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Binh Lam Pagoda, Binh Lam Pagoda Bell are National Treasures

Binh Lam Pagoda is 15km from the center of Ha Giang city, located in Muong Nam village, Phu Linh commune, Vi Xuyen district, where the National Treasure of Binh Lam Pagoda Bell is kept. In the history of our country, during the Ly - Tran dynasties, Buddhism was popular, pagodas were built everywhere, far away from the capital Thang Long, in Ha Giang land there were also a number of pagodas, including Binh Lam pagoda. . The bell was minted by leader Nguyen Anh - the local leader along with his wife and old men, women, good men and women, at the hour of the Horse, the full moon day of the third month of the year At Mui (1295) and kept. from then until now. On the body of the bell there are 3 large Chinese characters "Phung Tam Bao" meaning worshiping the Tam Bao (worshiping the Buddha temple). The bell of Binh Lam pagoda was cast in the year of the Goat (1295) during the Tran dynasty, during the reign of King Tran Anh Tong. Size: Mouth diameter: 59cm; Height: 101cm, weight 193kg. This is one of the earliest known bells in Vietnam. The handle of the bell is embossed with a pair of dragons fighting back to back, each dragon has 2 legs, each leg has 4 sharp claws clasped tightly to the top of the bell. The dragon's body is fat, strong, curved to form a bell knob, and the top of the bell handle is decorated with a lotus bud with carp scales covering the entire dragon's body. The bell body is decorated with 6 knobs arranged in 2 floors, the first floor below the base of the bell has 2 symmetrical knobs 78cm apart. The second floor has 4 knobs forming 2 symmetrical pairs through the central axis of the bell body, these knobs are 39cm apart. The round bell knobs are equally embossed, 6cm in diameter. The border around each knob has 13 regular lotus petals. The bell body is divided into 2 parts: 4 rectangular cells at the top and 4 rectangular cells at the bottom. Between the vertical rectangular boxes are 5 raised ridges running parallel to each other from top to bottom. Perpendicular to the 5 embossed ridges running along the body of this bell, on the top, between the body and the base of the bell are embossed ridges that also run parallel to each other in combination with the vertical ridges to form rectangular cells on the bell body. These rectangular boxes are surrounded by embossed moldings that are very elegant and strong. Inside the 4 rectangular boxes above are engraved cards containing 309 Chinese characters; The 4 rectangles at the bottom are plain, without any patterns or characters. The rim of the bell mouth is flared, decorated with 45 large lotus petals mixed with 45 small lotus petals all of equal size, creating a bell base that is both solid and soft but still carries a heavy Buddhist meaning through imagery. lotus. It can be said that the bell of Binh Lam pagoda is a unique original artifact that is still relatively intact. This is a Tran Dynasty bell, one of the earliest known bells in Vietnam and a rare antique in our country in general and in Ha Giang in particular. This is a large-sized Dai Hong, cast in one piece of good bronze material, creating a lively, resonant sound. The elegant shape with harmonious and balanced arrangement of compartments, especially the decorative patterns with unique and sophisticated carvings, are typical characteristics of the decorative art of the Tran Dynasty. saw that our ancestors' bell casting skills had reached their peak. The poem on the bell is an original document of the Tran Dynasty, through which we learn about the respectful attitude of the mountainous local people towards the 5th Tran King (Tran Anh Tong). Through leader Nguyen Anh - who on behalf of the royal court governed a locality "very devoted to Buddhism, spent money to build pagodas and cast bells", we see that the Tran Dynasty used Buddhism as a tool to Consolidate the great national unity bloc in response to the demands of protecting the country and fighting foreign invaders. The inscription's content further confirms the wide application of the bell in the Three Teachings, demonstrating a cultural fusion of the three religions: Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism of the Tran Dynasty. In 2013, the bell of Binh Lam Pagoda was recognized as a National Treasure. Source: Ha Giang Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department

Ha Giang 227 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Relics of French Fort and Lung Ho citadel wall

