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Xuong Giang Victory Site Historical Relic Area

Xuong Giang Victory Historical Site was recognized by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism as a National Historical Site in 2009; Xuong Giang ancient citadel is located in Dong Nham commune, Tho Xuong district, now Xuong Giang ward, Bac Giang city, Bac Giang province. Xuong Giang is the name of the ancient citadel built by the Ming army in the 15th century (1407). Through many ups and downs of history, only a few traces of Xuong Giang Ancient Citadel remain, but the location and appearance of the Ancient Citadel are still kept intact in the minds of every person of Bac Giang land. Therefore, in 2012, to commemorate the national heroes and educate the patriotic traditions of the homeland, the People's Committee of Bac Giang province approved the decision to build a new Xuong Giang Temple on the foundation of the ancient Xuong Giang Citadel. The campus is spacious and airy, shaded by green trees, and through the Tam Quan gate is a large festival ground. On the left side of the yard is the Ta Vu and the bell tower, on the right side of the yard is the Huu Vu and the drum tower. The center of the relic complex is Xuong Giang Temple with an area of ​​1.3 hectares. The system of horizontal and vertical parallel sentences is all written in the national language, and the signboard of Xuong Giang Temple is painted in red and gilded on a bright red background. Xuong Giang Temple today is the central location of Xuong Giang Ancient Citadel, built by the Ming Dynasty in 1407. After invading our country, the Ming Dynasty built defense stations and built ramparts in key places to defense. Xuong Giang Citadel then became a fortified stronghold of the Ming invaders, on the route from Guangxi (China) to Dong Quan (now Hanoi). The remaining traces show that Xuong Giang Citadel was located on a low hillock, covered with soil, surrounded by a small river and sunken fields. The citadel has a rectangular shape with a total area of ​​27 hectares. The citadel is divided into clear areas: mansions, barracks, food warehouses, ammunition warehouses... Xuong Giang Citadel is considered the center of the battle and had decisive significance in the Chi Lang - Xuong Giang Campaign when in 1427, Le Loi commanded the Lam Son insurgent army to attack the citadel, destroying the Ming army led by Lieu Thang. This was the decisive victory for our nation's independence in the 15th century, overthrowing the brutal rule of the Ming Dynasty that lasted for 2 decades, and opening a new page in the history of building and defending the country. glorious country of the nation. To commemorate the historic victory of the Lam Son insurgent army at Xuong Giang citadel, every year Bac Giang province organizes a festival on January 6 and 7, attracting a large number of visitors from all over. During the festival, there are many unique rituals and fun games. With typical value, on December 31, 2019, the Prime Minister ranked Xuong Giang Victory Site as a special national monument. This demonstrates the Party and State's concern for preserving and promoting the value of the nation's historical and cultural relics. Source: Bac Giang province electronic information portal

