Relic point Vietnam

Vinh Phuc

Dinh Kha Do

Kha Do communal house is located in Viem Nam Viem ward, Phuc Yen city, built in the Later Le dynasty (Le Canh Hung - 1741) to worship Tam Giang Dai Vuong - Famous general who helped Trieu Viet Vuong defeat the Luong invaders; Queen Minh Phi - Holy Mother who gave birth to Duc Tam Giang; Assistant Assistant Nuong Tu - Duc Tam Giang's younger sister, was instrumental in being in charge of military provisions. Legend has it that Saint Tam Giang was appointed General of the Army by King Trieu Viet to fight against the Luong invaders (6th century). He and his three younger brothers used guerrilla tactics to defeat the Luong invaders led by Tran Ba ​​Tien. King Trieu Viet ascended the throne for a while, but due to not listening to his advice, he lost his throne by Ly Phat Tu. Ly Phat Tu sent someone to summon his brothers to become mandarins, but he did not accept them, saying: "I am loyal and do not worship two lords" and then he and his entire family perished on the Nhu Nguyet River. Remembering his merits as well as his example of loyalty, along the three rivers Thien Duc, Nhat Duc, and Nguyet Duc, there are 298 villages and communes worshiping and honoring him as village tutelary god. Kha Do communal house is an ancient, massive architectural work built in the architectural style of the Later Le Dynasty. The communal house's carvings are concentrated in the middle space, the area with the harem, the holy place, the place where military and theocratic power gathers, and mainly depict dragons and cosmic animals, along with the ceiling and worship relics. , the decorations make Kha Do communal house extremely solemn, expressing the authority of royal culture, concentrated and promoting its full strength. With ingenious art and tight layout, cosmic animals such as dragons, lyches, turtles, and phoenixes express the aspirations of human life here more than 200 years ago. This is the outstanding success of the art of carving wooden ceilings at Kha Do communal house of our people during the Le Trung Hung period. Currently, Dinh Kha Temple still has many valuable worship relics of ancient folk art, arranged in the middle of the communal house and on the harem, from the bottom up and according to the material. Wooden items include: altar palanquins, altar altars, altar thrones, altar horses, floating trays... Paper items include: Jade family tree, ordaining... Porcelain items include: incense bowls, water vases, wine bottles. Bronze objects include cranes, candles, and pedestals. Fabric items include pipe fans, ashes, clothes, etc. Nowadays, Kha Do communal house has main holidays during the year such as: 1st and 15th full moon days of every month; January fifteenth and August 2nd are the main parties; May 2 and October 15 are side parties; April 10 is the death anniversary of the village's tutelary god. Kha Do village communal house has a very unique custom: The custom of "Buying Quan Vien", today called "Buying Tu Van" of the young men in the village. In feudal times, the way to buy was to have chicken sticky rice, betel and areca nuts, and incense sticks waiting for the occasion to be placed on a tray and brought to the temple to celebrate the tutelary god and present to the village to buy officials. Nowadays, it's a bunch of bananas, betel and areca nuts, and incense cards to buy documents. Every young man in the village wants to be bought because they feel proud that they have a seat in the village communal house, so they have to live ethically - the family style lest the villagers laugh at them for being ordinary. Currently, the book for monitoring documents continues to follow the old book for officials, very closely and fairly. Those who buy first will be seated first in order (called Table), regardless of age and dignitary. The first two tables, called the Nhat table, sit in the middle of the pavilion, each table seats 3 people. The next two tables called the Second table also sit next to the First table in the middle of the pavilion, each table seats 4 people. After the First and Second tables come the tables of village and commune dignitaries, each with 4 people sitting in the middle of the communal house. Next, there are 4 people sitting at the tables of the officials (Tu Van) on both left and right sides of the pavilion. All tables are covered with mats and the meals are arranged the same according to the instructions of the organizers. Officials (Tu Van) can only change seats or tables to the next or upper table when the person sitting in front is dead or absent. Just like that, seat rotation is not a priority, no matter who it is. Thanks to the strict and fair order, there is no disunity or competition for each other's seats. This is a beautiful local custom still preserved to this day. Source: Information Portal - Electronic Communication of Phuc Yen City

Vinh Phuc 497 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Hoa Duong Pagoda

