Relic point Vietnam

Ba Ria Vung Tau

Vo Thi Sau Memorial House

The memorial house and monument to hero Vo Thi Sau is located at Dat Do intersection, in Phuoc Long Tho commune - Dat Do District. The ancient wooden-walled, tile-roofed house where she lived as a teenager with her family has memorabilia, simple items, an ancestral altar, and an altar she placed in the outer space. In 1980, the house was renovated by the People's Committee of Dat Do district to be as spacious as it is today. Vo Thi Sau was a female guerrilla during the French-Vietnamese War in Vietnam, who repeatedly carried out assassination attempts on French officers and Vietnamese people collaborating with the French colonial government in South Vietnam. . The Vietnamese government views her as a symbol of a typical Heroic Martyr in the resistance war against the French and posthumously awarded her the title of Hero of the People's Armed Forces in 1993. Vo Thi Sau was born in 1933, the daughter of Mr. Vo Van Hoi and Mrs. Nguyen Thi Dau. Regarding the place of origin, the tombstone only records Dat Do district, Ba Ria - Vung Tau province. She was born into a poor family, her father worked as a horse-drawn carriage driver to transport passengers to Long Dien and Phuoc Hai, and her mother sold vermicelli noodles at Dat Do market. From a young age, she had to help her parents to make a living. After the French army recaptured the Dat Do region, at the end of 1945, Ms. Sau's brothers left their family and joined the resistance movement for the Viet Minh movement. She gave up her studies, stayed home to help her parents make a living and secretly provided supplies for her brothers, who worked in the Liberation Army Detachment of Ba Ria province. In 1946, she followed her brother, Vo Van Me, into the resistance zone, and became a liaison with the French Army Volunteer Police Team; In particular, the grenade attack at the French National Day celebration on July 14, 1949 in Dat Do, caused great resonance in the Dat Do region. In 1947, she officially became a member of the Dat Do Volunteer Police at the age of 14. Since then, she participated in many grenade raids and assassinated French and Vietnamese officers who collaborated with the French colonialists, creating a reputation and support from the people in the region. In December 1949, during a business trip to Dat Do, Ms. Vo Thi Sau was captured by the French army. Some other documents record that she was arrested in February 1950, after she and her comrades used grenades to kill Ca Suot and Ca Day, Vietnamese officials who collaborated effectively with the French army, at the trial. Canh Dan Tet market at Dat Do market. In the prison of those sentenced to death, she was still innocent, cheerful, and confident in the day of victory for the Fatherland. Even though her defense lawyers argued that she was under 18 years old, the French colonialists still stubbornly imposed the death penalty. Before being sentenced, she was exiled to Chi Hoa, Ba Ria and Con Dao prisons. Because the French army did not dare to publicly execute the sentence against her, they secretly murdered her. The story is still told that, when the group of executioners told her to kneel, she shouted back at them with a legendary sentence, I only know how to stand, not how to kneel. She was executed by firing squad in 1952 in Con Dao when she was under 18 years old. About 100 meters away is the monument park and the temple of hero Vo Thi Sau. Her statue is placed there, in a cool, four-season place fragrant with porcelain flowers, magnolia flowers, and lekima flowers. A beautiful, peaceful and quiet place. The statue is cast in bronze, 7m high, in the manner of Ms. Sau leisurely walking to the execution ground, her shirt still fluttering in the wind. A person who is brave, indomitable, resilient, and never gives up in the face of hardship and danger. The temple is a place for people to pay their respects, commemorate heroes and is a place to display artifacts, introducing images of the life and activities of heroic martyr Vo Thi Sau and some images of his homeland Dat Do. . Source: Electronic Information Portal of Ba Ria - Vung Tau Province

