 100m away from this rampart is "Tam Diep post", about 1 acre in size, controlling the Thien Ly road north of the gate. When withdrawing from the strategy of building the Tam Diep defense line at the end of the year Mau Than (1789), the Tay Son insurgents used these strongholds, so there are many legends about Nguyen Hue and the Tay Son insurgents here. Local people believe that "Mr. Ninh's rampart" is the front door and "District Ke's rampart" is the back door of the Tay Son insurgents. The Tam Diep station in particular was used from the Le dynasty to the Tay Son dynasty and the Nguyen dynasty and belonged to the weakened Nguyen Quang Toan government, but was stationed in Tam Diep to fight against the Nguyen Anh government. When the Nguyen Dynasty was established, it also used Tam Diep post to control the Thien Ly road from North to South. At Kem That, two Thien Ly roads still have traces, two short ramparts connecting to the cliffs have been almost completely destroyed. Ong Ninh's rampart is still quite clear, 135m long, 15m wide, the main road, Tam Diep fort still have two faint traces on the eastern edge of the citadel. Currently, on the top of Tam Diep Pass, the highest pass (belonging to Thanh Hoa province), there is a stele with the poem "Qua Tam Diep Son" (through Tam Diep Mountain) carved in the 2nd year of Thieu Tri (1842), recording a poem written by Thieu Tri while on patrol here. On October 8, 1985, the Tam Diep defense line was recognized as a national historical relic Source: Department of Culture and Sports of Ninh Binh province

Ninh Binh 839 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Dinh Luoc

Dinh Luoc Communal House is located in Luoc village, Son Lai commune, Nho Quan district, in a cultural space with bold characteristics of the Northern countryside with a peaceful green scene of trees, ponds, and communal house yards. The communal house is a cultural activity point for the entire community of Luoc village. The name of the relic is named after the place of the village from ancient times. The communal house faces west and was built on high ground located at the western edge of the village. In front is the open space of Dau Hill, far away to the North is the gentle mountain range separating Gia Sinh and Truong Yen communes. Surrounding the communal house are ancient trees hundreds of years old with an ancient appearance, witnessing many ups and downs of the monument. In front of the communal house is a large lotus pond that serves as a hall, a place considered a gathering place for blessings and water in the village. The communal house was built according to Nhat architecture, consisting of 3 rooms, following the ancient style of gabled walls, four rows of pillars. The communal house's tiled roof, truss system, diaphragms, beams, and rafters are all made of quadrangular wood with moderate dimensions and are sturdy. The motifs and patterns in the communal house are typical of the Nguyen Dynasty style such as floral and geometric decorations. At the relic, the god Nam Quoc Do Dai Tran Bac Dai Vuong is worshiped, a figure of the Dinh Dynasty who contributed to supporting the country and its people. Dinh Luoc worships Princess Chan Vuong, formerly the daughter of a local tycoon, a beautiful woman with impeccable talent and virtue, selected by King Le Hien Tong to be a maid. She had great contributions to the people of Luoc village, together with her father, she used money to build communal houses and pagodas, invited teachers to teach literacy to children in the area, helping the whole countryside become prosperous. When she passed away, people respectfully worshiped her to commemorate her merits. The court bestowed the title of Trinh Uyen Huyen Chan Linh Lord on her. The relic still retains valuable documents and artifacts such as: copies of ordinations of the Nguyen kings, altar thrones, and incense bowls of historical and cultural value. During the resistance period, Dinh Luoc was the secret base of revolutionary cadres in Quynh Luu area, and a gathering point for local militia and guerrillas. During the peaceful period until now, the communal house has become a place for community activities and a spiritual cultural site for the people of Luoc village. Dinh Luoc Communal House has always been cared for, preserved, and renovated spaciously and majestically by the people and local authorities. Every year, at the monument, many unique cultural activities and rituals take place such as: New Year celebration (Lunar New Year), summer opening ceremony (January 7), Thuong Dien ceremony (June 24). ). This is an opportunity for people in the village and those far from home to meet and remember the contributions of their ancestors, those who built and preserved the village, and passed on the unique cultural features of the village. homeland for future generations to preserve and promote. Along with the heroic traditions of the revolutionary base land, Luoc Communal House relics have become the pride of the Luoc village community, a fulcrum for descendants far from home to return to their ancestral homeland. Source: Management Board of Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex

