Relic point Vietnam

Lang Son

Ta Phu Temple

Ta Phu Temple is located in the center of Ky Lua market street, now in Hoang Van Thu ward, Lang Son city. Ta Phu Temple was built in the 4th year of Chinh Hoa (1683) to worship the mandarin of the Later Le Dynasty named Than Cong Tai, the Left Admiral of the Han Dynasty, who was instrumental in building and expanding Ky Lua market street. The main door of the temple faces west, located on high ground, creating a majestic and sacred look. The temple's architecture is in the Cong style, consisting of two buildings: the Dai Bai and the Hau Palace, connected together in a bamboo tube style. The column and truss structures are all made of wood, the walls are made of bricks, the roof is covered with yin and yang tiles, and are not decorated with elaborate patterns or motifs. The most valuable artifact in the temple is a stone stele erected in the year of the Pig, the 4th Chinh Hoa era (1683). The stele's title is: Respecting the Left Admiral Than Cong Tai as a teacher and father; On the side is written the words: Guests of the two countries. The content of the stele talks about the people of the two countries remembering the merits of Han Cong Than Cong Tai with Lang Son, with the merchants of Vietnam and China and the expansion of the trading market at Ky Lua market street. The stone stele is placed in the stele house inside the temple, the stele is crafted in a cubic shape, the stele body is square cylindrical, 2.1m high; The base of the stele has two floors, the upper layer is carved in the style of a collapsed mahogany leg supporting the stele's body, the lower layer is carved with lotus petals overlapping three layers running around. The top of the stele is gradually tapered upward, with a stylized two-petalled lotus flower hugging the top; Currently, only three sides of the stele can be read, one side is faded. It can be said that this is a well-balanced, artistically beautiful stone stele; There is historical value about the Han character Than Cong Tai worshiped at the temple and his merits. In 1993, Ta Phu Temple was ranked as a National Monument by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. The temple festival is held from January 22 to 27 every year, attracting a large number of visitors and was recognized as a National Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2015. Source: Lang Son Provincial Museum Electronic News Page

Lang Son 468 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Tien Pagoda Relics

Tien Pagoda - Tien Well is located in the heart of Dai Tuong Mountain, a large elephant-shaped mountain south of the city. Inside the mountain is a large cave where the famous Tien Pagoda is located, built during the reign of King Le Thanh Tong. The pagoda is often called Song Tien pagoda, located on Hoang Hoa Tham street, Chi Lang ward, Lang Son city, Lang Son province. The pagoda belongs to the Northern sect. According to legend, the ancestors descended from heaven to earth, so it is called Tien pagoda. They stepped on Dai Tuong mountain to create the Fairy Well to save the people from the drought. Then, because he was engrossed in the chessboard and forgot to return to heaven, he turned to stone here. Since then, the local people, wanting to remember his gratitude for saving sentient beings, honored him as the God of Agriculture in the region. Every year, a large festival is held to commemorate and bless the village. Unlike other caves located at the foot of the mountain, Chua Tien cave is located right at the back of the mountain. To get to the pagoda, you must pass 65 stone steps along the way with stalactites of various shapes such as fairies, lion heads, and bats. ,.. gives birth to an unusually sacred and mysterious feeling. The pagoda was formerly a temple located next to the Fairy Well founded by Phai Luong people, then because of deterioration, the pagoda was moved to Song Tien cave. The pagoda has a system of god statues, Buddha statues,... 13 Ma Nhai stele relics left by talented writers. In particular, the autograph of Ngo Thi Si wrote on the stone stele "Tran Doanh Bat Canh" eight beautiful scenes of Lang and this place is one of them. In the middle of the pagoda are Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. The right palace worships the hero Tran Hung Dao, the left palace worships the Holy Mother. Associated with the story of the Fairy God descending to earth to give the people of Phai Luong a precious water source when the drought was lasting. Because to repay the buffalo herding children in the village, they gave him a small handful of rice when he pretended to be a poor old beggar. So the fairy stepped on his heel and turned it into a Fairy Well carrying cool water. The small well is made entirely of stone and the water is always clear all year round. People tell each other to drink three sips of fairy water in the cave to pray for good fortune. The annual Tien Pagoda Festival is on the 18th day of the first month (lunar calendar). The pagoda was recognized by the Ministry of Culture and Information as a national historical and cultural relic in 1992. Source: Lang Son Tourism