Ba Ria Vung Tau 436 view

Rating : National monument Open door


The mine bunker on Nui Lon (in Ward 5, Vung Tau City today) was built by the Japanese fascists in 1944. This was the place to store naval weapons of the Japanese army. However, with a courageous fighting spirit, our troops repeatedly broke into mine mines and took enemy weapons to make weapons to fight the enemy. In July 1941, Japan forced France to sign the "Commitment to the Common Defense of Indochina" treaty with Japan. With this treaty, Japan commanded France completely militarily. In October 1941, Japan landed in Vung Tau, quickly occupying an important position on Big Mountain, located at the Vung Tau - Can Gio seaport. From 1941-1945, the Japanese fascist army built many bunkers, underground bunkers, ammunition bunkers, and mines halfway up Big Mountain along the coast, now in Ward 5, Vung Tau City. Although the mine bunker is simply a warehouse used to store Japanese military weapons, it is no less elaborate in its construction. The mine bunker was built in 1944, and was completed after 4 months. The tunnel was built under a discreet mountain valley, built in an arch shape, inside the tunnel is a reinforced concrete wall 1m thick and 2.7m high. The front of the tunnel door is made of stone, 7m high and 20m long. The tunnels are arranged interconnected in a U-shape. The tunnel mainly stores mines and mines for coastal defense, creating an underwater battlefield blocking the Vung Tau-Can Gio estuary. At the end of World War II, Japan surrendered to the Allies, so they removed the mines from the sea, brought them up the mountain, put them in storage bunkers, and planted explosives outside. Japan's defeat on the battlefield created favorable conditions for the Vietnamese revolution to gradually win. During the long and arduous years of resistance against the Japanese and French, Vung Tau's army and people together with the army and people of Bien Hoa and Ba Ria not only defeated the enemy's long raids into war zone D and Sac forest but He also penetrated deep into the enemy's rear and won many glorious battles. During the war, the successful raids on the Nui Lon mine bunker were victories of Vung Tau's army and people. From the Ba Trao area (Nua mountain - Long Son island commune), our armed forces and security forces, relying on the people, have repeatedly broken into ammunition magazines and mine mines on Lon mountain, seizing military equipment and weapons. of the enemy to equip our troops. The mine-taking became a campaign involving hundreds of people, taking place at night and in great secrecy. Our forces are divided into groups: signaling, guarding, removing grenades, transporting mines, raising troops... According to the plan, when there was a signal of smoke and fire, the boats of our army and people in Ba Trao slowly arrived at Ben Da - Vung Tau port to receive and transport weapons taken from the enemy from the mine bunker. The guard group was divided into 2 groups to guard from the top of Ben Da slope and near the area where the Guanyin Buddha statue is now. The grenade removal team will join the special forces, guerrillas, and suicide soldiers of Thang Nhi into the mine bunker, one person will shine the light, the other person will remove the grenade, open the door, and when finished, put the grenade back as before. The group carrying the mines out worked together to climb up the mountainside in the dark night, carry the mines down the mountain, and transfer them straight to the boat and return to safety. The army support team consisted of women and sisters who transported food and lamp oil to everyone participating in the raids. At the end of June 1947, after the enemy army (the French army recaptured for the second time) withdrew from Ben Dinh post, our army and people's raids on mine bunkers became easier. Our forces transported an average of 2 mines out of the bunker at a time, each weighing more than 100kg. During the period from 1945 to 1954, our army secretly took about 60 mines to make bombs and mines as weapons to destroy the enemy. On August 4, 1992, Nui Lon mine bunker was ranked as a National Historical Monument. Source: Ba Ria - Vung Tau electronic newspaper.

Ba Ria Vung Tau 661 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Con Dao Prison Revolutionary Historical Relic Area