Ninh Binh 800 view

Rating : Provincial level relics Open door

Kha Luong Pagoda

Kha Luong Pagoda and Temple are in Kha Luong village, Ninh Thang commune, Hoa Lu district, Ninh Binh province. The pagoda also has the literal name Thang Lam Tu (Thang Lam Pagoda). Kha Luong Temple has a beautiful terrain located on a turtle-shaped piece of land, in front of the yard is the turtle's mouth, so the villagers do not level it, as a kind of "water tank" where water and blessings gather. Legend has it that the pagoda was built during the Ly Dynasty. During the Nguyen Dynasty, the villagers moved the temple from the site Ma La to the front of the pagoda, creating an architectural style of "Previous Gods, Later Buddhas". The temple has a Dinh harem type structure with a row of columns and a bed to form Tien Duong with three compartments. The harem has three rooms, four rows of ironwood pillars, tiled roofs, outer rafters, mesmerizing rafters, because in the style of gong stands, carved dragons, tigers, and four sacred animals: dragon, lyre, tortoise, phoenix, and lacquer. gorgeous gold plated. The temple is a place to worship the Great King of the Household, who had the merit of saving the villagers from great disaster, was appointed by the House as Great King of the House, and became the Thanh Hoang of Kha Luong village. Kha Luong Pagoda has an architecture in the style of Nhi (=) Tien Duong with five trusses like "upper bed, lower bed", three rows of pillars, hiding a row of columns in the middle, the front row of columns is made of green stone. The Harem or Upper Pagoda has three compartments, rafters like "upper bed, lower bed", three rows of pillars, front and back columns made of green stone, in front there are two stone dragons flanking each other (legend from the Ly dynasty). ). The pagoda worships Tam The, Amitabha Tam, the newborn Sakyamuni, the Holy Monk, and the white-bearded Tho Dia, a folk belief with the wish to bless and protect the people and their village. In addition, the pagoda also worships Han Lam, which is a place to worship ghosts, this is also an ancient worship of the good nature of the people. Every year, Kha Luong Pagoda and Temple take place many forms of cultural activities such as the festival commemorating King Tran Thai Tong, the day of forgiveness for the dead, the holy day of Shakyamuni Buddha, in addition to the days of Wednesday, Full Moon, and New Year. Every villager burns incense and worships. The relic through the ages is also the place where many local revolutionary events took place. During the resistance war against the French, the pagoda was a treatment facility for wounded soldiers, and the pagoda was also an evacuation site for Primary School, Ninh Thang commune. Many people have grown up in this school. Kha Luong Pagoda and Temple also preserve many precious artifacts such as: stone stele, bell, stone dragon, ordination, dragon throne, tablet... these are valuable artifacts that are carefully preserved by the people in the village. important to remember the merits of our predecessors. Kha Luong Temple and Pagoda in Ninh Thang Commune is an ancient temple and pagoda, with beautiful scenery, trees giving off cool green shade all year round, this is also an architecture of the Nguyen Dynasty with the traditional style of the nation. Based on the values ​​of the relics, the People's Committee of Ninh Binh province ranked Kha Luong Temple and Pagoda relics as Provincial-level historical and cultural relics. Source: Management Board of Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex

Ninh Binh 877 view

Rating : Provincial level relics Open door

Dau Temple

Dau Temple is located in Nam Son ward, Tam Diep city, Ninh Binh province, the temple's literal name is Tang Da Linh Tu (meaning: Temple of Sacred Lady Dau) worshiping Princess Lieu Hanh - one of the four immortals of the Vietnamese pantheon. Nam transformed into a local girl who helped Tay Son people and soldiers grow mulberry trees and raise silkworms. Dau Temple is located on a beautiful feng shui position, the temple is located on a high land facing southeast, in front of the temple is Hong Ngoc mountain as a project, behind is Chong Den mountain as the occiput, on the left is Ngang mountain (Hoanh). Son) as Thanh Long, to the right of the temple there is Fat Mountain as White Tiger. The annual Dau Temple Festival opens on the 15th day of each month. Legend has it that it is the day of placing mulberry cuttings and also the day to celebrate King Quang Trung's triumphant victory, lasting until the 3rd day of the third lunar month (Mother's taboo day). Lieu), the local folk song still circulates: “No matter where anyone goes or where they go. The original festival of Dau Temple is back. No matter who is busy. When Nguyen Tieu celebrates the festival, he returns to Dau temple. In the past, the festival had the custom of processioning statues and drawing the words "Mother of the world", "Peace in the world" and "Ly Nhan is beautiful" but now the custom of processioning statues and drawing words has not been restored, only ceremonies and sacrifices remain. female officials still maintained. Like many other palaces and Mausoleums, this place has basic worship rituals such as: worshiping shadows, worshiping incense burners and presenting dong to pray for the Holy Mother and the gods' blessings, fortune, longevity and well-being. for hundreds of families. Dau temple relic is one of the relics closely related to Lieu Hanh temple such as Song temple, Pho Cat (Thanh Hoa), Phu Ngang hill, Quan Chao temple (Ninh Binh) related to the ancient Thien Ly road. north to south, associated with the space of Mau Lieu's influence from Phu Tay Ho (Hanoi) through Van Cat (Nam Dinh), through Tam Diep Pass (Ninh Binh - Thanh Hoa) to Ngang Pass (Ha Tinh - Quang Jar). The relic is located in the space of the Tam Diep - Bien Son defense line, associated with places such as Ong Ninh ramparts, Dong Quan valley, Tam Diep pass, Quen Tho ramparts, this is a defense line with important historical significance for the nation. in the victory of 200,000 Qing troops in 1789. Source: Ninh Binh Tourism Promotion Center

Ninh Binh 810 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Temple of Quy Minh Dai Vuong

Quy Minh Dai Vuong Temple and Temple cave are located at the foot of Ham Rong mountain, northeast of Binh Khe village, Ninh Nhat commune, Ninh Binh city, Ninh Binh province. The temple is also known as Thanh Quy temple or Thuong temple. Temple Cave, also known as Nha Kho Cave, is right behind the temple. This is a relic that was ranked by the People's Committee of Ninh Binh province as a provincial-level historical and cultural relic in 2006. The temple is a place to worship Saint Quy Minh Dai Vuong, a general of the 18th Hung King. According to folk legend, he is one of three brothers - three generals who have been canonized as Saints (Saint Tan Vien, Saint Cao Son and Saint Quy Minh), who had the merit of defending the Son Nam pass, protecting the country during the reign of King Hung Due Vuong (ie the 18th Hung King). He is a "Superior God", ordained by kings through many dynasties, worshiped by people everywhere, and became the village tutelary god in many places. The temple was built in the Dinh-shaped architectural style, including the front hall and the back palace. The Tien Duong Court consists of 3 horizontal rooms used as a place of worship, newly restored in 2015. The Harem Court consists of 3 vertical rooms, still preserved almost intact, the outer truss is a maze style above the surface station. tiger suit, below there are 3 words "Cao Son Tu". The mesmerizing painting is on the left of the dragon station, the mesmerizing painting is on the right of the "Phuong Vu" station (phoenix dancing), the rafters inside are moi rafters. The temple resembles a sturdy, profound green stone cliff. Outside the temple, on the left, there is an altar to worship mandarins. In the temple, the altar of King Quy Minh is solemnly placed in the middle, on the right is the Observation altar, and on the left is the altar of Princess Sac Nga. In front of the temple gate is a semicircular lake, a place where water and blessings gather. Temple Cave is located right behind Thanh Quy Temple. To the left of the cave is a horse grave, with an altar. Legend has it that a precious war horse died here. Temple Cave is a large stone roof, the cave entrance is 10m wide and about 50m deep. The highest point is about 5m, in the middle of the cave there is a small well deep into the mountain body called the road to hell and a way to climb back up called the road to heaven. During the previous resistance war against the French and Americans, the temple was the headquarters of many agencies (the longest lasting of which was the Ninh Binh Printing Enterprise), where weapons, ammunition, and military provisions were stored. In addition, it is also a place to print documents, books and newspapers, and a place to evacuate people from surrounding areas... Currently, the temple still preserves many precious artifacts such as: 6 decrees of the Kings of the Nguyen Dynasty; Copper club; Phu Viet; Cleansing management; dragon throne; worship items… Every year, villagers hold sacrifices to the Saint at the relic on the 14th and 15th of the 10th lunar month. In addition, Mass is also offered on weekdays and full moon days of the year. Quy Minh Dai Vuong Temple and Temple cave are located in the Ham Rong mountain area, a beautiful and charming landscape, near the historic Hoa Lu Ancient Capital. In the future, this will be an attractive tourist destination on the outskirts of Hoa Lu Ancient Capital. Source: Management Board of Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex

Ninh Binh 855 view

Rating : Provincial level relics Open door

Temple of Princess Phat Kim

Princess Thuc Tiet Temple, also known as Ba Chua Palace, Phat Kim Princess Temple, is located in the Hoa Lu Ancient Capital historical and cultural relic site in Tam Ky village, Truong Yen commune, Hoa Lu district. The relic is located on a plot of land about 500 square meters, separated from the inter-village road by a wall decorated with the stylized word "Tho" in a pine style. Above are four Chinese characters "Cac Trung De Tu" (Place to worship the King's daughter). On both sides there are two cave pillars built into the wall. The relic has an octagonal Ngoc well with 8 sides, built adjacent to the surrounding wall. Princess Phat Kim is the third daughter of King Dinh Tien Hoang. For a great cause, Princess Phat Kim sacrificed her personal happiness and agreed to marry Ngo Nhat Khanh. Ngo Nhat Khanh proclaimed himself An Vuong, leader of the warlord in Duong Lam, one of the 12 warlords. As a son-in-law, Ngo Nhat Khanh still did not let go of his resentment and sought to seek help from Champa against the Dinh Dynasty. Faced with her husband's betrayal, in addition to the murder of her father King Dinh Tien Hoang and her brother Dinh Lien, Princess Phat Kim, out of pain and disappointment, threw herself into the well at Lau Vong Nguyet and committed suicide. According to local people, the current temple location is the foundation of Vong Nguyet Palace - the residence of Princess Phat Kim. Right after the princess committed suicide to preserve her virtue, the people built a temple to worship her. Through historical periods, the monument has been repaired many times, the most recent traces being in the Nguyen Dynasty. The temple's architecture is in the style of the Dinh script, including two buildings: the Tien Pagoda and the Hau Palace. The Tien Bai court is 8.2m long, 4.44m wide, consisting of 3 compartments and 2 compartments, male tiled roof, the front porch of Tien Bai court is made in the style of stacking matches, two floors. The roof of Tien Bai building in the middle is decorated with a moon shape, and the two ends of the roof are decorated with two dragon heads flanking it. The first row of columns consists of four simple wooden columns, the second row of columns consists of four rectangular stone columns, the third row of columns is adjacent to the Harem building, the two middle columns are circular, decorated with cloud dragons with lacquer. Gong-style truss architecture. The Tien Bai Court has incense altars to worship mandarins, and under the incense altar is a place to worship the god Bach Ho. All decorative motifs are sophisticated and imbued with the fine arts of the Nguyen Dynasty. The Harem court consists of 1 room and 2 rooms, running to the back are two rooms. The truss architecture is simple, with only one row of two wooden columns and the front is connected to the Tien Bai building. This is the main place of worship, the statue of Princess Phat Kim in the royal court, placed on the back of the banquet, is carved in a sitting position, the legs are five letters, the head is decorated with flowers, the eyes look straight, the beauty is kind and the face is pink. The back of the banh is decorated with patterns of leaves, phoenixes, twisted patterns, stylized flowers and leaves. The two arms of the back banh are almost similar to the arms of the throne, decorated in the shape of two dragons flanking the sides. On both sides of the statue are two maids carved in a standing position on a wooden pedestal. On both sides of the altar of the statue of Princess Phat Kim are many incense bowls worshiping the destiny of the people in the village according to ancient beliefs. Princess Phat Kim Temple is located in the historical and cultural relic site of Hoa Lu Ancient Capital, so forms of folk cultural activities and traditional festivals taking place at the relic are also part of the Festival's programs. Traditional Hoa Lu ancient capital (takes place from March 8 to March 10 of the lunar calendar every year, March 10 is also the taboo day of Princess Phat Kim, the main ceremony of the temple). During the festivals after the water procession ceremony, fire procession ceremony, code opening ceremony and incense offering ceremony at the two temples of King Dinh and King Le, delegates, worship groups and tourists from all over come to the secondary relics. others to offer incense and sacrifices. In addition, during the first and middle days of the lunar month, local people come to the temple to burn incense and offer offerings to pray for peace. Princess Thuc Tiet Temple or Phu Ba Chua, was built during the Dinh dynasty to worship Princess Phat Kim, honoring a woman with a loyal heart, pure virtue, and chastity. This is an ancient temple with many spiritual meanings and values ​​of cultural roots that go along with the years. Source: Management Board of Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex

Ninh Binh 821 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Ly Thai To beer house

Ly Thai To beer house is located in Gia My commune, Gia Vien district, Ninh Binh province. King Ly Thai To's full name is Ly Cong Uan, born in the year Giap Tuat (974), from Co Phap continent (now Tu Son district, Bac Ninh province). When he was young, the king was very intelligent and unusually handsome. The king went to study at Luc To Pagoda (Tien Son, Bac Ninh) and was praised by monk Van Hanh as a smart person. When he grew up, he would be able to solve problems and become a wise man in the world. As an adult, the king is a man of character. Le Long Dinh ascended the throne and promoted him to the position of Commander-in-Chief of the Left Guard Palace. King Le Long Dinh died, Ly Cong Uan was crowned Emperor by his court in the year of the Rooster (1009). In the 10th century, in the context of newly established national unity, King Dinh Tien Hoang and King Le Dai Hanh established their capital in the rugged mountains of Hoa Lu for defense. After ascending the throne, Ly Thai To realized that stationing the capital in Hoa Lu capital as a defensive citadel was only suitable for the country's situation in the task of building and protecting the Fatherland. But by the Ly dynasty, the requirement to preserve the country was not an exclusive requirement, but the problem was to lay a solid and comprehensive foundation for the prosperity of an independent feudal nation, with the requirements of development. about everything. Therefore, unable to continue building the capital in the rugged mountainous area, Ly Thai To made a particularly important and historic decision to move the capital from Hoa Lu to Dai La citadel. The King issued the work "Edict to Move the Capital". The King affirmed ".... Dai La citadel, in the middle of heaven and earth, has the position of the Dragon sweeping the Tiger to sit, in the middle of North, South, East, and West, with a convenient shape of mountains and rivers, behind and before, the land is wide and flat, and the place is high. It's bright, the people don't suffer from flooding, everything is very prosperous and prosperous, it is considered the best place in all of Vietnam. Truly it is the meeting place of the four directions, the capital of eternal scholars...". Recording about this, the book Dai Viet Complete History also said, "In the fall of July, the king moved the capital from Hoa Lu citadel to the large capital in Dai La of the capital." In 1997, while leveling the festival grounds, many terracotta tiles were found, decorated with lotus and phoenix motifs; cross "Dai Viet Quoc Thanh Chuyen", "Giang Tay Quan". These bricks were determined to be of the same age as bricks discovered during excavations in the southern area of ​​King Le's temple. Researchers believe that Ben Den in front of King Dinh temple and King Le temple is the river wharf where King Ly Thai To moved the capital from Hoa Lu to Dai La citadel. To record an important historical mark, a historical journey of the country from restoring independence and autonomy to a period of renaissance and strong development. In 2000, on the occasion of the 990th anniversary of Hoa Lu - Thang Long - Hanoi, the Party Committee and people of Ninh Binh province built a stele house to commemorate King Ly Thai To. The epitaph was composed by Professor and labor hero Vu Khieu. This is a good poem in the form of parallelism. The epitaph consists of 4 stanzas. Content of stanza 1: Our ancient ancestors - Write about the life and career of King Ly Thai To. Content of stanza 2: Hoa Lu's career at that time - Praises the career of building and defending the country of the Dinh - Early Le dynasties and the cause of the imperial capital of King Ly Thai To. Content of stanzas 3 and 4: The immortal Hoa Lu tradition - Today's country - Inheriting and promoting the immortal Hoa Lu tradition, over the past 10 centuries, generations of descendants of this land of spiritual masterpieces Hoa Lu - Ninh Binh was united, brave, and steadfast with the army and people of the whole country to establish glorious victories, bringing glory to the homeland and the country, making the Hoa Lu tradition everlasting along with the history of the people. clan. Source: Ninh Binh Department of Culture and Sports