Hoa Duong Pagoda is in Tuan Lo commune, Tuan Lo district, Bach Hac district, Tam Doi district, Son Tay town. Now it is Thuong village, Tuan Chinh commune, Vinh Tuong district. The pagoda was built in the first year of Chinh Hoa (Canh Than 1680), during the reign of King Le Hy Tong Duy Hiep. Hoa Duong Pagoda was built in the Later Le Dynasty, in 1680. What remains today is a relic with quite massive and magnificent architecture, with a "cong" shaped floor plan consisting of 3 main buildings: Front Street (7 compartments). ), the upper palace (4 compartments) and the ancestral house (5 compartments), total area of ​​262m2 with 2 corridors including 20 compartments with an area of ​​196m2, in front of the yard is a hundred year old Bodhi tree and tree species: Dai, Ngau, Lan, and Crocodile create a solemn, somber atmosphere at the meditation door. Architecturally: The structure of the rafters is in the style of "stacking beams and gongs", the load-bearing column system is all made of large ironwood, the column circumference is 1.5m and is placed on square stone bases, each 75cm big to Anti-termite and anti-moisture. Regarding fine arts: The outstanding value of Hoa Duong Pagoda is the art of sculpture, expressed in the system of round statues and wooden sculptures (y subjects, shelf paintings, horizontal panels, parallel sentences). These are the basic classes of statues, generally representing the system of statues arranged in a Buddhist temple according to the Mahayana sect in Northern Vietnam, including the following classes: Set of statues of the Three Buddhas, Amitabha Buddha, Three Buddhas, Sakyamuni Buddha, Four Bodhisattvas, Four Heavenly Kings, Statues of Monsignors, Saints, Dharma Protectors and Patriarch Buddha statues. All Buddha statues are made from old, intact jackfruit wood, with elaborate, meticulous techniques, creative and skillful art, demonstrating high artistic aesthetic thinking ability and perfect harmony in perception. the absolute "emptiness" value of Buddha Dharma. The values ​​of truth, goodness, and beauty of Buddhism originate from the simple truths of everyday life through thousands of years of cultivation, fostering, and transmission, and have become a fundamental part of the Vietnamese soul. The soul of the artist when giving life to statues made of wood, stone, or soil becomes shimmering, fanciful but very real for each person when entering the temple to worship Buddha. The wood sculptures include: 8 paintings of y mon (horizontal sea) all of the same size (3.0m long, 0.6m wide) embossed, lacquered and gilded with natural themes: flowers, leaves, clouds, Ancient trees, birds and animals are extremely close, natural and lively, in the middle are carved "great characters" with the meaning of praise and teaching, interwoven between Buddhism and Confucian philosophy. The 8 "Shelf paintings" engraved with verses in Chinese characters with content about natural landscapes and topics related to the propagation of Buddhism, are excellent poems embedded in talented sculptures, on The background of carving techniques, liberal decoration, harmonious layout, and beautiful painting is worthy of being a legacy for future generations to admire and reflect on. 8 sets of horizontal panels, parallel sentences lacquered with gold, precise and neat sentences, profound meaning, comprehensive semantics, sincere heart, true goodness. Along with ancient relics: bronze bells, incense sticks, stone stele, etc. are also ancient written documents on stone that will be preserved forever for future generations, tourists from all over, Buddhist monks and nuns to find opportunities to admire. worshiping in the quiet meditation scene hidden in the countryside. Hoa Duong Pagoda has a history of over 300 years old. The pagoda was ranked as a national historical relic on December 12, 1994. Source: Vinh Phuc electronic communication portal

Vinh Phuc 1381 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Coi Pagoda

Coi Pagoda, formerly located in Coi village, Hop Thinh commune, Tam Duong district, now belongs to Hoi Hop ward, Vinh Yen city. Coi Pagoda relics are a complete complex of a Buddha hall including: Three gates, pagodas and towers. The three-entrance gate of Coi Pagoda has an architecture of 3 small, compact compartments, with the main load-bearing system being 10 meticulously carved monolithic blue stone columns, 0.25m in diameter, 2.0m high, with 3 rows of column bases, In which, the 2 columns of the middle compartment use ironwood columns extending beyond them to serve as common columns for the 2 roof rafters in a stacked-rail style architecture. Instead of the bottom row of rafters, there is a wooden trap head that comes out to support the roof ship. , the 4 corners of the roof are curved, graceful knife heads hidden in the canopy of green leaves, creating a charming scene. On the two stone pillars in the middle, which are beveled flat on one side, there are inscriptions on each side. Although they have faded over the years, if you look closely, you can still read "Canh Ty, strong spring, auspicious day". According to documents of the Vietnam Fine Arts Museum, the three-entrance gate of Coi Pagoda was built along with Coi Pagoda in the 13th century. The original Coi Pagoda no longer exists, now there are only 12 ancient statues kept at the temple that was rebuilt in the late 20th century, including: 3 Buddha statues, the Amitabha Tam Ton set (Amitabha, Quan). Amitabha Buddha and Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva), statues of Venerable Ananda and Shakyamuni Buddha preaching the Dharma, all made of wood, lacquered with gold, round sculpture style of the late 18th century. Tower: A type of Buddhist architecture, one of the characteristics of Buddhism, the tower can be a place to contain relics, paintings, statues or have symbolic meaning, for example: 4 steps up to the tower represent the concept The concept is loving kindness - compassion - joy - renunciation or the 10 levels are statues of the ten realms,... The tower floors represent the means of propagating Buddhism. If it is a tomb tower, the statue represents the grave of a monk or nun, and the 5-petal lotus symbolizes the "Five Buddhas". The Papyrus Tower has 7 floors, 7.70m high, gradually shrinking from the base to the top, each floor shrinks by 20cm on both square sides and height (1 square side of the base is 1.70m long) - the bricks used to build the tower are Bat Trang bricks. , square brick type, 3cm thick, the bricks at the 4 corners of the tower are all beveled up, giving the tower a gentle, elegant curved shape, the adhesive mortar is made from shell lime mixed with molasses - the tower body is plastered. covered with a protective layer of mortar. Legend. Coi Tower was built around the middle of the 18th century, related to the event of the uprising of the Heo District (Nguyen Danh Phuong, 1740 - 1751): In just one night, Nguyen Danh Phuong had his troops finish building the tower and The entire Tien restaurant, in order to gain prestige and win people's hearts against Le Trinh's court, over hundreds of years, an ancient moss color covers the entire tower, further increasing the desire to learn about a new species. Buddhist architecture in Vinh Phuc. Thus, Coi Pagoda was built in the 13th century, and in the 18th century after erecting two towers (now only one remains, due to war destruction) became an architectural whole with artistic value recognized by the Far East. Uncle Co was ranked as a valuable cultural heritage in Vietnam (in 1939). Located in a complex of relics: Dong Dao communal house, Quan Tien, Tien communal house, Ha pagoda, stone bridge... and in the center of Vinh Yen town, Coi tower pagoda will be a destination for sightseeing and research. A large number of tourists from near and far inside and outside the province. Source: Vinh Phuc Tourism Information and Promotion Center