Con Dao historical relic site (Con Dao Prison) belongs to Con Dao district, Ba Ria - Vung Tau province, including the prison system in Con Dao and the cemeteries belonging to this prison system. Historically, the French colonial government and the US imperialists built 127 prison cells, 42 cells and 504 isolated cells - "tiger cages" in the Con Dao area. After the country was completely unified (1975), the function of the prison system in Con Dao was dissolved. In 1979, Con Dao Historical Relic Area was ranked a special national relic by the Ministry of Culture and Information (now the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism), with 17 component relics. 1. Island Lord's House This area used to be the living and working place of 53 generations of Island Lords, during the time the prison system in Con Dao maintained operations. After liberation (1975) until now, the Dao Lord's house is used as a display place of the Con Dao Historical Relic Area. 2. Pier The bridge was built in 1873. This is also the place that witnessed the first extreme humiliation of those who were sent to prison on the island. The number 914 named for the bridge is also the number of prisoners who "fell" due to forced labor and accidents during hard labor to build the bridge. 3. Camp 1 Camp 1 is also known by other names, such as Banh 3, Lao 3, Camp Bac Ai, Camp Phu Tho. The camp was built in 1928, on a total area of ​​about 12,700 square meters. In particular, the cell area is 1,200m2, including 3 prison examination blocks, medical house, kitchen and dining room, collective cell and isolated room, and mortgage (detention) block. 4. Camp 2 The camp also has other names, such as Banh 1, Lao 1, Camp Cong Hoa. By November 1974, this camp was called Phu Hai camp. Camp 2 was built in 1862 and permanently renovated in 1896, with an area of ​​12,040 square meters, including 2 prison rows, 20 cells, infirmary, chapel, lecture hall, stone crushing area, club. , the Supervisor's house..., is surrounded by four walls more than 4 meters high, surrounded by many guard posts. This is the largest and oldest prison in Con Dao. 5. Camp 3 The camp is also known by other names, such as Banh 2, Lao 2, Nhan Vi Camp, Camp 3, Phu Son Camp. The camp was built in 1916, located next to Block 1, with an area of ​​13,228 m2, including 13 large prisons, 14 cells, 1 barber room, shrine, medical room, kitchen, supervisor's room, club and Green campus, surrounded by a system of stone walls (4m high) and many guard posts. 6. Camp 4 Has a total area of ​​5804m2, including 8 cells, kitchen, warehouse, infirmary, surrounded by thick, high stone walls. 7. Camp 5 Has a total area of ​​3,594m2, with 12 collective cells, divided into 3 rows (each row of 4 rooms), a kitchen area, surrounded by thick stone walls, about 4m high. 8. Camp 6 Phu An Camp, with an area of ​​42,140 square meters, includes area A and area B. Each area has two rows, including 10 rooms, 4 cells, kitchen, infirmary, and warehouse. This camp is surrounded by two layers of fence, with an outer gate and an inner gate. 9. Camp 7 Also known as Camp Phu Binh, or American-style tiger cage. The camp has an area of ​​25,788m2, with 8 prison areas (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H), each area has 48 tiger cages, warehouses, kitchens, supervisor's offices, and hospitals. amnesty. The camp is surrounded by barbed wire fences and concrete walls. 10. Camp 8 Also known as Phu Hung Camp, it includes 10 prisons, divided into 2 rows, along with auxiliary buildings, such as the warden's house and guard watch. Surrounding the camp is a barbed wire fence system. 11. Camp 9 While the US and Wei were pouring concrete for the foundation and casting columns to build the camp, the Paris Agreement was signed so this camp was abandoned. 12. Investigation room This is the workplace and storage of interrogation records. Every prisoner before being imprisoned is interrogated in this room. 13. Ma Thien Lanh Bridge From 1930 - 1945, the French colonialists opened a branch road to So Ong Cau to facilitate the control of escaped prisoners. The new bridge has 2 abutments, each about 8m high. The bridge was named after the prisoner named Ma Thien Lanh mountain in North Korea. 14. Cow Shed isolated area This area is where prisoners do hard labor and is also a prisoner's cemetery. The "skull field" here is the first cemetery in Con Dao Prison, followed by Hang Keo cemetery and Hang Duong cemetery. 15. Lime Kiln This is typical evidence of the brutal labor exploitation policy, along with the harsh and cruel prison regime, to extinguish the will of patriotic Vietnamese people imprisoned in Con Dao. 16. Cong Quan House Built in the late 19th century, with an area of ​​850 square meters, it was the resting place of French musician: Charles Camille Saint Saens - World cultural celebrity. Here he completed the last 3 chapters of the immortal musical Brunchida. 17. Hang Duong Cemetery Has an area of ​​about 20 hectares. This is the resting place of tens of thousands of revolutionary soldiers and patriotic Vietnamese compatriots who sacrificed their lives under the yoke of imprisonment and brutal hard labor of colonialists and imperialists. In 1992, this monument was renovated and divided into 4 zones: - Area A: includes 688 graves (including 7 mass graves), with 86 named graves and 602 anonymous graves. - Area B: includes 695 graves (17 mass graves), with 275 named graves and 420 anonymous graves. - Area C: includes 372 graves (including 1 mass grave), with 329 named graves and 43 anonymous graves. - Area D: includes 148 graves, with 11 named graves and 137 anonymous graves. Con Dao Prison is a special relic (prison relic). This is the most concentrated place of the notorious prison system of France and America, typical of the regime of coercion, imprisonment, torture and massacre of revolutionary soldiers and prisoners working hard to the point of exhaustion; is a place where violent enemies tremble before the courage, revolutionary spirit and optimism of patriotic prisoners. With the special historical, cultural and scientific values ​​of the monument, the Prime Minister decided to classify Con Dao Prison Historical Relic as a special national monument on May 10, 2012. Source: Department of Cultural Heritage

Ba Ria Vung Tau 677 view

Rating : Special national monument Open door

Shakyamuni Buddha Monument

Located on Tran Phu Street, the road curves around Lon Mountain, up to Ben Da and Ben Dinh. The Shakyamuni Buddha Monument is associated with the beauty of Ben Da and the natural landscape northeast of Big Mountain. If Ben Da is a busy and bustling fishing port, then Shakyamuni Buddha Dai is a quiet place, imbued with the magic of paradise. The Shakyamuni Buddha Dai mountain area was previously lush and uninhabited. Around 1957, Mr. Le Quang Vinh, a civil servant during the French colonial period, reluctantly came here to build a temple to practice, called Thien Lam Tu. In 1962, the Buddhist Church realized that Thien Lam Tu was located in a location with beautiful natural scenery, a prime area gathering sacred energy, and convenient transportation for monks and Buddhists from all over. pilgrimage so he created a project to build a large-scale Thien Lam Tu into Shakyamuni Buddha Dai. After more than 19 months of construction, on February 15, the year of the Cat (1963), Shakyamuni Buddha Dai was inaugurated with the architectural works as today. Shakyamuni Buddha Dai is a sculptural architectural complex created according to the life story of Buddha Shakyamuni associated with a harmonious and lively natural landscape, creating a beautiful scenic area with many cultural values. religious history, is one of the most popular tourist attractions of Vung Tau. Entering Shakyamuni Buddha Dai, visitors pass through three gates, on top of which is a wheel of Buddhist morality called Dharma wheel with eight spokes symbolizing the Middle Way. The outer ring has four knobs symbolizing the Four Noble Truths. On the four pillars of the three-door entrance are four lotus buds symbolizing the purity, purity, and nobility of Buddhism. The entire Shakyamuni Buddha Temple campus is shown on the mountainside like a half moon, divided into three levels according to a tower that gradually rises from the bottom up. The stupa that visitors first encounter, after climbing the first level, is a place to remember and commemorate the person who built Thien Lam Tu: Monk Giac Phap, a mandarin of Le Quang Vinh. The path up to the second step follows a small arc, on the left is a majestic cliff. On the right, you can see all the way to Nua Mountain - Long Son and in the distance is the Oil and Gas port with high cranes connecting with streets, houses and fishing villages of Ben Dinh and Ben Da right at the foot of the mountain. Shakyamuni Buddha Dai is covered with the green of many towering trees. The sea breeze whispers. Going to the end of the arc, visitors reach a height of 25m, the space spreads out in front of them. This is an area of ​​sculptures built based on the life stories of Shakyamuni Buddha, from his birth to his Nirvana. The Shakyamuni stupa here enshrines 13 Buddha relics, contained in a gold box. This is a great joy for Vietnamese Buddhists in general and Vung Tau Buddhists in particular. The Xa Loi jade stupa at Shakyamuni Buddha Dai is 17m high, rising in the middle of a ceremony yard of about 300m2, with lotus buds on top. The entrance to the stupa is decorated with a dragon image, flanked by a pair of lions on both sides symbolizing the Great Hero - Great Power. At the foot of the tower there is an altar for worship, engraved on it: Namo Bo Master Shakyamuni Buddha, (Wholehearted respect for Buddha Shakyamuni). Below the four sides of the base of the octagonal stupa are four large peaks, inside which are four handfuls of sacred soil brought here from the place where he was born), where he attained enlightenment), (where he preached) and (where he entered Nirvana) here. . Sakyamuni Buddha Dai is a group of architectural and sculptural structures with the intention of depicting the main events in the Buddha's life. Source: Buddhist Church of Ba Ria - Vung Tau province