Ninh Binh 827 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Temple of King Le Dai Hanh

King Le Dai Hanh's mausoleum is located at the foot of Ma Yen mountain to the south, on both sides there are two mountains that people call "Long chau, Ho phu", which are the arms of the throne, so the mountain is also called Hoan Y Son. In the outer citadel area of ​​Hoa Lu Citadel today, it belongs to Yen Thuong Village, Truong Yen Commune, Hoa Lu District, Ninh Binh Province. King Le's mausoleum also has another name according to local people: Ma Quan. This name may come from folk beliefs about the role and position (servant) of Le Hoan during the reign of King Dinh Tien Hoang, however this name is ancient and not very popular. King Le's mausoleum is a type of burial relic, according to the nation's traditional traditions. According to ancient beliefs, the tombs of King Dinh and King Le were all placed in a place called "De Vuong's grave". King Le Dai Hanh, also known as Le Hoan, was formerly talented in martial arts, liberal, and had great ambition. Le Hoan joined the Hoa Lu insurgent army, followed Nam Viet King Dinh Lien to participate in battles, defeated the rebel warlords, and achieved many victories. He was respected by King Dinh Tien Hoang as a wise and brave man and became a Thap Dao general during the Dinh dynasty. Le Hoan led the army to expel the Tong invaders, defeated Champa, and consolidated the independent and unified feudal state apparatus. The government also took care to implement a number of positive measures for economic development. Le Hoan ascended the throne and changed his reign name to Thien Phuc. It can be said that under the reign of King Le Dai Hanh, Hoa Lu Capital and Dai Co Viet country had prosperity and stability. Politics, military, culture, and diplomacy tend to develop, marking important milestones. He deserves to be the person who quelled internal and external enemies, created the country's strength and showed authority to the northern Song Dynasty. In the year At Ty 1005, in March, King Le Dai Hanh passed away at Truong Xuan Palace. When King Le died, his officials buried him and built a mausoleum in the southwest of the foot of Ma Yen mountain. The size of the mausoleum is smaller than that of King Dinh Tien Hoang but still proves the majesty of the emperor. Behind is a stone stele, the main face of the stele has the words: "Le Dai Hanh Emperor's mausoleum" and the date of the stele: Minh Menh's 21st year (1840). According to folk tradition, in the land of Truong Yen, when building the Hoa Lu Capital, King Dinh and King Le both took Ma Yen Son as their criminal record, and took the Dai Van range as the rear of the capital. Ma Yen Mountain is also where the King often resides during every naval review. King Le Dai Hanh's mausoleum was restored in 2020 and is majestic and worthy of the Emperor's stature. The position of King Dinh's mausoleum and King Le's tomb is located in the Hoa Lu ancient capital relic area, attached to central relics such as: Temple of King Dinh - King Le and other nearby relics. In addition to its great historical and cultural value, a place that marks the nation's glory, this is also a place blessed with charming landscapes by nature, attracting tourists from near and far to visit and worship. , paying tribute to great men who have made great contributions to the country. Source: Management Board of Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex

Ninh Binh 834 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Temple of King Dinh Tien Hoang