Lang Son 846 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Ky Cung Temple

Located in Vinh Trai ward, on the north bank of Ky Cung river. Ky Cung Temple is considered a sacred place, originally a place to worship Giao Long (river god) with the task of keeping good weather and wind all year round. But later, Ky Cung temple worshiped Mr. Tuan Tranh. Legend has it that Mr. Tuan Tranh was a mandarin during the Tran Dynasty, sent to Lang Son to fight the enemy and protect the border. The history of the Temple is also associated with the story of the great mandarin Tuan Tranh, who was sent by the Tran court to defend Lang Son. During his stay in Lang Son, he commanded the enemy but lost, and many soldiers died. He was falsely accused of adultery, so he jumped into the Ky Cung river and committed suicide to prove his innocence. Due to his pure heart, he was divinely transformed into a pair of snakes (Mr. Coc - Mr. Dai) to become river gods residing at Ky Cung temple. Later, his injustice was proven and resolved by a Le Dynasty general, Ta Admiral Han, Than Cong Tai district (worshiped at Ta Phu temple). That's why there is a custom that on the festival day of Ky Cung temple (also from the 22nd to 27th day of the first lunar month like Ta Phu temple), there must be a procession of grand man Tuan Tranh's palanquin to Ta Phu temple to give thanks and worship. Than Cong Tai story. This explains the close connection of the two temple festivals Ky Cung - Ta Phu. In the temple, there is Ky Cung stone wharf, one of the eight beautiful scenes of Lang Son recorded in the ancient "Eight Scenes Town Camp" by Ngo Thi Sy called Ky Cung Thach Do. The reason for this is because according to historical records, in the past, any march or journey of envoys back and forth to China had to pass through this place. Boats and boats are close together, both river banks are always crowded with people or military officers converging. In this section of the Ky Cung river, there are many rocks blocking the middle of the river, rocks heaving on the water surface, waves crashing against the rocks according to the river level, sometimes rising and falling, creating layers of white foamy waves, flowing all over the area. The river strip looks very spectacular. Legend has it that every time Vietnamese envoys went to China, they stopped at the stone wharf, prepared offerings and burned incense at Ky Cung temple, praying for peace and success on the trip. Today Ky Cung Bridge is built right next to the stone wharf, connecting the North and South banks of Ky Cung River, dividing Lang Son City into two areas, the North bank is the living, business and trading place of the City's people. , on the south bank is the area where the province's administrative agencies are concentrated. Ky Cung Temple has been ranked as a national historical and cultural relic, and is currently a place that attracts a large number of people from all over to visit and worship. Source: Lang Son Tourism

Lang Son 816 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Thanh Lang Son Pagoda