Vinh Phuc 1116 view

Rating : Provincial level relics Open door

Huong Canh communal house

Huong Canh was originally the name of a commune of An Lang district, Son Tay town in the Later Le dynasty, then was taken as the general name of the Nguyen dynasty and the name of today's town - Huong Canh town (in Binh Xuyen district, Vinh Phuc province). According to folklore, Huong Canh is also called Tam Canh because this is the common name of three Canh villages including: Huong Canh, Ngoc Canh, Tien Canh. The place name Huong Canh also has the ancient name Ke Canh. This name comes from the local rice variety, which has two pointed rays on both sides of the grain. People call those two sharp rays WINGS and the grain of rice is called WINGS, taking the word WING as the name of the village. Initially, there was only one Huong Canh village here. Gradually, the population grew and the village was separated and named Ngoc Canh - a place with Gie Canh rice, rice grains as beautiful as pearls. Finally, when both villages Huong Canh (fragrant Canh rice) and Ngoc Canh (beautiful Canh rice) were densely populated, they expanded to the West and Northwest with another village and took the name Tien Canh, meaning "rice". Early wings”. Three communal houses in the three villages of Huong Canh, Ngoc Canh and Tien Canh are all ranked as national historical and cultural relics and are currently in the process of preparing documents to request special national ranking. The communal houses are located 50m to 100m apart, forming a monumental relic complex, adjacent to National Highway 2A, convenient for sightseeing, tourism and pilgrimage. Regarding the gods worshiped, according to local people's legend, after defeating the invading Southern Han army, Ngo Quyen became king and established the capital in Co Loa (now in Hanoi). The country was independent and at peace, but Ngo Quyen still did not forget to be vigilant and train soldiers and horses to prevent enemies. At that time, hunting was also a form of exercise, so once Ngo Quyen sent his two children, Ngo Xuong Ngap and Ngo Xuong Van, along with his close general Do Canh Thac, to bring troops to conduct an exercise in the form of hunting. They marched through Huong Canh, camped at a mound in the middle of the field, the people called Go Ngu. To record the sacred mark and pay tribute to the heroes of the Ngo Dynasty, the people of Huong Canh built a temple in Go Ngu to worship them, according to the concept of "life is a general, death is a god" (living is a good general - death is sacred). During the Later Le Dynasty, the people of the three villages of Huong Canh, Ngoc Canh and Tien Canh built a communal house in each village, took the sacred names to worship at the communal house and held festivals and offerings every year like today. 1. Huong Canh Communal House Formed the earliest, Huong Canh village built its communal house before the other two villages. Although not larger than Ngoc Canh communal house and Tien Canh communal house, Huong Canh communal house is crafted and shows more decoration and carving. The communal house is located in the south of Huong Canh town, the facade faces southwest, overlooking Diem Lang lake, the river arena and Cau Treo river. Through time and the ups and downs of history, for nearly 300 years Huong Canh communal house still stands there as if challenging the sun and rain, fighting with nature with its massive, graceful roof. The communal house's roof is covered with funny-nosed tiles, arranged in an orderly manner in the style of dragon-scale screws, very tight and beautifully flat. The roof of the communal house is built straight and the tips of the blades are curved. The entire roof of the communal house looks like a giant kite moving, about to fly into the air. 2. Ngoc Canh Communal House was built in the Later Le Dynasty and restored in the early Nguyen Dynasty. On the first sentence in Ngoc Canh communal house, there are two embossed words: "Twenty years in Gia Long, ten years in Quy Dau, ten moons, twenty-six days in old Thuong Luong, restoring earth and wood Giap Tuat years, five moons , the fifteenth day is completed, peace and prosperity are great." (Meaning: The 12th year of Gia Long is the year of the Rooster, on October 26, erect the roof tree as before. Repair the wood and door in the year of Giap Tuat. Complete on May 15, hoping for good harmony). According to the solar calendar, Quy Dau is in 1813 and Giap Tuat is in 1814, the restoration lasted 7 months. The second first sentence engraved is: "The year of Minh Menh, the year of Canh Thin, six moons, ten days, starting the golden cycle jewelry, ten months, ten days, completed great auspicious and prosperous" (Meaning: The first year of Minh Menh was the year of Canh Thin, construction started on June 11, painted golden, and completed on October 10, wishing good luck and prosperity. According to the solar calendar, Canh Thin is the year 1820, the first year of Minh Menh. The decoration lasted 4 months. 3. Tien Canh communal house was built last, but Tien Canh communal house is larger in scale than Ngoc Canh and Huong Canh communal houses. Regarding the construction date, when Thuong Luong's back house was dismantled for restoration, the engravings were still clearly clear: "Canh Hung thirty-seven years, five years Binh Than, twelve moons, twenty-two days, zodiac time, Receiving a high salary, great benefits and prosperity" (Meaning: Canh Hung year 37, year Binh Than, December, day 22, zodiac hour, building a roof tree is very auspicious, brings much prosperity). According to the solar calendar, the year Binh Than is 1776. So the communal house's back house was built 300 years ago (2022). The old first sentence of the great bow is engraved "Year of the Goat, ten months of At Hoi, twenty days of Dinh Mui, At Ty of the year, the great worship of Thu Thuong Luong" (Meaning: Year of the Goat, October of At Hoi, day 20 Dinh Mui, 10 a.m. At Ty, build a tree on the roof of the house to worship). Thus, the Tien Canh communal house was built in the 8th Canh Thinh era, Tay Son Nguyen Quang Toan dynasty - 1799, 223 years ago (2022), 23 years after the post house. These are three typical ancient communal houses of Northern communal house architectural art, built around the late 17th and early 18th centuries. The architectural and artistic relic of Huong Canh communal house cluster was recognized as a special national monument on December 29, 2022 by the Prime Minister. Source: Compiled by Vinh Phuc Newspaper