The French Fort relic and Lung Ho citadel wall are located in Lang Qua village, Lung Ho commune, Yen Minh district, Ha Giang province. The fortress and the city wall are two separate areas and are located about 2km apart, at an altitude of 742m above sea level. The French Fort and Lung Ho wall relics are 106km north of Ha Giang city. According to French documents, in 1907 Duong Thuong land belonged to Dong Minh canton, Yen Minh commune, Ha Giang province. During the inspection trip to the Dai Mien, Tieu Mien, Yen Minh, Yen Dinh, Du Gia, and Duong Thuong regions of Lieutenant Colonel Boifacy, commander of the 3rd military force, in report No. 1165, September 1913, this land " needs to be monitored and that is why there must be Duong Thuong post..." After this inspection trip, the work of planning to build a new post was gradually carried out. The old Duong Thuong post, now Lung Ho post, was built and completed in the years 1935 - 1940. The work of building the post was extremely difficult, they forced people in the surrounding area to work as laborers and servants. Carrying stones and water for construction, anyone who did not comply was beaten or shot to death. Citadel wall: The citadel wall is nearly 2km away from the fort and is arranged based on natural conditions along the mountain slopes on both sides of the unique road connecting Lung Ho and Yen Minh with the purpose of controlling goods, people and horses in this area, according to the report. The unit will contact the station about 2km away. The main material for building the wall is mountain stone, taken from the construction site and surrounding areas in many different sizes. The mortar used to build is mainly sand mixed with lime, without cement. . Lung Ho Fort: The fort was built on high, fairly flat land facing East - West. The length of the surrounding wall is nearly 200m and is equipped with firing positions. The firing positions all have observation holes on the outside. The main material for building the wall is mountain stone, taken from the construction site and surrounding areas in many different sizes. The mortar used to build is mainly sand mixed with lime, without cement. . The design of the station includes a horizontal block and a vertical row of houses on the west side; The area of ​​vertical houses and watchtowers in the East; Between the East and West areas is a large area of ​​land. In general, many construction items were dilapidated and damaged, and almost the entire roof of the vertical and horizontal rows of houses were dismantled. Militarily, Lung Ho Fort and wall are large-scale works with an important position blocking the road from Lung Ho to Duong Thuong, and at the same time preventing revolutionary propaganda activities in our Duong Thuong region during the period. this time. The work is evidence of a historical period of French occupation and activities in the remote, mountainous area of ​​Ha Giang province. Under the control and enslavement of the French colonialists in the Duong Thuong area, people's lives fell into poverty. Implementing the leadership resolutions of the Northern Region Party Committee and the Cao - Bac - Lang Interprovincial Party Committee. “At the end of 1944, comrade Viet Hung carried out the task of opening up the communication route from Cao Bang - Bac Can - Ha Giang to Yunnan (China) to welcome officers and transport weapons from abroad to the country. Comrade Viet Hung came to Lung Ho, Duong Thuong built a base, using Duong Thuong as a base, wherever Viet Minh cadres went, they received support from their compatriots. On March 9, 1945, the Japanese fascists overthrew France. In Duong Thuong (Yen Minh), Colonel Dao Van At panicked and fled the station. Seizing that opportunity, Viet Minh officers in Duong Thuong held an emergency meeting, occupied Duong Thuong station, destroyed the warehouse, took corn and rice to distribute to the people and set up a guard station outside the base area, which was carried out very urgently. On March 16, 1945, we captured Duong Thuong station, owned and completely controlled the Duong Thuong area, from here Viet Minh cadres spread to the base to lead the movement. Along with Sung Chu Da relic site, Duong Thuong revolutionary base, Mau Long cave is recognized as a national scenic spot, Du Gia national park and Gau Tao, Long Tong, Moon Bridge, and Cap Sac Festivals. , Thuong Tho... Notably, the Tay People's Fish Festival is held in Mau Due commune. Along with the direction of the district and province in the coming time, the Lung Ho Fort and wall relics will continue to be attractive destinations for tourists when coming to Yen Minh. Source: Ha Giang Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department

Ha Giang 551 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Sung Khanh Pagoda