Bac Giang 46 view

Rating : Special national monument Open door

Vinh Nghiem Pagoda

Vinh Nghiem Pagoda, also known as Duc La Pagoda, is an ancient pagoda in Duc La village, Tri Yen commune, Yen Dung district, Bac Giang province. Vinh Nghiem Pagoda is an ancient pagoda, where the only original set of woodblocks of the Truc Lam Buddhist sect is kept. The 3,000 woodblocks of Vinh Nghiem Pagoda have been awarded by UNESCO as a world memory documentary heritage. The pagoda is recognized as a Buddhist center, a place to train monks for the whole country, and the birthplace of the Three Patriarchs of Truc Lam Zen sect of Vietnamese Buddhism. In 2015, the pagoda was recognized by the State of Vietnam as a special national monument. Vinh Nghiem Pagoda is located at the confluence of Luc Nam and Thuong rivers (called Phuong Nhan junction). The pagoda overlooks the confluence of rivers, towards Luc Dau Giang - Kiep Bac, Cam Ly region, the gateway to Yen Tu mountain. Surrounding the pagoda are mountains, including Co Tien Mountain. Across the river is Tran Hung Dao's royal palace, Kiep Bac Temple. Legend has it that Vinh Nghiem Pagoda was built in the Ly Dynasty (11th century). At the end of the 13th century, (1010-1028), Buddha Emperor Tran Nhan Tong expanded and built this place into a major Buddhist center of the Tran Dynasty, renaming the pagoda Vinh Nghiem, associated with the birth and development of Truc Lam Yen Tu Zen sect. As one of the ancestral places of the Zen sect, Vinh Nghiem Pagoda was built with a grand architectural scale, many items, standard and exemplary of traditional pagoda architecture. This is an ancient temple with the richest architecture of Buddhist-Vietnamese identity that no other temple in the region has, worthy of being called a "great ancient site". In the pagoda, there are also Buddha statues, statues of the Patriarchs of the Truc Lam lineage, statues of later monks, statues of Dharma protectors, statues of Arhats... In the pagoda there is also a muzzle nearly half a meter long, painted glossy black, with a sound hole. There are two lines of Sanskrit inscriptions. In the past, Vinh Nghiem Pagoda was a place to train Buddhist monks, so it was a storage place for ancient scriptures that were up to 10 rooms wide. These are collections of sutras dating back 700 years, a treasure trove of extremely valuable ancient books, such as: The novice monk, the monk, the novice monk, the 348 precepts, the Yen Tu diary from the 15th century (the process of forming the Truc Lam sect), Hoa Nghiem Sutra, Amitabha Sutra, Mahayana Chi Quan, Precepts and Ni Sutras... Today there are many wooden shelves printed with historical sutras still at the pagoda. The ancients called this engraving, proving that Vinh Nghiem Pagoda once dominated 72 forests. Currently, the Moc Thu warehouse still preserves 34 books with nearly 3,000 engraved copies, each copy has two sides, each side has 2 upside-down engraved pages (negatives) with about 2,000 Nom and Chinese characters. Those engravings are still handed down in our country with each sharp and delicate handwriting. Today, those values ​​still remain intact, without any loss of value. The pagoda's area is about 1 hectare, surrounded by dense bamboo. Currently, the pagoda is being renovated and creating favorable conditions for tourists to travel and worship. Visitors can follow the route such as: three-entrance gate, go about 100m deeper to worship the road, also known as Ho Pagoda. On both sides of the pagoda's road, pine clumps about 1 meter long were built to form pine forests. On the temple grounds there is a large stone stele with 6 sides built in the 7th year of Hoang Dinh (1606). Right in front of the ancient stele is the tomb tower garden of 5 monks: Phu Lang Trung Phap (named Sa Mon), Thong Due Ung Duyen, Thanh Quy, Tinh Phuong Sa Mon, Thanh Hanh and a number of other towers. Vinh Nghiem Pagoda Festival is held on the 14th day of the second lunar month. Source: Bac Giang Province Electronic Information Portal

Bac Giang 420 view

Rating : Special national monument Open door

Phuc Long Communal House

Phuc Long communal house is located in Tang Tien commune, Viet Yen district, Bac Giang province. Phuc Long communal house is the center of traditional religious and cultural activities of the people of Phuc Long village, past and present. The village communal house is a place of worship for the entire people, and is also the center for organizing the village's festivals during Tet holidays, which represent the long history and cultural traditions of Phuc Long village. Based on the legend engraved on the stone stele of King Tu Duc, and according to the legends of the local people, Phuc Long communal house worships the gods of sound and inspiration, helping to fight the enemy to save the country and protect the country. defend the homeland. In addition, Phuc Long people also worship Nhue District Cong Le Tuong Cong, the Le Dynasty mandarin who helped people rebuild Phuc Long pagoda and communal house. That is the communal house and pagoda that remains today. Remembering his gratitude, the villagers carved a stele recording his merits and worshiped the mandarin as his successor. Every year, they worshiped him on the 10th day of the 7th month, called the death anniversary of the old man. The eulogy of the general's official was read on the death anniversary. They share a common belief in worshiping Heaven, Earth and Water - elements closely related to the lives of people working in wet rice agriculture. The value of Phuc Long communal house is not only in its ancient founding date, over 300 years ago, but mainly in its large scale, unique architectural style and talented carving and decoration art. , delicate. The most attractive thing about Phuc Long communal house is the decoration and engravings on the architectural parts: such as on the ends, levers, scrolls, hammock doors in front of the palace, on the gates, The column bibs (also known as column tapers), are all engraved with decorative images with many different designs. Unlike many other communal houses, the entire wooden frame of Phuc Long communal house is bare, unpainted and gilded, showing off all the sophistication and ingenuity of the workers who built the communal house. What is recognizable is the architectural structure and especially the carvings, showing the two unions of carpenters involved in building the communal house. Therefore, the architectural style, especially the carving, shows two different styles, delicate carving, trimming, elaborate and soft lines. But all of them blend together in unity, richness and diversity, reflecting the most common features of architectural art and engravings of the Le Dynasty in the late 17th century, imbued with folk art: Innocence, generous. Popular decorative shapes are the carvings, carvings of the "four sacred animals", "four precious" images with variations of dragon, Nghe, phoenix, tiger face, dragon-shaped, physical-chemical... extremely rich. Phuc Long communal house was officially recognized by the Ministry of Culture and Information as a national historical and artistic relic in 1993. Source: Electronic Information Portal of Viet Yen Town, Bac Giang Province