Vinh Phuc 1308 view

Rating : Special national monument Open door

Bao An Pagoda

Bao An Pagoda, the full name in ancient documents is Bao An Thien Tu or Tu Gia Bao An, the popular name is Cam Pagoda, formerly belonging to Thap Mieu commune, Bach Tru canton, Yen Lang district, Phuc Yen province, Now belongs to Trung Nhi ward, Phuc Yen city, Vinh Phuc province. The pagoda was built in the 12th century during the reign of King Ly Cao Tong (1176-1210). This is one of the few pagodas dating back to the Ly Dynasty until today. The pagoda is built on a high hill, with luxuriant trees, windy on all four sides, beautiful scenery, quiet, full of solitude, a place of meditation. In the past, this area was called Tieu Dao Mountain, and is commonly called Cam Forest, perhaps that's why the pagoda is famous as Cam Pagoda. According to inscriptions and genealogies, the pagoda has existed for a long time. In the 12th century, the crown prince, son of King Ly Cao Tong, donated more than a hundred acres of fields, two thousand francs of money to repair the pagoda, and 700 francs of merit for a banquet. worship easily. Assign martial general Nguyen to directly direct and mobilize donations to repair the pagoda. As a result, the pagoda was restored with "seven newly built closely spaced rooms, columns painted with bright flowers, bright jade colors, a high and precious palace, bright sunlight and moonlight, a splendid Buddha statue, and a poised lotus throne." , the big bell towers over the phoenix, the noble king holds the dragon, the splendor and majesty are clear...". The military general of the Nguyen family also had the merit of a thousand francs to buy more than a hundred acres of fields to donate to the pagoda for farming. In the 14th century under the reign of King Tran Anh Tong, Bao An Pagoda was given a lot of money to repair and embellish by Princess Hung Nuong. To remember his merits, like many other pagodas in the area, people built a shrine to Princess Hung Nuong in the pagoda. Having gone through the ups and downs of thousands of years of history, Bao An Pagoda is still at the old campus but has had many changes. Ancient architectural buildings such as the front hall, incense burner, upper palace, ancestral house, Hung Nuong princess shrine and mother shrine were demolished due to deterioration. Currently, the pagoda has been renovated and rebuilt on a large scale, with reinforced concrete architecture and tiled roof. The pagoda also preserves valuable relics and antiques such as: Dharma statues, altars, bronze bells, and stone stele. Among them, the most typical is the stone stele "Bao An Zen Tu Bi Bi Ky" (inscription of Bao An Pagoda's stele). Up to now, according to review, survey and statistical data, this is the only Ly Dynasty stele remaining in the province. The stele was engraved in December of the year Tri Binh Long Ung (1209) and re-engraved later, probably at the end of the 18th century, placed at Bao An pagoda. The stele was mentioned and published by many researchers in Ly Tran Poetry (Social Sciences Publishing House, H.1977) and Ly Dynasty Epitaph (VNU Publishing House, H.2010). This is the oldest stele in Vinh Phuc and one of the 18 Ly Dynasty stelae remaining in our country today. The stele is 1.4m high, 0.85m wide, 0.14m thick, placed on the back of a smooth-shelled stone turtle, its head protruding, its four-clawed feet spread out in all four directions. The stele is engraved on both sides with 50 lines including 1498 Chinese - Nom characters, sharp handwriting in the style of Ly Dynasty script, very beautiful. The content of the memoir was composed by Wei Tu Hien in a parallel, parallel, and concise writing style. At the end of the memoir is an essay written in the style of Buddhist verse. The content of the stele describes the splendid and splendid scene of Bao An Pagoda in the 12th century, recording the merits of repairing the pagoda of Prince Sam, son of King Ly Cao Tong, military generals of the Nguyen family, along with Buddhists and people there. This. According to Nguyen Huu Mui (Research on Vinh Phuc Inscriptions, 2013), although the epitaph is still full of exaggeration, the image of a Ly Dynasty pagoda is clearly shown: the pagoda was restored by just one person. , the scale of the pagoda is large, inside the pagoda there are Buddha statues and lotus flowers, outside the pagoda there are bells and openings; The pagoda owns a lot of land and has a Thich Giao Zen Association (a type of Buddhist association, offering temple protection) to manage the meditation area. Based on this stele, it can be seen that the construction and restoration of pagodas took place on Vinh Phuc land since the Ly dynasty. The construction and restoration of pagodas was encouraged, not prohibited, by the royal court and assigned to the mandarins and aristocracy to preside and organize. The construction and restoration of pagodas is also considered an important event in the spiritual life of the people, attracting the whole region and even the whole country to join in the merit. This proves that during the peak development of Buddhism during the Ly Dynasty, Vinh Phuc area was also a popular center of this religion. The special thing is that among the nearly 1,500 words on the stele, there are mixed Nom words, these Nom words are used to write people's names and land names. It is said that this is one of the oldest evidences of Nom script found in Vietnam. Before this stele, traces of a few Nom characters were only found in two places: on the bell of Van Ban pagoda, Hai Phong (year 1076), and in an inscription at the pagoda of Huong Non commune, Tam Nong district, Phu Tho province. (year 1173). Bao An Pagoda was ranked as a provincial historical-cultural relic in 1995. In the period 2021 - 2025, Vinh Phuc province plans to build a scientific dossier to request recognition of the National Treasure for the pagoda steles. Bao An and upgrading the national monument ranking for Bao An Pagoda relics, these are activities to further strengthen the management, conservation and promotion of heritage values. Source: Bao An Pagoda Vinh Phuc