Sung Khanh Pagoda is located in Lang Nung village, Dao Duc commune, Vi Xuyen district. The pagoda is located near Highway 2, 9 km from Ha Giang City. Construction of Sung Khanh Pagoda started from January of the year Binh Than under Thieu Phong (1356) until the full moon of April when it was completed. Through many events of time and history, the pagoda built in the Tran dynasty and later restored in the Le dynasty was ruined, the Buddha statue and worship objects were lost. There are only 2 stone stele and 1 bell that have survived the test of time, the most notable of which is the stele built during the reign of King Tran Du Tong in 1367. The stele is placed on a matching stone turtle, marked Uniquely, the stele's forehead is covered in a bow-shaped decorative tape divided into 3 panels: The middle panel is engraved with the image of Amitabha Buddha sitting on a 2-petalled lotus, with a disciple standing on each side with clasped hands. front chest; The two panels next to it are engraved with two identical dragons, seemingly symmetrical in a flying position, their heads raised high towards the lotus. According to researchers, this stele's forehead is a special decorative combination, never seen on any other stele currently known in our country. This stele is a unique original artifact that is still relatively intact, and is used to compare and contrast some Tran Dynasty characters when researching other documents. The stele not only confirms the birth of a Buddhist temple in a remote border area, but also has an important historical record that the Nguyen family's practice as administrative assistants here is tied to the temple. The stone stele of Sung Khanh Pagoda is an intact stele document, decorated with images of Buddha, dragons, flower strings... never seen on any known Tran Dynasty stele. The stele also helps provide additional documents for understanding place names, history, and writing during the Tran Dynasty, especially the appearance of Nom characters engraved in the stele. In addition, we also know that the Tutoring regime in the Tran Dynasty was widely implemented by the Central government. The stele is also evidence of the influence of Buddhism during the Tran Dynasty at that time. Furthermore, a historical consequence that we see is a strong manifestation of the Tran dynasty's central government's strict management of all border regions of the country. That's why this stele was recognized as a National Treasure in 2013. In 1705, the temple was restored. This restoration cast a bell and carved a stone stele recording the restoration event of the pagoda. The bell is 0.90m high, with a wide mouth diameter of 0.67m. Especially in the 4 zones of the bell, each zone has 2 embossed human-shaped reliefs (10cm high arranged at the corners of the zones) to protect and guard the 8 directions. After 1964, due to historical conditions and fierce war, Sung Khanh pagoda was not regularly cared for and protected and soon collapsed. By 1989 the temple was rebuilt; In 1993, Sung Khanh Pagoda was classified as a historical relic; In 1999, it was recognized as a national historical relic. Sung Khanh Pagoda is associated with the Long Tong festival here. From 1994 to present, the Long Tong festival (down to the fields) has been restored. The festival takes place on the 15th day of the first lunar month, held in the field in front of the temple gate. On this day, people in villages, communes and surrounding areas gather here to attend ceremonies and worship Buddha. Still following the ancient custom, the first ceremony is to offer thanks to the gods and pray for favorable weather, good harvests, and a peaceful and prosperous village. After that, people continue to offer offerings to the temple to worship Buddha. Following the ceremony is the festival with many traditional folk games, of which the most fun and crowded is the toss-up festival. Local people often believe that in the festival there must be someone who can toss a five-colored shuttlecock that penetrates the bull's eye for the village to have good business that year. The festival is held joyfully, jubilantly and excitedly, with the purpose of opening a new planting season, giving thanks to heaven, earth, the Nong God, Phuc Hy God, the Village Tutelary God..., and praying for a prosperous new year. peace and a peaceful, peaceful, happy life... Sung Khanh Pagoda is a spiritual tourist destination on the land of Vi Xuyen. Despite experiencing many ups and downs, this place still retains historical and cultural values ​​from ancient times. Coming to Sung Khanh Pagoda, we have a peaceful, quiet space amidst the majestic mountains and forests, an opportunity to enjoy the peaceful, poetic natural beauty of Ha Giang. Source: Ha Giang Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department

Ha Giang 510 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Lung Cu Flagpole

As the national flagpole, symbolizing the northernmost landmark of the Fatherland, Lung Cu flagpole is located at Lung Cu peak, also known as Dragon mountain peak (Long Son) in Dong Van district, Ha Giang province. This location is located at an altitude of about 1,470m above sea level. Lung Cu flagpole has a long history, having undergone many restorations and embellishments, the new octagonal flagpole with a height of over 30m was inaugurated on September 25, 2010. First built during the reign of Ly Thuong Kiet, the flagpole was initially made only of sa Moc tree. The column was rebuilt during the French colonial period in 1887. In the following years, such as 1992, 2000 and especially 2002, the flagpole continued to be restored and rebuilt many times with the size and scale increasing over time. In 2002, the flagpole was erected with a height of about 20m, the base and pedestal of the column are hexagonal shaped and at the base of the column are 6 reliefs depicting the surface of Dong Son bronze drums. According to the current design, the flagpole is built according to the Hanoi flagpole model but has a smaller size, height of 33.15m (10m more than the old flagpole) of which the base is 20.25m high, the outer diameter of the pole body is 20.25m high. 3.8m wide. The base and pedestal of the flagpole have 8 blue stone reliefs simulating the face pattern of the Dong Son bronze drum and motifs illustrating the stages through each period of the country's history, as well as its people. This location is also ranked as a national historical and scenic site, a symbol of affirming national sovereignty. Every year, Lung Cu flagpole welcomes a large number of tourists to explore. Source: Trang An Heritage