Ba Ria Vung Tau 767 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Linh Son Pagoda Relics "Linh Son Co Pagoda"

Linh Son ancient pagoda, also known as Golden Buddha Pagoda (the French call it Golden Buddha Statue), was built on the slopes of Nho Mountain in the early years of the 20th century. In 1919, the French built pilot works. and the lighthouse served the colonial conquest, forcing the pagoda to relocate to the foot of Small Mountain. Abbot Thich Minh Thuong, a former monk who lived for a long time at Linh Son ancient pagoda, said that initially the pagoda was built of bamboo, cork walls, and roofed with yin and yang tiles. Around the late 40s of the last century, the monk Dinh Thang Tam invited monk Thich Tri Tinh to become abbot and manage the pagoda. Later, Venerable Thich Tri Tinh assumed the position of Deputy Dharma Lord, Chairman of the Central Executive Council of the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha, and he assigned his disciple, the late Venerable Thich Tinh Vien (passed away in 1995), to serve as the head of the Buddhist Sangha. maintain. Linh Son ancient pagoda was moved to a location near Dinh Thang Tam and built spaciously as it is today. The temple is located at 104, Hoang Hoa Tham, Ward 2, City. Vung Tau, about 500m from Back Beach. On both sides of the temple gate are statues of two dragons flanking each other in the style of two dragons painting pearls. Next are the steps leading up to the main hall with 100 gold-plated Buddha statues. Among them, the most unique is the Buddha statue worshiped in the main hall, 1.2m high, carved of sandstone, elaborately and skillfully sculpted with vivid details, creating a gentle, compassionate face. of Buddha, can be considered a treasure. Venerable Thich Tinh Dinh, currently practicing at the pagoda, said that this statue has been assessed by archaeologists as a Cham Buddha statue, dating from the 7th century AD. The origin of the statue is also extremely mysterious. It is said that about 100 years ago, a fleet of fishing boats from the Central region came to fish in the waters of Bai Truoc. While going up the mountain to collect firewood and fresh water, they discovered two stone Buddha statues on the slopes of Big Mountain, near Bai Dau. Local people heard the news and quickly came to see it and insisted on keeping it. After negotiating with local people, the fishermen in the Central region agreed to hand over the large statue to the villagers of Thang Tam to worship at Linh Son ancient pagoda, and the small statue they brought back to the Central region. Currently, the small statue is worshiped at a temple in Duc Pho district, Quang Ngai province. Another notable statue that is also being worshiped at Linh Son ancient pagoda is the bronze statue of Maitreya Buddha, brought back from Southern Laos in 1972. Linh Son ancient pagoda is divided into many different spaces, with ancient architecture, many paintings, sculptures, and delicate carvings, depicting stories in Buddhist scriptures. Interspersed among the statues of Bodhisattvas and Arhats placed in the temple grounds are lotus ponds and giant plumeria trees that radiate a gentle fragrance. Every year, the pagoda often organizes ceremonies to pray for peace and death on the occasion of Lunar New Year, Quan Am festival, Birthday, Vu Lan ceremony, requiem ceremony for the spirits of fetuses - children up to 13 years old, transmission of the three refuges and five precepts. For many years, Linh Son ancient pagoda has become a favorite place to visit and worship for Vung Tau people and tourists from everywhere. The pagoda has also been recognized as a national historical-cultural relic. Source: Ba Ria - Vung Tau electronic newspaper.