Vinh Phuc 1688 view

Rating : Provincial level relics Open door

Dinh Tho Tang

Tho Tang communal house is located in Tho Tang town, Vinh Tuong district, Vinh Phuc province. The communal house was built in the 17th century, and over time, it still retains its architectural style of the Later Le period relatively intact. The communal house worships the famous general Lan Ho, who was credited with fighting the Mongol invaders in the 13th century. Legend has it that, according to King Tran's orders, Lan Ho led his army to the Gia Ninh region (now in Phu Tho province) to set up a defense line, arrange troops for battle, command soldiers to fight heroically, destroy many enemy forces, and protect the enemy. Protecting the capital Thang Long. Currently, along a strip from Duc My - Son Vi (Phu Tho) to Vinh Tuong - Yen Lac (Vinh Phuc), there is a system of relics worshiping Lan Ho. In Tho Tang commune, there is Truc Temple, Tho Tang communal house, Phuong Vien communal house, in which Tho Tang communal house is the center for organizing festivals with performances and rituals commemorating the talented general Lan Ho and the resistance war against the enemy. Foreign invaders protected our country during the Tran Dynasty. Tho Tang Communal House was built on a massive scale, consisting of two architectural buildings arranged in the shape of a "nail". The main pavilion has 5 rooms, 2 chairs, 6 rows of legs, and the harem has 2 rooms. The whole temple has 60 columns, made of high quality wood. The main column has a diameter of 0.80m, the child column has a diameter of 0.61m. The communal house's foundation is 25.80m long, 14.20m wide, surrounded by green stones. Four-pillar architectural structure, piled with gong-shaped beams, reinforced and durable. Tho Tang communal house still has 21 extremely delicate wood carvings, shown on the architectural components: body, trap, trunk, with rich content, overview of the cycle: labor - business. - enjoyment of agricultural residents, of our people during the reign of Le Trung Hung. The carvings here are arranged in order according to that cycle. Entering the communal house door, you will immediately see the first carving of "field festival" (farming ceremony) followed by paintings of "shooting wild animals" to protect crops and villages. Entertainment scenes include: "soccer", "playing chess", "drinking", "dancers". Family life scenes include: "boy and girl in love", "happy family". Criticizing bad habits including: "jealousy", "lazy husband and wife". Worship decorations include paintings: "nine dragons painting pearls", "eight immortals crossing the sea" and many other dragon and phoenix images. According to historians, Tho Tang is the only place in our country that worships the three words "Hoa Vi Quy". These three letters are still quite intact today. The letters are painted in gilded vermilion on a dark brown wooden background. On both sides of the diaphragm are two small lines of text recording the time of engraving. Because of such sacredness, since it was built until now, Tho Tang communal house has never been harmed by bad people. After 400 years, experiencing all the ups and downs, the communal house remains intact from the iron pillars to the mussel-scale tiles. Tho Tang communal house was ranked as a national monument in 1964. Tho Tang Communal House is one of the communal houses that reached the pinnacle of ancient folk wood carving art in the Later Le Dynasty, and is the earliest nationally ranked relic in Vinh Phuc. In recent decades, it has always attracted attention. research by the scientific community, concern for protection and restoration by the State at all levels, authorities and local people. Source: Vinh Phuc communication portal

Vinh Phuc 1038 view

Rating : Special national monument Open door

Bac Cung Temple

Bac Cung Temple (literally known as Thinh Temple) in Tam Hong commune, Yen Lac district is one of four large temples around the Ba Vi mountain region and the Red River Delta worshiping Saint Tan Vien. The temples: Tay Cung, Nam Cung, and Dong Cung are on the other side of the Red River in Son Tay territory. These are four temples that were built and preserved relatively carefully by the people. The temple is located in the middle of fertile fields on a 10,000 square meter plot of land next to winding canals, surrounded by rich and densely populated villages. On both sides, the left desert and the right desert stand majestically and silently, covering a large brick yard, looking up to a unique architectural work. Thinh Temple was built 20 centuries ago on the foundation of a small temple worshiping Saint Tan, where he had previously let his troops stay during a mission to help people clear land and manage water. The divine genealogy passes down that: Saint Tan (still called Son Tinh), whose name is Nguyen Tuan, was born on January 15, Dinh Hoi year in Lang Xuong cave, Trung Nghia commune, Thanh Thuy district, Phu Tho province. He lost his father at a young age and lived with his mother and two cousins, Nhuy Hien and Nguyen Sung. Every day, the three brothers crossed the Da River and went to the Ba Vi mountains to clear fields and farm, looking for a living. Here, Nguyen Tuan met Princess Thuong Ngan, was adopted by her, and gave her a walking stick and many magic spells to save humanity. After defeating Thuy Tinh and marrying Princess Ngoc Hoa, he refused the throne that King Hung wanted to give him, and with his two younger siblings traveled everywhere, helping people clear land and water, and was respected by people everywhere. When passing through the Tam Hong area, he let the troops rest and taught the people to grow rice and fish... After he left, the villagers came to the place where the Holy One rested and saw that there were still some packets of hearing left there, so after This temple is called Thinh temple. There is also a story that: when letting the army stay here, Saint Tan taught the people to butcher Thinh, so the people called the temple that name. From a small temple, during the reign of King Ly Than Tong (1072-1128), the temple was rebuilt into a large temple. This is where the king came to pray for longevity. During the reign of King Minh Mang (1820-1840), the temple was repaired many times. During the reign of King Thanh Thai, the Tri of Yen Lac district appointed monk Thanh At to restore the temple. The project lasted until the 6th reign of Khai Dinh (1900-1921). Through many ups and downs, the temple continues to be preserved and preserved by local people. On January 21, 1992, the temple was recognized by the Ministry of Culture and Information as a cultural and historical relic. Every year, the Thinh Temple festival is held from the 6th of the first lunar month to the 20th of the first lunar month. The festival includes sacrifices, palanquin processions from villages inside and outside the commune and many folk games will be held. Source: Vinh Phuc province electronic information portal