Bac Giang 446 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Hoang Mai communal house - Hoang Ninh commune

Hoang Mai communal house relic belongs to Hoang Mai Village, Hoang Ninh Commune, Viet Yen District, Bac Giang. Hoang Mai Communal House is a place to worship Princess Thieu Duong (8th daughter of King Le Thanh Tong - a wise and virtuous king in the years 1460-1497) and her husband (Pham Duc Hoa, son by Pham Van Lieu - a Binh Ngo general who founded the country and was a hero of Le Loi who had many meritorious services to the people and the country in the 15th century). Hoang Mai Communal House was built at the end of the Le Dynasty and the beginning of the Nguyen Dynasty. During the resistance war against the French, implementing the strategy of retreat and defending Hoang Mai Communal House was destroyed by the resistance. In 1949, the communal house was repaired and renovated by the people, making it a sacred place of worship with solemn ceremonies to honor the Thanh Hoang of their village. Through historical periods, despite suffering many destructions from nature and invaders, the village communal house has been protected, restored and embellished, a concentrated and lively expression of the fine traditions of the Hoang people. Mai always respectfully worships and is grateful to those who have contributed to the village and the country. That is the ethical tradition "When drinking water, remember the source", "When eating fruit, remember the person who planted the tree" of the Hoang Mai people in particular and of our nation in general. In 1993, Hoang Mai Communal House was recognized by the Ministry of Culture, Information and Sports. The sport is ranked as a national historical-cultural relic. According to Ngoc genealogy and legend, the location of Hoang Mai communal house is where the body of Princess Thieu Duong (8th daughter of King Le Thanh Tong) floated down the river and stopped here, being picked up and buried by Hoang Mai people. and built into a grave. This is an open-air worship place, built on a brick pedestal, with an incense burner and an old tree. According to the remaining traces such as the Le Dynasty bricks, the traces of the gate, the yard floor, and the people's stories, it shows that there used to be a small temple called the Princess Temple. The communal house looks south on high ground in the northeast of the village, in front there is a communal pond (remains of an ancient river), walking up to the communal gate there is an ancient thi tree. Through the tiled yard shaded by the Thi tree, you will reach the great communal house consisting of 7 rooms built of bricks, tiled roofs, and wooden frames in the style of lines, pillars, and pillars. The two main doors have statues carved with dragons, flowers and leaves, stylized... The worship part is located in the harem building with 3 compartments, making the ancient architecture unconventional. The solemn worship objects of the ancient communal house still remain such as the throne, altar, candle, temple tree, ceramic incense vase, fortune vase... Especially in the communal house, there are also great pagodas and engravings of the jade genealogy of the mausoleum. The solemn hanging wood in the communal house dated "Revelation of Four Years" (1919) clearly shows that it is a place to worship Princess Thieu Duong. Along with the jade genealogy, these precious worship objects are precious antiques and important historical sources to help learn about the gods worshiped at the village communal house and the history of Hoang Mai village in particular. of Viet Yen district, Bac Giang province in general. Every year, to show respect and remember the gratitude of Princess Thieu Duong and the village's blessings, the "Spring and Autumn Second Anniversary" on the 12th day of the 8th lunar month, the people of Hoang Mai village organize worshiping ceremonies. , organizes festivals with healthy cultural and artistic activities, imbued with national cultural traditions and rich in humanity. Source: Electronic Information Portal of Viet Yen Town, Bac Giang Province

Bac Giang 429 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Tho Ha Communal House