Ba Ria Vung Tau 614 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Thang Tam communal house relic area (Thang Tam communal house, Lang Ca Ong, Ba temple)

Thang Tam God's Temple is located on Hoang Hoa Tham Street, Thang Tam Ward, Vung Tau City, this is a complex including Thang Tam God's Temple, Ngu Hanh Temple and Ca Ong Tomb. Thang Tam temple Built during the reign of King Minh Mang, the communal house was initially made of bamboo leaves. In 1835, people contributed to repairing and roofing the communal house with tiles and in 1965, the communal house was restored, built solidly and kept. original architectural layout as it is today. The communal house worships the three people who built three villages in Vung Tau, namely Pham Van Dinh, Le Van Loc and Ngo Van Huyen. During the reign of King Gia Long, pirates often broke into the Ben Nghe river mouth to plunder money and goods. To protect the Vietnamese merchant ships, King Gia Long immediately sent three armies on three boats to protect the peace of the gateway coast, and reclaim land to establish hamlets and make a living. Around the 3rd year of Minh Mang's reign (1822), the pirate situation no longer existed, and the king issued a decree rewarding them with titles, ranks, and land that the three armies had successfully cleared. From the three positions of the three armies gradually formed three villages. The first village is called Thang Nhat village managed by Mr. Pham Van Dinh, Thang Nhi village managed by Mr. Le Van Loc, Thang Tam village managed by Mr. Ngo Van Huyen. Later, his father became Tien Hien and was worshiped at three communal houses in the three villages mentioned above. The communal house has a sequential architecture consisting of four houses connected by a side walkway, which are Tien Hien - Assembly Hall - Trung Communal House - Martial arts stage. The communal house is decorated with many exquisitely carved offerings, painted and gilded splendidly. The Tien Sage throne is roofed with yin and yang tiles, with "two dragons flanking the moon" embossed on the roof. The ends of the arms, purlins, and columns are all carved with dragon images. The interior of Tien Hien's house displays 4 altars including the altars of Tho Cong, Tien Hien, Hau Hien and Tien Vang - Hau Vang. The hall is the meeting place for members. Next to the hall is the Trung communal house with a similar structure to the Tien Hien temple, displaying 10 altars including the altars of Than Nong, Thien Y A Na, Ngu Duc, Thanh Phi, Hau Hien, Council, Phu An - Cao Cac, Heavenly Master, Five Poems and Five Words - Tien Hien. The martial arts stage is where opera performances and boi singing are performed when the communal house has ceremonies. Ba Ngu Hanh Temple On the left side of the gate of the relic site is Ba Ngu Hanh Temple. The temple was built in the late 19th century to worship five goddesses: Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth. In addition, the temple also worships two protectors of the country who were promoted to Supreme Deities by the king, Thien Y A Na and Thuy Long Than Nu. Ba Ngu Hanh Temple was built in the architectural style of one room and two wings, with "two dragons flanking the moon" on the roof. In the Temple there are 8 altars: in the middle of the main hall is the altar of 5 Ngu Hanh ladies and two Superior Gods; On both sides are altars of 5 girls and 5 boys; The left side worships Quan Cong, Quan Binh and Chau Xuong, who are loyal people ready to rescue seafarers when they encounter misfortune; On the right is the altar of Ong Dia - Tho Cong; Behind is the altar of Tien Hien and the compassionate and generous people in the village. Lang Co Ong Lang Co Ong is located on the right side of the relic site built in the same period as Ba Ngu Hanh Temple. In the current mausoleum there is a part of the skeleton of the giant Ca Ong fish picked up by Vung Tau fishermen about 100 years ago. The mausoleum has ancient architecture, inside a large glass cabinet containing Ca Ong's bones and three altars are displayed. On both sides there are two more altars of Ba Sau (Turtle God) and the music group. Currently, the Thang Tam Temple relic site still preserves 12 ordinations of King Thieu Tri and Tu Duc, including 6 ordinations for Dai Can National Nam Hai (Ca Ong), 3 ordinations for Thien Y A Na Dien Ngoc Phi and three conferred ordinations on the Water Dragon Goddess. Every year, Thang Tam temple has 3 major festivals: Pray An (from 17 to 20 of the 2nd lunar month), Nghinh Ong (from 16 to 18 of the 8th lunar month) and Ba Temple (from 16 to 18 of the 10th lunar month) ). Source: Center for Investment, Trade and Tourism Promotion of Ba Ria - Vung Tau Province

Ba Ria Vung Tau 698 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Revolutionary historical relic Water factory station