The temple worshiping King Dinh Tien Hoang, also known as Dinh Bo Linh temple, Van Bong temple or Dai Huu temple (named after the place where the temple is located), currently belongs to Van Bong village, Gia Phuong commune, Gia Vien district, Ninh province. Jar. Legend has it that this is the place associated with the birth of Dinh Bo Linh, a national hero who was instrumental in suppressing the rebellion of 12 warlords, unifying the country, establishing the state of Dai Co Viet in 968. Here, also There are tablets worshiping loyal mandarins who are the four pillars of the Dinh dynasty including Dinh Dien, Nguyen Bac, Trinh Tu, and Luu Co. Legend has it that King Dinh Tien Hoang and his son Dinh Lien were murdered by Do Thich in the year 979. According to court rituals, the royal family conferred the title, beautiful letters, and established a temple to worship in their hometown. Thus, the temple was established long ago. Currently, the rest of the monument has the architectural style of the Nguyen Dynasty. There are many sources of information about King Dinh Tien Hoang, recorded in history and folk legends, and the general tone is to praise his talent and great contributions to the cause of unifying the country and opening up the economy. our country's orthodoxy after thousands of years of slavery. In his homeland today, there are still many legends and places related to the childhood of Dinh Tien Hoang as well as Nguyen Bac, Dinh Dien, famous generals from the same hometown as Dai Huu with King Dinh. Ky Lan Mountain is located at the beginning of Gia Phuong commune, nearly 3km from the temple, with King Dinh's mausoleum, Dai Huu cave, Nguyen Bac's mausoleum. To the southwest of the mountain there is a winding space that looks like a throne, halfway up there is a large, relatively flat area. Legend has it that Mr. Dinh Cong Tru, Dinh Tien Hoang's father, saw the beautiful scene and brought the king's grandfather's grave to this throne, building a mausoleum, called Lang Phat Tich, which has now been renovated. Next to Lang Phat Tich is Dai Huu cave halfway up the mountain. In the cave there are many beautiful shapes formed by stalactites, in some places there are shapes like Ky Lan, so it is also called Ky Lan cave. Previously, according to tradition, the cave had a temple to Son Than, which was the refuge of Mrs. Dam Thi and Dinh Bo Linh when Mr. Dinh Cong Tru passed away, as many books have written. To the southeast of King Dinh's mausoleum, there is also Nguyen Bac's mausoleum. The mausoleum is located next to the foot of the mountain. Right in front of the temple, about 200m away, is Bo De Mound, a tall, square, ancient land area of ​​nearly 200m2 at the beginning of Van Bong hamlet. Legend has it that this is the old house foundation of Dinh Bo Linh. In the middle of the fields of Van Bong village, near the temple of King Dinh Tien Hoang, there is a relatively high area of ​​land, thousands of square meters wide, with the ancient name Dao Ao (also known as Dao Ao land). Legend has it that this place was where Dinh Bo Linh's army gathered for military exercises. In general, the area around the relic today still retains many places and legends related to King Dinh Tien Hoang. These are valuable historical sources to clarify his background and career. Especially from his hometown in Gia Phuong commune today, up to Gia Hung (Gia Vien), to Truong Yen (Hoa Lu), the entire length and width of dozens of kilometers, every land has its own famous places and traditions. theory related to King Dinh Tien Hoang. The temple has been extensively renovated in recent years, but still preserves the ancient Nguyen Dynasty architecture. Facing west, there are three buildings, the architecture is in the style of "first, last". In front of the temple is a semicircular lake. Inside the lake, in the middle of the yard, two bronze pillars were built to form the exit and entrance to the relic. The temple area consists of 3 buildings: Tien Pagoda, Middle Hall and Chinh Tam. The front hall consists of 5 rooms, the architecture is in the style of stacking ironwood beams, and the gable walls are closed. All of the trap heads are carved with leaf patterns, especially the middle part of the trap head is carved with a dragon. The rafters in the truss system are all carved with leaf patterns. The roof of Tien Bai is shaped like two dragons flanking the moon. The middle street is adjacent to Tien Bai, consisting of 3 compartments, architectural style (the entire diaphragm system is located on the rafters), in front there is a door system, all the traps are carved with leaf patterns. In particular, the rafters on both sides of the porch door have quite sophisticated carvings of four sacred animals. The main building consists of 2 main rooms and 1 back room. The architecture is in the style of upper and lower floors. The relic still retains a number of precious artifacts such as worship statues, thrones, altars, and ordinations of dynasties... Every year, on the occasion of the festival of the ancient capital of Hoa Lu, people of Van Bong village and Gia Phuong commune also open Temple festival and participating in the fire palanquin procession from the king's homeland to the ancient capital of Hoa Lu. With outstanding historical and cultural values, the temple of King Dinh Tien Hoang was ranked by the Ministry of Culture and Information as a national historical and cultural relic in 1993. Source: Department of Culture and Sports of Ninh Binh province

Ninh Binh 848 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Outstanding relic site