During the Ly Tran dynasty, the court built a public house as a resting place for envoys of the two countries Vietnam and China. People built a pagoda next to the public house and named it Dien Khanh Tu. The ancient pagoda is located next to Doan Thanh in the north, so people still call it Thanh pagoda. Dien Khanh pagoda is located on the Ky Cung river at the foot of Ky Lua bridge, Hung Vuong Street, Chi Lang ward, Lang Son city. Legend has it that this ancient pagoda was built above to protect the bronze pillar built by the Han invaders that was buried by our people. In the 1st century, Han general Ma Vien brought troops to suppress the Hai Ba Trung uprising, annexing our country into Eastern Han. Wherever they went, they built ramparts there. At the border between Giao Chi and China (now in Lang Son province), Ma Vien ordered his troops to erect a bronze pillar, engraved with six words "Bronze pillar, Giao Chi will be destroyed" (If the bronze pillar falls, the Giao Chi people will be destroyed). Any Vietnamese who passed by that place would throw a stone at the foot of the bronze pillar. Over many generations, stones covered the bronze pillar. According to the Complete History of Dai Viet, in the year of the Goat (1271), Kublai Khan demanded that King Tran Thanh Tong pay his respects, but the king said he was sick and could not go. Kublai Khan sent an envoy to ask King Tran to show them the bronze pillar of Ma Vien in the past, with the intention of using the bronze pillar to threaten to level Dai Viet. The king did not tremble but answered them firmly: "That column had been lost for a long time." In the 17th century, the year of the Ox (1637), flower detective Giang Van Minh was sent by King Le to meet the emperor. Bright. Seeing the Vietnamese envoy's extraordinary talent, King Minh responded: "The bronze pillar is the same as the golden tower, the continent is green" (meaning that the bronze pillar from Ma Vien's time until now has been covered with green moss, King Minh boasted of the power of the local people). North). Giang Van Minh responded: "Dang Giang is from the ancient blood do the red" (a reminder of the many defeats of the Northern Dynasty, many times stained with blood on the Bach Dang River when they invaded the South). King Minh turned pale and served Giang Van Minh. At the temple's three-entrance gate hangs a new 2,100kg bell cast in 2007 for early recruitment. The pagoda's three gates are stacked with 24 roofs, covered with funny-nosed tiles and curved knife-heads. The pagoda's roof system is meticulously carved in a "seven-pointed" style, with phoenix heads supporting the entire diaphragm and rafters. The mascots: dragon, lyre, tortoise, and phoenix are elaborately and gracefully painted. Completely The set of couplets on the outside in Chinese characters is mounted on porcelain very meticulously and elaborately. The pagoda consists of 38 large and small compartments, with many construction items: Buddha worshiping harem, worship hall, Phuong communal house, Tien Duong, Tam Quan, To Duong, Hau Duong... The entire system of worship statues of the pagoda is cast in Solid gold bronze with over 40 large and small statues. This is the only temple in the country that has a complete system of Buddha statues according to Northern Buddhism. The pagoda's system of horizontal panels and couplets is extremely delicately carved and painted with gold, many of which are hundreds of years old. In the pagoda, there is currently a bell cast in 1671 during the reign of King Le Hien Tong, weighing 600kg. The pagoda was restored many times in 1967, 1980, 1992 and was ranked as a national historical and cultural relic in 1993. Source: Lang Son Tourism

Lang Son 833 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Bong Lau Victory Monument, Lung Phay