Revolutionary historical relic Vung Tau water plant station is located on April 30 Street, Ward 9, Vung Tau City, between Tran Nguyen Han High School and Ba Ria - Vung Tau Water Supply Joint Stock Company. Although the water plant station is only a modest-sized relic, it leaves behind historical values ​​of the revolutionary struggle with many fierce battles, raising the spirit of independence of our army and people. The Vung Tau Water Plant Station relic is located about 50m from the intersection of Nguyen An Ninh - Pham Hong Thai - April 30 (Water Well intersection). This monument is about 5m long, 3.7m wide, nearly 4m high, built of stone, brick, lime, cement, iron and steel and wood. This is a small military structure, divided into two floors, separated by a wooden floor, with battlements facing four directions. During the war, the terrain of Vung Tau (O Cap) was militarily important, so the occupying French army began building a port and airport as soon as they arrived in Vung Tau. At that time, in this land surrounded by the sea, fresh water was an extremely valuable resource, so the French built a water supply system (drilled wells, water filtration plants...) right near the intersection. from Vung Tau City Water Well today. To protect the airport, port and water supply system for the whole Vung Tau, the French army set up a military station right next to the water plant, so it was called the Water Plant Station. This post was occupied by security forces with about a company of troops, equipped with strong firepower, blocking the gateway to Vung Tau at that time. At that time, the enemy strictly controlled the movement of people in this area, making the activities of our army and people difficult. Therefore, the water plant station became a target that needed to be destroyed by the revolutionary armed forces. In 1948, the Level Action Committee, the Assault Police, the 51st Reconnaissance Team and the forces of the Level Town Squad attacked the Water Plant Station twice, destroyed the station, and confiscated 150 guns of all kinds. The battles to attack the Water Plant Station were all very fierce, contributing to the loss of enemy manpower and firepower, marking victories in the history of the revolutionary struggle of the army and people of Ba Ria-Vung Tau province in the past. In 1985, on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the establishment of Vung Tau - Con Dao Special Zone, the special zone government built a relief in front of the water plant station commemorating the victory of two battles in 1948. At the same time, attaching The sign is engraved with content introducing the historical value of attacking this military site. On August 4, 1992, the Ministry of Culture and Information recognized Vung Tau Water Plant Station as a National-level revolutionary historical relic. Source: Ba Ria - Vung Tau electronic newspaper

Ba Ria Vung Tau 661 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Historical revolutionary relic house number 86 - Phan Chu Trinh

The National Relic of House 86 Phan Chu Trinh (currently No. 5 Phan Chu Trinh, Ward 2, Vung Tau City) was once the home of French official Pierre Chappus located on Phan Chu Trinh Street, at the foot of Nho Mountain. The house was built in the old French architectural style of the early 20th century. During the war, this house used to be a place to hide revolutionary activists. Mr. Pierre Chappus has a French father and a Vietnamese mother. He is a private official of the French government, owner of the Vung Tau Lighthouse Department. The house of Mr. Pierre Chappus at that time was built with blue stone walls and a tiled roof, located on a plot of land about 100 meters in front of Phan Chu Trinh street and 80 meters deep. Around the house there are many fruit trees such as coconut, mango, custard apple, star apple, guava, lemon... Behind the house there is a very large lotus pond and a lychee tree the size of two people. Although Mr. Pierre Chappus is a French official, he is sympathetic to the Vietnamese revolution, and especially respects leader Nguyen Ai Quoc. While material conditions and life were extremely difficult, he supported the Viet Minh with money, rice, and 50 cows. He used his house at 86 Phan Chu Trinh as a place to hide and protect secret officers, including comrade Nguyen Hoai Duc, Vung Tau City Captain. At that time, Mr. Pierre Chappus's family always kept 5-7 dogs, each with a name. Whenever they heard a stranger coming, the dogs barked to alert the front door, and the officers immediately crept into the garden. The fruit tree exits through the back door. In the cases where acquaintances (officers) entered the gate and the dogs barked, he just had to call each dog's name and they would lie still and not bark. During the anti-American period, the house at 86 Phan Chu Trinh was agreed by Mr. Pierre Chappus for the revolution to be used as the Ba Ria - Long Khanh Provincial Party Committee Office, showing his sympathy for the Vietnamese revolution. He emotionally told the cadres: "You guys just use my house to work. In case I am captured by the enemy and die, it will be an honor for me to die for the Vietnamese revolution." In 1957, the Ba Ria - Long Khanh Provincial Party Committee Office was officially located at Mr. Pierre Chappus's house. Standing members of the Office include comrade Trinh Phong Dan and comrade Ho Si Hanh. At this time, Mr. Pierre Chappus's family kept 10 dogs, this was an important "force" that very effectively guarded the house, protecting the safety of revolutionary cadres working secretly. By the end of 1958, the Ba Ria - Long Khanh Provincial Party Committee Office had to move to another place to ensure secrecy, but the house at 86 Phan Chu Trinh was still a base for officials to come and get help, mobilize money and support. material for revolution. Mr. Pierre Chappus died in 1959 at his house at 86 Phan Chu Trinh, at the age of 81. On August 4, 1992, the house at 86 Phan Chu Trinh was recognized by the Ministry of Culture, Information, Sports and Tourism as a National Monument. Accordingly, on holidays and New Year, Doan Ket High School often organizes for students to clean and visit the house at 86 Phan Chu Trinh, and at the same time introduce them to the history of the struggle to preserve the long-standing and heroic nation of the nation. Source: Ba Ria - Vung Tau electronic newspaper

Ba Ria Vung Tau 688 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Revolutionary historical relic "Cao Cao House" No. 18 Le Loi.