Tho Ha communal house is located in the middle of Tho Ha village, Van Ha commune, Viet Yen district, Bac Giang province. The communal house was officially recognized by the Ministry of Culture as a national monument on January 13, 1964. Tho Ha Communal House is a famous communal house of Kinh Bac, built in 1692, during the reign of King Le Hy Tong. Tho Ha Communal House represents the spiritual and cultural space of Vietnamese people with its characteristic and unique architecture. Tho Ha Communal House is associated with the village's Tutelary God, Thai Thuong Lao Quan. According to the village legend, he was a Northerner, lived during the time of King An Duong, surnamed Ly, name Dam (also known as Lao Dam, Lao Tzu). He was credited with killing the Xich Ty demon enemy and opening a school and teaching in the village. He was honored by the King as the Supreme God and the Supreme Tutelary God, allowing Tho Ha village to set up a temple to worship. Therefore, the villagers honored him as the Tutelary God, supporting the peaceful and happy lives of the villagers. The communal house has a large scale and a relatively complete architectural structure. The carved panels show a clear and unique style of the Le Dynasty. The themes expressed on the architectural structures are mainly "four sacred animals" stylized flowers, leaves, birds, animals and people. The dragon at Tho Ha communal house is carved in many parts: the head, the trap, the rod, the cone, the plank, the first verse with the themes of nest dragon, mother dragon carrying baby dragon, dragon and young woman... Tho Ha communal house currently consists of three houses: the front house, the main house and the back palace. The altar consists of 3 rooms and 2 wings located parallel to the Great Hall, a small distance from the Great Court. The Great Court is connected to the Hau Palace by a tube compartment forming the shape of the letter Cong. The altar is made in the style of four curved roofs, covered with funny-nosed tiles, the roof and the strip are attached with lemon flower-shaped boxes. The Dai Dinh consists of 5 compartments and 2 wings, the main load-bearing component is a wooden frame consisting of 48 columns, including 8 main columns, 16 military columns, and 24 porch columns. The harem consists of 3 rooms with quite simple architecture. The harem is made in the style of "bich doc gable wall", the two gables are decorated with the shape of a tiger, and the strip is made in the "dragon pavilion" style. This is a late-dated architectural style, popular at the end of the 19th century. At Tho Ha communal house, there is a unique and unique set of hammock doors. The hammock door set made in the 13th year of Chinh Hoa (1692) was painted with gold and carved very elaborately. The main part of the hammock door is 3 altars. The altar is made in the style of 8 interlocking layers, the outside has a frame carved with lotus petals and 6 small columns carved with dragons. Interspersed between the examinations are four four-quarter puzzles. The decorations on the hammock doors are mainly in the art style of the Le Dynasty (17th century) but there are also some parts in the art style of the Nguyen Dynasty such as puzzles and horizontal panels. The gorgeously carved gilded hammock door makes the hall even more solemn and ancient. With architectural art imbued with the architectural style of the 16th century, the scale and grandeur of the project also shows the quite high level of communal house construction by ancient workers, bringing unique architectural value to the house. family. Source: Electronic Information Portal of Viet Yen Town, Bac Giang Province

Bac Giang 408 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Don Mountain - Van Trung commune

Don Mountain in Van Coc village, Van Trung commune, Viet Yen district is one of many peaks in the massive Nham Bien range located between two major rivers of Bac Giang, Cau river and Thuong river. Until now, no one clearly understands the origin of the name Nui Don, but many opinions believe that perhaps in the past there was a fortress and citadel, so it had names such as: Nui Ai, Nui Don, Nui Dinh, Nui Don. Mac, Xe Mountain, Tien Mountain... are in this Van Coc mountain area. Mount Don is located at the western tip of the Nham Bien mountain range. Here, we can cover a large area from Xuong Giang to ancient Thi Cau, along the North-South axis and cover the entire southern region of Viet Yen Delta. From Nui Don, you can cover Truc Tay (Khau Truc) and control Trung Dong village. From here, you can see directly to Qua Cam Mountain (ie Thuong Dong) and Tam Floor and Bo Da mountains on the banks of Cau River. According to inscription documents in Trung Dong (Van Trung commune, Viet Yen district), Trung Dong village formerly belonged to Tram Khe canton, Yen Phong district (present-day Bac Ninh). Thus, in the Ly dynasty (11th century), Don Mountain was located opposite the end of the Nhu Nguyet line in the Ly dynasty's resistance war against the Song dynasty. Therefore, Mount Don has a quite important position, mainly on the advance path of the Song army. Local legends and histories say: In the area of ​​Mount Don - Truc Tay - Trung Dong, in the past, high mountains and lowlands, rivers and streams were interspersed vastly. From here, there is a waterway connecting to Cau River and Song Khe (Yen Dung). There is also a mountain road connecting from Xuong Giang down to Thi Cau. Therefore, the Song army, following traces from the Tang Dynasty, came to this area and fought fiercely with the Ly Dynasty army in the water fields of Truc Tay Mountain (Khau Truc) and Dau Ho Mountain. History books record that in 1076, the Dai Viet army led by princes Hoang Chan and Chieu Van brought warships to fight the Song army at Khau Truc and died in battle. This is the area of ​​Nui Don, Khuc Khuc and Trung Dong. With great historical values, Mount Don was ranked a National Historical Monument by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism on January 21, 1989. Source: Cultural Heritage of Bac Giang Province