Ha Giang 505 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Trong Con sub-area

Trong Con Sub-area relic site in Bang Hanh commune, nearly 30 km from the center of Bac Quang district, has National Highway 279 running from Bac Quang district (Ha Giang) through Bang Hanh commune to Chiem Hoa district of Tuyen Quang province. . Since around 1939, the anti-imperialist movement has been rekindled here when comrade Pham Trung Ngu, a member of the Indochina Communist Party from Hoa An district, Cao Bang province, was assigned to Bang Hanh general, now in Bac Quang district (Ha Giang) to build a revolutionary base through teaching. In just a short time, comrade Pham Trung Ngu aroused the patriotism and revolutionary consciousness of the people in the region, denouncing French colonial rule. However, due to being discovered by the French colonialists, comrade Pham Trung Ngu had to withdraw from Bang Hanh to operate elsewhere. Implementing Comrade Ho Chi Minh's Directive, on June 1, 1945, comrade Le Quang Ba (aka Le Tam) and comrade Be Trieu (aka Hai Nam) commanded an armed propaganda team consisting of 54 soldiers. sent from Cao Bang to Bang Hanh district to propagate and build a revolutionary base. To ensure confidentiality and safety, comrades in the Command Committee were divided into groups to propagate and build the base. In just a short time, the armed propaganda team opened many short-term training classes, established guerrilla and self-defense teams, and national salvation organizations and named the area of ​​operation "Zhong Con Sub-area". (name of hero Ly Tu Trong) includes Bang Hanh, Lien Hiep, Kim Ngoc, Vo Diem, Huu San communes. On June 24, 1945, representatives of the revolutionary government of communes in Trong Con Sub-area held a meeting at Thac Ve, Bang Hanh commune, to establish a revolutionary government and the general Viet Minh Front. Here, the people witnessed the revolutionary government burning with scarves and seals, eliminating the oppressive and exploitative regime of the feudal empire, organizing the people to produce, protecting order and security, build a new life. Since then, the revolutionary movement has grown stronger and quickly spread throughout Bac Quang district and surrounding areas. In August 1945, the revolutionary movement of ethnic people in Ha Giang province grew strong, together with the whole country rose up to seize the government and gain independence. 74 years have passed, the Thac Ve cliff is still there on the Lo river, engraved with the contributions of revolutionary soldiers and people of all ethnic groups on the left bank of the Lo river in Bac Quang district (Ha Giang) to the revolution. Together with the whole country, they rose up to seize power and gain independence. In 1996, the revolutionary historical relic site of Trong Con sub-area in Bac Quang district (Ha Giang) was recognized by the State as a national relic. Source: Vietnam News Agency

Ha Giang 493 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Cang Bac Me National Historical Relic Area

Bac Me Cang - a historical relic during the resistance war against the French, is located on the slopes of Dragon Mountain in Don Dien village, Yen Cuong commune, Bac Me district, Ha Giang province. Bac Me Cang was built by the French before 1938 during their occupation of Ha Giang. The French chose to build here because of its important strategic location, easy control over a large area, and convenient for French military activities during their occupation here. Bac Me Cang is built on the rugged, soaring rocky slopes. Behind is Dragon Mountain as a shield to protect this post, in front is the Gam River, making it easy to observe and cover the situation. Bac Me stretch was originally built by the French to control the arterial road connecting 3 northern mountainous provinces: Ha Giang, Tuyen Quang, and Cao Bang. When it was first built, it was used as a military camp to gather French soldiers and henchmen during the occupation of this area. The reason this place is called Cang Bac Me is because in French, Cang means "fort", and in the local language, Bac Me is "Pac Mia", which means hut door. Refers to the post where the troops were stationed as well as where the French colonial observation post was located. Bac Me stretch was built including a system of posts, information houses, and guard posts to serve their ruling purposes. From 1939 to 1942, Cang Bac Me was turned into a prisoner of war camp by the French to detain communist soldiers they captured. There are many of our patriotic revolutionary comrades detained here such as: comrades Xuan Thuy, Hoang Hui Nam, Hoang Bac Dung, Le Gian, Nguyen Hong, Dang Viet Chau... Taking advantage of the key terrain of the post built in the sacred forests and dangerous waters of this area. They arrested political prisoners and patriotic communist soldiers and imprisoned them here. Every day, those soldiers had to endure torture and labor in harsh and miserable conditions under their strict control in order to extinguish the patriotism and revolutionary will of their children. They are called Viet Cong. But all those hardships could not overcome the stubborn will of our people. The patriots turned pain into action, turning prisons into political schools. They established Party cells in prison, actively distributed leaflets and contacted people and soldiers outside. Faced with strong fighting activities of prisoners and people in the area, they were forced to change the place of detention with their communist comrades to other places. By 1992, Bac Me Cang was recognized as a national revolutionary historical relic. Over time this place has been greatly damaged. In 2003, the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Ha Giang province coordinated with agencies in the province, along with Bac Me District, to restore a number of items of the relic such as: watchtower, prison, up and down road... Source: Ha Giang Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism

Ha Giang 493 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Ha Giang Ky Dai Relics

Ky Dai relic is located on March 26 Square in Nguyen Trai ward, Ha Giang city. Ky Dai is a place to commemorate the event of Uncle Ho visiting and talking with more than 16,800 ethnic minorities in Ha Giang province on March 27, 1961. On this occasion, Uncle Ho advised the people of all ethnic groups in Ha Giang province the following 8 main contents: First of all, all ethnic groups must unite closely, love and help each other like brothers. Second: People must strive to increase production, and practice thrift to make everyone warm, clothed, and fed. Third: To produce well, there must be enough water, lots of fertilizer and improved agricultural tools. Fourth: It is necessary to develop raising buffaloes, cows, pigs, chickens... which are a great source of profit and a source of fertilizer for upland fields. Fifth: Exploiting forest products, protecting forests and planting forest trees, growing fruit trees and medicinal trees. Sixth: People must pay attention to hygiene. To maintain health, they must eat and drink cleanly, wear clean clothes, and live cleanly. Health is good for productive labor. Seventh: People must try to eliminate illiteracy, must know how to read and write, then their business can progress. Eighth: The lives of the Cao Cao people are more difficult than those of people in other places. People at all levels and officials from the area to the district need to try their best to help the Cao Cao people overcome difficulties and build new life. Uncle Ho's advice penetrated deeply into the hearts of the people of Ha Giang ethnic groups in the cause of building and developing Ha Giang province in recent times. Ky Dai was recognized by the Ministry of Culture and Information (now the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism) as a national monument in 1993. On March 30, 2001, the People's Committee of Ha Giang province started construction of the Square and cluster. The monument in front of Ky Dai's gate is named March 26 Square. The square includes the entire former stadium. In the middle of the square is a group of monuments called "Uncle Ho and his compatriots of all ethnic groups in Ha Giang". The statue model was created by sculptor Nguyen Phu Cuong and constructed by the Central Fine Arts Company. The project is over 11 meters high, includes 200 stone blocks, and weighs 600 tons. The image of Uncle Ho standing in the middle of a group of 7 characters, standing lovingly near him are two children of the Mong and Nung ethnic groups. Standing a little lower is a young girl of the Kinh and Dao ethnic groups. Behind are the images of a border guard soldier and a Tay officer, with radiant eyes as if wanting to record every teaching of Uncle Ho. The composition of the group of statues blends together, linked by a clear, vivid emotional thread. The formation of that rhythm is an intentional creative and symbolic treatment of the supporting block, giving viewers a feeling of the majestic space of Ha Giang's mountains and forests with layers of clouds flying and harmonizing with each other. with layers and layers of terraced fields.... With the advantage of the monument being placed in the square, the project has a monumental space with multi-directional, multi-dimensional perception. This is a cultural project - a gathering place for a large number of people to admire the majestic beauty of the project and conduct community activities. Ky Dai and March 26 Square have become places to visit for domestic and foreign tourists. It is a place for community cultural activities of people of all ethnic groups in Ha Giang. Source: Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Ha Giang Province

Ha Giang 527 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Nam Dan ancient stone beach