Vinh Phuc 1999 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Ha Tien Pagoda

Ha Tien Pagoda is located on Ha hill - in Gia Vien village, Dinh Trung commune, Vinh Yen city, Vinh Phuc province. In the past, Dinh Trung commune belonged to Tam Duong district - During the Hung Vuong period, it belonged to Phong Chau, during the Tran dynasty, it belonged to Tam Bai route, during the Nguyen belongs to Vinh Tuong district, Son Tay province; In 1899, Vinh Yen province was established - now Gia Vien village, Dinh Trung commune, Vinh Yen city - Vinh Phuc province. Ha Tien Pagoda was built in the year of Quy Mui (1703), the 24th year of Chinh Hoa, during the reign of King Le Hy Tong Duy Hiep. From ancient times until now, tourists and Buddhists from near and far, when coming to Ha Tien Pagoda, not only burn incense and pray to Buddha but also sincerely worship before the Holy Mother to pray for peace in the country and people and a peaceful life. According to ancient books, the pagoda is located in the "mountain and water" position, on both sides there are large mounds of earth shaped like dragons and white tigers. When the country was invaded by foreign invaders, Mrs. Lang Thi Tieu, on her way to join forces with King Hung Vuong 7, saw a strange situation, so she stopped to recruit soldiers. Later, she was honored as National Mother Tay Thien. To commemorate her, people set up an altar tablet at the pagoda, called the Holy Great King. Ha Tien Pagoda is a place to worship the Three Jewels and also worship the National Mother. Ha Tien Pagoda also has another name: "Rain Praying Pagoda". In the past, the area often suffered from drought. People who rely on agriculture fall into hunger. The abbot of the pagoda at that time, Tinh Huan, built an altar to pray for rain. Furthermore, the monk vowed to self-immolate to pray for rain for the people on the 30th day of the 5th lunar month. After making a vow before the three jewels and heaven and earth, he sat in the lotus position and then immolated himself to worship the gods and pray for the people. On June 1, after a day of self-immolation, it rained heavily and lasted for 3 consecutive days. And since then, every year on the anniversary of the founder's death, it often rains. Deeply remembering the gratitude of the true monk, the people built a three-story stupa to store his ashes. Currently in the pagoda's tomb garden there are 8 towers. Most of the stupas are still intact with 3 main floors. The towers are about 3m high, have 4 sides, built of red bricks bonded with materials from tree resin combined with clay. Although all eight towers keep the treasured bodies of monks, Tinh Huan's tower is more special because it is covered by a birth tree. The perennial tree is still green and has many roots, covering nearly all three sides of the stupa. In the pagoda there is also an ancient well (Jade well) with cool water. In the past, during the drought season, all the other wells dried up, but the old well still had water, so people in the village had to go to the old well to draw water. The well of Ha Tien Pagoda is "clear and blue, with magical water veins", so the ancients still compared it: "No matter who is as ugly as a ghost/ Drinking the water of Ha Pagoda is as beautiful as a fairy". Every year, on major holidays, visitors from all over come to the temple to worship Buddha and ask for water from Ngoc well, bring it back to burn incense and drink gradually, especially in the early days of spring. People believe that having ancient well water to use during Tet will bring good luck. With the historical and cultural values ​​outlined above, Ha Tien Pagoda was decided by the People's Committee of Vinh Phu province (now Vinh Phuc) to rank it as a provincial-level Historical and Cultural relic in 1995. Source: Vinh Yen City electronic information portal, Vinh Phuc province

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Rating : Provincial level relics Open door

Tran Nguyen Han Temple

Tran Nguyen Han Temple, also known as Ta Tuong Temple or Thuong Temple, is an artistic architectural work built in the Later Le Dynasty over 200 years ago. This relic is associated with the life and career of national hero Tran Nguyen Han. He was originally from the royal family of the Tran Dynasty and was a talented and virtuous general who made great contributions to helping Le Loi defeat the Ming invaders and win the Lam Son uprising. The temple is in Da Cai village, Son Dong commune, Lap Thach district. The temple worships General Tran Nguyen Han, who supported Le Loi in defeating the Ming invaders to liberate the country in the 15th century. The temple was built on a flat, wide and high ground, and is said to be the place where Tran Nguyen Han's old palace was located. The temple is structured in the style of the letter "Dinh", surrounded by walls forming a square "dien" campus. The construction works consist of 3 parts: Temple gate, pre-sacrificial house, and harem. Since its construction, the temple has been repaired and built many times, mainly during the Nguyen Dynasty. Architectural art in the style of the Nguyen Dynasty: Smooth, chiseled, simple decoration. Related to the relic, legend has it that there are two ancient objects: the Sword and the sword sharpening stone. The story goes that: During the period when the Ming invaders dominated our country, Tran Nguyen Han had just entered his youth. Because his parents went to reclaim land and set up camp at the top of Son Dong farm, Tran Nguyen Han still plowed and hoeed every day. While plowing in the Go Rach fields, Tran Nguyen Han plowed an iron bar as long as a sword. At night, he sharpened his sword on a large stone on the bank of Son pond, so that stone was called the sword sharpening stone. The stone had a dent that looked like a slash mark. Legend has it that it was the test cut of Tran's sword. Nguyen Han. The sword was carried by Tran Nguyen Han. By chance, Tran Nguyen Han was given a wooden stick shaped like a sword hilt from the riverbed by a raft owner at the mouth of the Phu Hau River. When the blade was inserted, it fit perfectly. That's the effect. That legendary sword was associated with the glorious victories of the first national founder of the Le Dynasty. Legend has it that Ton That Thuyet later borrowed that sword and took it to Can Vuong to fight against the French. As for the stone slab, after a long time being filled with silt from the Lo River, on January 12, 1998, people of Da Cai village found it at a depth of 2m leaning towards the lotus pond, about 2.49m long, about 1 meter wide. .6m, about 0.4m thick and weighs about 2 tons. This fairy stone was salvaged by the government and people of Son Dong commune and placed in the grounds of the Ta Tuong Quoc temple so that everyone can admire the remaining traces of the old hero. In 1984, the Ministry of Culture ranked the historical relic temple of Left General Tran Nguyen Han as a National Monument. Every year, on the anniversaries of his birth and death, especially at the beginning of Spring, people in the region and all over the country often come here to offer incense to commemorate the contributions of the National Hero. Source: Vinh Phuc Electronic Newspaper