The historical relic "The Cao Cao House" located at No. 18, Le Loi Street, Vung Tau City is the place where many secret meetings of the Ba Ria-Long Khanh Provincial Party Committee took place during the years of resistance against American imperialism. The tall house is 160m2 wide, and is called that because below the house are rows of 4 rows of stone columns, each 2.2m high, 40cm square side like legs supporting the house. The house is built in the style of an isolated motel, surrounded by a fence and garden. The house is divided into 2 areas: the main house and the annex. The main house consists of 2 floors, the ground floor is a row of pillars supporting the whole house. The upper floor is the main residence of the house, designed on both front and back sides with stairs up and down, built gently from the outdoors leading upstairs. Inside there is a large hall used to receive guests and small rooms used to rest. All rooms have windows facing the garden, creating a quiet space. The roof is covered with western tiles, similar to the roof of the Thai people, the roof slopes down on 4 sides, 2 gable sides have small triangles to catch the wind to prevent heat. The annex is a 2.25m wide house with a 6m horizontal roof used as a kitchen and a path leading to the main house. The "high-ranking house" was completed by Mr. Deloudet, a French civil servant and officer working in Saigon, around 1949. The house was built for him and his wife, Mrs. Chau Chon, as a vacation place in Vung Tau. . Around the "Cao Cao" area, there are many villas and resorts, facing the beach, and security is strictly controlled. In 1950, Mr. Deloudet returned to France, and the house became the property of Ms. Chau Chon. In 1951, she sold this house to agricultural engineer Nguyen Van Chien. In 1952, Mr. Ba Tra, a worker at a water factory in Ba Ria, was assigned the responsibility of taking care of the "Cao Can House". He was an enthusiastic participant in the Party's revolutionary movements; He was captured by the enemy many times, released, and was always in the enemy's sights. With a patriotic spirit, in Vung Tau, he quickly connected with the Party and continued to serve as a secret base for revolutionary cadres. Taking advantage of the enemy's negligence and lack of vigilance, during the period from 1956 to 1959, the Standing Committee of the Ba Ria-Long Khanh Provincial Party Committee turned the "High-ranking House" and surrounding villas into revolutionary bases. as a place to eat, live, travel and meet for the leaders of the revolutionary movement. Here, under the guidance of comrade Nam An Chi, the revolutionary movement among the people developed strongly and widely. In 1956 and 1957, many secret meetings took place at the "Cao Cao House". During the meeting, many of the Party's policies were implemented, promptly following the situation and promoting the development of the local revolutionary movement. In March and April 1959, it was here that the Provincial Party Standing Committee held a meeting with the Vung Tau District Party Committee to check the study of Resolution 15 of the Party Central Committee and implement the Party's Directives. Eastern inter-provincial ministry; program to mobilize the mass movement against the laws of the Ngo Dinh Diem government. Currently, the revolutionary historical relic "Cao Cang House" is located on the campus of Vung Tau City Customs Department and is managed by this unit. Much of the house's architecture remains intact. Because it only existed for a short period of time in the early period of resistance against American imperialism, the artifacts were not saved. In 1991, "The Cao Cao House" was recognized by the Ministry of Culture and Information as a revolutionary historical relic. Source: Ba Ria - Vung Tau Newspaper

Ba Ria Vung Tau 714 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Relics of the Viet Minh Committee headquarters in Vung Tau

Vung Tau City's Traditional Revolutionary House (No. 1, Ba Cu, Vung Tau City) was formerly the headquarters of the Viet Minh Committee. Having gone through periods of war, this place still preserves intact images of historical memories of the heroic struggle of Ba Ria - Vung Tau soldiers and people. Vung Tau City's Traditional Revolutionary House was built from 1908-1913 with a land area of ​​6,580 square meters. The house was built according to the architecture of a French colonial office, which was the military command office of the Vung Tau area from the first decade of the 18th century until the Japanese coup d'état against France. It is a massive, airy, fully furnished two-story villa, located close to the beach at Front Beach. In the villa there is also an attached staff office, where French officers often work. The leaders of the Viet Minh Committee quickly contacted the Southern Party Committee through comrade Duong Bach Mai and received instructions to prepare to seize power. Thereby, quoting the "Viet Minh Program", he wrote leaflets scattered throughout the town calling on the people of Vung Tau to rebel and prepare the armed forces to commit revolutionary violence for the uprising. During the days of the uprising, the core leaders along with the security forces and suicide soldiers of more than 40 people were on duty day and night, working at the headquarters. On August 28, 1945, at Lam Son Stadium, 300m from the headquarters of the Viet Minh Committee, under the leadership of the Viet Minh Committee of Vung Tau Town, the local people's uprising rally to win power won. Victory. During the years of arduous and fierce struggle of the resistance war against the French colonialists, the Viet Minh Committee played the role of a core leader in Vung Tau, Ba Ria and the Southeast provinces. At the end of 1945, Vung Tau-Ba Ria merged into one province, the leaders in the Viet Minh Committee and Party cells were transferred to Ba Ria, and the headquarters was also relocated. After the country was liberated, the Viet Minh Committee headquarters relics made significant contributions to the tourism of the coastal city of Vung Tau. In 1978, the monument was built with a number of additional works such as the ground floor at the back, installing air conditioners inside, building more rooms upstairs, renovating the exterior... However, no work was done. greatly affects the surrounding landscape and the main design of the house. In 1991, the headquarters of the Viet Minh Committee was recognized by the Ministry of Culture and Information as a national historical relic and renamed Vung Tau City Revolutionary Traditional House. Currently, to serve the needs of local people to learn history and visit relics, the two floors of the traditional house are used as a library, display, exhibition, and meeting place. On the upper floor is a gallery of images, historical documents, images of the city's leaders through the ages and many other artifacts... Source: Ba Ria - Vung Tau electronic newspaper