Bac Giang 415 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Van Coc Communal House, Van Trung Commune

Van Coc communal house is also known as Bai Ca communal house, people in the area often call it Bai communal house. Bai Ca communal house used to worship the saint Cao Son Dai Vuong together with Bai Xanh communal house. For some reason, this communal house was divided into two (upper communal house of Xanh village, lower communal house of Bai village. Both communal houses are located at the foot of the western mountain of Bai Mountain, one of the mountain ranges in the Nham Bien Son range or the 99-top anchor mountain. The village is spread out along the mountain slope like a flying Coc, looking down at the sunken field which is a lake Lang Bac in the past. Looking from above, Van Coc village looked like a Big Coc, the body was Bai Mountain, the head was Don Mountain, and the two long wings spread out on both sides were Van Coc village. The communal house was located under the eyes of the coc . Van Coc communal house is located in Van Trung commune, Viet Yen district, Bac Giang province. This is the place to worship the village's Tutelary God, Saint Cao Son Dai Vuong. Duc Cao Son is from Lang Xuong Cave, Thanh Chau district, Gia Hung district, Son Tay religion. He is the son of Nguyen Hanh and Dau Thi Loan. He was born because his parents were told in a dream that the god was reincarnated. So when he grew up, he was very intelligent in martial arts and knowledgeable about heavenly books. When the country had foreign invaders, King Due Vuong issued an edict to go everywhere to find talented and virtuous people to help the country. He immediately returned to the court to apply for the position and was immediately employed. He was appointed by Tan Vien Son Thanh as a senior general. With the wholehearted help of the local people - gods and people, he soon completed the work. When the Thuc army arrived, he was beaten to a pulp by his generals (afterwards he had to make peace with the Hung dynasty). After the war against the Thuc invaders, he returned to the army where he had built a stronghold to repay the people's kindness. When finished, he was ordered to return to court. Then the king sent him back to enjoy his fortune in Thanh Hoa and there the court ordained him as the Supreme God of Blessing and Strength for the places that had previously gone to fight the enemy and had received help from the people, so they had to establish a place of worship forever. His Holiness Cao Son Dai Vuong. According to Dinh's family tree, Trang Van Coc previously had an ancient temple in the communal house area, then moved it to the middle of the village. The current communal house was built in the year Mau Ty - Le Canh Hung dynasty (1788) and was built by Duong Tuong Cong - Tu Quoc Co. The communal house currently has 5 rooms, 2 rooms, 1 bamboo tube, 2 rooms, 3 harem rooms with high and wide wooden floors. In front of the communal house there are 2 square steles. The remaining relics are 8 sturdy and majestic hammock doors, 4 pairs of parallel sentences, 10 horizontal panels, 2 dragon and tiger altars, 2 water fountains, 2 purifying shelves, 2 ordination boxes, 1 color book. divine insignia, 1 jade genealogy book, 1 stone incense stick, 1 box containing a set of culvert bowls, 2 fan bones, 2 parasol bones, 2 large altar horses, 1 set of halberds with more than 20 halberds, a set of precious bowls, a Culinary temple, 1 dragon communal house, 1 ancient incense burner, 2 altar thrones, 2 tablets. All are painted with gorgeous gold lacquer. One drum, one gong and some stone lamps, candlesticks... Along with the brilliant victory on the Nhu Nguyet river front line, the historical site of Mount Don was the place where extremely fierce battles of our army and people during the Ly dynasty took place against the Song invaders. This was also the place to welcome Win a victory and chase the national enemy out of the country. Because after the swift and courageous strategic battle of our army and people against the army group commanded by General Quach Quy here, the enemy's invasion plot was crushed and Quach Quy resigned to bitter defeat. At night, the order was given to withdraw the remaining troops back to the country, trampling on each other (as the Song Dynasty's own history had to admit). Van Coc Communal House was ranked a national historical, architectural and artistic relic by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism on January 21, 1989). Source: Electronic Information Portal of Viet Yen Town, Bac Giang Province