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Rating : National monument Open door

Tay Thien scenic spot

Tay Thien - Tam Dao historical and scenic spot (Tay Thien Scenic Area) belongs to Dai Dinh commune, Tam Dao district, Vinh Phuc province. Tay Thien is located in the valley of the Tam Dao mountain system, with an altitude of 54m to 1,100m above sea level, a distribution range of about 11km2 with beautiful and majestic landscape. Tam Dao refers to 3 consecutive mountains (in a mountain range) that suddenly emerge, floating in the clouds, like 3 islands in a sea of ​​clouds, according to ancient geology, Phu Nghi is 1,250m high; Thien Thi (Kim Thien) is 1,585m high; Thach Ban is 1,585m high. Tay Thien relics and scenic area is located on the slopes of Thach Ban mountain in Tam Dao range with a length of 11km and a width of 1km. It is a complex of historical - cultural relics and scenic spots, including a system of communal houses and pagodas with cultural and archaeological value such as Thuong temple, Thhong temple, Mau temple, Cau temple, Co temple... This place has a large concentration of old traces as well as cultural works and localities. only valuable for archaeological research hidden under old forests along Tay Thien stream... Thhong Temple: is the starting architecture for the entire Tay Thien relic system. The temple is located at the foot of the mountain, on a high and wide platform, built in a traditional style. The stone pedestal system runs along the front, with three ways up, separated by four large dragons. Next is the four-pillar ritual gate, newly rebuilt in the traditional style, with stone materials. Behind the ritual gate is the temple yard, very large and paved with stone. The main temple has a Dinh-shaped floor plan, including a front porch, with three compartments, two large wings, and the "malle", where the altar of the Holy Mother is located, has three vertical compartments. Cau temple - Co temple: pass Thhong temple on a bumpy stone road along the stream bank for more than 1km to Cau temple. There used to be a small temple there, but now it has been replaced by a seemingly simple house as a place of worship. In the center of the main hall, there are statues of three forest boys placed in the shrine. Cau Temple originated from Truong Sinh stream, which is said to be the place where "Cau" stayed to recruit and raise troops to follow the National Mother. The temple was renovated in 1993. Co Temple, about 2km from Cau Temple, near Silver waterfall, next to Giai Oan stream (upper part of Truong Sinh stream), so that sentient beings can shake off the dust of the world and gently move on to the holy land. Co Temple also has a long history and is currently worshiping Co Be, who is said to be a child of Heaven who together with the National Mother helped the people and the country. The scenery here is elegant, spacious and peaceful with rich vegetation and a fresh, cool climate all year round. Giai Oan stream and the ancient well near the foot of the temple add solitude and tranquility to the space here. If anyone takes water from there and offers it with offerings and then drinks, they will feel strangely relaxed, peaceful and calm. Thuong Temple area: Currently, this is a common spiritual area of ​​both folk beliefs and religions, the center of which is the shrine of the National Mother Tay Thien. Thuong Temple: The alternating levels of the mountain circuit here have created the foundation of different shrines, in which, Thuong Temple is located in the center, with its back leaning against Thach Ban mountain, on both sides are two mountain arms running down, The front is spacious. Here, clouds play with the mountains, trees are lush, birds gather, streams ring happily, creating one of the Holy Lands of the Tam Dao mountain range. Thuong Temple faces West - South; The ritual gate is structured in a four-pillar style, with a wall connecting the large pillar and the side pillar, leaving only one door in the middle for pilgrims to enter and exit. On these walls are covered dragon fruit (green dragon), white tiger (white tiger) and plants symbolizing the four seasons. The stone-paved courtyard in the middle has a spiritual path, carved with three large letters Phuc, Loc, and Tho (connected vertically) leading to the steps leading up to the temple. This architecture has a Dinh-style base, three compartments, and two large wings. Looking at the front, the architecture is quite balanced with two "matching" floors and eight graceful curved roof corners. In the middle "match pile" hangs a large horizontal painting, titled "Temple of the National Mother Tay Thien" in the national language. On the main hall, there is only a statue of her sitting on the central pedestal, with a majestic and luxurious appearance, her legs hanging straight, her hands resting on the pillow, her right hand holding a folding fan. In addition, in this area there are also newly built works such as: Son Than Temple, Co Chin Temple, Dia Mau Temple, Tam Toa Thanh Mau Temple, Ta/Huu Vu. Tam Dao mountain god temple: Legend has it that the god had a blessing for the island bridge during the reign of Tran Nhan Tong (1279 - 1293), so he was awarded the title "Thanh Son Dai Vuong" by the king. During the early Le Dynasty, the reign of King Nhan Tong, the 8th Thai Hoa year (1450), the king sent his minister Le Khac Phuc to sacrifice, he left behind a ma chew stele (carved into the cliff) recording this event. (about 700m from the temple along the path). Stone stele: a valuable historical relic, is a stele written by ghosts in the area that locals call Stone Stele. This stele was previously known to many people but no one had published it because of the difficulties in traveling and coming into contact with the artifacts. Through actual survey, it is an epitaph carved directly into the middle of an ivory stone slab, about 5m long, about 3m high. The entire stone slab lies sideways on the bank of the stream, creating an arch shape, like a frog's jaw, preventing the letters of the stele engraved in the middle of the frog from being eroded by rain and sun. The stone stele has a total of 121 Chinese characters, inscribed in vertical rows, distributed on 11 lines, large lines have 16 characters, small lines have 3 characters. The text used is in the style of a book, with the characteristics of deeply engraved, easy-to-read letters. Only the three words Prajnaparamita (Prajna Stream) placed at the end of the stele are engraved large. With the above typical value, the historical relic and scenic spot Tay Thien - Tam Dao (Tam Dao district, Vinh Phuc province) was ranked by the Prime Minister as a special national monument on December 23, 2019. 2015. Source: Department of Cultural Heritage