In the years 1948-1949, Route 4 was one of the vital routes used by the French army to transport food and weapons from Lang Son to serve the occupation forces in Cao Bang and Bac Kan. . This is a relatively dangerous route, especially the Bong Lau pass area (about 10 km long, in Trang Dinh district, Lang Son province) which is a winding road with narrow corners and steep slopes, where groups French army transport vehicles were often blocked and attacked by our forces, causing many losses (as of August 1949, French troops were ambushed three times by us in this area). To ensure the safety of important transportation routes, the French army deployed troops to guard important positions on the route. At the same time, when organizing transportation, it was often necessary to use a large number of vehicles (about around 100 vehicles) and divided into several groups, escorted by infantry forces and armored vehicles with a thoughtful contingency plan. After the end of the Cao - Bac - Lang Campaign in April 1949, we advocated continuing to conduct a number of battles to promote the victory of the campaign, focusing on attacking the enemy's transportation activities. on Route 4. Implementing the above policy, Regiment 174 was assigned the task of organizing the 4th ambush in the Bong Lau pass area (the section between Bong Lau and Lung Phay stations), with the determination to "first launch the battle". must win". After studying the situation, Regiment 174 decided to organize an ambush on a 2.5 km long road, from the beginning of Bo village to the top of the pass, with the center being kilometer 58. The force participating in the battle consisted of 2 battalions. Groups 23 and 53. Each battalion consists of 3 infantry companies and 1 support company, equipped with infantry guns, 12.7 mm machine guns, grenade launchers, bazookas, grenades, 81 mm and 60 mm mortars. . Battalion 259 performed a diversionary mission to attract the enemy in the Bo Cung - Lung Vai section. According to plan, the units secretly occupied the battlefield and deployed their combat formations before September 2. On the morning of September 3, detecting signs that the enemy would march to Cao Bang, the regiment organized its units into fighting positions. At noon on September 3, the force escorting an enemy convoy of 10 vehicles (6 transport vehicles), carrying about 100 troops, entered the ambush site, but the regiment had not yet opened fire, waiting to attack the main target, which was the transport convoy. As expected, around 2:00 p.m., when the majority of the French transport convoy of more than 100 vehicles entered the ambush, the units quickly mobilized to occupy combat positions. However, at this time, a French vehicle approaching kilometer 58 suddenly stalled, causing the entire convoy to pile together, and at the same time the accompanying enemy infantry deployed a protective formation. Realizing that the opportunity was not favorable, we still persisted in ambushing; At 2:30 p.m., the enemy finished repairing the vehicle and continued to march to the top of the pass; The battle began, all types of fire from the regiment simultaneously shot at the convoy, causing chaos in the French army's marching formation. Taking advantage of the opportunity, the units quickly mobilized to occupy advantageous positions, used grenades and infantry guns to fiercely attack the enemy formation; After more than an hour of fierce fighting, we completely controlled the battlefield, escorted prisoners, resolved casualties and withdrew our troops. Between 4:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m., the enemy twice used aircraft to bombard the battlefield and sent troops from That Khe to rescue, but both were blocked by the forces of Battalion 53 and forced to retreat. As a result, we killed and wounded 194 enemy soldiers, captured 23 soldiers, destroyed 86 vehicles (including 1 tank, 2 armored vehicles, 78 transport cars), collected nearly 100 guns of all kinds and many other vehicles. military equipment, military equipment. The victorious battle of Lung Phay was the first victory of the 174th Regiment, and was also the largest ambush on Route 4 in the years 1948-1950, which not only had an impact on encouraging the morale and fighting spirit of the officers. , soldiers in the unit, but also has the meaning of cheering, encouraging, creating confidence in fighting and winning for our troops and people on the secret battlefield of Route 4 in the early years of the resistance war against the French colonialists. Source: Vietnam Military Encyclopedia

Lang Son 953 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Hoang Van Thu Memorial Area