Bac Giang 404 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Bo Da Pagoda

Bo Da Pagoda is a typical relic of Viet Yen district and was recognized by the Prime Minister as a special national historical-architectural and artistic relic site in 2016. The pagoda is located on Phuong Hoang mountain (Bo Da Pagoda). Da Son), north of Cau River, in Tien Son commune, Viet Yen district, Bac Giang province. Here, standing on the top of the mountain, you can observe the entire Nhu Nguyet River Line, which marks the nation's history for generations. This is also a place where mountains and waters harmonize, the river looks like a mountain, the scenery and space are tinged with legend. Bo Da Pagoda also has another name: Quan Am Pagoda. According to historical data, the Pagoda dates back to the Ly Dynasty (11th Century) and was restored and expanded in 1720 under Le Trung Hung and later periods. The pagoda worships the three religions (Three religions are of the same origin): Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism. Combined worship of Thach Linh Than Tuong and Truc Lam Tam To. Therefore, the Buddha statue system at Bo Da Pagoda is decorated according to the Lam Te sect, combining indigenous folk beliefs and Taoism. Bo Da Pagoda relic area includes: Ancient pagoda called Bo Da Pagoda (also known as Quan Am Pagoda, or Cao Pagoda), Tu An Tu main pagoda, Tam Duc Am, Tower Garden and Temple Pond. In addition, on Bo Da mountain there is also a temple worshiping Duc Thanh Hoa (ie Thach Linh Than Tuong - the person who helped the king fight against foreign invaders). Tu An Tu main pagoda was built during the reign of King Le Hien Tong (1740-1786), Tu An Tu still preserves and maintains its ancient architectural features intact. The pagoda has a unique architecture, different from traditional pagodas in Northern Vietnam, that is, the "interior is open, the outside is closed" architecture, creating a quiet, secluded, and sacred space. The inner temple area consists of 18 horizontal and vertical buildings connected continuously with a total of nearly 100 rooms. The construction materials are made of fired bricks, tiles, clay pots and the earthen wall system is very unique and sustainable. The entrance to the pagoda is paved with salt stones of different sizes. The pagoda also preserves the "Buddhist Wood Sutras" carved on wood, with nearly 2,000 engravings in Chinese, Sanskrit and Nom scripts transmitting the values ​​of Buddhist thought in the world in general and Vietnamese Buddhism in general. in particular. After many centuries, the Woodblock Sutra is still quite intact, termite-free, even though no preservatives were used. In particular, "Bo Da pagoda tower garden" is considered the most beautiful and largest in Vietnam. The tower garden was built according to the specific and very strict regulations of the Zen sect. With more than 100 stupas lined up, row after row, where relics and ashes of more than 2,000 monks and nuns are stored. Legend has it that on full moon days here, those with opened eyes will see light shining from the ancient towers. Am Tam Duc was built at the same time as Tu An Pagoda. The monks at the pagoda named the temple "Tam Duc". because we hope that people who practice here will be wise to the three virtues: Wisdom, Virtue, and Grace. This is also the place to worship Patriarch Pham Kim Hung after he passed away. Cao Pagoda (Avalokiteśvara Pagoda, Ong Bo Pagoda, Bo Da Pagoda): The pagoda worships Avalokiteśvara Buddha. Legend has it that Cao Pagoda was built during the Ly Dynasty (11th Century) and was repaired many times. Initially, it was just a small pagoda made of earth and thatched. During the reign of King Le Du Tong in the reign of Bao Thai (1720-1729), the abbot, Pham Kim Hung, restored it and went through many times of renovation and worship. making Cao pagoda more and more spacious and good. Temple Pond It is one of the relics in the Bo Da Pagoda relic area, located in the center of Ha Lat village. Ao Mieu, also known as Ha Temple, worships the Stone God (Thach Linh Than Tuong) and the Stone Mother. Associated with the Bo Da Pagoda relic is the Bo Da Pagoda Festival (also known as Bo Pagoda Festival), the Festival is held from February 15 to 19 (lunar calendar) every year. Source: Electronic Information Portal of Viet Yen Town, Bac Giang Province