The Ancient Stone Beach relic is located in Nam Dan village, Nam Dan commune, Xin Man district. According to the local Nung language, "Nam Dan" means water source area. Nam Dan ancient stone field was ranked as a national relic by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism on February 21, 2008. Nam Dan ancient stone field was discovered in 2004 by scientists from the Institute of Archeology and Ha Giang Museum. The ancient stone relic site carved with drawings thousands of years ago is located in a wide valley. Unlike the ancient stone relics in Sa Pa (Lao Cai), Nam Dan ancient stone field is still little known, but the beauty of the drawings and the mysteries surrounding the stones are no less attractive and appealing. coil. These megalithic relics are located between the Tay Dan mountain range and the Nam Dan hill range, right next to the Nam Khoong stream. Many large sedimentary rocks lie along the stream banks with diverse and unique shapes. Some rocks are like a flat chess board, some are like a counter or a chair. On the surface and at the edges of the stone slab, the natural weathering state remains. People in the area call this area Na Lai (field of many words) because on some rocks there are engraved pictures and words. The engravings are very diverse, bringing their own beauty in the visual style of ancient art. In addition to more than 80 engravings and drawings, on the surface of the rock there are also about 80 holes, carved with an average diameter of 5 - 6cm, 1 - 2cm deep, the holes are mainly distributed at the western end of the rock. Each rock is a mystery, associated with thrilling stories bearing the mark of belief, demonstrating the effectiveness of praying to the gods of the ethnic minority people in the region. The stone field includes seven large stone slabs and two megaliths (extremely large rocks) engraved and painted with 79 shapes, including: six square inscriptions, two circular inscriptions, 40 circles, one square, Two rectangles, six chiseled parallel carvings similar to terraced fields, five images symbolizing women's vitality, the rest are human feet with dimensions equivalent to life size, with deeply engraved toes. On the rocks, the figure is in a position with both arms raised and legs spread... According to the village elders in Nam Dan: "There has been a long-standing custom of worshiping stones here, so no one dares to violate those mysterious ancient stones." Along with that, local people have also passed on to each other for many generations the legend that the ancient stone beach is the place where the gods keep "unrevealable heavenly secrets". The drawings on the rocks are considered by the people to be "heavenly temples" and this area is a "holy land" that no one here dares to take lightly. Up to now, in Vietnam, very few traces of prehistoric visual art have been found. According to scientists, the Nam Dan megalithic relic dates back about 2000 years. This may be the grave of a community leader or a sacred ground to worship gods, ancestors and prominent figures of the community. In addition, the Nam Dan megalithic relic is also likely related to the stone god worship of prehistoric residents. It can be said that Nam Dan ancient stone field has special value in culture, history, beliefs and high scientific research value. Source: Department of Culture, Information and Tourism of Ha Giang province

Ha Giang 520 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Dong Van ancient town