Vinh Phuc 1118 view

Rating : Special national monument Open door

Binh Son Tower

Binh Son Tower (Then Tower, Then Pagoda Tower, Vinh Khanh Pagoda Tower) is located in Tam Son town, Song Lo district, Vinh Phuc province; is a Buddhist architecture bearing the mark of a rather long period (approximately from the 14th to 16th centuries). Binh Son Tower - Vinh Khanh Pagoda is located on a high and spacious mound, the area of ​​the protected area is 17,200m2, including: Binh Son Tower, old Tam Bao building, new Tam Bao, ink well, house Guesthouse, lotus pond, gate, auxiliary works. 1. Binh Son Tower The tower is currently 16.5 meters high, (only 11 floors and 1 pedestal remain because the top of the tower was broken), and is constructed with a square plan that gradually gets smaller towards the top, with the side of the bottom floor being 4. 45 meters, the side of the 11th floor is 1.55 meters. The entire tower is built of unglazed fired bricks. From the base of the tower to the end of the 2nd floor, it is less than 6 meters high with the most complete pattern. On these two floors, there are carefully decorated motifs with rows of chrysanthemums, lotus petals, leaves, smooth-faced flowers, embossed dragons, and the "whispering lion" motif... From the third floor up, the decoration is still the same. However, the higher you go, the narrower the width of the tower's face is, and the decorations also gradually decrease. 2. The old Tam Bao Palace: was majorly restored in 1976, in the shape of the letter Dinh, with an area of ​​131.5 m2, including 5 rooms for the front hall and 3 rooms for the harem. In particular, the building has 2 bronze pillars in front, stretching out 6m, forming like the arms of a throne. The system of worship statues here is mainly made of painted soil, dating from the late 19th and early 20th centuries, with a few statues dating to the 20th century. 3. New Three Jewels: built in 2012, on the foundation of the old Three Jewels house, the architectural form is Zen monastery style. 4. Ink Well: Legend has it that this location was once the base of an ancient blue tower. When this ancient tower disappeared, it left behind a deep round well-shaped hole. 5. Guest house: newly built in 2012, area 283.5m2 with square floor plan, curved roof architecture, consistent with traditional ancient architecture. 6. Lotus pond: located in the garden in front of Binh Son tower, currently growing lotus 7. Gate to the relic site: consists of 4 brick pillars, attached with 2 iron gates in the middle, two side paths are temporarily fenced with trees and bamboo as protection gates. 8. Some decorations of Binh Son Tower Lion whinnying: One of the projects that has puzzled researchers is the "lion whinnying", because it is very different from the "jewel-catching crocodiles" wearing lotus crowns on Buddhist pedestals during the Ly Dynasty. Dragon: has horns, curls in a "nest", head turns to the center of the circle, body does not curl but forms a sinusoidal shape, so does not "tie the bag", legs kick out, or cross over the body to kick out, The spine has a "saw-tooth" shape, one front leg is raised to grasp the "hair"... Some of the details just mentioned are reminiscent of the dragons of the late Tran, but other details do not allow the dragon to be attributed to the Binh Tower. Paint in a certain pattern at all. What's more important is that Binh Son dragons often put their front legs up to grab their hair, in a funny, very mischievous pose, thus quite "folk": in this case, it has taken on the style of the dragon motif. stroking the beard in the post-Le period. The card: is a relatively popular type, with motifs that contain many meanings. Binh Son's "leaves" belong to many styles, but all styles are simple and not as elaborate as the "leaves" of the Ly Dynasty. String chrysanthemum: has been around since the Ly Dynasty in the form of a round frame, the inside of the frame neatly accommodates other decorative projects. The Tran Dynasty inherited that circular layout. Three-pronged (mountain) fighting: an interesting point is that this fighting has appeared since the Ly dynasty (Thap Chuong Son, Nam Dinh) and was even more popular under the Mac dynasty (Ty Dang Communal House, Ba Vi, Hanoi). ). Binh Son Tower has many unique features in terms of architecture, art, and construction techniques. Binh Son Tower not only has artistic architectural value, but also has high aesthetic value, called "The pearl of the national treasure", on the bricks there are many types of decorative patterns, places The shape is circular, some are circular, some are deep, some are shallow, some are dark... proving that the craftsman's hands are extremely skilled. Binh Son Tower is a work with unique architecture. According to the French, this is the most beautiful tower in Tonkin. Currently, the Festival at Binh Son Tower Relic - Vinh Khanh Pagoda is organized by the locality on January 15 every year, called "Pagoda Festival", including rituals: palanquin procession, prayer ceremony. for good weather and wind, a safe and peaceful country and cultural and artistic programs, sports, folk games (Chinese chess, human chess, cockfighting...) Binh Son Tower (Song Lo district, Vinh Phuc province) was ranked by the Prime Minister as a special national monument on December 23, 2015. Source: Department of Cultural Heritage

Vinh Phuc 1175 view

Rating : Special national monument Open door

Outstanding relic site