Comrade Hoang Van Thu (1909 - 1944) was a revolutionary and a loyal communist soldier of the Communist Party of Vietnam. He was born on November 4, 1909 in a Tay family in Phac Lan village, Nhan Ly commune, Van Uyen district (now Hoang Van Thu commune, Van Lang district), Lang Son province. From a young age, he was soon enlightened about the revolution. In 1928, he and his friends went to China to find a way to save the country. In 1930, he returned to Van Uyen district to build a revolutionary movement, establishing the first Indochina Communist Party cell in Lang Son. In 1938, he was assigned to be in charge of the Northern Region Party Committee and then assumed the responsibility of Secretary of the Northern Region Party Committee. In 1941, he was elected to the Party Central Committee Standing Committee. On August 25, 1943, comrade Hoang Van Thu was captured by the enemy in Hanoi and executed on May 24, 1944. Although Comrade Hoang Van Thu's time in revolutionary activities was not long, he made many important contributions to building and developing the Party Central Committee's base before the August Revolution during the period of terror by the colonial government. most fierce. Comrade Hoang Van Thu was posthumously awarded the title of hero and martyr by the government of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. To commemorate and express gratitude to comrade Hoang Van Thu, the Party Committee, government and people of Lang Son province have built a number of commemorative works to commemorate his comrade in Lang Son city and Van Lang district, his hometown. will. The monument of Comrade Hoang Van Thu is located next to the Provincial Museum, the main gate of the monument grounds faces the Provincial People's Committee, on Dinh Tien Hoang Street, Chi Lang Ward, Lang Son City. Inaugurated in 1994. The relic of House No. 8 Chinh Cai Street is currently located on Ky Lua Street, Hoang Van Thu Ward, Lang Son City. From 1923 to 1927, comrade Hoang Van Thu studied at the French-Vietnamese school and lived at house number 8, Chinh Cai street. In the dormitory, in addition to studying, he drafted a number of leaflets and slogans with the content of mobilizing the masses to fight for food, clothing, freedom, democracy and against colonialism. , feudal oppression. Currently, this place has become a small museum displaying the revolutionary life of comrade Hoang Van Thu. On New Year's and holidays, the relics of House No. 8 Chinh Cai are open to welcome visitors, study and offer incense. Comrade Hoang Van Thu's memorial relic site is located in Hoang Van Thu commune, Van Lang district, 26 km north of Lang Son city. The relic area was completed with cultural landscape items and revolutionary historical relics associated with the life and career of comrade Hoang Van Thu, inaugurated on October 25, 2009 on the occasion of the 100th anniversary. Comrade Hoang Van Thu's birthday (November 4, 1909 - November 4, 2009). Source: Lang Son Tourism Promotion Information Center

Lang Son 901 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Memorial area of ​​comrade Luong Van Tri

Comrade Luong Van Tri was born on August 17, 1910 in a Tay family in Ban Heo, My Liet commune, My Liet district, Diem He district (now Tran Ninh commune, Van Quan district). When he was young, he was very smart and studied well. Born and raised under the harsh feudal colonial regime, where the people were extremely miserable, he early had a patriotic spirit and progressive ideology. Comrade Luong Van Tri is a revolutionary activist and a person who has made great contributions to the revolutionary movement for national liberation of Vietnam. He and comrade Hoang Van Thu founded a group of patriotic youth in Lang Son town in 1926. In 1928, he was admitted to the Vietnam Revolutionary Youth Comrades Association. In December 1929, he was admitted to the Indochina Communist Party. After graduating from Huangpu Military School (China) in 1933, Luong Van Tri was assigned to Vietnam to build a revolutionary movement in Cao Bang - Lang Son. In 1939, he was elected Member of the Northern Regional Party Committee, in charge of military affairs. In 1940, he held the position of Standing Committee of the Northern Region Party Committee, in charge of inter-provinces Thai Nguyen, Bac Ninh, Bac Giang, Lang Son... After the seventh Central Conference (November 1940), Luong Van Tri was appointed as commander of the Bac Son guerrilla team and the Bac Son - Vo Nhai National Salvation Army base. In August 1941, on the march to Cao Bang, comrade Luong Van Tri was captured by the French colonialists at Ngan Son (Bac Kan) and later died in Cao Bang prison on September 29, 1941. Comrade Luong Van Tri set a shining example of revolutionary heroism, dedicating his entire life to the cause of national liberation struggle, contributing to beautifying the glorious history of our Party. Your life and revolutionary career will forever be a shining example for our children and grandchildren to study and follow. Currently, the house of the comrade who was born and raised in Ban Heo village, Tran Ninh commune, Van Quan district has been renovated, embellished, and restored to its original state, becoming a relic of Comrade Luong Van's Memorial House. Tri. On the occasion of the 100th birthday anniversary of Comrade Luong Van Tri (August 17, 1910 - August 17, 2010), our party and state built the Monument of Comrade Luong Van Tri in Van Quan town, Van Quan district. These are practical activities to commemorate and pay tribute to the great contributions of comrade Luong Van Tri in the revolutionary struggle during the pre-uprising period. The memorial relic and monument of comrade Luong Van Tri in Van Quan district are cultural addresses, regularly attracting people from all walks of life, especially the younger generation to learn and study the revolutionary traditions of the People's Republic of China. homeland. Source: Lang Son Tourism Promotion Information Center