The name Dong Van is transliterated from the mandarin word "Tong Puon" meaning trading field. Historically this was the trading center of the entire large Dong Van district, the main hub for transporting opium to China. Quoc. The central area of ​​Dong Van town in the past belonged to Dong Quan canton, Nguyen Binh district, Tuong Yen district, Ha Tuyen province. Afterwards, it merged into Bao Lac province, managed by a Tay mandarin named Nong in Bao Lac. When the French colonialists occupied, Dong Van was separated from Bao Lac. In 1887, the Dong Van area was occupied by the French colonialists and to facilitate colonial rule, they divided Dong Van into small continents, each headed by a ruling family. The land of Dong Van today It is managed by the Nguyen family, Mr. Nguyen Chan Quay. Previously, the Old Quarter was just a wild, sparsely populated valley. By the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, when the French occupied Ha Giang, with the intention of turning this area into a busy trading center, the Old Quarter was built and formed. Looking down from above, 3 rows of market houses are arranged in a U shape, roofed with yin and yang tiles. When the market was first built, it was built with bamboo leaves. Elderly people currently living in the street recounted: During the Lunar New Year in 1923, there was a big fire in the Dong Van old town area. That fire burned down almost all the houses and shops thatched with thatch and bamboo leaves. The French colonialists at that time re-planned and sent a number of Tay and Mong people to hire workers from China to design and build today's market area. The ancient market consists of 15 market halls, divided into 3 symmetrical rows forming a U-shaped architecture. The pillars are large stone pillars 3 or 4 people thick, carved meticulously by human hands. According to collected documents, there are currently 2 houses in Dong Van Old Town that are over 100 years old. In addition, in this neighborhood there are also a number of villas of other local companies such as the villas of Tay ethnic people Nguyen Dinh Cuong (1828-1865) and the Nguyen family, which have now been demolished, leaving only the old floor. . From 1923 to 1940, the houses in the Dong Van street area were built by Sichuan workers and local workers. Regarding architecture: Most of the ancient houses on Dong Van Street were designed and built by Chinese and local craftsmen, so they have very common nuances, such as: the foundations and porches are built of green stone. , the walls are made of clay mixed with lime, molasses and paper or fired bricks or rustic bricks, so they are durable. Doors and windows are designed as arched or square doors with stone or brick cladding in the door frame. House columns were built of burnt bricks or solid wood and pine. Currently, some houses in the neighborhood still retain elaborately carved stone column bases in many different shapes, mainly 4-sided or circular pillar with the appearance of a poppy flower. In the house, the floors and second floor are all paneled with precious woods. The houses are designed to be built in the style of 3 rooms and 2 roofs, with yin and yang tile roofs or square houses in the middle of the yard with paved stones (like the old People's Committee house). Ancient houses in Dong Van Old Quarter were built with the same decoration and arrangement. The middle space is an important space used to place the altar, right at the entrance and also a place to receive guests, behind the altar of the middle room and the two rooms. Next to it is the bedroom, the middle room behind the altar is the room of the elders in the family, the two sides are the rooms of the children and grandchildren. If the house is large, you can have a separate kitchen or stairs to the second floor depending on how you arrange it. each family's mindset The houses have an imposing appearance and delicate softness of wood and stone carvings, a harmonious combination of ancient Chinese architecture and Vietnamese art. Go to the rocky plateau to visit Dong Van ancient town, visit the highland market to immerse yourself in the indigenous culture. It can be said that the market is the place that most clearly shows the cultural identity of the people here. The highland market is not only a place for trade but also a meeting place for boys and girls. This is truly a festival for the people of the mountainous frontier. Every Sunday when the market The session was held, a noisy, bustling and boisterous atmosphere, boys and girls with colorful dresses came to the market. It can take them half a day to get to the market. Some people go to the market to buy and sell products. Wives and mothers go to the market to shop, husbands go to the market to socialize, drink wine and eat Thang Co, and young men and women go to the market to socialize and find partners. These are bold expressions of the market cultural identity of the rocky plateau. We can see somewhere the image of a wife standing under an umbrella waiting for her drunk husband to sleep at the corner of the market or on the sidewalk. It is a beautiful image imbued with identity that cannot be found anywhere else. With ancient and mossy features that have survived the flow of time, Dong Van Old Town was recognized as a historical, cultural, and artistic architectural relic in 2010. Source: Ha Giang Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department

Ha Giang 470 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Cat King's Palace

King Meo's Mansion, also known as Vuong's Mansion, is located in Sa Phin valley (Xa Phin), Lung Phin commune, Dong Van district, Ha Giang province, about 125km from the city center and about 125km from the city center. The famous Dong Van stone plateau is only 15km away. This ancient house is associated with the life and career of two Mong people, the Meo King Vuong Chinh Duc and Vuong Chi Sinh (or Vuong Chi Thanh). Mr. Vuong Chinh Duc (1886 - 1962) was the head of the feudal land government in the mountainous areas of the Mong people, so he was also known by the powerful name of King Meo. His son, who followed the revolutionary path, thanks to his contributions to the country, was elected as a National Assembly deputy for the first two terms. Construction began in 1898 and was officially completed in 1907, costing a huge sum of 150,000 Indochina white silver coins, equivalent to 150 billion VND today. The mansion was designed and built by Chinese Yunnan workers in combination with Mong ethnic people, creating a project larger than 1200m2 on an area of ​​about 3000m2. Thanks to its long history and indisputable cultural value, King Cat Palace was ranked a national monument by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism in 1993, after nearly a century of existence. In addition, this mansion also took up to 5 years to start construction, all were built with human power and did not use any mechanical means. King Cat's mansion is located at the foot of a valley surrounded above by a high land. With this type of terrain, the entire structure is protected by mountain arcs called turtle shell positions, providing very good defense support during times of fierce war. After more than a hundred years of existence, everything in the mansion is still as intact as the first day. The architecture inside the mansion is extremely unique, the crystallization of three different cultures including the Mong, French and Chinese. The project includes 4 horizontal houses, 6 vertical houses divided into 3 areas: front palace (for guards and slaves), middle palace and rear palace (place to live and work) with 64 small rooms divided into 2 floors. . To meet the criteria of solidity, the builders used green stone to help the mansion stand firm against enemies and time. The roofs, walls and pillars are made of wood to add majesty and flexibility to the rooms. Another material used is terracotta for building tile roofs to make shaping easier but no less sturdy. To this day, the Cat King Palace is one of the few buildings that meets all the requirements for a place to live, work and become a defense base whenever a war occurs. Despite the combination of three cultures in architecture, many people commented that the Vuong family mansion is extremely harmonious, flexible and rhythmic as if forming a unified block without being restrictive or forced. In addition, although it is a project built on a land area of ​​up to 3,000 square meters, the mansion is not as large or massive as many people imagine because it is composed of small subdivisions, with a simple, rusticity of folk architectural culture. The design with the principle of low inside and high outside makes the overall Villa even closer to the surrounding landscape. In general, most of the furniture and items associated with King Cat when he was alive have been kept and well preserved until today. Only a few chairs and wooden furniture were made of stone pine, which was later replaced by our government with ironwood and crushed wood to prevent it from gradually disappearing over time. The wooden structures have a rich local cultural identity by carving native flower patterns such as peaches, poppies... The pillars are crafted to resemble the fruit of the opium poppy, a plant that King Cat does business to make money to build a mansion. Some Western-influenced items in this project include a stone goat milk bathtub, glass shutters next to the fireplace, and the entrance is made of marble connected by a frame. Iron flowers are bold in French architecture. Source: Ha Giang Tourism Newspaper