Bac Giang 431 view

Rating : Special national monument Open door

Dong Family National Historic Site

Dinh Dong is an ancient communal house, about 10km southwest of Bac Giang city. Currently, the relic belongs to Dong village, Bich Dong town, Viet Yen district. According to historical documents as well as the stories of local elders, Dong Communal House is an ancient communal house built during the Le Trung Hung Dynasty (18th century), with a large scale and appearance including 1 building. The 5-compartment front hall with 2 wings connects to the 3-compartment harem. In front of the communal house, there are two rows left and right vu, each row has 3 rooms. By 1911, Mr. Thong Luan reduced the communal house to 3 rooms and 2 wings as a place to worship the saints. Today, the relic still retains its ancient majestic appearance and sophisticated architectural and artistic lines in the style of the Nguyen Dynasty (early twentieth century). In the communal house, many valuable documents and artifacts of worship are preserved such as parallel sentences, horizontal plates, tablets... Dong Communal House is the place to worship Saints Truong Hong and Truong Hat. Those were two good generals of Trieu Quang Phuc who destroyed the Luong invaders (6th century), bringing a peaceful life to the people. Dinh Dong is a relic associated with the Yen The uprising. In 1892, De Tam was murdered, De Tham officially assumed the position of general commander of the uprising. On December 19, 1892, he and more than 400 soldiers held a flag-offering ceremony at Dong communal house. Also from that historical event, Dong communal house became an important relic associated with the Yen The peasant uprising led by Hoang Hoa Tham. During this flag offering ceremony, Dong Village had many people standing in the ranks of the insurgents such as: Mr. Linh Tri, Mr. Tuan Phoi, Mr. Cai Huan, Mr. Quan Cong, Mr. Gop, Mr. Doc Binh. Every year, to commemorate the merits of the Saint worshiped in the communal house, local people solemnly organize the village's traditional festivals on January 10 and September 13 in the Dong communal house area. During the festival, in addition to the solemn ceremony, people organize many forms of cultural activities and unique folk arts that attract a large number of attendees. With its great historical and cultural significance, Dinh Dong is one of 23 points in the historical relic system of Yen The Uprising sites ranked as a special national relic in 2015. 2012. Source: Electronic Information Portal of Viet Yen Town, Bac Giang Province

Bac Giang 457 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Souvenir relic of Uncle Ho's visit to Cam Xuyen, Xuan Cam commune, Hiep Hoa district

During the years leading the Vietnamese revolution, Uncle Ho many times visited the Party Committee, government and people of all ethnic groups in Bac Giang province. Hiep Hoa district was honored and proud to welcome Uncle Ho to visit Cam Xuyen village, Trung Nghia commune (now Xuan Cam commune) on February 8, 1955. Today, the site of his footprints has become a historical relic, a place of traditional education for generations. The souvenir relic of Uncle Ho's visit to Cam Xuyen is located on an alluvial beach outside the Cau River dyke, running nearly 1 km long with a nearly 100-year-old lychee garden close to the water's edge, limited by two horizontal wharves at the river's edge. North and South of Cam Xuyen village to Soc Son district (Hanoi). This place used to be the old Cam Xuyen communal house (ruined in 1963). Here, in February 1955, Cam Xuyen communal house (Hiep Hoa) was the working place of the Reform Youth Union Party Committee. At that time, the beach along the dyke was a sports ground, cinema, logistics, etc. The lychee garden of Dong Nuong was the meeting hall of the union, more than 2,000 reform officials lived in the homes of Cam Xuyen village. On February 8, 1955, President Ho Chi Minh came to work with the Party Committee of the Reform Youth Union at Cam Xuyen communal house, visited the logistics area at Cam Xuyen village, then he visited a number of farmer's houses in Cam Xuyen. Cam Xuyen village. In particular, here, he attended and spoke at the Land Reform Review Conference, Phase II. This is a historical milestone, marking the great transformation of the Vietnamese revolution: Completing the national revolution, People's democracy, realizing the plowman has the field and the biggest goals that the revolution set. go out. Currently, the memorial site of Uncle Ho's visit to Cam Xuyen village has an area of ​​3674.8m2. To commemorate the day Uncle Ho visited Cam Xuyen village, on April 28, 2000, the people of Cam Xuyen village worked with comrade Vu Ky (formerly Uncle Ho's personal secretary) in Hanoi to propose building a stele house. commemorating the day Uncle Ho visited Cam Xuyen village on February 8, 1955. In 2005, the project was started construction, including the following items: Concrete road, entrance gate, garden, stele house and wall system to protect the monument. From the Cau River dike road, turn left to a concrete road about 100m long, connecting the Cau River dike with the souvenir area. The entrance gate is designed in a two-story style with 8 curved roofs covered with red-nosed tiles, including 3 doors: 1 main door and 2 side doors. The yard is paved with traditional red spring rolls. Through the yard is the beer house area built with 2 floors. The first floor is built with a wall system, surrounded on four sides by a system of stairs to get to the second floor where the stone stele is placed. The stone stele is made of a rectangular block of green stone, with 2 sides, inside the stele is engraved with the words: "On February 8, 1955, Uncle Ho attended the 2nd Land Reform Summary Conference of the Thai Nguyen Delegation - Bac Giang and visited farmers in Cam Xuyen village, Xuan Cam commune, Hiep Hoa district, Bac Giang province". In 2018 and 2019, Hiep Hoa district invested more than 3 billion VND to build and renovate the relic such as: Reception area, yard, gate, entrance road, lighting system, drainage,... On June 18, 2021, the memorial site of Uncle Ho's visit to Cam Xuyen village, Xuan Cam commune, Hiep Hoa district was ranked as a National historical relic. Source: Hiep Hoa District People's Committee