Lang Son 819 view

Rating : Provincial level relics Open door

Bac Son Uprising relic site

The Bac Son Uprising relic site has typical and important historical value in the system of Vietnamese revolutionary military historical relics. The relic site is a safe place to hide and protect senior agencies and officials of the Central Committee and the Northern Party Committee during the period of revolutionary activities in Bac Son, where the smooth communication station between the Central Government and the Central Government is located. The Northern Party Committee and other areas are the place to provide materials for the training of revolutionary cadres of the Party. The relic includes 12 sites, which were ranked as national relics in 1992, distributed in 6 communes: Tan Huong, Hung Vu, Vu Lang, Vu Le, Tan Lap, Long Dong in Bac Son district, Lang Son province. , include: 1. Bo Tat Relic (Mo Tat): the place where the first Party Cell of Bac Son District Party Committee was established (September 25, 1936 - September 25, 2021). 2. Na Kheo hill relic: where there is a system of trenches 3. Nong Luc Communal House Relics: On September 2, 1940, party members, after escaping from prison under the colonial regime, moved to Nong Luc Communal House for a meeting. The meeting was held with the purpose of choosing an opportunity to carry out an uprising to fight against the French colonialists to liberate Mo Nhai station. 4. Mo Nhai Fort Relics: is a military base built by the French colonialists as soon as they arrived to invade our country. 5. Tham Thoong - Dap Di relic: is a pass located on provincial road 241 (Bac Son - Vu Lang route). 6. Vu Lang School Relics: The school was built by the French colonialists with the purpose of training a team of lackeys to work for them. 7. Sa Khao relic (Phia Khao): a place to hide cadres and activities of the Central Cadre Union and the Bac Son Party Committee. 8. Khuoi Noi Relics: This is the secret area of ​​operation of the National Salvation Army. 9. Lan Pan Relic: is the location of secret activities of the Party Central Committee's Delegation during the implementation of Central Resolution 8 and consolidating the development of the grassroots armed forces at Bac Son Party Committee. 10. Lan Tay - Mo Pia relic: includes 2 points: Mo Pia cave and Lan Tay site. 11. Mo Re cave relic: This is the place of secret activities of the leaders of the Northern Party Committee and the place where the fierce battle to break the enemy siege took place on August 28, 1941. 12. Tam Canh Pass Relic: was chosen as the location to build the symbol of the Bac Son Uprising and a stele house to mark the event with a total area of ​​about 120m2. Currently, relics and documents related to the relic site are being kept, preserved and displayed at Bac Son Museum and Vu Lang Truong Traditional Exhibition House, with a total of 138 artifacts, including : 127 original artifacts, 11 restored artifacts. The Bac Son uprising has enormous significance to the history of the Vietnamese nation, being a shining symbol of patriotism and the indomitable will of the Bac Son army and people in particular and the Vietnamese army and people in general. shared. With particularly typical values, the Bac Son Uprising historical site is ranked as a special national monument. Source: Department of Cultural Heritage