Ba Ria Vung Tau 744 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Revolutionary historical relic Tam Nhung's House

The revolutionary historical relic of Tam Nhung's house (Ho Thi Khuyen) old number 42 on 11 Tran Phu street, now number 1, Tran Xuan Do, Thang Nhi ward, Vung Tau city, Ba Ria - Vung Tau province, located below At the foot of Lon Mountain, about 100 meters west of Ben Dinh intersection, Thang Nhi ward. Previously, it was a dense, quiet garden with many fruit trees explored and built by Mr. and Mrs. Tam Nhung. In the days of the August 1945 revolution, this house was the meeting place of the Viet Minh Front Committee. During the two resistance wars, the house was a base for raising cadres operating in the inner city of the Provincial Party Committee and Vung Tau City Party Committee. ...With typical historical value and significance, in 1989, Tam Nhung's house (Ho Thi Khuyen) was recognized as a national monument by the Ministry of Culture and Information. Currently, Tam Nhung's mother's house has been restored and embellished in 2015. The monument has become a traditional educational attraction about a typical Vietnamese mother who shined the city's revolutionary heroism. Vung Tau during the two periods of resistance was simple, kind but loyal, indomitable... wholeheartedly supported and secretly kept the revolutionary cadres safe until the day the South was liberated and the country was unified. . Mother Ho Thi Khuyen was born in 1905, and people in the neighborhood often call her mother Tam Nhung (because her husband is Mr. Nguyen Van Nhung). Mr. Nhung was also a man with a patriotic spirit, hated the French colonialists and the tyrannical and tyrannical landlords, and was soon enlightened by the revolution. In 1930, he participated in seizing power in 18 Vuon Trau villages. The uprising failed and he was captured by the French colonialists. They used every trick to bribe and brutally torture him, but he never reported. His body was beaten by them until he was disabled, then he was exiled to another country. Around 1941-1942, Mr. Nguyen Van Nhung moved from Go Cong (Tien Giang) to the Nui Lon area (Vung Tau) to live, then he built family with Mrs. Ho Thi Khuyen. The couple cut down trees and reclaimed land at the foot of Big Mountain, Thang Nhi ward to build a house and plant fruit trees. The Cochinchina Uprising failed. The revolutionary movement in many Southern provinces temporarily subsided before the brutal repression of the French colonialists. In Ba Ria - Vung Tau, revolutionary bases were not broken and continued to operate, creating favorable conditions for the August 1945 revolution. Mr. and Mrs. Tam Nhung promptly secretly contacted Ban Viet Minh and soldiers in Vung Tau. Formed a core part in the campaign to seize power in 1945. Mr. and Mrs. Ho Thi Khuyen's house was the place where the Uprising Committee was established, deciding to seize power in Vung Tau. During the 9-year resistance war against the French colonialists (1945-1954), Mr. and Mrs. Ho Thi Khuyen continued to secretly participate in revolutionary activities. In 1962, faced with harsh persecution from the enemy, Ho Thi Khuyen moved back to work in Tan Dien commune, Go Cong Dong district, Tien Giang province. She participated in the Soldiers' Mother Association, directly placing spikes and mines. destroy the enemy... In 1968, the enemy pacified Tan Dien commune, Go Cong district, Tien Giang. Ma Tam was captured and detained by the enemy for 2 months. In the camp, Tam's mother was subjected to all kinds of torture, water splashing, electric shock to her toes and fingers... but she was determined not to report. In the end, without evidence, Tam's mother was released and returned to Vung Tau. During this time, the enemy urgently established more posts and strictly controlled the area. Many revolutionary bases in Vung Tau had to move deep into Sac Forest, to Dinh Mountain, Thi Vai... To lead the revolutionary movement, the Vung Tau City Party Committee decided to stick to the bases. Tam's mother was assigned the task of secretly raising secrets for revolutionary cadres. To ensure absolute safety for fellow activists, Tam's mother came up with a unique way to hide by building a secret basement in the family's house. Visiting the house and secret basement of Ho Thi Khuyen's family makes us even more proud of the patriotism, kindness, and noble heart of a heroic Vietnamese mother who sacrificed her life for her cause. liberation of the nation. Source: Ba Ria - Vung Tau Provincial Museum

Ba Ria Vung Tau 670 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Outstanding relic site