Ha Giang 500 view

Rating : National monument Open door


Cam Son Mountain is located on Ba Trieu street, Cam Son town, Nguyen Trai ward, Ha Giang province. Unlike other mountains that are often located in wild, remote places, Cam Son Mountain in Ha Giang is different. This mountain is located right in the heart of the noisy, bustling city of Ha Giang, standing majestically as if it is covering and protecting the local people living here. The mountain is also known as Cam Mountain, appearing with a very distinct and unique image, creating a quiet, mysterious look and an irresistible attraction for long-distance travelers coming to the plateau for the first time. stone. According to geological structure, the mountain is divided into two separate regions. From the top of the mountain, running along the Ma Tim slope, there are mainly cat-ear limestone mountains with dangerous terrain, deep caves and steep cliffs, like a Lion with a majestic appearance. From the top of the mountain stretching towards the Lo River is a mountain forest and steep cliffs stretching all the way from May 19th Street to March 26th Square. At the foot of "Cam Son" mountain are crowded streets with people working. busy dining. But it is certain that few people in Ha Giang can understand and see all the natural beauty, but also full of mystery, of "Forbidden Mountain", because it is a dangerous rocky mountain so there are very few roads up the mountain, only one The only way to climb to the top of the mountain. At the top of the mountain, there is a deep, vertical cave like a "sky well". Because of this unique and dangerous terrain, when the French colonialists invaded, they chose this place as the main guard post to protect the town. According to folk legends, the "black flag" army of Luu Vinh Phuc, around the years 1870 - 1875, Ha Giang district had a "yellow flag" army of Hoang Sung Anh come to plunder. was fiercely fought back, surrounded and pursued by the army of ethnic minorities called the "White Flags". In 1875, Hoang Sung Anh's "Yellow Flags" army was clustered, his army went to Cam Mountain to try defending, food was running out, the surrounding Cam Mountain was tightly surrounded, knowing they could not escape, both the general and the "Yellow Flag" troops jumped into a deep cave on the mountain and committed suicide. With tolerance and kindness, local people have set up a small temple to pray for the souls of unjust souls to be saved. The mountain has become a sacred place that few people dare to climb, "Forbidden Mountain" has become even more mysterious. Through the ups and downs of the time when the temple no longer existed, local people brought it to worship at "Cam Son Linh Tu", now the Mother Temple at the foot of Cam Mountain. Mau Temple was built in 1889 to worship the Holy Mother Thien Tien (also known as Princess Lieu Hanh) and the Holy Mother Tran Hung Dao Great King Tran Quoc Tuan. With more than 100 years old, Mother Temple has become an important place of spiritual and cultural activities in local beliefs. This is also the place to store many precious art and architectural artifacts such as horizontal paintings, parallel sentences, bronze bells, worship statues,... Source: Ha Giang Electronic Newspaper

Ha Giang 513 view

Rating : Provincial level relics Open door

Outstanding relic site