Lang Son 896 view

Rating : Special national monument Open door

Chi Lang Pass

Chi Lang is a land rich in heroic historical traditions of the Vietnamese people, associated with the glorious victories of our ancestors throughout the history of building and defending the country. Chi Lang is the most dangerous pass on the main road from Nam Quan to Thang Long. Chi Lang Pass is a small, oval valley, the north and south ends are narrow, almost closed. The length of Chi Lang pass is about 4km, the widest part is more than 1km. Many years ago, documents about Chi Lang relics recorded 52 relics (including existing relics, vestiges, place names and remaining oral stories). in folklore). However, according to the results of the relic inventory conducted by the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Lang Son province in 2018, there are currently only 46 relics, locations, and landmarks still recorded, the remaining 6 have been completed. All traces are lost. Chi Lang historical relic site is a narrow valley, sandwiched between the Bao Dai and Cai Kinh mountain ranges, where the strategic talent and military art of the Lam Son insurgents were demonstrated, contributing decisively to the victory of the Vietnamese army. resistance war against Minh. In prehistoric times, Chi Lang was the homeland of famous archaeological cultures such as: Bac Son, Mai Pha with a system of typical relics such as Lang Nac Cave, Nguom Sau Cave, Na Ngum Cave... which are places to preserve and develop. There are relics, scraps, stone axes, pottery pieces... that demonstrate the early and prehistoric stages of the ancient Vietnamese people that are valuable for scientific research. Chi Lang marks the nation's heroic history with layers of history, layers upon layers of victories of our ancestors against the Song Dynasty twice (in 981 and 1077), and two resistance wars against the Yuan invaders (in 1285). and 1287), the fight against the Manchu invaders (1788 - 1789), to the resistance war against the French colonialists and American imperialists (typically the Hoang Dinh Kinh uprising in the years 1882 - 1888, female guerrilla Quang Lang shot down an American plane). Historically, this is the place where strategic battles continuously took place in Vietnam's military history, culminating in the Chi Lang victory in 1427, when our army and people achieved a resounding victory in destroying The reinforcement army of more than 100,000 Ming soldiers led by Lieu Thang contributed to ending the long resistance war, overthrowing the domination of the Ming Dynasty and regaining the entire country. The Chi Lang victory has entered Vietnam's history as a brilliant milestone, along with the victories of Bach Dang, Nhu Nguyet, Rach Gam, Xoai Mut, Ngoc Hoi - Dong Da, Dien Bien Phu, Ho Chi Minh Campaign... Chi Lang Victory is a majestic song about patriotism, the will to independence, the strength of great national unity, the spirit of determination to win and the wonderful military art of our nation. With those important historical values, on April 28, 1962, the relic site was ranked as a national monument by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism; Chi Lang was awarded the title "Hero of the People's Armed Forces" by the President; In 2019, the relic site was ranked a special national monument, affirming the relic's important position in the treasure trove of Vietnam's national cultural heritage. Source: Lang Son Tourism Promotion Information Center