Bac Giang 487 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Chau Lo Temple

Trau Lo communal house is located in Mai Dinh commune, Hiep Hoa district, about 43km west of Bac Giang city center. The communal house worships King Ong and King Ba - two human deities who have made great contributions to their homeland during the reign of King Trieu Viet Vuong. Besides, Trau Lo Communal House also worships Saint Tam Giang - who had many merits in helping Trieu Quang Phuc fight the Luong invaders (VI century), bringing peace to the country. Based on the remaining Sino-Nom sources at Trau Lo communal house, it is said: In the year of Dinh Hoi, the reign of Duc Nguyen of the Le Dynasty (1677), the villagers held a "carpentry" ceremony to build a communal house. In the year of the Dog, during the reign of King Vinh Thinh (1706), Mrs. Ngo Thi The, a native of Trau Lo village, nicknamed Tu Khanh, brought 200 prehistoric mandarins to the commune to buy forest wood to build a communal house. Later, the communal house was also repaired. many times through the Le Trung Hung dynasty (18th century), Nguyen dynasty (19th century) and later periods. The communal house was built right in the center of the village, on a high, open, spacious area of ​​land. This is an ancient architectural complex with a massive scale, including: the 5-compartment Pre-Sacrificing Court, the 5-compartment Great Hall with 5-compartment spaces and the Harem. In front of the communal house is a large square tiled floor. Over time, the Former Temple was damaged, leaving only the Great Court and the Harem. The Great Court - the main architecture of the whole project - has a massive scale with long, wide rooms, each with 6 rows of tall and muscular columns, supporting a wide roof frame with curved blades, soft curved roofs, The roof and strip banks are decorated with pincers, bucktails, phoenixes, and phoenixes dancing very vividly. The most valuable architectural part is the ironwood frame of the rafters, in the style of four pillars stacked on beams, the architectural decorative sculptures are concentrated at the top of the trap, and the diaphragm has many vivid themes and many objects. Cloud dragon patterns have rich variations and stylizations, imbued with the folk art style of the late 17th century. At Trau Lo communal house, each temple exhibits its own style and technical mark, proving that many workers participated in building the communal house, making the entire communal house a unified architectural structure. , but each has its own engravings that express its own artistic talent. Trau Lo Communal House and Trau Lo Temple are the center of cultural and religious activities of local people. Every year, the communal house has two main events taking place with the temple on the 4th day of the first lunar month and the 15th day of the ninth month of the lunar calendar. These are two great days, also known as the Great Blessing Ceremony. On the day of the festival, the people of Trau Lo village organize many solemn ceremonies such as procession of palanquins, tablets, altars to honor the merits of the Tutelary Gods and folk games imbued with regional identities such as marking milestones, pull rope, tug of war... On December 12, 1994, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism ranked Trau Lo communal house and temple as a national architectural and artistic relic and historical-cultural relic. Source: Bac Giang province electronic information portal

Bac Giang 435 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Outstanding relic site