Lang Son 969 view

Rating : Special national monument Open door

Lang Son Ancient Citadel

Lang Son Ancient Citadel, also known as Doan Thanh, is located in Chi Lang ward, Lang Son city. Through studying historical documents, Lang Son Ancient Citadel was built a long time ago. In Chinese documents written about the Song and Ming dynasties, there are records. At that time, Truong Phu (a general in the Ming Dynasty - China) after conquering our country and imposing colonial rule, strengthened the organization of the political apparatus in the area. Legend has it that during this time he built Khau On citadel. Regarding the construction of Doan Thanh, there is another legend that the Citadel was built by two fairies who came down to help build it. Perhaps that is why the Ancient Citadel also has another name, "Citadel built by Tien". According to Dai Nam Nhat Thong Chi: "... In the 26th year of Hong Duc's reign, the Le Dynasty (1495) citadel was restored...". Based on some of the documents mentioned above, it can be predicted that Lang Son Citadel was built during the Ly or Tran dynasties around the 12th and 13th centuries. The citadel was built on wide and flat terrain, covering a large space of Lang Son city (formerly known as Thanh Lang). Surrounding the citadel are mountains and Ky Cung river flowing through. Those mountains are also called Hoi Doan mountain (north), and Cong Mau mountain in the south. The architecture of Doan Thanh is like other ancient citadels with high walls and deep moat... (the moat here is the winding Ky Cung river). Surrounded by checkpoints located in communes and continents near and far, there are a total of 19 checkpoints, 3 checkpoints and 26 checkpoints. The citadel's walls were built of "mound bricks", a type of large-sized ancient brick, the 4m high vertical wall is very difficult to penetrate and attack from the outside, however, there was a time "... Doan Thanh was attacked three times. fell, the people of seven continents were forced into a miserable situation. The inner western and southern walls of the citadel were covered with soil up to the citadel's surface, at the base of the citadel was a 10m wide soil embankment, on the citadel surface was a 3m wide soil embankment, very convenient. beneficial for the majority of soldiers participating in combat. The height of the inner earth wall is equal to the height of the outer wall, forming a sturdy square trapezoid with a gentle slope that is very convenient for deploying soldiers to the surface. Citadel, in the southwest corner where the western and southern walls meet, there is a small earthen mountain called To Son. The inner eastern and northern walls are not covered with earth, but on the surface of the wall there are pearl holes. apricot; On top of the brick citadel wall, brick walls were built projecting on both sides, each side 0.1m to form a durable roof to protect the citadel wall. The ancient citadel currently has two remaining gates (one gate in the West and one gate in the South). , the city gate was designed and built in the Van Ban (Vo Bang) architectural style of France. Doan Thanh is not only located on rugged terrain, it is also considered sacred land. According to folk legend, this is also the meeting place of Princess Lieu Hanh (Holy Mother) and Trang Bung - Phung Khac Khoan. The ancient citadel was a major military, political, economic and cultural center of Lang Son during the feudal period. Besides, the Ancient Citadel also clearly demonstrates its important role and position in the matter of relations with the Northern feudal dynasties. This is the border crossing point, the place of communication between the two countries Dai Viet - China. The ancient citadel has 4 main gates in the four directions East, West, South, North and corresponding to these 4 gates are 4 sacred temples called: Dong Mon Tu, Tay Mon Tu, Nam Mon Tu, Bac Mon Tu (now called are: East Cua Temple, West Cua Temple, South Cua Temple, North Cua Temple) those are the four gods guarding the four sides of Doan Thanh. Scientists have recognized this as the four unique sacred Lang Son ancient citadels. With all the above meaning and importance, Lang Son Ancient Citadel relic was ranked as a National relic by the Ministry of Culture and Information in 1999. Source: Lang Son Provincial Museum Electronic Information Page

Lang Son 821 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Mac Dynasty Citadel

Mac Lang Son citadel is located in Tam Thanh ward, Lang Son city - this is a remaining historical relic with wild and ancient features reflecting feudal military architecture. Located in a quite important position with its back against three mountains, To Thi, Lo Cot, and Mac Kinh Cung, which are tens of meters high. Each city wall was built solidly and high up, enclosing a flat, empty space of thousands of square meters. Lang Son Mac Dynasty Citadel is ranked as a National Historical Monument and has been invested and renovated to serve tourists and people around the area to visit and sightsee. The remaining vestiges of the citadel of Mac Lang Son today include 2 wall segments about 300m long, the citadel surface is about 1m wide, built of large blocks of stone in the middle of the canyon, from the foot of the mountain leading up to the citadel gate, more than 100 steps were built. built to facilitate visitors to visit. Entering the citadel is an empty area hundreds of square meters wide; Surrounding the walls are three mountain peaks tens of meters high. For tourists to go to the top of the mountain to visit and admire the scenery, there are hundreds of winding steps built, so this is an ideal place for tourists and people to visit and sightsee. On holidays, New Year, and days off, the number of tourists coming here to visit is relatively large, partly due to the convenient location of the relic in the complex of To Thi Mountain Relics, Tam Thanh, Nhi Thanh Caves, partly because Because of the uniqueness of this scenic spot, not only tourists from far away but also young people in the region and people living around the scenic spot also choose this place as a picnic and exercise spot to enjoy the fresh air. Source: Vietnam National Tourism Administration

Lang Son 818 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Outstanding relic site